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Aug 24, 2001, 10:38pm
"Lets quit AW week" is that like the motto for this week? One of my friends
left b/c of "personal problems" and another one of them is leaving for 2
weeks.. just wonderin..


Aug 31, 2001, 10:49pm
The new me has tried.. and it will keep trying but you started this one.. so
go fuck a duck u jalopalo

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Another Question

Aug 25, 2001, 5:14pm
Okay, there is this person in AW, whom thinks he made an OS.. he persists to
say he makes Windows run from a DOS command prompt, without a bootdisk, or
dual-boot. AND he said he made this OS in VB. Now tell me this, do you
really think this person made a WORKING OS that does something useful in VB?

Another Question

Aug 25, 2001, 5:20pm
These are ALL t-grams from CompuFreak:

no boot disk involved, windows doesn't load on its own

I did make an OS, I made it in VB, it is entirely self contained, and it
allows you to write and run programs in its own language

plus, it doesn't have to control the entire system to be an OS, it only has
to provide some control of it to the program running within it in addition
to providing some functionality not available without the OS

umm.... I had a computer that ran DOS, and I installed windows.. it starts
up in DOS as before and I do type a command line to load windows

my OS does not run dos or windows programs so it is NOT A SHELL

besides, where in the definition of an operating system does it say that it
can't run inside another operating system?

and what about emulators? yuo can emulate a macintosh inside windows..... it
MacOS no longer an operating system???

Another Question

Aug 25, 2001, 7:37pm
I asked for a copy too, that is when he ignored me lol.

As for KAH, there IS a stand-alone version tho, his is just in Windows, made
in VB, which required Windows files to run. Get it now?


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X Bot & World Hosting

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Another Question

Aug 25, 2001, 9:21pm
Yes, but he doesn't understand this.. he swears he made a OS..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X Bot & World Hosting

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Another Question

Aug 25, 2001, 9:25pm
Maybe you need to learn how to type?

"BeOS is also run through Windows... even though there's a standalone
as well"

You totally missed the point anyway, the point is to show you that he says
he made a OS in VB.. you CANT make an OS in VB.. get it NOW?

What I meant by "there IS a stand-alone version", BeOS DOES, meaning it
doesn't need Windows (or does it?) however his doesn't.. it's just software
that runs with Windows.


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X Bot & World Hosting

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Another Question

Aug 26, 2001, 3:31pm
What the hell does this have to do with anything? you idoit.. What he made
ISNT a OS, yet a shell.. that was the whole point of the post.. to get other
people's opinions.. he told me Windows runs inside DOS.. now KAH.. does
Windows run inside DOS?


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Another Question

Aug 26, 2001, 6:03pm
WINDOWS IS NOT A SHELL IDIOT! So you mean Windows ME is a shell even tho it
uses a DOS emulator not DOS itself.. and Windows NT is a shell too I guess?
Don't speak.. you make no sence..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Another Question

Aug 26, 2001, 9:30pm

Windows is ran ON TOP OF DOS. NOT THRU, OR INSIDE DOS.. damnit.. get a
book.. learn to crack.. figure out a way to look beyond the pretty little
GUI it has and look at it.. please do.. you'll see your wrong.. without
windows not a damn person could do anything..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Another Question

Aug 27, 2001, 5:59pm
Tell me this.. can you run DOS and create files? edit them files, run EXE
files? NOPE.. Windows is a OS.. plain and simple.. because of this..

Windows runs ON TOP of DOS.. get it thru ur heads.. without DOS, Windows
would be nothing, you are right about that.. but without Windows, what is


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Another Question

Aug 27, 2001, 9:26pm
Okay smart ass.. you create a program FROM DOS.. and I'll bow down and kiss
your feet..

Didn't think you could..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Another Question

Aug 27, 2001, 11:16pm
Since you are stupid as well.. here is the e-mail KAH got back typed
completely by my friend.. he knows more than anyone who even reads this NG..

<E-Mail to KAH>
Then try to explain why i wrote a complete linux system that exists
completely on its own, using no api functions or permissions from windows,
but runs from and at the same time as windows. Actually if you would take
the time to learn what the fuck you are talking about before judging someone
else you might be able to make a valid point. The new generation of windows
doesnt even run dos, it runs a dos emulator to be backwards compatable. When
dos first started it was a stand alone with just a windows shell, that i
will give you, but incase you havent noticed yet (obviously you havent)
windows is now the stand alone and dos is just emulated so that lamers like
you can still run your ancient assed programs. Just for your personal info,
(since you seem to be such a lame ass), win 3.1,95,and 98 were actually a
GUI (if you know what the hell that even means) Win ME changed to being a
stand alone. So all this bullshit about windows being a shell and an
operating system are from idiots, its a GUI dumbfucks.

Love ya lots,

Written by Deisel79 (who is obviously more talented than thou)

<End E-Mail>
----- Original Message -----
From: Kristian A. Hiorth
To: lanezeri
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: Another Question

man, I can't believe how stupid you are! it's not Fing possible to run an
on top of another!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can run two OSes on one machine, but
at the same time! and as Wing said, that stuff is perfectly possible on
but what do you know? I bet you don't even know HOW to use DOS! without
Windows, DOS is still the same, just without a piece of software, just
if you removed WordPerfect from a DOS machine (FYI WordPerfect used to be
what Word is now)...


Another Question

Aug 28, 2001, 8:03pm
What the hell does that have to do with my reply to KAH fucknut?

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Another Question

Aug 28, 2001, 9:19pm
I know.. what the hell does what JFK2's post have to do with the e-mail my
friend sent KAH?


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Another Question

Aug 29, 2001, 9:30am
My friend sent that.. not me.. so he'd have to answer it..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Another Question

Sep 2, 2001, 1:25pm
Yes.. but he couldn't make one.. that was the whole point, he could try, but
it wouldn't happen. The point of the whole post was to see who thinks the
person made a SHELL instead of an OS. Which he made a SHELL not an OS. You
people (idiots) can think what you want about Windows being a SHELL or OS.
I think it is a OS because it IS, but I don't want to hear anymore crap
about what everyone else thinks, anyone who wants to share their opinion
ANYWAY, will get filtered.


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Re: Stuff-X (Was Re: Zeebot)

Aug 28, 2001, 9:23pm
Why not go find a air pump? Your hot-air is leaking.. don't open your
mouth.. can't you read? The best employee he has is me.. 00RUSS hasn't made
a damn thing.. TheMask makes textures (damn good ones too), and that is all
he has.. TM and me do everything.. Russ hasn't made a thing.. starts 3 bots
at a time and finishes none.. I don't harp on about being a Stuff-X
employee, a signature is totally different than harping.. I thought you were
smarter than that Grimble..

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The New Me

Aug 29, 2001, 12:11am
Okay, I assume not one person here will believe me, but it's worth a try,
whom ever has me blocked, this won't affect them b/c they can't see what I

I'm going to -TRY- to change.. this Friday, tell me if I have been any nicer
or if I have changed my attitude at all okay?


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

Something Funny..

Aug 30, 2001, 12:53am


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

Something Funny..

Aug 30, 2001, 12:54am
Wrong button :-\

I saw the Hidden Settings one on a pic posted here one day.. but none of the


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 12:14pm
Hey buddy.. I don't care if u post in HTML, it don't bother me at all..
actually.. I don't know why people bitch about it.. but.. I guess thats just
me.. anyway.. u weren't a menace lol.. trust me..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 12:15pm
Did Eep reply to you?! I can't see it if he did


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 11:10pm
Hey, he tried to apologize, and you jump down his throat? Be nice for


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Can anyone help me with this?

Sep 3, 2001, 4:06pm
Most people don't have the web browser open when they go to worlds.. my web
browser is closed all the time.. that way I don't get bullshit pop-ups..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Sep 12, 2001, 9:24am
I know how ya feel Wing.. he -was- a friend of mine back when Utopia was
around, then he thought he was god and screwed himself out of a lot of
friends. I remember when he knew "everything" about VB (as he thought),
then a while ago, he asked this:

How do you get "bob" out of "bob:123"

That made me think less of what I used to. I grammed him a little after
Baron posted about the trojan, and he said "what makes you think I would do
something like that?" and then I said "read the NG and you'd know you were
caught." It's funny how someone thinks they can get away with things.. I
agree with ya about the parents thing too.


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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TOTALLY Awesome..

Sep 16, 2001, 3:15am

This is the coolest thing I've ever seen.. I sat here for like 5 minutes
trying to make it not work..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

TOTALLY Awesome..

Sep 16, 2001, 5:24pm
*sigh* I'm a bonehead? It's called joking around.. all this hostility in
the damn thing I figured I'd try to make someone laugh.. guess you people
can't handle a joke.. maybe I'll bitch at ya next time..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Grand Opening of the Stuff-X eStore

Sep 23, 2001, 5:06pm
Okay Eep.. you done fucked up.. I thought you actually knew what you were
talking about.. yet you.. yes you.. are a fuckwit putz.. as Goobie stated..
Stuff-X IS AW RELATED.. therefore.. YOU get filter jalapeno!


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Grand Opening of the Stuff-X eStore

Sep 23, 2001, 5:08pm
I never liked you.. so just shut up..

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