goober king // User Search
goober king // User Search
Jan 28, 2003, 7:20pm
I'll agree that Syntax throwing the fact that he's from Libya in there
was uncalled for, but a good portion of your comments could just as
easily apply to SWE as they do to those who are attacking him and Eep.
He may be a "nice kid" in person, but if he can't control himself in
here, then no one will ever know, and no one will ever *want* to find
out if he's actually nice or not. And BTW, having you foam at the mouth
over this doesn't exactly help *your* case, either (i.e. Using
name-calling to whine about name-calling). :P
People seem to forget that one of the great things about the NGs is that
you DON'T HAVE TO HIT 'SEND' RIGHT AWAY! You can actually take the time
to look over your posts and make sure you're saying exactly what you
want to say, and no one will think lesser of you for it; in fact, they
might actually take you seriously and give you that respect you all
cherish so.
So next time you're about to flame some newbie or try to verbally bash
someone that irritates you, stop yourself. Get up out of your chair and
go to the kitchen to have a snack if you have to. That way, when you
come back, you can post with a clear head and maybe we won't have to put
up with all the crap that's been floating around here lately.
Think we can all handle that? Good, I thought so too.
[View Quote]johnny b wrote:
> Hey E, just drop it man, Eep IS a jerk, regardless..... you have a very valid point about bashing ppl when they can't defend
> themselves, but it just isn't worth it this time.....Eep has dug his own grave here way too many times all these years, and has
> never once attempted to redeem himself, much less apologize for his incessantly rude actions and insults.
> The guy asks for it every time he posts here because he just cant seem to grasp the concepts of politeness, respect and manners.....
> hence the reason he's banned yet again and CAN'T post here to defend himself, tho I highly doubt he could anyways..... some things
> such as his behavior are just useless no matter how much you turn a blind eye or try and offer some respect..... it's a waste of
> time......
> As for everyone else, I've talked to SWE many times in the past and he's not some dumb angry libyan, and that was just an asinine
> thing to have said.
> Not very mature from someone who's bashing him for being IMmature.. E is actually a very nice, very intelligent kid. and I've yet
> to see him be disrespectful in "person" So lay off him a bit, especially with the childish ignorant racist libyan crap..... none
> of you are innocent of ranting about something that YOU believe in here.. so you have no right, and some balls bashing him for doing
> the same..... he's entitled to his opinion and has every right to express it here, just like the rest of you do. He also has the
> right to recieve a little respect in the process..... If you disagree with him, then ATTEMPT to argue your ideas intelligently,
> maturely, and without the nasty, name-calling bullshit......tho that seems to be beyond the capabilities of most here.
> Lets try and get it through all our thick heads here, that there's different kinds of people here, with different ideas and
> values.....
> You may not agree with or even understand them, but that gives you no right to slam a person and racially abuse them for it.
> That angry libyan shit is WAY out of line here.......
> If any one of you can't see that, then you're an arrogant self-absorbed jackass. You should shut the hell up and spare the rest of
> us your stupidity.
> You all were bitching and moaning about how this newsgroup was nothing but a forum for abusing and personally attacking others, You
> were all SO happy when Rick came in here and started cleaning this place up. It lasted about two months and it's back to the same
> old shit again.....
> Might take a long hard look at your own behaviors. You're doing EXACTLY that which you bitched about.....
> It's getting to be F-ing ridiculous in here that people can't act civilly and have even a LITTLE respect for each other....
> If you're gonna be a hypocrite and do exactly what you complain about others doing, then just shut up already......
> If you have something consructive or useful to post, do so, if not, be quiet...... and don't beat the hell out of others for what
> THEY might think is constructive or useful, even if you don't agree or think their posts are dumb... there's no reason to be an
> ass and insult a person or intentionally hurt their feelings here just because YOU don't agree with their well meaning
> intentions.... That's just plain childish and shows your stupidity, no matter what you might think
> Time to grow up some and start acting like the adults you all like to claim to be..........
> "swe" <swe at swe-e.com> wrote in message news:3e36db1b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Goober King
Stopped to think, and forgot to start again!
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 28, 2003, 8:05pm
Ahh! In that case, long time no see! :) And welcome back!
[View Quote]neocube o wrote:
> SyberWoLff :)
> goober king wrote:
Goober King
We meet again, at last...
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 18, 2003, 2:07am
Hey, remember us?
It's been five long months since AWNews disappeared from the Internet,
and while many people have moved on since then, I'm pleased to announce
that AWNews is back in action!
We've got new features, a new domain name, and of course, all the
stories you missed while we were gone, and we're just getting started!
Soon, we'll have our very own forums and a brand new site design like
nothing you've ever seen before! Oh yea, and we've managed to preserve
all of your old accounts, so you can log in just like old times! And, if
you've forgotten your password, you can simply have it emailed to you!
So head on over to the new AWNews at http://www.awnews.org and catch up
on all that you missed! And stay tuned, because you never know what's
coming next in the AW universe!
P.S. There are still a couple things on the site that need tweaking, so
please forgive our dust! :)
Goober King
AWNews Editor in Chief
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 23, 2003, 10:06am
Maybe if you actually replied to that email I sent you, I could approve
it! :P
[View Quote]facter wrote:
> Its already done...the first part anyways, there are a few more parts to
> come...if goober ever actually starts approving news items for the
> site...when i submitted it over the weekend there were four other stories in
> the queue!
> :)
> F.
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
> news:3e2d812d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> announce
> if
> up
> so
Goober King
Don't keep a Goober waiting...
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 23, 2003, 9:00pm
Hmm... not sure what happened, but at any rate, could you put that email
that you had at the end of your article on a web page somewhere? It
makes the article way too long!
[View Quote]facter wrote:
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3E2FDA95.4010808 at utn.cjb.net...
> Hay, if you actually ever sent me an email, I might reply to it!
> But, unfortunatly, I have never received anything from you at my email
> address....which is invurt at hotmail.com
> F.
Goober King
At least the NGs work :P
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 27, 2003, 10:04am
Considering the message wasn't directed at you, of course you're confused. :P
But this might clear things up:
[View Quote]j b e l l wrote:
> well.. i'm certainly confused...
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3E3073C8.4040102 at utn.cjb.net...
Goober King
Target audience
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 23, 2003, 9:03pm
Here's a tip: If you want people to know you're joking, make it
extremely outlandish, such as:
Trident ownz j00!!!!1111 ;P
Note the ;P for added clarification. Most people recognize that as some
form of sarcasm/joking.
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> "shred" <shred at myrealbox.com> wrote in message
> news:3e2ffe82 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> chance in the 3D accelerator arena :P
> No crap. Sarcasm is what Bowen is all about. I thought it was pretty evident.
> --Bowen--
Goober King
Let's leave sarcasm to the experts, shall we? ;)
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 23, 2003, 9:10pm
Erm, why make such a big deal out of the fact that it's legal? Anyone
who read the AWNews article would know that it's perfectly legit. *hint
[View Quote]commander a1ct wrote:
> PeaceCity...A New Legal Universe...download at
> http://www.peacecity1.com/3dhelp/peacecity.exe!!
Goober King
Subtle as a brick to the head
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 24, 2003, 3:36am
Well, the idea is that the artist will be adding more worlds later on based on the songs he writes.
[View Quote]chiana wrote:
> I dont think it is a universe is it ?
> I thought a single world p50 was a galaxy server
> they seem to be into promoting singers and artists
> sounds like a good idea, cant see too many people going there though as
> build is very limited.
Goober King
There's that subtlety again!
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 29, 2003, 7:20pm
Reading 101: Only Admins can try to block things like beta access, hence
Dan felt the need to mention that he was an admin, lest people think he
was hacking Peace City or something.
Study this carefully. There will be a quiz on it later.
[View Quote]brock wrote:
> "d a n" <awdan at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3e34390a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> <rant>
> You wear that title like a idiot you know that
> It's like, look at me i'm a admin yaaaaaaay :D everyone must know that,
> yaaaaaaaaaay! What does you being a admin have to do with anything
> </rant>
> --
> Brock - 308723
> AW 3.4 Build: 448
> Brock at iceflare.net
> From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
> "Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
> especially when it concerns others in his own age range. In other words,
> the perfect NG candidate."
> "d a n" <awdan at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3e34390a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> not
Goober King
Taking you to *school*!
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jan 27, 2003, 6:16pm
Well, there goes the last bastion of community support in AW (with the
possible exception of Mountain Myst). Now AWI will lock itself in its
ivory tower and we'll never hear from them again, except when they have
to raise prices some more. :(
Farewell, Flagg...
[View Quote]mrbruce wrote:
> Just a note, Tom (Flagg) is leaving AWI as of Febuary 6th 2003.
> Another good AW personality is leaving :( He will be sadly missed.
Goober King
Another one bites the dust
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 2, 2003, 12:54pm
Well then, try this theory on for size:
These 7 people came from a wide range of backgrounds and histories,
forming a cross-section of not just America, but also the world. They
transcended the concept of countries and governments and simply became
representations of human beings in space, seeking to better their race.
The fact that the entire world is mourning this tragedy, and it's not
just some pumped up attempt at publicity by the American media, proves this.
Their jobs were probably some of the most dangerous in the world where,
as this accident proved, if even the slightest thing went wrong, it
could prove disastrous. Yet they knew about all the dangers and risks
and did their jobs willingly, just for the chance to glimpse the sun
peeking over the curve of the Earth.
So the memorials you see for these people aren't just for the 7
individuals who lost their lives, but also for the cause they died for.
We lost some of the best the human race had to offer, people who were
willing to separate themselves from the pettiness, the politics, and the
bickering of humanity on Earth in order to better a race that, in some
eyes, probably isn't worthy of the progress.
This is why we mourn, to remember those who died, doing what they loved
to do in one of the most noble professions in the world, for the
betterment of mankind.
[View Quote]count dracula wrote:
> It was not meant to be taken so serious, chill out :)
> The point was more or less, if 7 ppl die when a bus crashes it gets some
> tiny header in a few newspaper. When 7 ppl die in another kind of vehicle,
> this spaceship, they had extra news about it several times during the
> evening. I am just wondering what makes these ppl so much more important?
> Of course it is a big tradegy to the families of the victimes, and my
> deepest condealances to them.
> I just cannot see what makes these 7 ppl so much more valuable than for
> example 7 ppl who dies in a bus accident.
> I am usually against memorials for one simple reason. I think it is better
> to rememebr a person when he/she is alive than after his/her death.
> Recently the aunt of my grandfather died, she was something like 97. She
> lived alone, only a few ppl ever visited her. I sometimes visited her, not
> often enough I admit.
> At her funeral about 70 ppl showed up ( I was not there but heard). I have
> been to these kind of funerals before. All the hipochrits gather to say some
> good words of the dead person; a person they did not give a shit about while
> living, never visited her/him in the hospital. I just think this is absurd.
> What becomes to making it into a international hate thing; it was more meant
> to be a joke. At least I hope it is, but unfortunatly it appears that Bush
> is using anything as an excuse to go play wargames in Iraque. I think
> someone should buy him a playstation, so he could play his wargames there
> and do not send innocent americans and british ppl there to die; neither
> kill iraqian civialians. People must be blind if they do not see the
> similarities between Hitler and Bush. And now the important thing. I DO NOT
> LIKE Saddam Hussein. It is probably right to keep an eye on him and not let
> him start any trouble, but the issue is, it should be made by UN, not a
> single country wanting to play the police of the world.
> I also find it really strange that everything seemed pretty ok until Bush
> came in power; suddenly iraque is treating everyone, North-Korea is getting
> out of the agrements they had made earlier. I have a feeling USA wants to
> take the oil of Iraque in their position and will use any reason to start a
> war.
> Yes you are also right , this is a scientic thing, I sincerely hopes it
> remains as one; I was just speculating what I fear might happen
> Drac
> carolann <carolannh at charter.net> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3e3c95e8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You,
> die
> not
> some
> angry
> for
> or
> a
> or
> keep
Goober King
How do you like *them* apples?
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 2, 2003, 11:58pm
It's a tragedy for humankind because the people that were lost were some
of the best the world had to offer: PhD's, military personnel, and so
forth. Not only that, but the fact that we lost them simply because of
an accident, rather than some calculated attack or whatever, makes it
that much more tragic.
[View Quote]count dracula wrote:
> sw chris <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3e3d7f88 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> or
> Some people like to consider the isrealians as a part of the "western
> civilized " world.
> I jsut think it is out of propositin, 7 people died, it is bloody sad yes.
> Not long ago a plane crashed in Turkey with international victims, I did not
> see any extra broadcats on Tv because of that
> international
> needlessly
> world
> from
> international
> Fine, I never denied he has done good things, just in my opinion, one right
> thing do not entitle to do one wrong
> the
> For the love of god, this was a sarcastic comment not to be taken so dead
> serious
> the
> Well I do!! I critizice EU every time I get a chance to. I write letters to
> the goverment memebers in my country about issues that I feel is wrong. I
> can start posting anti-EU, anti-Iraque postings here also if it makes you
> feel better?
> That
> Ok I admit, my timing was bad, I am sorry for that. I should have started a
> new one.
> But the main thing with my post was not the goverment criticism, more the
> fact I find people over-reacting.
> As I replied in one letter adressed directly to me. I am not against
> memorials and historical places. I just think if one have too much of them
> people get fed up and will not notice/remember the "important" one. I
> consider ( this is my opinion) for example the holocost ( however it is
> spelled) World Wars and also the NY terror attack as tradegies in the
> history of humanity. These are things we should never forget and never allow
> to happen again. But as I said if you have one diamond and put it in a
> basket of "diamonds" made of glass, it is very hard to spot the real one. I
> do not think 7 people dieing is tradegy for human kind, it IS a tradegy for
> the families and friends of those who died yes.
> Drac
> the
> well
> quiet
> need
> per
> him.
> right,
> proves
> low
> Dan.
> someone's
> can
> died
> be
> want
> people
> 3
> in
> Those
> saved.
> if
Goober King
How many different ways do you need to say "tragedy" before it sinks in?
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 3, 2003, 8:57pm
Seeing as how it's apparently ineffective to counteract each whiner one
at a time, I'll do it en masse in a new thread:
Let me just ask you all one question: Where were you when memorials
started sprouting up like wildfire after 9/11? It didn't seem to bother
you that all these people from AW, many of whom didn't know anyone who
died in the disaster, were paying tribute to 3,000+ people, so why
should it bother you if these same people pay tribute to 7? How many
people need to die before a memorial becomes legit in your eyes?
Simple answer: It doesn't matter. If people feel the need to erect
memorials to these people, then let them. If you don't think it's
necessary, then don't make one and keep your inconsiderate pieholes
shut. Let those who feel the need to pay tribute do so in peace.
Goober King
So proud to be a member of the human race right now :P
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 4, 2003, 2:56pm
Methinks you're confusing "memorials" with "media coverage", my friend.
While I agree with you that the media coverage of this whole event may
have been blown a tad out of proportion (i.e. taking an entire day to
say "Yep, these people died... we still don't know what exactly
happened... oo! There's another piece of wreckage!... etc, etc."), the
memorials that have been erected for this event are not. Regardless of
whether the people knew them intimately or not, each memorial was
heartfelt and meant to express the person's grief over the tragedy.
I don't understand how a memorial could possibly be considered
inconsiderate by the people who were directly affected. If your father
was to suddenly meet his end, and someone you didn't even know built a
memorial to him, would you really complain about it? Would you feel like
your privacy was violated? Or, would you feel touched that this person
took the time to remember your father, even if this person wasn't close
to him? Somehow, I suspect it would be the latter.
Now, if you were talking about media people coming around your house and
asking all these questions about how you feel, etc, then that would
definitely be inconsiderate of the media. So, maybe instead of
lambasting the people who are taking time to properly remember those who
have left us, you should be expending your energy on criticizing the
media "glamorizing" the whole thing. Or, better yet, as Carolann
suggested, go out and give your time, energy, and/or money to other
worthy causes so that other tragedies, like AIDS or car accidents or
what-have-you, so that maybe more memorials won't even be necessary.
Oh yea, and in case you missed it, that sig was supposed to be sarcastic. :P
[View Quote]count dracula wrote:
> goober king <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3E3EF3F7.4020007 at utn.cjb.net...
> Well, I guess I am the whiner number one here , so i will answer your
> questions
> I was in AW when it happened, in AW was several people who knew someone who
> got killed in that tradegy.
> If the memorials helped those friends and family cope with their sorrow, why
> should I start yelling, dont build memorials?
> The attack in NY was an attack against not only USA, but the entire western
> civilation, it was a terrible thing because of it widness . It is something
> that could happen anywhere, and will if we do not stop pissing off the
> islamic world it will happen again and again. With great sadness I see
> Europe dividing into 2 groups, those who want to attack Iraque and those who
> do not want to. In the eyes of the islamic world, we are one evil
> "community", it wont make no difference if french was against the attack and
> british for, to them we hurt them as a group, and we will all be suffering
> from the revench.
> Much before the attack in NY I talked about that something like that will
> happen, I could not imagine something this big tho. I thought maybe some
> bombs in a few essential places , maybe some poison gas. Did anyone take me
> serious then? No, one laughed at me, called me a pessimist . Does anyone
> listen to me now when I am trying to paint up some horror scenariaes; no.
> As I also said in one posting, if even one person who knew anyone of the
> crew is in AW, the memorial has a place IF it will help the friend family
> cope with the sorrow. Otherwise I still consider it as not neccesary. This
> was not an attack against anyone, it was an accident. Someone screwed up.
> NASA was warned last summer about that the ship(s) are old and not in a very
> good condition anymore, yet they choose to fly.
> Has it ever occured to you, how do the family and friends feel? Has anyone
> ever asked them, do you want everyone to go nuts and start to erect
> monuments, do you want to see your husband been blown to pieces in Tv each
> night, or do you want to be in peace and quiet with close friends and
> family?
> Go and erect as much you want, actually I do not give a shit. I was simply
> trying to think , how do those feels who it REALLY touched. Have you ever
> thought it might be inconsiderate to go and erect in all places?
> Drac, ashamed to be a member of the human race, the most discusting creature
> on earth, the race that will eventually destroy all life on this planet
> ....
Goober King
At least *someone* reads these things!
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 5, 2003, 5:33pm
Then, as I told Count Dracula, complain about all the media hype over
the event. *Don't* complain about people building memorials to the
victims and people honoring their lives properly. It's disrespectful to
the victims as well as to the people who paid tribute. If you're going
to lash out in frustration, at least make sure you have your targets
right. :P
[View Quote]swe wrote:
> gee, and when i say that (in a diffrent type of way >:) ) i get flamed!
> well, i agree with you exactly. more people die from diese, hunger and war
> ever year then 500 september 11ths, but i dont see anyone even bothering to
> donate a penny for them....
> "screb" <paul_zelf at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3e414cec at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> of
> the
> scale
> count
Goober King
Not that anyone actually cares about disrespecting others around here :P
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 6, 2003, 7:28pm
*blink* Ok, that made a lot of sense. Your government makes strict
smoking laws, so therefore you take up smoking in protest? Not exactly
the most glamorous way to go. :P
[View Quote]count dracula wrote:
> Yeah, I am a smoker, but I am a moron also, so it kind of suites me .
> I am a smoker becuase I hated tobacco smoke, I started to smoke cigars to
> piss off the tobacco smokers, who mostly hate cigar smoke. I wanted them to
> feel how it feels when irritating smoke is comming in your eyes, so now both
> smokers and non-smokers hate me lol.
> Second reason was because we got a quite strict smoking law, I belive only
> California has a more strict one. That alone would have made me a smoker,
> because I cannot stand when goverments are telling us what is good for us
> and how we should live.
> Now our goverment is planning to make it illegal to buy sex-services, so I
> might soon have to start using prostitues also, feel free to donate money to
> may paypal account.
> Drac
> yeti <ryangene at sbcglobal.net> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3e41bde6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> can't
> of
> religions
> religion.
> by
> are
> for
Goober King
Well, he got the "moron" part right...
Feb 6, 2003, 7:31pm
Actually, the ACLU gets away with that crap because of 5 magic words:
"Separation of Church and State". Doesn't have much to do with Freedom
of Religion. :P
[View Quote]sw chris wrote:
> It is freedom of religion. The Constitution states so. "Congress shall
> make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
> exercise thereof... ad verbatim..."
> The ACLU and other organizations are aggressively suing people who don't
> agree with their leftist views under the pretext that it violates this
> clause. Stupid rulings, like not making parking available for a religious
> display, or have the Ten Commandments in school. But you can teach classes
> on the Koran, Islam, Confusionism, and other religions. How, may I ask,
> does the ACLU get away with it?
> It has to do with the difference between spirituality and religion.
> Spirituality has nothing to do with religion what so ever. Religion does
> have everything to do with spirituality. The ACLU purposely confuses to
> this point to achieve it's agenda.
> It's not a question of fact. The US's founding fathers were indeed
> religious people. Ben Franklin called for a prayer to open each session of
> the Second Continental Congress. Tom Jefferson, easily the most antiseptic
> person of the founding fathers toward religion, respected and practiced his
> own form of Christianity. Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian
> principles. This is all fact.
> These principles are ingrained into our government to its very core. But
> our government is not religious-anything. It has a spiritual side to it.
> Not a religious one. The difference being that each religion is different
> and expects something out of someone. Spirituality is purposely open-ended.
> In Christianity this is that you have to be saved by accepting Jesus Christ
> as your savior. In Islam it is following the Koran and the teachings of
> Mohammad. But Spirituality has none of these attached to it.
> You see, if you're like me, you believe that for something to be whole, it
> has to have physical, mental, and spiritual sides to it. This is true of
> the government. If the Government cracks down spirituality under the
> pretext that it is religion, it kills off a part of itself and it cannot
> govern affectively, because there is then no moral code on which to base
> legal judgements.
> The Ten Commandments being pulled out of schools are an example of this. So
> is the case where the word "God" was pulled out of the Pledge of Allegiance
> in the western United States. Yes, the The Ten Commandments are
> Judeo-Christian in origin, but do not impose any religious belief on anyone.
> However, they establish the same moral code that the US was based upon.
> There are other moral codes from other religions that say the same thing.
> Therefore they are spiritual in nature, not religious.
> As for God being taken out of the Pledge. The Pledge in its current form in
> the Federal government (not the western us version) does not state what God
> it is referring to. There are gods in every major religion. And for those
> who don't have a religion, those who are atheistic, it does not state that
> they must have a God in order to feel like a loyal citizen of the United
> States. If anyone says that that is what they feel, you can assure them
> noone else thinks they are less of a citizen. So if they continue to hang
> onto that belief, then there is an agenda hidden somewhere. But I digress.
> ;P Because there are gods in all religions, and even to those who don't
> belong to a religion, the word is spiritual in nature, not religious.
> The key paragraph to remember here is that yes Virginia, there is a
> difference between spirituality and religion. Spirituality has nothing to
> do with religion what so ever. Religion does have everything to do with
> spirituality.
> So that's my case. I can't make you go along with it, but that is how it
> really happened. :)
> Chris
> "tony m" <ag5v1u7001 at sneakemail.com> wrote in message
> news:r0v34vskrap06i75v4nd92hbbtshrcfve6 at 4ax.com...
> religion NOT freedom of religion.
> religion (which we have), and then that we _don't_ need freedom of religion?
Goober King
Separation of brain and body
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 8, 2003, 6:46pm
Bowen, might I offer you a suggestion? Don't talk about something you
have no knowledge about. It makes you look like an idiot.
I don't know which USA you live in, but where I come from you can't just
walk around with no clothes on. As Drac suggested, why don't you try
walking down the street with no pants on and see how far you get. It's a
little thing called "indecent exposure", which is a criminal offense no
matter *which* state you go to.
As for marriage, you can't go state hopping and pick up a ton of wives.
There's this little piece of paper called a "marriage license" that you
have to obtain to show that you are legally married to another person.
After that, the only other way you can marry someone else is if you
divorce the first person and nullify that marriage license. Otherwise,
you're practicing bigamy, which is also a criminal offense. And even
though some Mormons may still practice it, polygamy is also a federal
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> "count dracula" <dracula at netsonic.fi> wrote in message
> news:3e44ec40$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Most stores only require a shirt and shoes. There's a sticker on a lot of stores
> that says that. Nothing says you can't go pantless on those stickers.
> Mmm, well here in the states that's handled on a per state basis. So if you get
> married in Colorado you could go to New Mexico and get married again since they don't
> have your name on file.
> I hate feminists too. ;)
> Well... if you're swimming in the Amazon you better hope you have one on, and it has
> no rips in the lacey underware stuff.
> --Bowen--
Goober King
Smells like an idiot
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 10, 2003, 6:21pm
In case Grimble's jab was too subtle, he's referring to Technozeus.
Apparently, he seems to think TZ's head is getting inflated over the 3.4
beta. :P
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> Poseidon? Are you talking about AWTeen because I'd assume AWTeen is more held
> together by Chanty. :O Or maybe Poseidon is a better example because you can use it
> like you did.
> --Bowen--
Goober King
Over-inflated for your protection
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 11, 2003, 12:55am
Way to keep with the times, Brock. This issue has long since been
resolved. :P
[View Quote]brock wrote:
> You know what, leave, that's all i'm going to say, get out of here, and stay
> out. I'm really fed up with this crap.
> --
> Brock - 308723
> AW 3.4 Build: 455
> Brock at iceflare.net
> From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
> "Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
> especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
> In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------
> "mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3e46b0d2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Goober King
Stirring the shit long after it's gone stale
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 13, 2003, 7:27pm
*smack* Pay attention to other threads! :P
[View Quote]strike rapier wrote:
> If its deleted how come I still see it on the worlds list.... :S
> - Mark
> "mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3e46b0d2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Goober King
Always wanted to do that...
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 13, 2003, 10:11pm
Lazy bastard. :P
Basically, A!!CT is open under new management.
[View Quote]strike rapier wrote:
> *smacks back* there is too much rubbish to read in other threads, most of it
> Bruce and co pleading poverty :P Care to be a dear and summarise it?
> - Mark
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3E4C0DFC.4080209 at utn.cjb.net...
> you!
Goober King
All the news that's fit to pimp
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 19, 2003, 7:15pm
They can if you agree to an agreement that says "We reserve the right to
change this agreement whenever we want to, without your permission. So
nyah!" If you agree to that, then you've essentially told the company
"Here you go. Please screw with me!"
[View Quote]swe wrote:
> emm, the company is not allowed to have the right to change the policies
> agreed upon in a contract, they can only change the contract when its time
> for renewal, and the new polices are on the renewal page, other wise, the
> polices do not effect you.
> "king bluemax" <kingbluemax at shucohome.com> wrote in message
> news:3e53d40a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
> time
> "Click
> When
> or
> can
> did
> gonna
> these
> in
> are
Goober King
An open invitation
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 20, 2003, 4:18pm
And like I said, if *you agree to it* then they are allowed to change
it! That's the way the world works. If you see an agreement that says
"We can change whatever whenever." and you say "I Agree", then you just
gave the company free license to do whatever they want to the contract.
If you don't agree to the contract, then they can't change it on you. :)
Oh, and changing a contract, in and of itself, has nothing to do with
consumer rights (if anything, it's about company rights). It's only when
the contract gets changed so that it somehow infringes on a consumer's
rights is when you can start calling the lawyers. And again, this is
only a problem if you *agree* to a contract that has the ability to be
[View Quote]swe wrote:
> but they arent allowed to have it! not sure how it works in america, but
> there is a law stating that you cannot take away any rights of the consumer.
> and, not having the contract changed is pretty much a right.
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3E53F344.8060706 at utn.cjb.net...
> time
> the
> the
> anyone
> a
> aw
> agreement
> sure,
> youve
> comfortably
> no
> the
> the
> agreement,
> released
Goober King
Agree to disagree
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 24, 2003, 3:33pm
The reason that "We" posted the rules first was because that's what
*everyone else* was so concerned with. Maybe if everyone had stopped all
their incessant whining about insignificant rules for a relatively (in
the grand scheme of things) insignificant event, we would never have
reached this point in the first place.
To be honest, I think the main problem with the CY Awards is that it's
not exclusive *enough*. By that I mean, by giving the general community
a voice in how things are run and who gets in, all that can lead to is
bickering about rules, who was more deserving of a nom, why this or that
shouldn't get a CY, ad naseum.
But if it was just Bit and/or the CY Committee calling the shots on
rules, noms, and even the winners (much like the Academy for the
Oscars), then perhaps we'd actually have a legitimate Awards ceremony
rather than something that everyone (it seems) thinks of as a total joke.
[View Quote]sidris wrote:
> Interesting that "We" rushed to publish these new rules yet the rest of the
> site remains totally incomplete. This gives me a very indelible impression
> that "We" is more concered with enforcement issues than the issue of
> recognition of excellence for which the Cy is supposed to stand.
> In their post here, why does "We" even bother to acknowledge the beauty of
> adult worlds and how wonderful the people in these worlds are if these
> worlds are excluded from participating in a COMMUNITY event?
> If adult worlds are not recognized for their efforts and contributions by
> the governors of an event which is supposed to be for all of the AW
> community this would seem to me that such worlds do not even exist to the
> "We" of the awards committee. Hence, the apology "We" offers for
> nonexistent worlds must be absolutely insincere, just a self-defensive
> conciliatory blow off. A feeble appeasement made by a bunch of
> self-righteous, moralistic paranoiac prudes.
> The Cy Awards, most often regarded as a self-serving sham for a very narrow
> clique of inner circle elite, has finally hit rock bottom with their
> self-imposed rule of non-recognition for worlds which comprise a significant
> portion of the AW *community*. Instead of calling this the Cy Award, a
> more apt name might be the Junior Cy awards. Or how about the "Good Clean
> Cy" awards?
> What a crock of crap.
> Sidris
> "cy awards" <cyawards at awcommunity.org> wrote in message
> news:3e568bf3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> this
> will
Goober King
A total joke
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 26, 2003, 11:42pm
Don't make me smack you, Chris. If it really "took a village", then
there wouldn't be a single upstanding citizen left, since people barely
try to know their own neighbors these days, much less the entire
village. If we keep shifting the responsibility off parents and onto
other sources, then parents will stop doing their jobs altogether.
It's not hard for a parent to walk into the room every so often and peek
at what his/her child is look at on that little computer screen. If said
parent doesn't like what he/she sees, it's just as easy to tell the
child to shut the "bad stuff" off.
Now, having said that, I also think putting ratings on everything would
be a great idea. That way, you could include *everyone* in the
community, and at the same time make the parents' jobs that much easier.
Wouldn't want parents to have to ask their kids "So, what's 'Gor' mean?" :P
[View Quote]sw chris wrote:
> If that was suggested last fall, then perhaps things would be different. I
> don't recall anybody even suggesting ratings be posted for any nominee.
> That is a satisfactory way to do things, imo. But what's done is done.
> Most parental responsibilities do not require society to help with raising a
> child. However in this case and any other case like it (Ludicris, eminem,
> good ol' ozzy), I myself still think responsibility for what is made public
> and therefore what kids see lies with everyone, not just the parents (the
> only Hillary Clinton issue Bill and I agree with, I think), and I'm content
> with the decision that the committee made. It takes a village, people! :P
> Chris
> "sidris" <sidris at dslextreme.com> wrote in message
> news:3e5c57c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> me
> effort.
> a
> all
> mean...
> offer
> I
> from
> work.
> content
> something
Goober King
Agreeing with Clinton?! *boggle*
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 27, 2003, 3:39am
Actually, there *was* an X-rated film that won an Oscar (3 Oscars, in
fact); Midnight Cowboy in 1969. :)
And like CarolAnn said, the adult worlds don't get nominated for their
adult content. They just happen to also have adult content in them along
with whatever it is they were nominated for. So if there was a way to
show what the adult world was nominated for, without showing the actual
adult content itself, that would make everyone happy I would hope, yes?
Of course, that could prove tricky for things like Landscaping, where
the only way to see it is to actually visit the world it's in... :-/
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> Because porn isn't nominated for Academy Awards. I don't see a nominee for best
> orgasm faked. Or best BDSM style. Please, spare me from the overly cliche rebuttal
> that Gor isn't porn... it's adult material and that isn't awarded any type of public
> award. No matter what. We're not talking the statue of David or the cieling of the
> Sistine Chappel here, we're talking sexual context and slavery.
> --Bowen--
Goober King
Movie Trivia Buff
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 27, 2003, 3:16pm
*blink* Where do you get this assumption that Goreans are rolling in
dough? Just because they own a world and have their own OPs, that
suddenly means they have all this cash to throw at object modelers and
avatar designers?
Remember what I said about not talking about something you know nothing
about? Well, you're doing it again. :P
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3E5DA4D5.6010400 at utn.cjb.net...
> Ok, so it happened once. It hasn't happened since, has it? That must say that
> either the regulations in 1969 were very lax, or it wasn't really that X-rated.
> I don't think the Oscar's are as community oriented as the Acadmey is, but even if
> they are... one time is pretty freaking rare. And since the CY's are extremely
> community oriented... one should stand that if a world contains adult material, it
> shouldn't even be considered for nomination... no matter how great it is. You can
> probably find something just as great out there if you looked harder. Not to mention
> the point that Gor world owners have a lot of money and probably bought someone to do
> the design/terrain/objects/whathaveyou which totally defeats the point of the CY's
> (awarding someone for their work and not their money).
> Well, I'm sure with things like Landscaping, you can find it almost anywhere else you
> look. There's probably things even better than a Gor world... they just happen to
> come to mind first to make the job of finding a nominee easy and because you know
> they can afford great looking worlds. But, I won't mention the money thing again if
> you don't want me too.
> --Bowen--
> rebuttal
> public
> the
Goober King
'Tis better to remain silent and thought a fool than to etc, etc, etc...
gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Feb 27, 2003, 3:50pm
So now you're saying that someone shouldn't be eligible for a CY unless
they made everything themselves? You, of course, realize that you're
pretty much excluding almost *everyone* with that statement, especially
builders in the public building worlds, since they didn't make any of
the objects they used either, right? So much for making the CY awards
community-oriented. :P
I challenge you to find a world where *all* the objects and avatars were
made by the owner(s), without a single purchase or donation. I can
almost guarantee you that any such worlds that you do find will be in
the vast minority.
At any rate, I don't know why you had to bring the money issue into
this, since it doesn't matter how much money you have. If you can't use
your purchases well, then all you did was waste your money. And besides,
if an avatar or object gets nominated, the CY Committee is smart enough
to track down the original creator of said avatar/object and award the
Award to them. Sounds to me like you're just looking for excuses. :P
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3E5E4738.2020301 at utn.cjb.net...
> How do you buy a world? How do you get an OP? Oh wait, how do you get all those
> nicely designed objects that are part of sets that are for sale on sites like
> Filmkr's? Oh wait, MONEY! Gee, I didn't think it was that hidden.
> Even if you have all those people working together to buy it, that money came from
> some place. Oh wait, it's still money. Point me to an abundance of Gor worlds that
> don't have their own objects (or didn't buy objects from sets) and don't own their
> own world (hang out in a free world), and don't have an OP that wasn't bought (IE, AW
> or Ananas' OP).
> I didn't say "rolling in the dough," nor did I imply they're super rich. I just said
> they had money, and they've used it. I would hold this stance even if it wasn't a
> Gor world that was nominated for something they bought with money.
> --Bowen--
Goober King
All about the money
gooberking at utn.cjb.net