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Making a Bot Join a Person

Apr 14, 2001, 12:16pm
CitNum will be returned as -1 in worlds that are not running 3.1 or above
.... so then you need to do it the old way. :o)

"baron" <pk39srt at>
Also why would you want to query for the owner citname while citnum is
already available on avatar_add? You could do something like If
sdk.AwAvatarCitizen=Val(txtOwner.Text) Then ...

Making a Bot Join a Person

Apr 14, 2001, 1:09pm
Hmmm yeah ... 1/Sin(x) doesn't work does it :o( ... Thanks.

BTW TrekkerX ... don't forget to convertdecrees to Radians before using the
VB Cos/Sin functions.


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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 8:55pm
A 21MB Winchester Disk ... now we're talking !!

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VB installations using a 3rd party installer-tool

Apr 18, 2001, 8:47pm
Yes it can ... They give you the VB source code for the setup along with the
bootstrap itself, so you can make it do whatever you like. Assuming Visual
Studio 6, installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio, the source
is installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual

That does everything you need it to do. I have never had any problems with
the AwSdkOcx2/3 not registering.


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Help needed.

Apr 25, 2001, 4:08am
Well? ARE you still initialising the SDK? Deleted the aw_init(AW_BUILD)
.... or equivalent ... ??

If you want help from people, especially if you are going to track them down
with telegrams in AW, for f**ks sake put some detail in your damned posts!!

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Help needed.

Apr 25, 2001, 8:07pm
Geesh Pal! Stop and think for a second will you! You keep ploughing
questions into these newsgroups without, it seems, exhausting the options
open to you beforehand. You're only going to learn by doing it yourself and
you never seem to try hard enough to achieve anything.

As for anyone knowing what they are doing in VB, I think you'll find that
there are a number of people in here are substantially experienced and
(previously) willing to help. But you know what ... it gets very boring
trying to get you to explain what your damned problem is!

I came into the newsgroup to have a look at the post after you tg'd me in AW
(which I picked up purely by accident since I'm away on business at the
moment) and all I could find was a whining "It doesn't work" post.

Great .. well worth the effort!


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Help needed.

Apr 30, 2001, 8:04pm
Yeah .... and you're his "cousin" right?? LOL

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a smart way of making a bot walk randomly around

May 1, 2001, 7:45pm
If you mean to segment a string based on a delimiter, VB has a Split command
that takes a string and breaks it into an array of sub-strings which fall
between the delimeters specified. No-one ever seems to know about it because
its hidden in the MSDN library documentation somewhere. Check it out at

Hope this is what you were after.


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a smart way of making a bot walk randomly around

May 1, 2001, 7:47pm
Sorry ... that didn't post right for the hyperlink to make sense ... damned
wrapping!! Just plug it together if you know what I mean.


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a smart way of making a bot walk randomly around

May 7, 2001, 2:33am
Sorry Kah, looks like you're gonna have to code it and play with InStr in a

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a smart way of making a bot walk randomly around

May 7, 2001, 2:42am
Ummm ... nope. No aw_avatar_x attribute in a chat message (read the SDK
documentation!). You need a session table and keep track of all the
aw_event_avatar_change messages beforehand before you can even know where
the avatar is.

That will only work (by luck) if there is only one avatar in the hearing
radius of the bot.

TrekkerX, I'll e-mail you with something when I've put it together.


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[Fwd: VB OCX how do you add properties?]

Nov 22, 2000, 4:11pm
Are you actually writing the control in VB or in C/C++ for use in VB?

(may not have been paying enough attention to the original posts)


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[Fwd: VB OCX how do you add properties?]

Nov 22, 2000, 5:26pm
You just add a public property like any other class (Tools | Add Procedure
in VB 5).

Select "Property" as the type ... if it is a read-only property, just delete
the "Property Let" procedure.

VB looks after the rest. Use the procedure attributes (again under the Tools
menu in VB5) if you want to tune it a bit (set to default property etc.). It
should automatically appear in the properties box for the control as soon as
you close the exit the control's visual builder window.


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[Fwd: VB OCX how do you add properties?]

Nov 22, 2000, 5:49pm
OCX controls are classes. If you don't know how to use classes in VB you
shouldn't be dealing with controls yet.

Read the manual and the help files and/or use web-based resources like to learn about the language first. Building controls in VB
should be very simple - very "fat", but very simple - as long as you have
the grounding in the technologies it is based on.


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[Fwd: VB OCX how do you add properties?]

Nov 22, 2000, 7:38pm
Another thought on this... since you need to understand the classes to write
this anyway, why not just create your "plug-in bot" as a class or set of
classes in an ActiveX DLL? MrGrimms AwSdkOcx2 control had to be an OCX
because he had to map the C events and callbacks in the AW SDK into VB
(since you can't access them directly. You already have all you need within
the VB environment, so it seems unnecessary to create a visual control for
something that is non-visual.


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VB Removing a List Item by String

May 7, 2001, 2:19am
Generally speaking, Select statements ("Case"s) build jump tables which are
faster than a sequential list if If/ElseIf/ElseIf/EndIfs but at the end of
the day, when you're writing an application in VB, the speed of an
infrequent check like in an aw_event_avatar_add message isn't really going
to make too much difference is it! . In makaveli's example, there's no gain
in ElseIfs because the conditions were all on the same variable. Its going
to have to check it every time anyway. ElseIfs are only "better" when one or
more conditions span the If statements to avoid duplicate checking.

If ((a = 1) And (b = 1)) Then

If ((a = 1) And (b = 2)) Then

If (a <> 1) Then

.... Now THAT would be daft!

A lot of the code that gets posted on here is shot to bits anyway, so why
have a "handbags at 3 paces" episode over progamming preferences?

Gamer's not stupid ... he's not looking for the exact code ... just a
pointer to the correct solution (or even just A solution). Surprise,
surprise, m a k a v e l i (GRRR to spaces in names) is at the centre of
another non-sensical argument.


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VB Removing a List Item by String

May 7, 2001, 3:46pm
Geesh .. I was asleep yesterday ...

Ignore what I said about "ElseIfs are only better when ..." - I must have
had my eyes shut and my brain turned off.


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May 9, 2001, 2:56pm
In the AW SDK documentation, it states (under AW_EVENT_OBJECT_ADD):

"Changes to existing objects are sent to your application as an
AW_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE event followed immediately by an AW_EVENT_OBJECT_ADD
event. In other words, object changes are actually implemented as a
deletion of the old object followed by an addition of the object in its new

However, my recent experiences have led me to believe this is not the case
and that in fact the AW_EVENT_OBJECT_ADD is received first and THEN the

This is using Mr Grimms VB wrapper, so, as far as I can see, the issue cold
be in one of two places:

(a) the control is raising the events from a concattenated winsock string in
the wrong order (i.e. starting with the last complete message from server
instead of the first in a given data block)

..... or ....

(b) the AW server is sending them in the wrong order.

Any comments/experiences. If I get some time I'll try it in C++ to see what
the order is, but its always the same result using AwSdkOcx3 ??




May 9, 2001, 3:29pm
Just as a quick follow up to this, I think its actually that AW does the
change as an ADD/DELETE, because of two things I rememeber ...

Firstly, if you have a "full" cell and try to change the action command on
an object ... reducing the amount of text in the field ... it doesn;t let
you unless you move the object to another, less-populated cell, change it
there and move it back.

Secondly, if you are using the SDK to change the picture on an object (most
easily seen with pp00.rwx objects) for a moment BOTH are there.

So I guess that means its not Mr Grimms (sorry) problem and saves me doing a
C++ test.


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May 9, 2001, 5:21pm
Awwww .... bugger!

Thanks Roland,


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VB: Chat Logging

May 10, 2001, 1:22pm
Check out the help files for the "Open", "Close" and "Print #" statements.

How you implement it is up to you really, ... Open the file for OUTPUT and
leave it open all the time you are loggin the chat (closing it at the end of
the task) or, for each chat event, open the file for APPEND, write to it and
then close it again.

If you want to do something a little more interesting, try to log the
messages in an array in memory and then write the whole array to the file
every 2 minutes or so (using APPEND mode and a timer ... and remembering to
clear the array after its been written to file). It will give you give you
check points in your code incase the program crashes, it won't keep opening
and closing the file every time (remember that the whole event handler is
hogging the CPU ... no aw_waits are going while your in it) and, more
importantly, it will give you something a bit more taxing/fun to do.


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VB: Chat Logging

May 10, 2001, 3:37pm
Well maybe you should try and write some first using the pointers you have
been given before getting other people to do the work for you. Geesh!

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VB: Chat Logging

May 10, 2001, 7:53pm
Hey guess what !! I have just read a post that tells you what to look in
the help files under ... You might recognise it, but I pasted it in below
anyway. You may find paragraph 2 especially relevant.


grimble <grimble2000 at> wrote ...

Check out the help files for the "Open", "Close" and "Print #" statements.

How you implement it is up to you really, ... Open the file for OUTPUT and
leave it open all the time you are loggin the chat (closing it at the end of
the task) or, for each chat event, open the file for APPEND, write to it and
then close it again.

If you want to do something a little more interesting, try to log the
messages in an array in memory and then write the whole array to the file
every 2 minutes or so (using APPEND mode and a timer ... and remembering to
clear the array after its been written to file). It will give you give you
check points in your code incase the program crashes, it won't keep opening
and closing the file every time (remember that the whole event handler is
hogging the CPU ... no aw_waits are going while your in it) and, more
importantly, it will give you something a bit more taxing/fun to do.


VB: Chat Logging

May 12, 2001, 9:19am
Hmmm ... this is true ... but I'm not sure gamer wants to get into the
nasties of OLE right now with the issues it can cause with distribution.
However, this would work (within buffer/memory limitations) too.


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Detecting a Object Click, and Verafying it.

May 16, 2001, 1:54am
This might be off the point, I'm not sure exacly what you're asking,

The last time I played with bots picking up object clicks (wasn't that long
ago, but before build 375 was out), I found that the aw_event_object_click
event DOESN'T get fired if the object has an ACTIVATE command in the action
text (which was a real bummer at the time!).

That's what I thought you meant from the first part of your post, but the
second part just threw me.


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Detecting a Object Click, and Verafying it.

May 16, 2001, 2:08am
You know how you keep arrogantly harping on about people reading the help
files .... ???

You are a very misleading individual, Makaveli. The first "snippet" you
included is basically what TrekkerX posted and the second one it total (and
I mean TOTAL) crap! It doesn't help people!!

You don't have to respond to every post just because its there. Just post
where you have something of value to add and try to make sure its not total


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Detecting a Object Click, and Verafying it.

May 16, 2001, 7:14pm
So what was the POINT of posting it? Wrong information is worse than no

The second "snippet" shows that YOU don't understand property
surveys/queries so why did you feel the need to make it up? I mean ... If
AwObjectClick = TRUE?? C'mon! You invented that! ... and in an
EventCellObject too?

What you COULD have done is to NOT follow your compulsion to add to every
single thread and waitied for someone else to post something useful to it.
Then you learn too. Easy huh?.


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Detecting a Object Click, and Verafying it.

May 17, 2001, 6:55am
This is daft! Makaveli, how would you feel if your teacher at kindergarten
told you that WW2 ran from 1867 to 1872 because he/she wasn't sure and
decided to have a guess? What he/she would really do is either look it up
and tell you the right information OR NOT TELL YOU ANYTHING AT ALL.

.... and I'd like to understand your definition of "educated" too. Try just
posting when you know the answer, eh?


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Detecting a Object Click, and Verafying it.

May 17, 2001, 6:59am
ROFLMAO .... There's not really an answer to that (that hasn't already been
put forward).


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Detecting a Object Click, and Verafying it.

May 17, 2001, 9:13pm
Gimme gimme gimme !!!

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