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a must read... ;)

Jan 28, 2003, 7:20pm
I'll agree that Syntax throwing the fact that he's from Libya in there
was uncalled for, but a good portion of your comments could just as
easily apply to SWE as they do to those who are attacking him and Eep.
He may be a "nice kid" in person, but if he can't control himself in
here, then no one will ever know, and no one will ever *want* to find
out if he's actually nice or not. And BTW, having you foam at the mouth
over this doesn't exactly help *your* case, either (i.e. Using
name-calling to whine about name-calling). :P

People seem to forget that one of the great things about the NGs is that
you DON'T HAVE TO HIT 'SEND' RIGHT AWAY! You can actually take the time
to look over your posts and make sure you're saying exactly what you
want to say, and no one will think lesser of you for it; in fact, they
might actually take you seriously and give you that respect you all
cherish so.

So next time you're about to flame some newbie or try to verbally bash
someone that irritates you, stop yourself. Get up out of your chair and
go to the kitchen to have a snack if you have to. That way, when you
come back, you can post with a clear head and maybe we won't have to put
up with all the crap that's been floating around here lately.

Think we can all handle that? Good, I thought so too.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Stopped to think, and forgot to start again!
gooberking at

a must read... ;)

Jan 28, 2003, 8:05pm
Ahh! In that case, long time no see! :) And welcome back!

[View Quote]
Goober King
We meet again, at last...
gooberking at

[AWNews] Back in Business!

Jan 18, 2003, 2:07am
Hey, remember us?

It's been five long months since AWNews disappeared from the Internet,
and while many people have moved on since then, I'm pleased to announce
that AWNews is back in action!

We've got new features, a new domain name, and of course, all the
stories you missed while we were gone, and we're just getting started!
Soon, we'll have our very own forums and a brand new site design like
nothing you've ever seen before! Oh yea, and we've managed to preserve
all of your old accounts, so you can log in just like old times! And, if
you've forgotten your password, you can simply have it emailed to you!

So head on over to the new AWNews at and catch up
on all that you missed! And stay tuned, because you never know what's
coming next in the AW universe!

P.S. There are still a couple things on the site that need tweaking, so
please forgive our dust! :)

Goober King
AWNews Editor in Chief
gooberking at

[AWNews] Back in Business!

Jan 23, 2003, 10:06am
Maybe if you actually replied to that email I sent you, I could approve
it! :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Don't keep a Goober waiting...
gooberking at

[AWNews] Back in Business!

Jan 23, 2003, 9:00pm
Hmm... not sure what happened, but at any rate, could you put that email
that you had at the end of your article on a web page somewhere? It
makes the article way too long!

[View Quote]
Goober King
At least the NGs work :P
gooberking at

[AWNews] Back in Business!

Jan 27, 2003, 10:04am
Considering the message wasn't directed at you, of course you're confused. :P

But this might clear things up:

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Target audience
gooberking at

satelite image

Jan 23, 2003, 9:03pm
Here's a tip: If you want people to know you're joking, make it
extremely outlandish, such as:

Trident ownz j00!!!!1111 ;P

Note the ;P for added clarification. Most people recognize that as some
form of sarcasm/joking.

[View Quote]
Goober King
Let's leave sarcasm to the experts, shall we? ;)
gooberking at

New LEGAL Universe

Jan 23, 2003, 9:10pm
Erm, why make such a big deal out of the fact that it's legal? Anyone
who read the AWNews article would know that it's perfectly legit. *hint

[View Quote]
Goober King
Subtle as a brick to the head
gooberking at

New LEGAL Universe

Jan 24, 2003, 3:36am
Well, the idea is that the artist will be adding more worlds later on based on the songs he writes.

[View Quote]
Goober King
There's that subtlety again!
gooberking at


Jan 29, 2003, 7:20pm
Reading 101: Only Admins can try to block things like beta access, hence
Dan felt the need to mention that he was an admin, lest people think he
was hacking Peace City or something.

Study this carefully. There will be a quiz on it later.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Taking you to *school*!
gooberking at

Tom (Flagg) is leaving AW

Jan 27, 2003, 6:16pm
Well, there goes the last bastion of community support in AW (with the
possible exception of Mountain Myst). Now AWI will lock itself in its
ivory tower and we'll never hear from them again, except when they have
to raise prices some more. :(

Farewell, Flagg...

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Another one bites the dust
gooberking at

Space Ship Columbia

Feb 2, 2003, 12:54pm
Well then, try this theory on for size:

These 7 people came from a wide range of backgrounds and histories,
forming a cross-section of not just America, but also the world. They
transcended the concept of countries and governments and simply became
representations of human beings in space, seeking to better their race.
The fact that the entire world is mourning this tragedy, and it's not
just some pumped up attempt at publicity by the American media, proves this.

Their jobs were probably some of the most dangerous in the world where,
as this accident proved, if even the slightest thing went wrong, it
could prove disastrous. Yet they knew about all the dangers and risks
and did their jobs willingly, just for the chance to glimpse the sun
peeking over the curve of the Earth.

So the memorials you see for these people aren't just for the 7
individuals who lost their lives, but also for the cause they died for.
We lost some of the best the human race had to offer, people who were
willing to separate themselves from the pettiness, the politics, and the
bickering of humanity on Earth in order to better a race that, in some
eyes, probably isn't worthy of the progress.

This is why we mourn, to remember those who died, doing what they loved
to do in one of the most noble professions in the world, for the
betterment of mankind.

[View Quote]
Goober King
How do you like *them* apples?
gooberking at

Space Ship Columbia

Feb 2, 2003, 11:58pm
It's a tragedy for humankind because the people that were lost were some
of the best the world had to offer: PhD's, military personnel, and so
forth. Not only that, but the fact that we lost them simply because of
an accident, rather than some calculated attack or whatever, makes it
that much more tragic.

[View Quote]
Goober King
How many different ways do you need to say "tragedy" before it sinks in?
gooberking at

To All the Whiners (was Re: Memorial)

Feb 3, 2003, 8:57pm
Seeing as how it's apparently ineffective to counteract each whiner one
at a time, I'll do it en masse in a new thread:

Let me just ask you all one question: Where were you when memorials
started sprouting up like wildfire after 9/11? It didn't seem to bother
you that all these people from AW, many of whom didn't know anyone who
died in the disaster, were paying tribute to 3,000+ people, so why
should it bother you if these same people pay tribute to 7? How many
people need to die before a memorial becomes legit in your eyes?

Simple answer: It doesn't matter. If people feel the need to erect
memorials to these people, then let them. If you don't think it's
necessary, then don't make one and keep your inconsiderate pieholes
shut. Let those who feel the need to pay tribute do so in peace.

Goober King
So proud to be a member of the human race right now :P
gooberking at

To All the Whiners (was Re: Memorial)

Feb 4, 2003, 2:56pm
Methinks you're confusing "memorials" with "media coverage", my friend.
While I agree with you that the media coverage of this whole event may
have been blown a tad out of proportion (i.e. taking an entire day to
say "Yep, these people died... we still don't know what exactly
happened... oo! There's another piece of wreckage!... etc, etc."), the
memorials that have been erected for this event are not. Regardless of
whether the people knew them intimately or not, each memorial was
heartfelt and meant to express the person's grief over the tragedy.

I don't understand how a memorial could possibly be considered
inconsiderate by the people who were directly affected. If your father
was to suddenly meet his end, and someone you didn't even know built a
memorial to him, would you really complain about it? Would you feel like
your privacy was violated? Or, would you feel touched that this person
took the time to remember your father, even if this person wasn't close
to him? Somehow, I suspect it would be the latter.

Now, if you were talking about media people coming around your house and
asking all these questions about how you feel, etc, then that would
definitely be inconsiderate of the media. So, maybe instead of
lambasting the people who are taking time to properly remember those who
have left us, you should be expending your energy on criticizing the
media "glamorizing" the whole thing. Or, better yet, as Carolann
suggested, go out and give your time, energy, and/or money to other
worthy causes so that other tragedies, like AIDS or car accidents or
what-have-you, so that maybe more memorials won't even be necessary.

Oh yea, and in case you missed it, that sig was supposed to be sarcastic. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
At least *someone* reads these things!
gooberking at

To All the Whiners (was Re: Memorial)

Feb 5, 2003, 5:33pm
Then, as I told Count Dracula, complain about all the media hype over
the event. *Don't* complain about people building memorials to the
victims and people honoring their lives properly. It's disrespectful to
the victims as well as to the people who paid tribute. If you're going
to lash out in frustration, at least make sure you have your targets
right. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Not that anyone actually cares about disrespecting others around here :P
gooberking at

What is worth fighting for?

Feb 6, 2003, 7:28pm
*blink* Ok, that made a lot of sense. Your government makes strict
smoking laws, so therefore you take up smoking in protest? Not exactly
the most glamorous way to go. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Well, he got the "moron" part right...

What is worth fighting for?

Feb 6, 2003, 7:31pm
Actually, the ACLU gets away with that crap because of 5 magic words:
"Separation of Church and State". Doesn't have much to do with Freedom
of Religion. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Separation of brain and body
gooberking at

What is worth fighting for?

Feb 8, 2003, 6:46pm
Bowen, might I offer you a suggestion? Don't talk about something you
have no knowledge about. It makes you look like an idiot.

I don't know which USA you live in, but where I come from you can't just
walk around with no clothes on. As Drac suggested, why don't you try
walking down the street with no pants on and see how far you get. It's a
little thing called "indecent exposure", which is a criminal offense no
matter *which* state you go to.

As for marriage, you can't go state hopping and pick up a ton of wives.
There's this little piece of paper called a "marriage license" that you
have to obtain to show that you are legally married to another person.
After that, the only other way you can marry someone else is if you
divorce the first person and nullify that marriage license. Otherwise,
you're practicing bigamy, which is also a criminal offense. And even
though some Mormons may still practice it, polygamy is also a federal

[View Quote]
Goober King
Smells like an idiot
gooberking at

A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 10, 2003, 6:21pm
In case Grimble's jab was too subtle, he's referring to Technozeus.
Apparently, he seems to think TZ's head is getting inflated over the 3.4
beta. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Over-inflated for your protection
gooberking at

A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 11, 2003, 12:55am
Way to keep with the times, Brock. This issue has long since been
resolved. :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Stirring the shit long after it's gone stale
gooberking at

A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 13, 2003, 7:27pm
*smack* Pay attention to other threads! :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Always wanted to do that...
gooberking at

A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 13, 2003, 10:11pm
Lazy bastard. :P

Basically, A!!CT is open under new management.

[View Quote]
Goober King
All the news that's fit to pimp
gooberking at

Maybe E N Z O could answer?

Feb 19, 2003, 7:15pm
They can if you agree to an agreement that says "We reserve the right to
change this agreement whenever we want to, without your permission. So
nyah!" If you agree to that, then you've essentially told the company
"Here you go. Please screw with me!"

[View Quote] --
Goober King
An open invitation
gooberking at

Maybe E N Z O could answer?

Feb 20, 2003, 4:18pm
And like I said, if *you agree to it* then they are allowed to change
it! That's the way the world works. If you see an agreement that says
"We can change whatever whenever." and you say "I Agree", then you just
gave the company free license to do whatever they want to the contract.
If you don't agree to the contract, then they can't change it on you. :)

Oh, and changing a contract, in and of itself, has nothing to do with
consumer rights (if anything, it's about company rights). It's only when
the contract gets changed so that it somehow infringes on a consumer's
rights is when you can start calling the lawyers. And again, this is
only a problem if you *agree* to a contract that has the ability to be

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Agree to disagree
gooberking at

Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 24, 2003, 3:33pm
The reason that "We" posted the rules first was because that's what
*everyone else* was so concerned with. Maybe if everyone had stopped all
their incessant whining about insignificant rules for a relatively (in
the grand scheme of things) insignificant event, we would never have
reached this point in the first place.

To be honest, I think the main problem with the CY Awards is that it's
not exclusive *enough*. By that I mean, by giving the general community
a voice in how things are run and who gets in, all that can lead to is
bickering about rules, who was more deserving of a nom, why this or that
shouldn't get a CY, ad naseum.

But if it was just Bit and/or the CY Committee calling the shots on
rules, noms, and even the winners (much like the Academy for the
Oscars), then perhaps we'd actually have a legitimate Awards ceremony
rather than something that everyone (it seems) thinks of as a total joke.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
A total joke
gooberking at

Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 26, 2003, 11:42pm
Don't make me smack you, Chris. If it really "took a village", then
there wouldn't be a single upstanding citizen left, since people barely
try to know their own neighbors these days, much less the entire
village. If we keep shifting the responsibility off parents and onto
other sources, then parents will stop doing their jobs altogether.

It's not hard for a parent to walk into the room every so often and peek
at what his/her child is look at on that little computer screen. If said
parent doesn't like what he/she sees, it's just as easy to tell the
child to shut the "bad stuff" off.

Now, having said that, I also think putting ratings on everything would
be a great idea. That way, you could include *everyone* in the
community, and at the same time make the parents' jobs that much easier.
Wouldn't want parents to have to ask their kids "So, what's 'Gor' mean?" :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Agreeing with Clinton?! *boggle*
gooberking at

Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 27, 2003, 3:39am
Actually, there *was* an X-rated film that won an Oscar (3 Oscars, in
fact); Midnight Cowboy in 1969. :)

And like CarolAnn said, the adult worlds don't get nominated for their
adult content. They just happen to also have adult content in them along
with whatever it is they were nominated for. So if there was a way to
show what the adult world was nominated for, without showing the actual
adult content itself, that would make everyone happy I would hope, yes?

Of course, that could prove tricky for things like Landscaping, where
the only way to see it is to actually visit the world it's in... :-/
[View Quote]
Goober King
Movie Trivia Buff
gooberking at

Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 27, 2003, 3:16pm
*blink* Where do you get this assumption that Goreans are rolling in
dough? Just because they own a world and have their own OPs, that
suddenly means they have all this cash to throw at object modelers and
avatar designers?

Remember what I said about not talking about something you know nothing
about? Well, you're doing it again. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
'Tis better to remain silent and thought a fool than to etc, etc, etc...
gooberking at

Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 27, 2003, 3:50pm
So now you're saying that someone shouldn't be eligible for a CY unless
they made everything themselves? You, of course, realize that you're
pretty much excluding almost *everyone* with that statement, especially
builders in the public building worlds, since they didn't make any of
the objects they used either, right? So much for making the CY awards
community-oriented. :P

I challenge you to find a world where *all* the objects and avatars were
made by the owner(s), without a single purchase or donation. I can
almost guarantee you that any such worlds that you do find will be in
the vast minority.

At any rate, I don't know why you had to bring the money issue into
this, since it doesn't matter how much money you have. If you can't use
your purchases well, then all you did was waste your money. And besides,
if an avatar or object gets nominated, the CY Committee is smart enough
to track down the original creator of said avatar/object and award the
Award to them. Sounds to me like you're just looking for excuses. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
All about the money
gooberking at

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