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World Sever Problem

Nov 5, 2003, 1:38pm
Ah, I see what you mean now, Weebo. I, too, never had any problems with
running world servers through a router or firewall -- people just need
to setup the proper rules and allow the right ports through. It really
only takes a few minutes to do once you know how to do it for your
particular setup. But telling others to simply disable their firewall
outright isn't very good advice.

The only problem I had was an issue with "loop back support" on my
router. I was trying to host a world on one server and a bot that
connected to that world on another server (both were behind my router).
The bot didn't want to connect to the world. It had to go out to the
'Net via my local LAN and then come "back in" to the world server (hence
the name loop back). All I had to do was update the router with a new
version of firmware which added support for this and it solved the problem.


[View Quote] > Thanks builderz,
> Reason I mentioned this is that I have heard from more than one person that
> they were told that world servers would not work with a firewall. I quickly
> disagreed and wanted this world thread started due to amount of telegrams
> i've been getting in AW about their world and another reason I suggested a
> central place of information. I ran my personal world servers thru firewalls
> and routers with different networks and never had any major problems. I have
> tested the world servers many different ways firewalls reacted with
> different settings.
> Thinking again, this might be a new way some folks are trying to get folks
> to disable. Pk's might need a heads up.
> Thanks Again,
> Weebo

World Sever Problem

Nov 5, 2003, 1:51pm
The Web (HTTP) server shouldn't be that hard, but don't forget to
assign/open some extra ports on the FTP server for those that use
passive mode. Also note that people may not be able to connect using
passive mode and must connect using the standard FTP port number (TCP
21) instead (it depends on your router).

If you get your local machine's static IP addresses setup, you could try
to connect to your own FTP server via the LAN first to see which
mode/settings work best. I tried two different FTP servers (for my
Windows systems) before I found one that I liked and got along nice with
my router. Good luck.


[View Quote] > Thanks a lot Andras. I had problems with my files transfers and yesterday I
> was trying to play with these "Virtual Servers" they're on my router, now I
> understand better and as I can see it's mostly a port thing. Fortunatly it
> will be easier to solve my problems with your post :-) Networks are more
> complicated than I thought eheh. Now I have to set up my HTTP and FTP Server
> and I have this feeling that I'll have to put a lot of time on it :-p
> -Weizer

Just for Grins (from Fred Langa)

Nov 10, 2003, 3:10pm
ROFL! That was great, Andras. I'm usually on at least two conference
calls each week.


Just wondering...

Nov 23, 2003, 9:06pm
I don't think there is anyway to change the font within AW. You may be
able to do it using some other program, however.

Funny you should mention the "I" and "l" similarities...

Years ago when citizenships were free, people tried to impersonate
others using this tactic. For example, Builderz would be BuiIderz or Ima
Genius would be lma Genius. However, the real characters appear
correctly when viewing them in a chat log (text file).


[View Quote] > Are you able to change the font for Activeworlds?It is confusing because the
> "I" looks exactly the same as an "l"
> --Ronan

Just wondering...

Nov 23, 2003, 11:19pm
While that may be true, I think Ronan was talking about the font of the
text in the main chat window. :)


[View Quote] > If you change your windows default font you can see the difference in the
> rightclick menu.

Hosting Services

Nov 24, 2003, 4:38am
Passing along a shameless plug:

Or try :)


[View Quote]

Hosting Services

Nov 26, 2003, 3:46am
Wait, we are plugging RPGs now? Okay, try this one:


[View Quote] > or... well... um... oh yeah! kick butt role playing world...
> J

My INTREPID is better than your INTREPID

Nov 24, 2003, 4:40am
Hope you aren't talking about my world called Intrepid...


[View Quote] > yes D a n, my INTREPID is better than your INTREPID!

Microsoft making a pop-up blocking IE next year

Nov 25, 2003, 1:20am
I mentioned this on another post. BTW, other Web browsers, such as
Mozilla, have had built-in pop-up blockers for a while.


[View Quote] > it is like 2 weeks old news.. but if ya havent heard it.. "Microsoft plans
> to add pop-up blocking features to Internet Explorer next year as part of
> its Service Pack 2 update for Windows XP"

Microsoft making a pop-up blocking IE next year

Nov 25, 2003, 10:20am
Yes, some toolbars block pop-ups, too. If you need a FREE decent pop-up
blocker, go here:


[View Quote] > Google Toolbar :D!!!!!
> has one too
[View Quote]

Oldtimers - come forward:o)

Dec 17, 2003, 10:41pm
I hope I count as an "oldtimer." :) My citizen number is 92986 and I've
been here since late 1995, but didn't officially "register" until Aug
15, 1996 (I went by a different name back then). Although, my total time
online is only about 40 days, according to the AWB.

I forget exactly how I first heard of AW, but I think it was mentioned
long ago on an old computer-related TV show. As for my username
Builderz, I think I originally tried Builder (since I enjoyed building
at the time), but it was already taken. So I simply added a 'z' at the
end of it (can't remember why I did) and that was that. I used to build
a lot in the past, but nowadays I mainly focus on providing AW hosting
(see my link near the bottom of the post for more on that).

I could go on and on about stories back from my "hey day" in AW, but
I'll just point out a few interesting/funny things:

1. When COF was in the process of "acquiring" Worlds, Inc., certain
things were delayed due to the transition. I had a trial world at the
time and got an extra two months out of it due to the change of hands,
which I thought was pretty cool.

2. Protagonist (one of the main people behind AW) visited my trial world
once. We chatted for about five minutes and I still have screenshots
of it somewhere. While it may not seem like much now, I was thrilled at
the time.

3. I e-mailed Roland (who is now at Maxis I think) about a world server
problem and helped him fix an issue with the uniserver and world servers
running on high port numbers. I think this was before the beta program

4. One of the first things I did (after honing my building skills) was
to discover the Wildwest world. For those that don't know, almost every
user there gets a ton of rights (build, ED, etc). But back then, I just
assumed someone had forgotten about their world, misconfigured it, and
decided to use it to build in.

So myself and a few good friends spent an entire week building a large
underground city there -- only to find out after the fact that everyone
else had the same rights as us! So someone came in, found it, and
deleted 75% of the city (wrecking the entire project). That was one of
classic AW mistakes. :)

5. I went on a real life date with someone I met in AW from another
state. We broke off the relationship a few months later, but I never
would have imagined I would end up going on a date with another AW user
when I first started using the program. :)

6. Last (but not least) I remember all of the great parties in AW by so
many talented people (take Just In and OneSummer, for example). Whoever
says that they are bored in AW obviously hasn't found the right places
to hang out yet. I remember attending some "virtual parties" until my
eyes were bloodshot and I couldn't read the scrolling chat text anymore.

Okay, I think I might have gone on a tangent just a bit. ;) Any other
"AW oldtimers" care to jump in?


[View Quote] > i am reluctant to admit myself to the hallowed halls of the "Oldtimers" but
> perhaps i stand on the threshold...just.
> Are there any left? Lara... i know YOU are out there somewhere :o)) AW would
> be finished if you were not around
> Stand up for sound off.................come on guys.......please.....

Active Worlds 3.0 Progress

Dec 1, 1999, 9:24pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Greetings, all. Glad to be back to the newsgroups. ;-) For all of those
that were living under a rock, AWCI is working on version 3.0 of Active
Worlds. Information concerning the status of the new Active Worlds 3.0
can be found here. Also, I have one quick question. Is it against the
charter to attach files to posts in the community newsgroup (such as
graphics or .zip files)?


Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Greetings, all. Glad to be back to the newsgroups. ;-) For all of those
that were living under a rock, AWCI is working on version 3.0 of Active
Worlds. Information concerning the status of the new Active Worlds 3.0
can be found <a href="">here</a>.
Also, I have one quick question. Is it against the charter to attach files
to posts in the community newsgroup (such as graphics or .zip files)?


Fake Cy's Must Be Stopped!

May 25, 2000, 12:08am
And lose a reasonable amount of their income? I don't think so. Taking
away someone's world would be too harsh a punishment. True, something
should be done; but taking people's worlds away isn't going to fix this
problem. Mentioning something about the issue in AW's Content Guidelines
( might work. Also, world owners
that have received the CY Award...password protect the CY Award model (if
it isn't already) to hamper people from trying to steal it.


[View Quote] > I Think We Should Get AWCOM Should make a warning message such as
> 'If You use Cy's In Your World And Did Not Win Them Your World Will BE
> Removed'

Quick Poll

May 26, 2000, 11:07am
I vote B) I like em! But I think the older textures should still be on the
server (under a different name) so we can still use them if necessary.


[View Quote] > Because I am bored and feel like ranting, I've decided to post this
> quick poll, just to see what the general consensus is on the following
> issue:
> What do you think about the new textures that were replaced recently?
> A) I like em! They should stay!
> B) I like em! But I think the older textures should still be on the
> server (under a different name) so we can still use them if necessary.
> C) I don't like em. I think the old textures should be restored, and the
> new textures offered under different names.
> D) I hate em! Get rid of them entirely and restore the old textures!
> I mainly referring to the textures that were "converted" to the new
> Hi-res versions, but it can refer to all the Hi-Res if you want :)
> --
> Goober King
> Gets up in your face and shouts "Wouldja like ta take a surrr-vaay?!"

What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 13, 2000, 10:58am
Here are some highlights from that may
clear up a few things:
--AWCI does not discriminate based on sex, age, gender, sexual orientation,
ethnicity, culture, religion or socio-economic status.
--Please refrain from using Active Worlds for the following activities:
1. Displaying material containing nudity, pornography, or sexual material of a
lewd, lecherous or obscene nature and intent or that violate local, state and
national laws.
2. Providing material that is grossly offensive to the online community,
including blatant expressions of bigotry, prejudice, racism, hatred or excessive
--We reserve the right to suspend or remove any world, objects or properties
from the Active Worlds universe which is brought to our attention and which we
find, in our sole discretion, violates any of these content guidelines or
otherwise is in violation of the law.
--AWCI does not actively monitor the content of the worlds in Active Worlds, but
we will investigate complaints of violation of these guidelines.
--Please submit any such complaints to abuse at
--The opinions and views expressed in the Active Worlds Universe do not reflect
those of AWCI. The contents of the Worlds are not reviewed in any way before
they appear in the Active Worlds Universe.
--AWCI is not responsible for the content in any of the Worlds. Users are solely
responsible for their properties and everything contained in their own Worlds.
AWCI does not verify, endorse or otherwise vouch for the contents of any World.
Users may be held legally liable for the contents of their Worlds.


A Step in the Right Direction...

Jun 8, 2000, 11:52pm


[View Quote] > Once again, I've been inspired to rant. But for once, it's actually *in
> defense* of COF. You can shoot me later, but hear me out first. :)


A Step in the Right Direction...

Jun 9, 2000, 2:44am
There is a broken link which needs fixing, Eep. The link about Russell Freeland (Dataman) points to, but should point to (no slash at the end). Just wanted to point that out. ;-)


[View Quote] > My AW history page ( goes into a bit more detail on this issue.

Protecting Children

Jul 13, 2000, 3:24pm
How can a parent possibly watch a child 24/7, though? It's nearly impossible. I
agree with BirdMike's idea. It wouldn't be that hard to implement (you can make a
simple password protected text box in Visual Basic in one minute's time). I see no
reason why this SHOULDN'T be added to the feature set. It will give parents one
less thing to worry about.


[View Quote] > AW already has one that works every time... It's called 'Parental
> Supervision'... (get off your (generically speaking... I'm sure this doesn't
> apply to you personally...) duff and go see what the kid(s) are up to...)
> It always amazes me how people want software to deal with issues they
> themselves can't seem (are too lazy) to handle... If a Parent hasn't the
> 'resources' to prevent their kids from viewing content inappropriate for their
> age then why would they expect software to...???
> My 2 cents... (feel free to ignore or argue the point instead of checking in
> on where 'the kids' are viewing... :-) )
[View Quote]

Protecting Children

Jul 14, 2000, 7:42pm
"I'v no doubt your kid(s) never act their age" Tyrell, I'm only 17, let alone have kids.
Actually, I don't even have a girlfriend (but that's besides the point ;o). I was just
voicing my opinion on the matter.


[View Quote] > I guess I'm from the 'old school'... I grew up (and then raised my kids) with the
> understanding that if something wasn't allowed then I'd (they'd) better not do it...
> Of course, being a kid (at one time) I'd sometimes see how far I could get away with
> ignoring the rules. I found it was a lot more enjoyable to do as instructed then try
> and get away with something I knew wasn't acceptable.
> If a child is raised properly (and I'm not saying kids won't behave contrary from time
> to time. At those times however, if the parent is doing their job instead of watching
> TV, corrective action can be administered) then it shouldn't be necessary to watch
> them '24/7'... The fact that 'your' kid(s) don't listen when they'r told not to do
> something isn't something ActiveWorlds should have to deal with...
> The parents that try and pass their responsibility off on others (like School or
> Software Companies) are the same ones who wring their hands when the kid turns 18 (or
> whatever the age of responsibility is now-a-days) and end up in jail. Of course it's
> everyone fault but theirs...
> (again, this isn't 'aimed' at you. I'v no doubt your kid(s) never act their age... :-)
> )
> --
> Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi"
> "No matter where you go...there you are."
> ICQ UN - 272905
> All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.

Too lame to write a subject

Jun 21, 2000, 8:43pm
Are you using Windows 98 or Windows 98SE? Where did you get your copy from? Try
using the built-in Windows Update feature and/or downloading the latest drivers
for your hardware if you hadn't already.


[View Quote] > Ummm, I know this is hella off topic, but isn't Win98 supposed to be
> more reliable then 95? I mean, the Blue Screen of Death has popped up
> 30+ times today-and it wont lemme reset the resolution (Either that or
> its a discrepency between my new cheapo SiS card and the old monitor

Interview With Criterion Software's David Lau-Kee

Dec 4, 2000, 9:05pm
An interview about RenderWare 3 (the 3D engine which Active Worlds uses)
with Criterion Software's David Lau-Kee can be found at the following
URL: Check it out
while you wait for the AW server(s) to be fixed. :)


Tips on Hosting Worlds

Dec 24, 2000, 12:28pm
As far as I know, the current AW servers and most, if not all, bots do
NOT support dual processors. This may change in the upcoming AW 3.1 or
later version, however.


[View Quote] <snip>
> I may charge a 10 dollar set up fee, and then 50 a year, when i get my new
> duel prossor server..
> Yw
> Joeman

World Hosting

Dec 31, 2000, 12:39pm
Lanezeri is partly correct. True, you usually DO need to reboot if you
install something that does massive changes to the registry in a Windows
OS, but what if the server computer isn't running a Windows OS? You need
to worry about power outages. Does your server computer(s) have a
dedicated UPS? What about OS upgrades/updates and security patches?
Don't forget that hardware can also "fizzle out" over time. Its not
likely, but it does happen. Also, don't forget hackers. I hope your
server(s) have at the very least a good, solid software based firewall
and anti-virus program running 24/7 along with the other worlds you
host. And here's the kicker...don't forget to UPDATE your firewall
firmware (if you have a hardware based firewall), check for firewall
updates (if you use a software based firewall), and update your
anti-virus definitions regularly. An anti-virus product won't do any
good using virus definitions from two years ago. People think that the
hardest part is getting the bandwidth and you just plug in a box,
install some worlds, and there you go. Its rarely that easy. However, I
commend both God Zedle and Joeman that you are utilizing your resources
and helping others in the Active Worlds community free of charge. =)


[View Quote]

World Hosting

Apr 25, 2001, 5:28pm
I've already done this numerous times using several on-line security
scanners (not just the one located at with numerous

Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services

[View Quote]

Did the duct tape go undone again?

Jan 3, 2001, 10:13am
Are you referring to and/or :)


[View Quote]

Letter to, Inc.

Jan 6, 2001, 12:00am
I concur with you, Lanezeri. To my knowledge, HamFon and Roland are the
only two "main" programmers working for, Inc.


[View Quote]

Off topic maybe, but....

Jan 10, 2001, 1:23am
Trekker: You didn't say whether it was an LCD flat screen or a CRT one.
I don't recommend a flat screen LCD. A flat screen CRT would probably be
okay. I just read this in the February 2001 issue of Maxium PC: "The
problem with all LCD displays is that such monitors only have one
'natural' resolution, and when you set your monitor to run at different,
lower resolutions, the picture becomes a blurry mess due to
interpolation." So obviously, this would be a very bad choice to use
with 3D gaming glasses. As far as monitor size goes, I would go with at
LEAST a 17" monitor. I've read reviews of 3D gaming glasses that
basically implied "the bigger the monitor, the better the experience."

Dennis13: What brand/type of 3D gaming glasses are you getting? 3D
shutter glasses? Glasses from Some other

Has been a citizen since 1995 and wishes he had a copy of the AW 3.1
beta =)

[View Quote]


Jan 10, 2001, 6:57pm
I believe you can use ports 1024 to 65535 to host a world server (on a
Windows based machine). It is not limited to the 7000 port range. The
default port the world server uses is 7777, which Tini uses as well (for
more information about Tini, please see


[View Quote]

3.1 Survey. :)

Jan 17, 2001, 1:34am
Besides those already on the beta, I'd have to say:
1. Eep - Enough said. Do I need to go into more detail?
2. 2MuChCoFfEe - For personal reasons. =)
3. 00RUSS - A great friend and programmer of mine. Too bad he doesn't
have a 3D card to use the AW 3.1 beta though. ;oP Maybe he'll get on the
AW 3.2 beta...
4. Lanezeri - One of my good on-line friends. He may be annoying
sometimes and pick unwanted fights, but he's actually more intelligent
than the newbies who have been posting to these forms lately (come
on...he really isn't that bad) and isn't afraid to speak his mind.
5. XelaG - Two years of bot programming? He deserves it (if he isn't on
the beta already).
6. John Viper - He seems to have his head on straight.
7. Grover - Just let him on for Pete's sake. Just take a look at any of
his avatars/objects. ;)
8. Tyrell - Another old timer who would probably be a great beta tester.
9. Myself - Why? Well, for starters, I've been a citizen of Active
Worlds ever since 1995 (even longer than Eep has been a citizen). I know
how to build, I host both bots and worlds, I'll be creating several bots
in the coming months, I know how to submit quality beta reports, I have
mutliple computers to test the beta on, and I was the one who came up
with the name ImaTowns and gave permission to Ima Genius to use it. =)
10. Anyone that owns their own galaxy server or their own universe - So
they know what's ahead and what's to come.
11. Datedman/Dataman/DM's Ghost (Russell Freeland) - Eh, why not? For
"good old times sake." :)
12. All of my old on-line friends I lost back in 1996 - If they saw AW
now, they would kill to be on the beta.

Builderz (Under development)

[View Quote]


Jan 17, 2001, 1:31am
Or it could just be that he craves massive amounts of attention (which
would make sense with him capitalizing almost every word in his


[View Quote]

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