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cell_iterator attrib

Aug 16, 2001, 2:51pm
Its used for the new remote prop dump calls ... for more info.


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First Bot, help please

Aug 21, 2001, 2:30pm
How about you two stop turning every thread into a personal bitching match
between you?

Its getting really tiresome now.

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First Bot, help please

Oct 18, 2001, 9:26am
AGH! NO!! Not in stdafx.h!!!

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 4, 2001, 9:06pm
Hey people, can we restrict this to ONE newsgroup please? ... rather than
all of them? The topic is kinda tired now.

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AwWait in C++

Sep 30, 2001, 11:44pm
while (!aw_wait (-1)) hogs the process control without giving windows a

You have to do it on a windows driven event, otherwise your application will
never relinquish program control back to Windows to update the environment
(such as handling the form itself). I'd stick to the same way as in VB -
call aw_wait on a timer event. The good thing about C++ here is that a timer
is started with StartTimer(<timer id>, <interval>, NULL) without that dumb
visual control (although you could use these calls in VB as well). When you
want to close the app, make sure you kill the timers. Example snippets

In some header file ...

#define TIMER_ID_AWWAIT 1001 // declare the internal timer id for
the AW wait timer
#define TIMER_ID_OTHER 1002 // declare another timer (just for

In the dialog class OnInitDialog method ...

StartTimer(TIMER_ID_AWWAIT, 64, NULL) // Start the aw_wait timer (interval =
StartTimer(TIMER_ID_OTHER, 1000, NULL) // Start the other timer

// This is the OnTimer method in the dialog class
void CMyAWBotDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)


// Do something for the other timer

// Do nothing (unhandled timer)

CDialog::OnTimer(nIDEvent); // Let Windows do what it needs to do with
the timer event

.... and this goes where the dialog shuts down like in the dialog class
OnCancel method (depends how the dialog is closed really - by default,
OnCancel is fired when you click the Cancel button or press escape).

KillTimer(TIMER_ID_AWWAIT) // Stop the aw_wait timer
KillTimer(TIMER_ID_OTHER) // Stop the other timer

It might take some time to get it sorted, but once you're comfortable with
windows timers in C++ it should be reasonably straight forward. Have fun.


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AwWait in C++

Sep 30, 2001, 11:53pm
Sorry ... if you're going to cut/paste any of this, there are a few ";"s
missing :o)


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Custom Bots

Oct 10, 2001, 1:08pm
So on the same thought ....

Q. Why buy commercial software when there are perfectly good alternatives
available as freeware ...

A. Because the freeware versions are invariably inferior.


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VB Error Question

Oct 14, 2001, 11:31pm
.... or, if you like neatly, consistent formed code for both functions and
procedures, then use Call ...


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VB Error Question

Oct 14, 2001, 11:33pm
Sorry ... Baron already said that.

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A linux SDK??

Nov 1, 2001, 9:09am
Something people have been looking for since the rise of Linux as an
affordable unix platform for the "casual" user. I would be interested in a
Linux SDK myself, although I wouldn't rush out use it straight away (better
the devil you know).


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Vanishing Instances

Nov 1, 2001, 9:05am
Its been a while for me, but it sounds like you're only issuing the aw_wait
using the last allocated session number. I've always used one timer per bot,
setting the session number (aw_instance_set) before the aw_wait each time.


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Vanishing Instances

Nov 1, 2001, 6:16pm
lol ... I guess that bit doesn't belong in the bot class afterall then.
Something to remember in the future.



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Is this REALLY a free VB-esque compiler??

Nov 19, 2001, 6:31pm
Sorry if I missed any previous posts on this, but I thought I'd bring the
subject up since I know people have been asking for free development
languages for bots. Looking for some specific VB stuff for OO, Google popped
up a reference to Envelop ... supposedly a now defunkt (i.e. no support) VB4
mimic. When I say VB4 mimic, I use the term lightly ... it (apparently)
supports the sort of stuff VB4, VB5 and VB6 have failed on in OO - i.e.
polymorphism, inheritance and encapsulation. However, if you want to keep it
down to the simple VB form-type stuff, then there is a lot of similarity.

I downloaded it and played for a few minutes just to confirm that OCX
support was there for Mr Grimms VB SDK ... which it is. Its a bit ugly, and
not quite what I'm used to, but its visual, its Basic, it handles OCX's and
it builds executables. Seems like a good option for people at first glance.

Anyone that was looking for something like this can find the links below.
Also, if anyone has come across it before and has any comments on it, now
would probably be a good time to voice them.

Brief Description (VERY brief)
Download at WinSite (over 7 MB


bots and PHP

Nov 24, 2001, 10:32pm
Umm Joe, can you qualify that please?

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VB INI Functions "Compile Error: Type Mismatch"

Dec 29, 2001, 2:24pm
Is the Param variable explicitly declared as a string (i.e. you Dim'd it as
a string) or is it a Variant that contains a string value? The statement
below is a little vague.

[View Quote] > Param at this point is equal to nothing or "-"

VB INI Functions "Compile Error: Type Mismatch"

Dec 29, 2001, 3:18pm
Good point, assuming that iOwner is still a long at that time.

Gamer, this should get caught by a full compile + Run (Ctrl-F5) ... much
better to identify and fix the syntax related issues before you run the
program, rather than halfway through. If all your variables and parameters
are explicitly declared, you shouldn't get these problems mid-execution
after a full compile.


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Visual Basic SDK question

Jan 11, 2002, 12:43am
Two separate threads for this one huh?? In Bots and SDK. Bummer - wasted
my time in the previous thread :(

Anyway, is a string literal and as such needs to
be enclosed in quotes ("").


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Help getting started

Jan 12, 2002, 6:13am
The Java SDK link in the AW SDK FAQ is broken (or as good as). Use

According to this web-site, the last update was some Beta bug fixes back in
2000, so its probably not an option.


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vb tabs

Jan 27, 2002, 11:28am
Which tab control are you using? ... Tab Strip (Microsoft Tabbed Dialog
Control component) or SSTab (in the Common Controls-3 6.0 component - with
SP5 anyway)??

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vb tabs

Jan 27, 2002, 11:39am
Dammit! ... fingers are crap this morning ... As I was saying ...

If you use the Sheridan control (SSTab - I never liked the look of Sheridan
controls, but at least they work like you expect), then each tab is a
container in its own right and you can drop controls onto the respective
tabs at design time. With the Tab Strip (it appears that MS didn't quite
grasp the concept of RAD with this control), you'll need to put the controls
in frames (i.e. manually make one container per page) and write the code
under the tab click events to hide/show the correct frames. Its a total pain
and if you don't mind the look of the SSTab control not conforming to that
of the Microsoft controls, I would strongly suggest you use that as a first

I got it woefully wrong in the previous post ... SSTab is in the Microsoft
Tabbed Dialog Control component, and Tab Strip is in Microsoft Windows
Common Controls 6.0.

Hope that's of some use ...


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vb tabs

Jan 27, 2002, 12:36pm
You can change the bevel properties, but I still feel that its shouting "I
AM A SHERIDAN CONTROL" at me, so I go the longer route. Also, its just
another darned OCX to have to distribute with the app if you're going to do
so (one control in a component - great idea - NOT!), whereas I make use of
as much of a multi-control component as possible as a balance between
looks/functionality vs distribution factors. There is something about VB
applications that use the Sheridan controls that looks "very VB-esque" to me
.... like their original picture buttons which thankfully hav now been
replaced by an MS equivalent (far superior to the older Sheridan ones).
Nasty looking forms that tell everyone that I was too darned lazy to write
the thing in C++.

I went through a phase a little while back drawing my own controls for
things like tab strips, edit boxes and command buttons (ok, so in a few
cases I basically sub-classed the MS ones and painted over the device
context, but who knows ... shhh ... lol) - much more interesting looking
applications and a bundle of fun before I got bored with the extra work
(usually at the point of building property pages for them - Zzzzz) ;o).

Anyway ... the crux of the post was I never liked the fat Sheridan controls,
so I'm probably just set in my ways.

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vb tabs

Jan 27, 2002, 7:03pm
Like I said, you use a frame as a container (i.e. build the "form" in a
frame) and show/hide the relavant frames on the tab click event.


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vb tabs

Jan 29, 2002, 5:23pm
Sorry hal9000, I was trying to convert what you wrote into a question that
sense to me (and I'm not trying to be bitchy by saying that). Cozmo
basically says it all - tabs are for managing controls on a single form. If
you want another form to be lauched from a click, then you're getting
nothing from using a tab strip control and may as well just use command


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vb tabs

Jan 29, 2002, 5:26pm
He meant Bashful ;o)

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Any UK bot developers out there on BTopenworld ADSL?

Feb 5, 2002, 1:58pm
Hey people,

If there is any other bot people out there in the UK using BTopenworld ADSL,
can you let me know if you can still connect to the darned AW universe
server please. Can't manage it using the defaults anymore (rc = 429 "Unable
To Connect") and I tried (just for luck) "" port 5670
with the same results ... a period of "hang" followed by the ultimately
useful error message which basically means "Didn't work pal!".

I'm playing around in VB and I so I going back to an old (old old old) bot
and changed it to use AwSdkOcx3 instead of AwSdkOcx2 (I said it was old!)
but same old crap.

Tried use "" port 0 (pulled that from the deepest,
darkest depths of some redundant brainmatter somehwhere) and that worked ok,
but then it denied my cit existed (rc = 42 "No Such Acting Citizen") on the
login, so I guess that's not the AW universe.

I am very unhappy with SOMEONE ... and I'd love to know exactly who. When I
came back from the States on Sunday, AW now needs to go through the
"firewall" route, so I think I know the culprit, but if anyone out there can
confirm that BTOpenworld have changed something recently and having the same
problems, it would be much appreciated. Then I'll send them a pointless
e-mail that will have no effect at all.

While I'm on the subject, does anyone know if the sdk is going to get the
new login capabilities that turned up with the v3.2 browser in the next
release? I asked BTOpenworld's tech support if anything had in fact changed,
they are just w at nkers!

BTW ... this was a day or so ago before Alphaworld went down.



Any UK bot developers out there on BTopenworld ADSL?

Feb 6, 2002, 5:12pm
OK, so seems to be fixed ... but BTOpenworld support are still w at nkers!!


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Any UK bot developers out there on BTopenworld ADSL?

Feb 6, 2002, 5:55pm


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VB SDK : Multiple instances stealing trigger events .. Please help

Feb 15, 2002, 4:04am
A couple of things here tacoguy ...

One's already been covered (chat event handler and avatar state change) and
you should remove them from the timer event. If the bot's just standing in
one spot, a single AwStateChange after a successful AwEnter will suffice and
the chat event is already installed. I do appreciate the things you try when
its going against you.

Now ... I am assuming a little here, but instantiation of bots with the VB
SDK is done by loading another AwSdkOcx control and I can't see that from
your example code here. It looks like you're using a single control, which
means, unfortunately, that the control is throwing away the instance created
by the first bot when you create the second (or maybe on the AwInit). What
you need is three AwSdkOcx controls - either in a control array or
individually named as is your preference - and you use each separately.

For example:

awSDK(1).AwCreate Universe, Port
awSDK(1).AwLoginApplication = Application

awSDK(1).AwCreate Universe, Port
awSDK(1).AwLoginApplication = Application

awSDK(3).AwCreate Universe, Port
awSDK(3).AwLoginApplication = Application

The AwInit call can be made to any of the controls but only once to one of
them because this is an SDK level method and not an instance level method
(consider it as a single SDK DLL fronted by the multiple controls). The same
goes for the AwTerm. This is certainly something that you SHOULDN'T do for
each bot and the SDK help could be a lot clearer on the multiple instances
side of things for newcomers. Right now I couldn't tell you if the AwWait is
SDK or instance level - its been a while. Also, some of the events and/or
callbacks, once turned on/off apply to ALL bot instances (which can be
confusing when you're not aware of it). Again, I can't remember off the top
of my head which they are - sorry - and I can't find it in the SDK help

If you're already doing what I mention above with the three controls and the
AwInit placement etc., you can e-mail me if you like and we'll hit it with a
sledgehammer or something.



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VB SDK : Multiple instances stealing trigger events .. Please help

Feb 15, 2002, 4:06am
Yeah Yeah Yeah ... ok, so I mean awSDK(1), awSDK(2) and awSDK(3), rather
then awSDK(1), awSDK(1), and awSDK(3).

Sorry about that.

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Wishlist Bot Commands

Feb 26, 2002, 9:18pm
How about having a standard set of gestures on all avatars (say the first
six 0 - 6) where the SEQ does nothing? This would be communicated to the bot
as part of the AW_EVENT_AVATAR_CHANGE message when clicked by the player?


I'm only looking at it as
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