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We have received the answer to Arecibo

Aug 27, 2001, 11:08pm
I never said *all* supposed alien encounters are unexplainable, just
that the vast majority of them are. In fact, there have been many
abduction "accounts" by people who were later proven to be false simply
because they wanted the reaction and attention.

This all, of course, adds to my theory that it is human nature to
believe in something beyond or greater than ourselves. Whether it's God,
or aliens, or ghosts, or even Nature as a sentient force, we humans feel
the need to believe in something that has the ability to surpass our
limitations. And no matter how much evidence others may produce to
refute your beliefs, you will continue to believe in it because you have
nothing else to believe in. Some people get so into their beliefs that
they will actually form situations in their mind to help support their
beliefs, and then force themselves to believe the event actually took
place. (i.e. people claiming to have seen aliens, or Christ, or ghosts, etc)

What a strange and wacky world we live in...

P.S. I'm still waiting for Chuck to share his alien story with us :)

[View Quote] > Um, actually some "abductions" as you call them are unexplainable. :)
> SW Chris
[View Quote]
Goober King
Philosophy 101 is now in session...
rar1 at

"Void" world

Aug 26, 2001, 2:35am
The guy obviously had a pole shoved so far up his rear over this thing
that it's pierced his brain. He can no longer function as a human being
(if he ever could in the first place) and is instead stuck on
Broadway/Elysium/Beta/RPG rant mode.

[View Quote] > Can the personal crap. I understand your reasons for not liking that world
> or the people who run it, but PLEASE don't burden the rest of us with it.
> We've heard it enough times that you can go preach it to someone else and
> you won't be missing any opportunities to spread the proverbial good news.
> SW Chris
[View Quote]
Goober King
Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
rar1 at

"Void" world

Aug 26, 2001, 6:51am
nnnngggggg >_< The point is WE DON'T CARE, ok? If I've said it once,
I've said it a thousand times: We don't care about NewYork, we don't
care about Broadway, we don't care about Beta, we don't care about
Elysium, we don't care about DreamLand Park, or any of the other places
you constantly jabber about.

And for once, JUST ONCE, I'd like to see you post something that
actually contributed to the discussions without somehow bringing
yourself into it! The virtual world does not revolve around you, and we
could care less how any situation can be applied to you or your "friends".

[View Quote] > You are forgetting a few worlds there...
> NewYork world... BIGGIE one you can't miss...
> And my build in AW [Alpha World] still bigger yet.
> and it way down on the East Road.. About 100 km from the cut off to SW
> City and about 300km down that is the cutoff to Summerland Estates And
> next to my home is the Practice area for my friend to learn building...
> HINT - 0n ????e is my home... and sooner or later someob\ne will find
> that and i have a Broadway teleporter there that also goes to VOID
> World... As VOID is a far better place than that other world is.
> "goober king" <rar1 at> wrote in
> news:3B887BF0.3010504 at

Goober King
He just doesn't get it...
rar1 at

The New Me

Aug 29, 2001, 4:52pm
Maybe it's because you *haven't* changed. You're still the same
self-obsessed, mentally-disturbed whackjob you always were :P

[View Quote] > Geesh... If everyone decides to change.... I won't be able to
> recognize anyone here.... I allways change to be a better me....
> But for the life of me.... I don't see why people seem not to notice
> it. Must be they have to get out of the sun a little and take off
> their sun glasses to see the slight changes i have done.... [SLIGHT?]
> "kah" <kah at> wrote in news:3b8cc5e3 at

Goober King
Can anyone say "Fruit Loops"?
rar1 at

The New Me

Sep 5, 2001, 2:21pm
In the virtual realm, physical age has no meaning. Only the mental age
of a person really counts for anything. Your body could be 40 years old,
but you could still have the mind of a 12 yr old.

That's the kind of situation JFK2 is in due to his illness.
Unfortunately, we could be stuck with this incarnation of JFK2 for a
long time, since it may be too late to reverse his language problem,
among other things...

[View Quote] > Eh, you sure don't act like your 31....
> SW Chris
[View Quote]
Goober King
I pity the fool...
rar1 at

Sorry everyone...

Sep 2, 2001, 6:24am
Hmm... let's assess your supposed value to the community, shall we?

1. Created a website that contains vast amounts of information
concerning modeling and RWX commands
2. Created (with the help of others) two very detailed, reality-based worlds
3. Avid contributor to newsgroup discussions and debates

Now, is your website extremely helpful to those trying to learn the
finer points of modeling? It is indeed. Are your worlds one of a kind
and worthy of multiple CYs? I'd certainly say so.

However, if these worlds were to suddenly disappear, and your website to
go down, (as it did a few years ago) what exactly would the effect be?
Would people be left scrambling, trying to fill the void you left
behind? Would people be clamoring and petitioning to bring your works
back? Frankly, I think the only thing people would miss would be your
presence here in the NGs.

The phrase "actions speak louder than words" comes to mind when I think
of you, Eep, for you are merely a man of words, not action. Yes, your
site and worlds have added to this community, but every time you have a
gripe, every time you have some chip on your shoulder, you do nothing
but complain. I have yet to see you see you actually act on your
complaints in order to enact change.

Don't like newbies posting in the NGs? Perhaps you could write up a
NG-FAQ for people to read in order to learn what to do and not to do.
Don't like how AWC runs things? Perhaps you could try dropping the
attitude just long enough to actually converse with Rick and Co on a
professional level and see how far you get. (You might be surprised) And
I don't recall seeing you step up to the plate when the Union idea was
getting tossed around...

The fact is, until you start doing more than just complain, then your
"value" to this community will continue to diminish until all that's
left is a little gold statue that says "Eep: Can't live with him, Can't
live without him"...

[View Quote] > Oh please...what the HELL does an 11-year-old add to the community? What has Ryan added so far aside from off-topic crossposts and (most likely) a badly built (IF he's even built anything) house or something even less recognizable as anything of substance? Puh-LEAZE. If you don't know what I've added to this so-called "community", perhaps a trip to my AW website ( will clue you in a bit, Miss Newbie.
[View Quote]
Goober King
ActiveWorlds Stock Exchange: EEP / Last Trade: 5.4 / Change: -3.1
rar1 at

Can anyone help me with this?

Sep 3, 2001, 6:27am
Two URLs for you:

[View Quote] > Hi,i need some land in AW, ive had some before,but i want some more,does
> anyone have a city lot or know of empty land i can build in?
> Ryan.

Goober King
Master of the Cheap Plug :)
rar1 at


Sep 10, 2001, 11:46pm
AW Ear isn't the problem. AW Ear is not a malicious program and actually
delivers as advertised. The programs that reportedly *are* malicious are
StockQuote Bot and IntelliBot. (also made by Radon) I'm in the process
of investigating this, since I've known Radon for a while, and something
smells rotten in (former) Botopia...

[View Quote] > Ok, so it's outdated, but what about AW Ear? Wouldn't my firewall (Zone
> Alarm) have asked if it wanted to act as a server when I ran it IF there was
> a trojan in it?
> --
> Chris
> Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?
[View Quote]
Goober King
Just call him Inspector Goober...
rar1 at


Sep 11, 2001, 9:40am
Umm... no one ever said anything about Dreamland Park. Stop talking
about things that have no relevance to the topic at hand.

[View Quote] > I was wondering why several more worlds are suddenly popping up in
> Dreamland Park Universe and most of them on their homepage has the
> warning about this BOT being used in AW.... Now i know... Geesh....
> Not the best way to run world owners to another universe. I just hope
> that whoever is doing this type of nonsense is not doing the world
> owners to another universe for the sake of saying Dreamland Park
> Universe is better than AW... Dreamland Park Universe don't need that
> type of help.
> "goober king" <rar1 at> wrote in
> news:3B9D6ADC.8050705 at

Goober King
It's morning here... sue him!
rar1 at


Sep 13, 2001, 4:53pm
Unfortunately, as I'm sure you noticed in my article about all this at, it's all true. Radon has succeeded in turning into another
idiot script kiddie who did it for the hell of it. What really disturbs
me about all this is that he believed he would be *rewarded* for his
actions, because Gavaroche got a free world after hacking Nekranox. He
apparently doesn't understand that Gavaroche did what he did to help AWC
tighten up their security, while what Radon did was just outright
vandalism and destruction.

[View Quote] > maybe you should check your facts first, heh? AW Ear obviously DOES NOT
> TRANSFER PASSWORDS. I have **checked**. And i agree with Goober King,
> something DOES seem to be very strange with this whole Radon stealing PWs
> deal...
[View Quote] --
Goober King
Prays Radon will grow out of this and understand what he has done is
rar1 at

locating property

Sep 11, 2001, 9:42am
Ima Genius has a page set up to find property in AlphaWorld at

Yer outta luck if it's in a different world, tho :-/

[View Quote] > Is there a way to locate your property on a world?

Goober King saved his life! *smirk*
rar1 at

Re: HRML editors (Was: Re: HTML posts)

Sep 11, 2001, 9:36am
Sorry folks, but nothing beats coding HTML by yourself. True, it may be
"the hard way", but no HTML editor will ever be able to do *everything*
for you. If you know the code, you can push HTML to the very limits,
while still ensuring cross-browser compatibility.

That's one reason I really loathe the FrontPage series. FrontPage is
notorious for throwing in extra crap that's only understood by the IE
browsers, leaving Netscape users in the lurch. If you're truly serious
about making a good website that everyone can see, then Notepad's all
you need. :)

Real Men Use Notepad!

[View Quote] > I use FrontPage 2000. In my opinion the best HTML code writer. You can
> change code manually if you want, use of Java and JavaScript and most
> script languages. Easy to handle, easy to maintain your web site if the
> host use FrontPage Extensions. Tables are easy to make and to maintain :-)
> My site is made entirely with FrontPage 2000.
> --
> Regards,
> Beardo
[View Quote] --
Goober King
Real Men Use Notepad!
rar1 at

Re: HTML posts (was Re: Object Yard)

Sep 11, 2001, 9:38am
Umm, Earth to JFK2... That HTML code you wrote was in plain text. You
didn't actually post an HTML post, just put HTML code in a plain text
message. Everyone sees it exactly how it's written below.

[View Quote] > well i guess i have to say i'm guilty of doing a few little posts in
> html. But my little posts in html was in response to someone in here
> saying that they could do a gtml post smaller than most other can or
> something like that. <html><title>Tiny Post In Html</title><body><pre>
> And i did this just to be a little funny. lol
> </pre></body></html>
> "wing." <wing at> wrote in
> news:3b9d127a at

Goober King
Makes one wonder if JFK2 *really* knows what he's doing...
rar1 at

Ejected for telling the truth about CNN ????

Oct 8, 2001, 4:57am
First off, Jerme, thank you for dredging up a thread that's almost a
month old! We're so appreciative :P

Secondly, it must be nice to be a teenager and know everything. Bullying
the world into doing our bidding makes us no better than the terrorists.
We're not in this to "terrorize" people so they don't attack us anymore,
we're in this so that *they* don't terrorize anyone anymore. We're not
going in with guns blazing, kicking ass, and taking names; we're doing
this discretely, precisely, and methodically, and while it may be a slow
process, it will prove the most effective.

I'm not saying we shouldn't bring bin Laden and others of his ilk to
justice, but going in there thinking that we're the "big bad america"
and kicking people around just because we can is *not* the answer.

[View Quote] > response below...
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jeremy Booker
> JTech Web Systems
> ( -- Coming Soon)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[View Quote]
Goober King
Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
rar1 at

Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!

Sep 15, 2001, 9:34pm
For what it's worth, builderz, you'd be better served to not delve too
far into this whole mess. It's a *long* story and it all depends on who
you ask. Concrete, objective facts are few and far between simply
because everyone involved always gets so overly-emotional about all of
it. Take whatever anyone says, including OneSummer and Just In
themselves, with a grain of salt.

And as for you, Chuck, you are lower than dirt right now. To take a
noble endeavor like Memorial world (a world, by the way, that was *AWC*s
idea, not Just In or OneSummer's) and make it out to be some sort of
money-grubbing exhibition is not only pathetic, but it also proves just
how shallow a person you truly are.

All you people who can't seem to put your petty squabbles aside for the
greater good need to seriously rethink your values, because right now,
you're no better than the terrorists, seeking to only cause dissension
and chaos. Now's not the time for flame wars and bickering. Now's the
time to get past all our insignificant differences and come together to
face this tragedy as a united whole. Solidarity is far more important
than any past transgressions.

(This will be my only post on the subject, as I now have a topic for
this month's StVMP column. Thanks, Chuck :P)

[View Quote] > Not to offend you, KAH, but that is why I said I wanted "any relevant,
> concrete proof" about his accusations against OneSummer and Just In. If
> most of it is just rumors, then they will stay rumors. But if OneSummer
> and Just In really are manipulating other citizens and/or engaging in
> some form of fraudulent activity, then things need to be reevaluated.
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
> PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
[View Quote]
Goober King
In other words, get over it already!
rar1 at

TOTALLY Awesome..

Sep 16, 2001, 3:24am
Umm... that's one of the oldest tricks in the book. All they did was
take one card out of the 6 cards shown, and then swapped the suit of all
the other cards, while keeping the colors the same. Since you were
concentrating on the card you picked, you probably didn't notice that
all the other cards were different too.

[View Quote] >
> This is the coolest thing I've ever seen.. I sat here for like 5 minutes
> trying to make it not work..
> --
> Lanezeri
> Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

Goober King
Seen this trick before anyways :P
rar1 at

NS6 Filtering

Sep 18, 2001, 7:39pm
In Netscape Mail, go to Edit -> Message Filters...

[View Quote] > Does anyone know how to filter Newsgroup messages with NS6?
> -JV

Goober King
Slowly, they start to come back to the side of right...
rar1 at

Grand Opening of the Stuff-X eStore

Sep 23, 2001, 5:58am
*stoops to Eep's level in an attempt to form an understanding*

Yo, diptwat, last I checked, Stuff-X IS AW-related, so it's very much on
topic. Get a fucking CLUE! How else do you expect him to get the word
out about his new site, which could very easily benefit AW citizens, eh
champ? Why don't you try THINKING once in a while, it just might get you
somewhere! God damn...

*stands up and dusts self off*

Yeesh, that was painful. At any rate, the services Builderz is
advertising could very well pertain to AW citizens. Now, if he had
posted about "10,000 Email Addresses for Only $50!" or "XXX FREE PORN
PICTURES", then perhaps you would have a case against spam. Just because
YOU may not care about what he's advertising, doesn't mean that others
won't. For everyone's sake, get your head out of your ass before you
wind up swallowing something...

[View Quote] > Uh, no, it's not. Spamming is ANYTHING off-topic involved to get people to waste their money or time on shit they don't give 2 shits and a piss about in the first place. Spam is unwanted babble by desperate people--PERIOD. This includes chain emails, virus alerts, and ADVERTISEMENTS OF ANY KIND! Advertising is spam, plain and simple.
[View Quote]
Goober King
And here we thought Eep was going to try and be *nice* first...
rar1 at

Grand Opening of the Stuff-X eStore

Sep 23, 2001, 9:08pm
Gee, you're not very good at following your own advice, are you? Let's
put that little snippit in context, shall we?

"Stuff-X has provided hosting for Active Worlds customers for over
two years now. I'm pleased to announce that we have expanded and have
launched our very own on-line store carrying computer hardware and
software products."

When you add that first sentence, the implication is that since Stuff-X
has been providing hosting for AW, those customers can also benefit from
Stuff-X's expansion. Therefore, those customers, who are AW citizens,
could be interested in this announcement, thereby, using your own logic,
making it NOT spam.

And don't even start with that "newbie" bullshit, Eep. I've been here
even longer than you have and it's always been plainly obvious to me
that all you're interested in is your own opinions and conclusions. I
have yet to see you actually renege on a statement you've made that has
been proven false. So much for "RESEARCH", putz.

[View Quote] > Um, Goober, did you even READ Builderz' post? Allow me to quote the spam for your ignorant ass (which was convienently left out by Builderz' reply):
> "I'm pleased to announce that we have expanded and have launched our very own on-line store carrying computer hardware and software products. The store contains literally hundreds of name brand products at low prices, as well as many featured items and items with money saving rebates."
> NOTHING about AW there. Read the FUCK more closely, dipshit. <thwack> This is why you need to do RESEARCH before replying and making yourself look like a complete idiot, newbie.
[View Quote]
Goober King
Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
rar1 at

Wanted: Midi player

Oct 18, 2001, 8:37pm
I believe KAH was referring to godzukie's lack of a response. There's
something about blank text that just doesn't really get your point across...

[View Quote] > he was asking a question sheeesh lol
[View Quote]
Goober King
Perhaps godzukie's a minimalist?
rar1 at

Really Bad Evil Virus Warning!!!!

Oct 1, 2001, 2:31pm
Actually, it was 10-321, then 10-10-321, then 10-10-220...

[View Quote] > If you remember, the first of the 10-10's was 10-123, and then for some
> reason they tacked on an extra 10 making it 10-10-123, and then all the
> other 10-10's came around...
> Funny virus ;-)
> -JV
[View Quote]
Goober King
Fountain of (Junk) Knowledge...
rar1 at

About an idea on the FeatureVote site...

Sep 30, 2001, 5:48pm
Lots of paranoid people in AW, I guess....

Frankly, I didn't bother voting for hiding the checkmark because you can
create the same effect if you're on a modem by releasing and renewing
your IP (using winipcfg) while in AW. Doing so will wipe out your
checkmark. (and you won't receive any telegrams either!)

Still, judging from how a lot of the features you can vote for are
inter-related, I suspect that we're going to be seeing a *major*
reworking of the telegram/contacts system in 3.3

[View Quote] > It is interesting to note that the most voted for feature on the site
> involves something completely unrelated to 3d worlds - the ability to
> hide the contact list checkmark. Whereas people could have chosen
> custom avatars, rotation in 3 dimensions, scaling, or anything else,
> they choose a simple feature that's available in most instant
> messaging programs.
> Just something to point out.......
[View Quote] --
Goober King
Never understood why that was so popular...
rar1 at

About an idea on the FeatureVote site...

Oct 1, 2001, 2:36pm
Yup, that's "ghost" mode all right. No checkmark, no telegrams, and
<NAC>'s everywhere you look. Unfortunately, it doesn't block telegrams
entirely, since once you reconnect, it'll send you all the tgrams that
were sent to you while you were in "ghost" mode. But at least it's
temporary solitude...

[View Quote] [View Quote]
Goober King
May be the only advantage of being on a modem...
rar1 at

Who went back? Another poll

Sep 30, 2001, 9:53pm
I believe the biggest problem with 3.2 is that it basically shows
everyone how much their system sucks. :P Granted, AWC should try to make
AW run the same on the largest number of systems possible, but
sometimes that just isn't possible (i.e. using WMP instead of
DirectSound, the masking problem, etc)

I am keeping 3.2, as I haven't experienced *any* problems with it
whatsoever. (except for the annoying fact that you can't have more than
8 lights in hardware mode :P) For those of you who *are* experiencing
problems, then you'd better get used to them, because 3.1 is going cease
to exist very soon. (along with 2.2) Either that, or upgrade your
system. In any event, the problem is on your end, not AWC's...

[View Quote] > Hehe, here's another poll =)
> Who went back to 3.1?
> I'd say over half the people I know either went back to 3.1 or don't like
> 3.2 but don't hate it enough to go through the trouble of going back to 3.1.

Goober King
Sometimes, AWC can only do so much with one and a half programmers...
rar1 at

Who went back? Another poll

Oct 1, 2001, 3:07am
As far as AWC is concerned, now that 3.2 has a software renderer, they
don't need 2.2, which is essentially the same thing, but with less
commands and features. I'm sure they think that 3.2 must work just dandy
since none of these problems appeared during the beta testing, so
they'll get rid of 2.2 (as well as 3.1) probably as soon as Roland gets
back from his little vacation. That is, unless Roland bothers to read
these other NGs when he gets back...

[View Quote] [View Quote]
Goober King
Cross your fingers, folks...
rar1 at

From 2.2 to 3.2 on an antique machine...

Oct 4, 2001, 6:24pm
"Seems"? Eep's always been egocentric. :P I guess Eep's attempt at
"trying to be nice on the first go" has failed utterly, so he's
reverting to his old "shoot first (No pun intended...), ask questions
later" approach...

[View Quote] > Aine, welcome to the Filtered-by-Eep club! That was sooner than I thought.
> :)
> Really eep... why are you deflecting those accusations by zeroing in on
> Aine's intelligence level? As far as I know, computer donations are not the
> government's responsibility. There is a reason why non-profit goodwill
> organizations exist.
> Perhaps you should reevaluate some of your values, because you seem to be
> increasingly egocentric.
> --
> SW Chris
> Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?
[View Quote]
Goober King
As seen in the dictionary: Ego n. - Eep.
rar1 at

From 2.2 to 3.2 on an antique machine...

Oct 4, 2001, 9:52pm
During in the days of Facter, everyone was ragging on Eep so much for
picking on people that he said he'd change by kindly informing newbies
of their mistakes instead of going straight for the jugular. If the
newbies persisted in their incompetence, claimed Eep, he would then
proceed to bite their heads off.

But, I guess now that Facter is gone, Eep has decided that he doesn't
need to implement that little personality change and has reverted to the
same old Eep we all know and despise.

I suppose we can take some comfort in knowing that, even in the
high-paced world of technology, some things don't change...

[View Quote] > Where was the nice part? I think I missed it. :(
> --
> SW Chris
> Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?
[View Quote]
Goober King
No, Eep's never been delusional... nooooo
rar1 at

Re: Just In (was Re: bike.rwx avatar)

Oct 2, 2001, 12:18pm
Well, I don't. I've had to put up with this bullshit for, what's it
been, 6 months now? And every time someone decides to dredge it up, all
it causes is more bickering and finger-pointing.

It's not that we don't want to act, it's just that we see no reason to
act. If there was overwhelming evidence that Just In was indeed, and
still is, an acting pedophile, then maybe we would care. But the fact of
the matter is that it's all circumstantial evidence at this point. And
you sitting there trying to figure out what Just In's real name is is
not going to change anything. So please, if it's really that much of a
concern to you, talk to the Australian authorities, or even just give
AWC a call, (I'm sure they have Just In's name on record) and leave us
out of it!

[View Quote] > You should care.
> ....
> *blinks*
> Ok. fine. You win. I was trying to be as non-invasive and non-threatening
> as possible. It seems that this body is not capable of acting. I can see I
> or my principles are not wanted here. Good day.
> --
> SW Chris
> Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?
[View Quote]
Goober King
Definitely should follow your own advice...
rar1 at

Aw is becoming more and more messed up every day...

Oct 4, 2001, 3:36am
Sad to say, Trekker, but it's just you. AW has been like this for as
long as AWC has owned it. You've just finally, after months and years of
seeing it in action, come to realize what most of the rest of the
disgruntled regulars (Eep, KAH, myself, et al) have come to believe. I'm
sure that, as time goes by, more people will wake up to what's
happening. The only question is, even if we were to somehow muster a
majority opinion on the matter, would it do any good? (see Citizen's
Union debacle as an example :P)

[View Quote] > It may be just me but I look at AW now and see that half of the good
> smart, and happy people are now gone. AW has turned into a place where
> it seems to be more worthwhile to put out a version that half the things
> don't work, so they can do a thing called '3D Home Pages' which isn't
> nothing more than a trial world. Has the Active Worlds staff become more
> loving of money than the citizens that occupy it??
> Or is it that they just dont care enoughf to make shure everything is
> working and people are happy. It seems to me that they are more occupyed
> with money than making shure that people are happy and having fun in
> there Trial Worlds aka. - 3D Home Pages, and just getting more juno
> people on. Like we need them, all they want is a place to have cyber
> sex. Nowadays I cant pop into my world and have a tourest come by and
> ask if I wanna 'cyber'. In real life I wouldent mind; But I come to
> Active Worlds to have some fun and hang with my homeis and do something
> instead of homework.
> So im asking is it just me or has ActiveWorlds changed?
> --
> PS: I know im gonna get yelled at for this but oh well....
> --
> TrekkerX - CEO
> Commatron

Goober King
He just can't let it go...
rar1 at

Domain Search

Oct 5, 2001, 8:11pm
AFAIK = As Far As I Know :P

[View Quote] > yeah I got all that, just not the afaik, global revolve page, and query a
> subset of TLD's with each query. =P
> --
> SW Chris
> Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?
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