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sw comit // User Search
sw comit // User SearchMore guides for buildersMay 24, 2005, 6:00pm
You'd see all the objects normally, yes, but the textures would be 256x256
in 2.2 and 128x128 for anything previous to that. If it's being downsized on the rendering engine's level, as it specifically says it is, I doubt there's anything your video card could do about it. [View Quote] AW Failure and Damages - Users and Owners Petition -May 26, 2005, 2:50am
Wouldn't be the first time they've given us a compensation extension due to
downtime... [View Quote] We need more towns in AWMay 27, 2005, 6:55pm
Seriously, there are like no communities anymore >_<
I wrote this guide on town ownership, maybe it'll help a lil' :D We need more towns in AWMay 28, 2005, 3:17am
Updated the guide with some more stuff at the bottom, in case you looked at
it earlier today. - Com We need more towns in AWMay 28, 2005, 7:37pm
I think there's plenty of people around here who could run a successful
town. I just wish they would :P Seems a lot of the candidates are world owners though, and private worlds aren't the best spot for a long term town... > True. We can. But it's just a weird "season" for AW. Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?May 31, 2005, 7:29pm
I think the people who do that would be the same crowd that never leave AWGZ
and AWGate. Everyone else is in AW to utilize the 3d world and explore it and develope it. [View Quote] Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?Jun 1, 2005, 12:02am
The following is from C P, who asked me to post this:
==================================== Many MMORPG's have a chat system like this. For example World of Warcraft has General chat channel, Local defence chat channel, and other channels that are world specific (in aw's case i mean, whereas in WOW it is node specific). Saying /1 TEXT puts the text in channel one which is general chat. Then in AW's case this would be our local channels, but also in WOW there are local regioun commands /s (say) projects a 50 yards radius (visibilty in aw probably) /y (yell) projects 100 yards, and then there are additional channels such as /6 which is global deffence, this given channel allows for people to see faction messages across the world...IF their subscribed... Now for AW i can see a very simmilar, yet in simmilar system, being implemented. First; AW would need a total re write of the chat...(possibly making it detached floating window that has partial trans *please*. Basically you would have the local chats which we have now, for people we see, then hopefully we could have a global chat, for example saying "/1 hey does anyone know where AWTeen's old fall GZ is?" would post to general chat channel one for the world AWTeen the affore stated message. Additionally , there would be an ability for world owners to specify which channels where which, such as saying i nthe world options the default channels (probably 8 or so) then every one after that would be a private channel where i could say /4765122 and my friend who is in that channel too could see it... This type of custmoisation would need a few features as well...firstly world CT, or privelaged person(s) could have a ADMIN channel that would let them possibly see all messages...? As for another implementation i would liek to see based in part from telegrams, but also with consideration to every online game in existance, is a /whisper, or /message, or /tell system dissimilar to AW's where i can whisper anyone despite their relation to my person. Adding usability like me saying /w Matt888 "hey" and he would get that despite his location, whether he is in Teengate, AWTeen, or AWgate... Su amigo Cristobal... errrr no C P (350959)-Expired "Trunks" ^_^ [View Quote] Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?Jun 1, 2005, 3:51pm
A universal chat channel would also make newbies more aware of the
communities and organizations within AW that they can join and become involved with, and finally move out from AWGate. At the moment, you have to do more advertising than must people are willing to go through with. Once again I believe the only people that would quit exploring, and using local chat to talk to nearby people, would be the same people who pretty much never explore anyway, like the full-time AWgate crowd :P If you ONLY use AW to chat, then you should like this feature If you like to build and explore and play available games within AW, you still will, plus use uni-chat when lonely out there :D It's a win-win feature... [View Quote] AlphaWorld Enhanced 1.0 releasedJun 6, 2005, 4:45am
Enhanced A visual enhancement mod for AW Alphaworld Enhanced (AWE) is a mod that utilizes the the "local path" option within the Active Worlds settings. What this basically does is override a part of Alphaworld's object path with the mod. To see what is included within this mod package, read the sections below. :: Benefits of Alphaworld Enhanced 1.. A better travel experience through Alphaworld. See the world in a whole new light. 2.. One-time install! AWE can survive the sometimes-frequent Active Worlds program crashes. 3.. See original textures the way they were meant to be seen; in high resolution. 4.. Additional content such as avatars and gestures. 5.. Potential to add textures and modify models & avatars. ======= For more information about AWE, visit our website at Or view our discussion thread about it, which has a few more comparative screenshots - See the link at the bottom of the post for an archive of user feedback for the previous versions. So far, everyone has loved it :D AlphaWorld Enhanced 1.0 releasedJun 6, 2005, 3:51pm
Objects can only be modified, not added.
I don't really expect anyone to do that though, lol. [View Quote] AlphaWorld Enhanced 1.0 releasedJun 7, 2005, 5:13pm
If your having problems with the extra avatars not installing, try to
uninstall AWE and reinnstall it. That usually works. We're looking into this problem, but have been unable to reproduce the problem so far. PS - 36 downloads within 24 hours. AW LibraryJun 12, 2005, 10:46pm
I was thinking it would be cool if there was a large collection of documents
related to AW, all pooled together to form "The AW Library". Current, SW City has something like this, though most of the books on there would only interest SW City folks I would imagine. However some of the books are for everyone, like the guides. Here's the library: and you place it on a bookshelf object with the target=aw_3d command at the end. I'd be willing to make another library for AW in general if people send me things to put on there. Like resources and guides for builders/modeling or whatever is relevant to AW, as well as AW related stories and other things of interest. Then you could sit in your virtual living room and read a "book" :P - Comit AW LibraryJun 13, 2005, 12:14am
Yes, but not a wiki for specific things within AW.
But wouldn't put guides and building resources within a wiki, for example. The library and wiki are totally different ideas. [View Quote] AW Mapper - approaching 1 year outdatedJun 13, 2005, 7:16pm
Being late and busy is one thing, but...come on, a whole year outdated? >_<
Here's hoping for an update next month... Who's to blame - AWI for not supplying the propdumps, or the awmapper folks for not being persistent to get it? I think we need a new mapping organization, regardless :P What would be the idle replacement - Andras's mapping program reaching the visual quality of AW Mapper + a better way to obtain the propdumps. Like YASBB is pretty fast at surveying, but does it only use 1 bot to scan? Seems like you should be able to use more, by using multiple ppw for example. - Com AW Mapper - approaching 1 year outdatedJun 14, 2005, 1:41pm
They tell you how on the about page.
They are given the propdump, and it just scans through it generating an map based on it...each object is given a specific graphic to display. However it doesn't upload the actual .jpg image until somebody requests it. That's why mapper images don't update within AW automatically until somebody looks at it on the website. [View Quote] TreeJun 23, 2005, 6:02pm
That bug is has a lot of useful applications like windows,
but its also a pest for things like murky water effects. [View Quote] TreeJun 24, 2005, 3:19pm
It's a common graphical glitch. It's not just AW. Tons of engines have
this same problem. You just don't see it much because the devs try to avoid it when building the game world. Read about it on THG awhile back. [View Quote] Contacts online list not behavingJun 25, 2005, 2:07am
Happy Birthday!Jun 28, 2005, 11:19pm
Happy b-day AW :D
Man I can't believe there was no universe message acknowledging this rare accomplishment o_O [View Quote] Happy Birthday!Jun 29, 2005, 4:22am
Wow that was a ton of fun ^_^
I took some pictures, you can check them out here: Check out this one though: It's the community photo of AW ^_^ [View Quote] Happy Birthday!Jun 29, 2005, 6:21pm
Hey man we were just partying it up with some games we had readily
available, sorry you felt that way o_O [View Quote] Feature suggestionJun 30, 2005, 9:42pm
You can activate "cruise control", as I like too call it, by press
forward+ctrl+alt and releasing at the exact same time. It might take a few times to get it, but it works, I do it all the time. Its a bug I guess, but it has its uses :D - Com [View Quote] Feature suggestionJul 1, 2005, 8:05pm
Hold numpad 5 down while moving for precision movement. Useful for taking
screenshots. Also stops you instantly if your floating around, or stuck in a warp movement (or want to abort it). Also useful for laying down - float up a hair, and click any gesture to get out of the float sequence mode. After the gesture is done you'll be standing in the air. Then lay down by looking up or down. Then hold shift and move towards the ground (no shift = will cause you to land and stand upright again). Hold numpad 5 down for percision :D [View Quote] So how about those clouds?Jun 30, 2005, 9:44pm
Pretty nice eh? Thanks for putting them in Alphaworld, AWI, they rock ^_^
Really makes the environments more immersive. - Com The New Unoffical AW-WikiJul 4, 2005, 7:56pm
Unofficial? Well, there's never gonna be one made by AWI, and since this is
the only one, it's about as official as it'll get :P [View Quote] The New Unoffical AW-WikiJul 5, 2005, 3:58pm
Yea, your suppose to add articles about everything. Sorta like the swcity
wiki for example - ^_^ [View Quote] AWLife Newsletter (Software wide newsletter)Jul 9, 2005, 2:36am
Sweet, finally, about time. And by all means, try and replace the AW
newsletter. After all it appears to be dead anyway, and gets smaller and smaller every month when it did update >_< Maybe you should try to link up with Put a summary of their news on the monthly newsletter or something. [View Quote] What Do You Like to Build?Jul 16, 2005, 3:11pm
> 1.What kind of builds do you favor making?
Urban, Industrial, Nature, and making games mostly, but pretty much everything except houses. > 2. I, myself am into building landscapes mainly and wondered if anyone > else is? Yes. > 3. What types of things have you created? Well, my long term goal is to build every type of build and environment, since every one requires different style and creativity, that's what keeps me interested in AW. > 6. Or what particular build are you most proud of? Sharman Caves - 1687.26S 4699.53E 300 > 7. What types of special effects or aspects do you like to incorporate > into your builds? Heavy on the sound effects, definantly. They go a looonngg way to making it more immersive. > 10. How long have you been building? 7 years > 11. How did you learn to build? The AW help files got me started. Self taught afterward. > 12. What do you credit for your success in building? Well my friends are always great at inputting ideas and suggestions :D > 13. What feature/function do you use most in your buildings? Never using the default textures applied to objects, and sometimes mixing 2 textures together using the mask commands. > 14. Do you have a special texture or object you use frequently? No. > 15. What features or functions would you like to see added for building > in AW? Being able to scale objects. General enhancements to the move command would go a long way towards game-making too. > 16. What Objects would you like to see added for your building pleasure > in AW? Basic shapes that accept textures. Spheres, boxes, cones, objects that could be used for wire/rope, other words, a lot of primative objects. They're the building blocks to making custom builds, yet we don't really have any objects specifically designed for that. THE LONGEST POST EVERJul 17, 2005, 4:08pm