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lanezeri // User Search
lanezeri // User SearchSorry everyone...Sep 1, 2001, 12:14pm
Hey buddy.. I don't care if u post in HTML, it don't bother me at all..
actually.. I don't know why people bitch about it.. but.. I guess thats just me.. anyway.. u weren't a menace lol.. trust me.. -- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Re: -=[ATTENTION]=-Jan 5, 2001, 2:29am
This post is from November.. me and XelaG worked out our differences..
Message to "Eep"Sep 1, 2001, 12:15pm
Did Eep reply to you?! I can't see it if he did
-- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Message to "Eep"Sep 1, 2001, 11:10pm
Hey, he tried to apologize, and you jump down his throat? Be nice for
once.. -- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Sample C++ BotOct 2, 2001, 9:39am
HamFon (I believe) has the source to one of his also..
-- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Sample C++ BotOct 3, 2001, 5:58pm
but it's still an example..
-- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Custom BotsOct 4, 2001, 9:18am
Depends on the type of bot.. I refuse to do Paintball bots.. if it is a bot
I've already created you'll have to talk to Builderz about getting it.. but if it isn't a hard bot I'll do it for free.. but a huge bot like a networked world controller bot, with millions of commands.. you'll be charged.. -- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] VB Error QuestionOct 14, 2001, 6:04pm
sdk1.AwWhisper(PLAYER_ID, WELCOME_MESSAGE_NEWPLAYER) = True You get an error for the missing equals sign because you have it in ( ). If you would just have: sdk1.AwWhisper PLAYER_ID, WELCOME_MESSAGE_NEWPLAYER It would work perfectly fine. :-) -- Lanezeri Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X [View Quote] Another Non-SDK Related VB QuestionNov 4, 2001, 12:05pm
Okay, I need some help.
My DSL connection fails on me quite a bit, and it's really making me angry, because if I'm not online, neither is So I was wondering if someone could tell me how to do this: If a message box with the title "Connection Not Active" pops up, bring it to focus. I can do the rest after that, but I need to know how to make the thing become active IF it is even existent. So say you are playing in AW and you select an object, making the Object Properties window open. Lets pretend the title says "Connection Not Active", when you select the object and the box pops up, I want to know how to make that window be the window with focus, and then after that I will need to send the enter key, and wait 3 seconds and send the enter key again. All I really need to know is how to make the window have focus, and to realize it is there. I appreciate all help that I can get, as I know it isn't that easy to do. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at Another Non-SDK Related VB QuestionNov 4, 2001, 12:55pm
Sweet! Thanks much. Just hafta order it now, that is awesome.
-- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Another Non-SDK Related VB QuestionNov 4, 2001, 12:59pm
Maybe I'll order it; heh, probably worth it, but I think making one would be
less expensive. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] Another Non-SDK Related VB QuestionNov 4, 2001, 2:07pm
Wow.. you really did a lot of searching for me.. I thank you much but I just
"half-assed" my way around it. If you care to know how, it's simple: Loops use too much RAM so I used a timer.. took no time to name anything either. Private Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Interval = 1000 Timer1.Enabled = True Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() On Error GoTo Hell: Interaction.AppActivate "EnterNet 300" SendKeys "{ENTER}" SendKeys "{ENTER}" Hell: Exit Sub End Sub -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] SDK Functions in ZIP FileNov 25, 2001, 9:27pm
This may help some, may not; but don't criticize me for it if it doesn't
help. C++ (Webpages from AW's sdk site): VB (My creation, not updated since SDK #2 I think): The VB one's helped me, saving me time from going to the website. Have fun with them. -- Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at VB INI Functions "Compile Error: Type Mismatch"Dec 30, 2001, 7:08pm
Thanks, Ricky Lipe Degtur Solutions at Stuff-X at [View Quote] begin 666 INI.bas M071T<FEB=71E(%9"7TYA;64 at /2 B24Y)( at T*1&5C;&%R92!&=6YC=&EO;B!' M9710<FEV871E4')O9FEL95-T<FEN9R!,:6( at (FME<FYE;#,R(B!!;&EA<R B M1V5T4')I=F%T95!R;V9I;&53=')I;F=!(B H0GE686P at ;'!!<'!L:6-A=&EO M;DYA;64 at 07, at 4W1R:6YG+"!">59A;"!L<$ME>4YA;64 at 07, at 4W1R:6YG+"!" M>59A;"!L<$1E9F%U;'0 at 07, at 4W1R:6YG+"!">59A;"!L<%)E='5R;F5D4W1R M:6YG($%S(%-T<FEN9RP at 0GE686P at ;E-I>F4 at 07, at 3&]N9RP at 0GE686P at ;'!& M:6QE3F%M92!!<R!3=')I;F<I($%S($QO;F<-" at T*1&5C;&%R92!&=6YC=&EO M;B!7<FET95!R:79A=&50<F]F:6QE4W1R:6YG($QI8B B:V5R;F5L,S(B($%L M:6%S(")7<FET95!R:79A=&50<F]F:6QE4W1R:6YG02( at *$)Y5F%L(&QP07!P M;&EC871I;VY.86UE($%S(%-T<FEN9RP at 0GE686P at ;'!+97E.86UE($%S(%-T M<FEN9RP at 0GE686P at ;'!3=')I;F< at 07, at 06YY+"!">59A;"!L<$9I;&5.86UE M($%S(%-T<FEN9RD at 07, at 3&]N9PT*#0I';&]B86P at <U)E="!!<R!3=')I;F<- M"D=L;V)A;"!686QU90T*#0I&=6YC=&EO;B!,;V%D24Y)*%-E8W1I;VXL($ME M>4YA;64L($9I;&5.86UE($%S(%-T<FEN9RD at 07, at 4W1R:6YG#0H at (" at <U)E M=" ](%-T<FEN9R at R-34L($-H<B at P*2D-"B at ("!686QU92 ]($QE9G0H<U)E M="P at 1V5T4')I=F%T95!R;V9I;&53=')I;F<H4V5C=&EO;BP at 0GE686P at 2V5Y M3F%M92P at (B(L('-2970L($QE;BAS4F5T*2P at 1FEL94YA;64I*0T*16YD($9U M;F-T:6]N#0H-"D9U;F-T:6]N(%-A=F5)3DDH<U-E8W1I;VX at 07, at 4W1R:6YG M+"!S2V5Y3F%M92!!<R!3=')I;F<L('-.97=3=')I;F< at 07, at 4W1R:6YG+"!S M1FEL94YA;64I($%S($EN=&5G97(-"B at ("!686QU92 ](%=R:71E4')I=F%T M95!R;V9I;&53=')I;F<H<U-E8W1I;VXL('-+97E.86UE+"!S3F5W4W1R:6YG <+"!S1FEL94YA;64I#0I%;F0 at 1G5N8W1I;VX-" at `` ` end AwCreateJan 25, 2002, 2:46pm
heh.. I have one that is easier to understand in my Bank Bot code, but I
can't find my Bank Bot code.. so it all evens out. I think I have lost the Bank Bot code, which means I am in debt.. :-\ Ricky [View Quote] I NEED A PAINTBALL BOTFeb 11, 2001, 10:16pm
First off.. ONE post is fine.. you dont have to post more than one.. Twisted
Horizon has stated he will do it.. pay attention stupid.. Avatar Click EventsFeb 18, 2002, 6:26pm
Need tester..Jan 31, 2001, 8:59pm
I just got done with a bot.. I am bored and wanna kno if anyone wants to
test it for anything that is screwed up with it.. Need tester..Feb 1, 2001, 2:33am
To test go to (My op was removed so
don't try to use it.) Need tester..Feb 1, 2001, 6:50pm
Did I say I was finished? uhhh.. No.. I didn't act like it was selective.. I
just asked if anyone would want to test it.. I didn't personnally ask any of you Need tester..Mar 1, 2001, 6:48pm
Uhhh.. I needed a tester a month ago bud..
-- - = [ T e c h n o ] = - - = [ S t u f f - X ] = - NEED BOTFeb 10, 2001, 5:41pm
I know right now KAH talked to Brant.. he made it he was gonna make a
shareware version but changed his mind.. I am sure niether of you will get it.. NEED BOTFeb 10, 2001, 8:19pm
Isn't that funny.. KAH is a female.. how can "he" talk to someone from OW?
NEED BOTFeb 10, 2001, 8:57pm
Do you have proof she talked to someone in OW? I dont think there is a
Paintball place in OW at all anyway.. so why would there be a bot? NEED BOTFeb 10, 2001, 10:11pm
Use a Xelagot.. I was gonna make one but I cant do the grenade or frenzy
thing.. would waste my time Idea Anyone??Feb 11, 2001, 10:33pm
I just finished ZeRo's bot.. I am bored now.. nothing to do till
Wednesday.. anyone have a bot they need Xcept for JohnF's Paintball bot? I am working on a bot for WAR for the new project they are having.. but that wont be a long one.. so give me ideas if u got them. My New bot place...Feb 12, 2001, 1:06am
Alright.. new bot place.. smaller URL.. the pages aren't up yet but will be
by tomarrow.. Hope you like.. |