lightwave // User Search

lightwave // User Search

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Feb 4, 1999, 4:14pm
i think there are some in $vegas$

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Re: Roland, ya gotta check this out! (Was: Re: CPU)

Nov 27, 1998, 1:21am
Cool I have a Diamond Fire GL too :)
and i love it :)

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Aug 29, 2004, 8:04pm
is there a seedbot with a dropdown list of all objects in a world
so you can point and click build? without having to remember/type in
the names of objects, just choose object from list and click to build it
then you could just move it where you want.


Jul 26, 1998, 11:28pm
Happy Birthday Ho :)

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Security Hole

Aug 11, 1998, 2:52am
Frisbee anyone? hehe

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Security Hole

Aug 12, 1998, 3:22am
Must be the 'rookie' in ya hehe

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Novices/private worlds

Oct 19, 1998, 7:49pm
I like it!! Good idea!
>How about a bot programmed to eject tourists (after yelling their name in
><hey, I AM just kidding>
>Please send all SPAMS, FLAMES, and CONSPIRACY THEORIES to scottydm at
>Send all other IMPORTANT CORRESPONDENCE to scottydm at
> ___
> /////\\ Digitally Enhanced Portrait of:
> {|-0-0-|} Scott D. Miller,
> | % | Silicon Mercenary
> \===/ Freelance Chip Designer
>always #5 FOO = ~FOO; // the sound of a beating heart

Tourists/World Owners

Oct 17, 1998, 5:53pm
That sounds Great !! and a swear feature too if you use bad language (a bad
word list.txt) Poof your teleported out.

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Tourists/World Owners

Oct 19, 1998, 7:46pm
well i said teleport out, i meant to say is to teleport them away from gz
just so they cant stand there and swear at every one because they think its
fun. i just want to make it more difficult for them to do it. i know you
cant stop it.

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A swear filter...

Sep 2, 2004, 4:01pm
becsuse most ppl thake things you say the wrong way LOL
it expresses feeling to the sentence :o)

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Sep 4, 2004, 5:50am
or you could make a smilies font like this

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Command array

Aug 31, 2004, 4:48pm
to get some thing to look like its moving in a circle
--move in circle arange objects 2 clicks apart (i think)
/\ \/
[object that moves clockwise]
create name m1,visible no [moves -X]
create name m2,visible no [moves up Y]
create name m3,visible no [moves +X]
create name m4,visible no [moves down Y]
[controll objects]
create name e1,animate me . 1 1 1000,astart;adone move -1 0 0
name=m1,visible m1 on,visible m4 no,astart e2
create name e2,animate me . 1 1 1000,astart;adone move 0 1 0 name=m2,visible
m2 on,visible m1 no,astart e3
create name e3,animate me . 1 1 1000,astart;adone move 1 0 0 name=m3,visible
m3 on,visible m2 no,astart e4
create name e4,animate me . 1 1 1000,astart;adone move 0 -1 0
name=m4,visible m4 on,visible m3 no,astart e1

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Command array

Sep 1, 2004, 4:25am
hmmm your right, it does work the way it is
but it would be better the way you said :)

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Separate Camera

Oct 3, 2004, 6:05am
thats one of the few things i like about SL
the other is the custom AVs the only reason i go there

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Separate Camera

Oct 3, 2004, 7:52am
Note: dont say secondlife in AW you will be ejected :P

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Contacts Online

Oct 21, 2004, 5:22pm
They could backup my whole hard drive too....
then after a reformat or replacing a hard dirve
i could get the backup from them and i would
never have to backup my own files >:oP

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Personal Inventory

Oct 10, 2004, 3:08am
'i wish aw had custom avvis'

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Save Screen Option

Dec 31, 2004, 8:34pm
i use grabclipsave

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need a free custom avatar i know never gonan happen eh?

Jul 7, 2003, 6:04pm
I emailed you but got no response...
you can get the Chao AV here

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need a free custom avatar i know never gonan happen eh?

Jul 10, 2003, 1:15pm
LOL ya i just put one together real quick
what world is imagien's in id like to see it

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need a free custom avatar i know never gonan happen eh?

Jul 7, 2003, 6:04pm
I emailed you but got no response...
you can get the Chao AV here

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need a free custom avatar i know never gonan happen eh?

Jul 10, 2003, 1:15pm
LOL ya i just put one together real quick
what world is imagien's in id like to see it

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From Jetta

Sep 29, 2003, 2:22pm
my first tourist and citizen builds are in america

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No media in AlphaWorld???

Aug 25, 2004, 3:47pm
I have been converting some of my Anime Music Videos to .wmv
you can see them in 'AFantasy' world 6S 0W, i liked the buttons chrispeg
and build mine simular :) i found converting to WMV8 100kbps makes a small
with good video.

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Aug 25, 2004, 4:01pm
thats cool, but i have a problem maybe someone can help some videos open
in a 'activemovie window' and i dont know why most play in AW on the sign
but like your batman plays in this window that pops up?

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Aug 26, 2004, 4:13pm
ya most of the media plays in aw just a few play in an activemovie window
and i cant figure out why??! i cant even find where activemovie is installed
to disable it. whats strange its just some wav files not all wav files do

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Aug 26, 2004, 4:15pm
it would be nice if we could drive vehicals like in secondlife

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Aug 26, 2004, 4:50pm
sorry wmv not wav

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Aug 27, 2004, 4:14pm
actually 2nd-life sux it crashes all the time, objects are ghosted alot,
scripting is hard
you need to be a programmer or pay someone to do it for you, its all about
money in game
textures are blurry most of the time, i do like the avatar building but it
is limited,
and it cost you $10L just to upload a texture good or bad you cant test it
there is no way to link to the web and you can only teleport to certian
and have to walk to your landmark usualy long distances.
i do like the rendering its got a game feel to it but it gets very laggy.
and then you have ppl shooting you when your trying to build and find your
self flying
2 sims away. then theres the follow objects that follow you around and you
cant get rid of them
unless you teleport away but they are still there when you get back.
but i go because i like the custom avatars and vehicals.

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Media in cache

Aug 27, 2004, 4:28pm
i did a search for medafiles and could not find them?
i dont thing they are saving on my PC
and i thought they are streaming maybe its just some of them?
ive been using .wmv files is it just mpegs that DL?

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