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New AW Host

Jun 24, 2003, 6:46pm
Oh, no! Not another one. ;)


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New AW Host

Jun 24, 2003, 6:58pm
Thanks for the kind comments, Leaf. I don't have the full version of
Macromedia Flash. I just used a simpler program with built-in text
effects to make it (it was a lot easier and much faster to make).


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Looking for world/bot host

Jun 30, 2003, 2:07pm
Try :)



Jul 1, 2003, 11:30am
Do you only have your world on-line when you are on-line? I just tried
to enter both "data" and "fernwood" but got the ole "There is no world
called X running at this time" message.


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[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 4, 2003, 6:14pm
Robbie is a great modeler and this building set shows it. :) This is
perfect for anyone wanting to setup a gaming world (such as a first
person shooter, paintball, or anything else). Plus, the price isn't very
high for all that you get (especially for all the time and work put into
it). Good luck with your citizenship, Robbie.


VR Radio & TV Database - Is Anyone Interested??

Jul 8, 2003, 2:33am
Sounds like a good idea to me, PC hard. If you need a host for the site,
I'd be willing to host it for free.



Jul 8, 2003, 12:42pm
Oh boy, where to begin?

Help find new drugs for cancer and other things by simply using your

Read about the latest medical studies:

And there was an article yesterday on about a
wand-type device that had an 80%+ success rate of detecting certain
types of cancer in five minutes (instead of about 45 mins in an MRI).

As for people seeing again, I haven't read anything new about that. But
I did see on TV about this one person who lost their hearing for five
years and got a cocular (sp?) ear implant and they can now hear pretty
well again. These things take time. Just as one company or group throw
lots of money at a "fun" tech device, there are others that are throwing
just as much money (if not more) for more beneficial things. In a recent
PC magazine, they listed about a dozen different things in development
that'll make great strides -- such as organic LEDs, biosensors,
self-driving cars, fuel cells, etc.

Go study some nanotech and quantum physics, Weebo, and get us some
quantum computers up and running and then should speed things up. ;)


Hey ENZO - Whats next?

Jul 9, 2003, 10:12am
Maybe AW will target machinima next? :)

If you don't know what machinima is, go here:,1282,59566,00.html


Hey ENZO - Whats next?

Jul 10, 2003, 2:20pm
Oh, I don't know...maybe something like
? :)


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A!!CT looking for new host

Jul 15, 2003, 12:18pm
While I believe in Steve Gibson's views like you, Andras, and I try my
best when it comes to hosting, I wouldn't even call myself "the best."
But I thank you for the kind words. :) Coming from you, that means a


[View Quote] >
> The best hosting you can get is Builderz's! (He is even better than my hosting!!)
> --
> Andras
> "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)

A!!CT looking for new host

Jul 15, 2003, 1:19pm

I'd be willing to host A!!CT for you. I *do* host worlds and bots on a
DSL connection, but I constantly monitor how much upstream and
downstream bandwidth that goes through it. I host about 5 worlds and 8
bots and the average amount of traffic they use is about 10kbps. When
things are idle, it is much less. I could host A!!CT with or without the
world remote admin tool enabled (so you could do propdumps, change
caretakers, etc). Also, if you need bot hosting, I do that as well (FTP
access included, upon request).

All world data is automatically backuped twice a day and manually each
week. I also offer Web site and OP hosting (the server for that is in a
professional data center that is connected to a network with over ten
high-speed backbones). I've been hosting TheMask's OP that uses the
MultiPath PHP script for months and he hasn't had any problems with it.
At last count, I think half a dozen worlds use it.

As for downtime, the only time I take the servers offline is to do
system maintenance, patch things, do a full system backup, or update
software (that may sound like a lot, but it isn't). The Web/OP server
had close to 100% uptime last month and about the same this month so
far. Obviously, if a backhoe cuts a fiber optic line at my ISP or some
other incident happens that is out of my control, my connection will go
down. However, I haven't gotten any complaints from those that host so

I also host things for those in other countries, and my customers say
that they get very good speeds there. I'm an honest host and won't steal
your passwords or any nonsense like that. Tell you what, I'll host A!!CT
and any related bots free for seven (7) days so you can see how my
service performs. If you don't like it, then you can find another host
and keep your money. If you are interested, please e-mail me telegram
me. Thanks.


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Aw video5 released

Jul 16, 2003, 2:33pm
Very well done! I think you should figure out some way to market these
videos or to get non-AW users to see them. I think the same technology
could be used to make a short 30 second TV ad (if AWI had the money or
willingness to advertise, that is). Maybe you could try and get one or
more of them included in a CD-ROM with a popular magazine or related
conferences or seminars (maybe the AW reunion).


Cy Directors

Jul 18, 2003, 3:52am
Maybe Pineriver can make one for you, Bit. :)


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Decleration of Independence (AW)

Jul 21, 2003, 2:41am
See my comments below:

[View Quote] LOL, sites rarely (if ever) shut themselves down (I should now, I host
them). Care to give us the real reason? Didn't comply with the host's
AUP? Spamming? A DoS attack on the site? Accidental deletion? Not enough

> From what I understand, one thing just as important as considering
> declaration is AW is a company with customers and investors, although I've
> been unable to get information about how they receive their funding.

AW isn't run by a publicly traded company anymore, but you can check out
AWC's old SEC filings and stock quotes for financial information.

> AW is my family, (I know others feel the same way) and I think it very
> important that all necessary steps to ensure job security of its employees
> and a working program to the citizens be recognized through the process of a
> democracy at all times. Let's face it, without bucks, they and we don't
> prosper.

Job security in today's economy? AW is your "family?" Do you realize how
many former AW employees there are now? Even Ron Britvich (Protagonist)
doesn't work on AW anymore. I know just as many people that would rather
see AWI be taken over/bought out/acquired and run by someone/something
else than have AW be run by AWI. Oh, and I wouldn't be worried about AW
having "bucks." Read this (taken from

"Our Uniserver licensees include such organizations as Boeing, Carlsberg
Beer, Centropolis Studios, Philips, NASA, Siemens and even an agency of
the United States Government. Some world licensees include the
University of Colorado, Scandinavia Online, the Canadian Ministry of
Education, the University of London, Telecom PTT Switzerland and the
Amsterdam Stock Exchange."


Bots N Privacy

Jul 21, 2003, 2:22am
Three ways to explain to a visitor of your world what bots in it are
doing? Next you'll be expecting each world owner to write their own
privacy policy for their world and have their bot read it to you upon
entry. No offense, but I'd be realistic and not expect world owners to
comply with your request. If you are worried about your privacy and/or
are chatting about sensitive material, than use an instant message
client with encryption, PGP encrypted e-mail, a VPN, or some other type
of secure communications medium instead of AW. As far as I know, almost
everything can be logged except whispers (even then, they probably COULD
be logged using a hacked or hex edited version of a world server).

AW, for the most part, is a public place. Lots of worlds I go to have
the bot announce to everyone else in that world that I just entered.
Privacy cannot be guaranteed in places like this. I'd politely ask the
world owner or world caretakers about their policies, and if you don't
like them or agree to them, then kindly leave. Maybe you'd be better
suited in a private world with no bots that you host yourself? If you
really want what you say to be done by most AW citizens, then try to get
AWI to add your suggestions into their Conduct Guidelines
( and/or Content
Guidelines (


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- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojans

Jul 22, 2003, 3:15pm
Trust me, OneSummer is *not* a hacker, cracker, or script kiddie. She is
always hosting community events and I host two bots for her in BluPearl
world. If she sent you a telegram, it was probably to warn you *not* to
click on a link or something. She's been a target of various "trouble
makers" (had to use your word, BinaryBud ;) in the past and hardly ever
is the cause of such problems. Another possibility is that she herself
clicked on the bot link and her account password was stolen and someone
else sent the telegram to you under her name.


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Jul 22, 2003, 6:26pm
How about Ryan's house, next Friday at 8 PM? ;P


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Jul 22, 2003, 7:00pm
It was meant as a joke (hence the ;P). I should have been more specific
and said "Ryan's real house" (as in physical home in the real world).


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Jul 23, 2003, 5:10pm
Are you talking about all of the Star Trek related stuff on the path?
I've read articles in the past about Paramount or VIACOM taking "fan
sites" down due to copyright or trademark infringement, but nothing
related to Star Trek avs or objects yet. ;) Although I did hear
something about a Stargate SG-1 AW thing being shut down.


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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 3:21pm
Are you trying to look at your telegram files with the AW browser still
open? That may give you a "already open" or "already in use" error.


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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 3:23pm
I'm not sure, but I think the AW newsgroup server doesn't update
password changes immediately, so Calhoun can still use his old password
for the time being to post.


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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 3:57pm
Look at it this way:

1. AWI is a small company with probably less than a dozen full-time
2. This AW "Toolkit"/Trojan horse thing just started last night (ET), as
far as I know.
3. AWI probably has gotten dozens of e-mails from people just like you
who clicked/downloaded the malicious file. It takes time to reply to
everyone and get their account issues resolved.
4. If you want a fast answer, go call the AWI offices at (978) 499-0222.
5. I don't believe in this personally, but others have said it in the
past: "If you are stupid enough to click on a link like that, then you
deserve what you get."


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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 7:18pm
Yes, you should always have world backups. It isn't hard to make the
admin tool to make a backup automatically once or twice a day. Also, you
should do manual backups at least once a week (depending how often you
build or make changes to your world, you could backup more or less).


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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 7:49pm
If you need world hosting, I'd be happy to host all three of the worlds
for free so you won't have to use your Internet connection for them. All
worlds I host are automatically backuped twice daily and at least once
per week manually.


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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 23, 2003, 12:31pm
Yes, they would be up most/all of the time. But you could make the
worlds private (only allow certain users in) or have bots in there that
eject certain people.


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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 24, 2003, 12:50am
Goober, you better lay low man and watch your back. We don't take kindly
to Ritalin pusher's 'round here. ;P


[View Quote] <snip>
> Goober King
> Ritalin pusher
> awnews at

Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 24, 2003, 12:57am
Duo, does your anti-virus or anti-Trojan scanner support/use heuristics?
Does your firewall alert you to unknown programs trying to make outbound
connections to the Internet? If not, then come on down -- *you're* the
next contestant on "The Trojan Is Right!" ;P


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OneSummer a Hacker?

Jul 22, 2003, 3:17pm
Trust me, OneSummer is *not* a hacker, cracker, or script kiddie. She is
always hosting community events and I host two bots for her in BluPearl
world. If she sent you a telegram, it was probably to warn you *not* to
click on a link or something. She's been a target of various "trouble
makers" (had to use your word, BinaryBud ;) in the past and hardly ever
is the cause of such problems. Another possibility is that she herself
clicked on the bot link and her account password was stolen and someone
else sent the telegram to you under her name.


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OneSummer a Hacker?

Jul 22, 2003, 6:19pm
That's a feature of the AW unisever, so AWI can log them or not log them
at will.


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OneSummer a Hacker?

Jul 22, 2003, 6:25pm
What I meant is that at anytime they have the option to either turn
telegram logging on or off. So they can enable or disable telegram
logging "at will" for all users. I'm unsure if they can log or not log
individual users' telegrams and not others, however. You can do the same
if you own your own universe.


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