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grover // User Search

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Jul 22, 1998, 6:34pm
They was *every* corner, Xav! I remember when we first discovered that...
everyone kept asking how we got outside, hehe


[View Quote] > Anyone else remember that panel behind the maze? If you approached it just
> right, you could go into the WC outerspace. Be careful about talking down
> to your audience, zer0. :))))
> grover <steve at> wrote in article
> <35B5407C.16C0F27B at>...
> mirror.
> concocted
> just
> they
> environment
> for
> in

"Free" Camera Movement with the mouse ala Games like quake 1-2/unreal

Jul 12, 1998, 10:43am
exec grover.cfg
+mlook :)


[View Quote] > A good idea, but I use the mouse very often to answer messages in ICQ,
> answer telegrams, build and other stuff. But I`m sure there are many
> citizens
> who wants that as an option in settings (c:
> Cheers (c:
> -CyberTwins

_______________________________________________________________ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-.__
steve at `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ). `-.__.`)
(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'
Custom Objects and Avatars! _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
___________________________(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'__________

"Free" Camera Movement with the mouse ala Games like quake 1-2/unreal

Jul 21, 1998, 10:40pm
I think he means "mlook". Instead of the mouse moving forward+back, and turning
left+right, the mouse is trained to the eyeball. move up, look up. move down,
look down. move left, look left, etc. In games like quake, this in utterly
indespensible when you have to shoot at a monster on a ledge above you! (not to
mention the grappling hook in CTF <g>). It took some getting used to, but now i
can never go back.
On top of that, i remapped the keyboard. Now, the arrow keys walk
forward/back, and the right/left arrows slide me left and right instead of
turning. I auto-run, so shift can be re-wrote to quick switch to the
super-shotgun if i'm surprised (don't want a rocket to explode off a monster 2'
in front of me!) etc. In AW, if I wanted to do this, I would have to hack the
source code. But most games, such as quake, let you configure the functions to
whatever keys you wish. Maybe, he uses the arrows to walk, and wants the mouse
to be able to "look" instead of move? But no two people have the same
preferences. Which is why the "customize keyboard" option is often the first
thing people look for!


[View Quote] > I'm not sure if I'm following this one correctly. We have a mouse mode..
> where you can turn and walk with the mouse, and look up and down with the
> keyboard.
> Is what's being requested a second mouse mode?.. Where you move around using
> the keyboard, but can also turn with the mouse, and can look up or down with
> the mouse instead of it moving you forward and backward?

err.. yeah. in not so many words :)

> TechnoZeus
[View Quote]

"Free" Camera Movement with the mouse ala Games like quake 1-2/unreal

Jul 22, 1998, 6:38pm
Well, people just coming on would presumambly be using the defaults... And no
matter how your system is set up, who, for example, doesn't remember that the
arrows move and CTRL shoots? The controls are easy enough to remember to teach
ppl woth. And it would probably be even easier if they saw a list of commands
put together. In fact, thats how i learn to play a game in most cases- by just
looking at the customize keyboard screen!


[View Quote] > As for customized controls, the bad side to that, is that it's harder to
> teach people stuff when you don't know how it's set up to work... that would
> effect teaching almost anything in Active Worlds, since it's all done
> through the user interface. Most of the programs that I've seen partially
> make up for that "bad side" by making it easy to find a list of available
> controls... which is generally sufficient, but would still make it difficult
> to instruct a person in a multi-person interactive environment like
> ActiveWorlds where people help each other rather than shoot each other. For
> example, I would like to see the distance one key click moves an object
> customizable... but then I could no longer make a statement like "now click
> the same arrow key exactly 20 times to move the object 10 meters" without
> wondering if it will actually move the correct distance.
> TechnoZeus
[View Quote]

Telegram Rediction To Email Address

Jul 22, 1998, 6:43pm
I dunno.. POP3 has it's strong points, but I don't think it's necessarily the
best possible use for AW. If we want to email someone, we already have a POP
email client embedded into MSIE, which is already supported by AW. But email is
too clumsy an interface for telegrams, imho. ICQ has an excellent setup that has
nothing to do with email! It's that sort of configuration, plus improvements,
that I'd like to see in aw. For instance, how about rtf messages with unlimited
length? And i'd still like to be able to push that telegram window aside to type
in the main window ;-)


[View Quote] > I never saw that message, but I just found it; sorry for repeating your idea.
[View Quote]

Telegram Rediction To Email Address

Jul 22, 1998, 10:07pm
Hmm... actually what you're talking about seems more like a plugin than just a
revamp of the AW browser. Perhaps when the api gets out something like this will be
within reach? *i'll* certainly be wanting one!! <g>


[View Quote] > Sure, but since "spammers" in AW could telegram you to death ANYWAY, I don't see
> a problem with having the option to "spam" an email address too. Anyway, it was
> just a thought in case people don't visit AW that much they can still get urgent
> messages from people who don't know their email address or whatever. <shrug> It
> could always be configurable similar to how the join request works where only
> people on one's contact list would have the option of sending the telegram
> through email, or something...
[View Quote]

Building inspector....):

Aug 1, 1998, 5:48pm
sshhh!! big brother will hear you! :)

[View Quote] > Who is "Building Inspector" and why does he keep watching me build?
[View Quote]

Curved roads and automobiles

Jul 24, 1998, 6:41pm
I have a whole set of improved roads at that
fixes the most complained about problems with the existing roads :-) They
can perfectly retrofit anything built with the existing street1, street2 and
street3 objects, and additionally have more realistic textures, road
markings, and more shapes, including a T, L, dead-end and 90° bend.


[View Quote] > It would be great to see curved roads and automobiles; eg. cars, trucks,
> buses etc. as well as "see through" water as seen in other worlds.

Curved roads and automobiles

Jul 24, 1998, 10:16pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

i have a 90° Curve i added about 6 months ago... street5.rwx in the updated
series. It's just like the 90° L piece, but curved in a circle. Isn't that what
he's asking for? (sure, we could go for less ° deflection in a 10x10m piece, but
then it gets very difficult to build with!)


[View Quote] > But they ain't curved, which is what jpr was asking for...
[View Quote]

Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed; name=""
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=""


Curved roads and automobiles

Jul 25, 1998, 2:07am
well gee whiz, go ahead and fix it if you'd like, it's public domain :-) I know a few
tricks now that woulda make it better & easier to make anyway *sigh*. maybe i'll do
another revision if enuf ppl want it...


[View Quote] > Oh yea...THAT had screwed up texturing and stuff, but, yea, it was curved.
[View Quote]

Curved roads and automobiles

Jul 26, 1998, 12:03pm
sure! just send the gold to my address... We'll have the streets out to you ..
ahh... in a few years :-)


[View Quote] > I want streets paved with gold. Can ya help me out?
> Paul
[View Quote]

Security Hole

Jul 30, 1998, 8:59pm
oh man! how do we stay safe from this one?? (i have a jumperless motherboard,


[View Quote] > Most motherboards require you to change a jumper before you can flash the
> bios and thus are not vulnerable.
> Paul
[View Quote]

Security Hole

Jul 30, 1998, 9:31pm
yes, but most viruses don't blow up your bios either ;-)

[View Quote] > You can set the date ahead... : )
> and 98% of all virii are on floppy discs. Only 2% are on the internet.
[View Quote]

Security Hole

Aug 11, 1998, 10:33pm
I've had good luck with WD, maxtor and Quantum. my current seagate failed
recently, but seagate was very quick to admit the error (first thing the guy
said was, "yeah, that drive's crap. send it back.") and my retailer is giving me
advanced RMA- ie, they're sending me the replacement drive first so I can copy
the remaining data from the good sectors.

umm... which means I won't have to reinstall aw from scratch!


[View Quote] > If it would make you happy to call JP, call him.
> We, involved in the discussion are part of the aw community and since there
> are a number of people taking part in the topic, then it must be of interest
> to some in the community.
> I skip threads I don't care to read quite a lot. You are free to do the
> same.
> Paul
[View Quote]

_______________________________________________________________ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-.__
steve at `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ). `-.__.`)
grover at (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'
Custom Objects and Avatars! _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
___________________________(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'__________

NG for AW Changes

Aug 15, 1998, 4:51pm
chilli.jpg and it's mask were both uploaded simultaneously October 22, 1996. The reason Zandorfa saw the yellow was because of a _BUG_ in
the software and not any "decision" by cof. And saying cof is doing nothing about this is absolutely wrong, eep. Roland has continually
answered questions about this in the beta group and if neither he nor ron has found the problem in the 2 years since they've known about
it, it's not something they can just *fix*. idiot.
so Zandorfa, simply put, the yellow you saw was just a fluke. you should never have seen the yellow background in the first place.
[ie, the "black boxes: people see sometimes is just yellow for this object] Everyone else has always seen the chili as masked :-(


[View Quote] > Yet another BRILLIANT (note sarcasm) decision by a COF GENIUS (note more sarcasm). Haven't you learned yet, COF? Guess not...idiots...
[View Quote]

_______________________________________________________________ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-.__
steve at `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ). `-.__.`)
grover at (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'
Custom Objects and Avatars! _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
___________________________(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'__________

Import objects from other servers

Sep 7, 1998, 11:56am
hey! whats wrong with changing your isp? I've changed mine 4 times in the past 6
months... my feeling is, if they don't offer me the quality of connection i want, there
are plenty of others out there that will...


[View Quote] > So, tell me Eep²...which do you change more often...your ISP or your underwear? :)
[View Quote]

Clickable URL's & Teleports on Chatscreen

Sep 17, 1998, 7:50pm
everyone knows Real internet success is measured by how much money you've


[View Quote] > I'm thinking a simple freeze chat button might be helpful, and not too
> hard to do... in fact, I've made a few programs that will freeze my
> computer, I could then write down the info in the chat that I needed...
> however the disadvantage to this is that you would have to reboot to
> unfreeze :)
[View Quote]


Sep 14, 1998, 10:20pm
if you can find a counter that exports in .jpg format, use a create
picture with it :-) For a while, i had a bump-URL that went to a web
site with a counter on it. It only counted people who had their
browser's open, but still gave me a good indication that there were at
least a few people visiting!


[View Quote] > It would be cool if you could have a counter, to see how many people
> have visited your property.

Re: Building Restiction Box needed

Sep 23, 1998, 7:25pm
In one world, I experimented by shrinking everything by 1/4. Worked pretty well, except
that now 1 click=2m... made building a PITA for tight things ;-) But if you want to get a
childs-eye-view, try wearing birde :-)


[View Quote] > I'm surprised that no one has suggested lowering the 'view point' by 1/2 or even
> 2/3s... It's a given that a 'babies' view of the world is it's much larger then it is
> for a grownup... AND if there were no 'grownup Avatars' to contradict this viewpoint
> then infact one's world would be expanded (would it not)...
> Has anyone played around with lowering the level at which we see... (I know it was done
> by COF (Worlds?) at least once)... Obviously a smaller Avatar would be needed too or
> we'd be doing 'The Land of the Giants'. (which is another idea... two or three complete
> sets/sizes of avatars... (I read a book once where a complete Universe was housed in a
> box... think of the possibilities (how small could an Avatar be and still 'work' as
> they do now...)). Now wee Susie can actually have her very own anatomically correct
> (Avatar) doll...). Then start reworking the objects to 1/2 size. altho' most building
> blocks could(?) remain the same... only the personal items and 'living things' would
> have to be redone... (chairs, beer mugs, toilets, trees, bushes etc)
> Of course it could be just as interesting 'lifting' the viewpoint to one where only one
> building would fill the whole world... BUT with custom objects what a building it could
> be...
> Anyway... As I'v still not been able to find the time to work on my world I thot' I'd
> throw these ideas into the hat... There may actually be something that would prohibit
> doing this... (aside from COF's predetermined default (it has to be 'something')) but
> it may be interesting to play around with (assuming one has this option as a world
> owner... if not maybe it could be on the Wish List... instead of buying a larger world
> one could opt for smaller Avatars...)
[View Quote]

Re: Building Restiction Box needed

Sep 24, 1998, 6:48pm
Yes, but for most experienced builders, it's not too difficult to stay under 1000 bytes, so
keeping it under 4000 for 4x the area shouldn't be a problem. What might be more difficult is
navigating skinnier walkways. The walking/running speed will stay the same, which would make it
seem like you're running twice as fast. But on the plus side, you could now make objects up to
"20m" in size without any problems :-)


[View Quote] > If, due to size, one is able to "fit" more objects into any given area
> wouldn't the data limit for the cell also fill sooner?
> Just because a 10x10 floor.rwx is now a 5x5 floor.rwx does not now mean
> that the data space it occupies is also halved.
[View Quote]

Re: Modular Ground

Sep 25, 1998, 9:46pm
this is more for wishlist than worldbuilders... but can we have seperate
color specifications for above and below the backdrop? There are very few
designs that blend in adequatly with a single color.


[View Quote] > sure sure.. I understand why you want to get away from that boring flat
> ground. its just a personal thing I guess, but I really hate seeing the
> background color below the backdrop. it looks kinda goofy and it makes
> the world seem a bit unfinished. thats the only reason I keep a flat
> ground object on Cyberia. now, if you were to come up with a way to hide
> that glaring color from showing thru.. well, that would be just
> wonderful..
[View Quote]


Sep 27, 1998, 3:39pm
A lot of worlds are engineered to keep people on a certain path. currently, we
only need a wall .51m tall to do this. if the jump feature is implimented, all
this stuff will be broken :-( so maybe add a checkbox in world options too?


[View Quote] > heya all, hi roland.
> wouldn't it be nice if we could have a user jump feature? it could use teh 0
> key (on the keypad) wich would jump a meter in teh air? cause i have a idea
> for a game world wich would have jumping, like super mario 64..
> This could probobly be implemented in 2.1, and I would be happy givin ya the
> money for a new world 8-)
> thanx
> cheese
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Check out my homepage, it is chocked full of awesome graphics!
> Maybe check out my town in AW!
> AW- 10000N 500W
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

I Wish I May, I Wish I Might...

Oct 6, 1998, 6:47pm
Eep: one of your major complaints has been that AW only has one
programmer to work on all the stuff. The reason there's only one is not
for lack of desire for a larger team, but that they can only afford to
hire one programmer. With the SDK ("Software Developers Kit") there is
now a vertiable army of programmers all donating their time for free to
pump out all these little applications that Roland wouldnt' have had
time for. I bet that within a month 95% of the AW population *will* be
using SDK developed programs! Hambot+Robobuilder are just two examples
of programs that can potentionally be a Lot better after incorporating
the SDK functions.


[View Quote] > ...wish that AW would return to REAL development and forget this lame
> SDK crap that 95% of the AW population won't be able to use...

Virtual Death

Oct 9, 1998, 9:19am
If you kill somebody, do you get to take their money?

[View Quote] > LOL, first CloudS Tifa suggest we have a war in AW, then Jason Fox suggests
> we put money into the mix (rich folks and poor folks in AW?), Now you want
> to start killing people Nas? :-p
> LOL, too much reality in VR.....
> Actually I'm just kidding, its a valid idea, but how long do you consider to
> long to be idle? Would I have to worry that if I'm building in the privacy
> of my own AW home, and decide to go to the bathroom and to the kitchen to
> grab a quick snack, that I'll come back and be disconnected? And one other
> thing to consider, I do know some very nice people that are a bit shy and
> prefer to just stand and listen to lively conversation more than they like
> to participate in it, if they forget to ocasionally hit an arrow button to
> move a little bit, will they be cut off without warning too?
[View Quote]

Virtual Virus

Oct 16, 1998, 7:03pm
besides, everyone knows Hanta virus is just a cover story for the Black


[View Quote] [View Quote]

ENTRY LIST to private worlds

Oct 14, 1998, 7:39pm
and you can add even more people if their cit# is only two numbers long hint
hint <g>


[View Quote] > You can add a few numbers by leaving out the commas. The program ignores
> them anyways. Just thought I would mention it.
> --
> Green Eyes <terri at> wrote in article <36234982.0 at homer>...
> wish
> you
> realize
> to
> gripe
> private
> Oh

Novices/private worlds

Oct 16, 1998, 7:02pm
tourists Can be public speakers :-) they get their "name" in bold! hehe... can't
access tjhe special avatars though. Do they have ejection rights?


[View Quote] [View Quote]

Novices/private worlds

Oct 17, 1998, 12:23pm
what i was trying to get to was that if a tourist asks if he can get his name in bold,
you Can say yes!! hehe


[View Quote] [View Quote]

Tourists/World Owners

Oct 19, 1998, 10:44pm
at the very least, a bot like that could kick people out for using bad words in
their names. Stuff like that is hard to miss, and with luck the kids wouldn't
even know *why* they were kicked out, only that they were ejected, hehe...


[View Quote] > well i said teleport out, i meant to say is to teleport them away from gz
> just so they cant stand there and swear at every one because they think its
> fun. i just want to make it more difficult for them to do it. i know you
> cant stop it.
> ~Lightwave
[View Quote]

Custom avs are here! - yippee!

Nov 24, 1998, 10:12pm
Dthknight has also been childish in this newsgroup :-)


[View Quote] > I don't want EITHER newsgroup bothered with long, f***ing idiotic and stupid
> threads... awcommunity is for AW-related matters (if only loosely), not
> flames. *puts on ignore thread*
[View Quote]

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