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builderz // User Search
builderz // User Searchbot serverJun 5, 2000, 5:22pm
I agree 100% with you, Eep. I currently host five worlds and four bots on one Win 98 machine over a DSL connection. It would be much easier using a "bot server" then having three Preston's and one Xelagbot running...
-Builderz [View Quote] > Since XelaG doesn't seem like he's going to release his bot server, I'll make a request here. I want to run bots remotely alongside world servers. Now while Linux bot servers may not be possible at this time, Win9x/NT ones should be. It would be nice to be able to control the bots through a GUI (like Faber's Preston's would be good) but have the actual bot run with the world server. Ideally the bots should be integrated INTO the world server and/or AW itself but the bot server will have to suffice for now. Any takers? Weather SystemJul 4, 2000, 12:41pm
-Builderz [View Quote] > I want to create a weather system in my world. If someone ahs some > information or an idea we can talk . mark_hooks at Bot HostingJul 16, 2000, 11:43am
I will be offering commercial bot/world hosting in the next few weeks. I'm currently discussing a deal with JKMT to be their official
bot hoster. =) About how much RAM you would need to host depends on which bots you are going to host, if they use any scripts or have automated tasks, and the complexity of those scripts/tasks. Prestons, Xelagbots, Magsbots, Hambots, custom bots, etc. all take up different amounts of RAM. In my experience, the bare MINIMUM amount of RAM you would need to host a decent amount of bots would be 96MB (but 128MB is recommended). The more, the better. Also, try not to buy Generic type of RAM. Get good quality memory from a well known source. You could have 1GB of RAM in your hosting machine, but will it be stable enough to run 24/7, or will it keep crashing all of the time? On the pricing issue, I would think that $3-$5 per month per bot is the BASIC rate you should charge. Of course, it would depend on what type of bot you would be hosting. A simple bot that greets people when they enter a world would be much less expensive then a full blown paintball bot. Another thing to point out...will you configure the bot for the user, or will they send/transfer it to you pre-configured? What type of connection do you have? 28.8k? 33.6k? 56k? Cable? Satellite? DSL? T1? Higher of lower? You could probably get by on a 56k modem, if you stayed connected to the net almost 24/7 (and used a "keep alive" tool to ping your ISP). I know of one person that hosts about three worlds over a 56k modem and (ironically) doesn't have too much lag Another thing to point out...if you yourself can not host bots, then look into telnet and/or shell accounts. They are relatively inexpensive for the amount of space you can get. I have yet to come across any good, free shell accounts, though. I believe Realm-Corp ( uses a Linux shell account to host all of their bots/worlds. Finally, if you plan to be connected to the 'Net for an extended amount of time (or 24/7), make sure you have all of the latest security patches for the OS you wish to use. I would also highly suggest that you run a firewall on the hosting machine (if you don't have one already). Visit the world Russ (which I also host ;o) for some good "Anti-Hacking" tools. As you can see, there are certainly a lot of things to think about before getting into hosting. =) -Builderz [View Quote] > I am thinking of offering bot hosting 24/7 (not including various downtimes ;) ). > > I'd like so opinions about this. Would you use this kind of service? What sort of downtime would be acceptable to you? Would you pay > for it? > > Thanks! > -Agent1 VB sdk source codeNov 28, 2000, 10:05pm is the full URL to the bot
source code. -Builderz WHo here dosnt liek Lanezeri?Aug 2, 2001, 6:43pm
I like Lanezeri because he is an employee of my company, a hard worker,
and a good friend. He is definitely an outspoken person, but like I've said in the past: if you get to know him, you might just like him. Anyway, if it is a flame war you want, go to news:// and check out OffTopic.flames. Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use) ZeebotAug 2, 2001, 11:49pm
I get a "The page cannot be found" error when trying to access the URL
listed and a "This page is not available." when trying to access I'll say it sure is beta. ;) Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use) [View Quote] ZeebotAug 28, 2001, 5:43pm
TrekkerX, I regret that you feel Stuff-X is "evil" and that you get the
impression that we seem to think we are better than others. Let me just say I have never once said "Stuff-X is better than AWC, ImaTowns, Synergy Corp., and [insert another popular AW hosting provider here] put together" or tried to personally slander another hosting company. How exactly is Stuff-X "acting better" than "everyone else?" Could you please give me specific reasons or actions to back up your opinion? I don't wish to start a flame war with you, I would just like an honest answer to my question. I believe that you may be confusing Lanezeri's attitude with the attitude of Stuff-X. I admit Lanezeri is a very outspoken person, but I have no control over what he chooses to post in these newgroups nor what the content of those postings are. The sole reason I hired him was to create bots for Stuff-X and he currently has the title of "Lead Bot Programmer." I look over each and every line of the coding of the bots that he creates and make any modifications to it that I see fit (that is why no bots are publicly available yet). I didn't hire him to get into fights in the newsgroups and I am not responsible for his words or actions. Unfortunately, if Lanezeri posted a rude or offensive comment in these newsgroups and he has "Stuff-X" somewhere in his signature, some may think that it gives a negative tone or feel towards the Stuff-X company as a whole. Let me just mention that *I* am listed as the "Public Relations" person on the Stuff-X staff page (located at and Lanezeri is *not* (nor any other Stuff-X staff member). What he or any other staff members of Stuff-X may say in a posting, in Active Worlds, in e-mail, etc. may not reflect the opinions of Stuff-X as a company and Stuff-X may not agree with those comments. For an official Stuff-X response or stance on an issue, you should ask/contact *me* and *me* only. Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use) [View Quote] ZeebotAug 28, 2001, 7:08pm
Lane, when I said the sole reason I hired you was to create bots for
Stuff-X, I meant that in a professional sense. That is what you do (or did, if you wish to resign) at Stuff-X. I did not mean that to come out as an insult towards you, Lane. I know that you have helped create Web pages and have done other things in the past for Stuff-X, and I very much appreciate that, but I have never asked you to do those things (I interpreted you as doing those things voluntarily). I consider you to be the best staff member Stuff-X has/had. I just do not agree with everything you say here in the newsgroups. Personally, I consider you to be a good friend of mine. We have known each other for a very long time and have been through a lot together. I only purchased two bots of yours, Lane. The Bank Bot and the Tag Bot. The other bots you have made I have not yet purchased, but was planning to purchase from you in the future. I own a copy of the source code to the bots, Lane, but you still own the original copyright to that source code. I was planning on looking at the source code of the bots and making tiny modifications (change a line of text here, an option here, etc). That is what I meant by editing the bots. Your username and/or real name would appear in the About section of all bots and you would be listed on the Stuff-X staff page (as you are now). I also told you that I was considering to pay you a certain percentage of commission on the bots that I wished to sell commercially on the Stuff-X Web site. I did not say when this would happen, since I myself don't know when I will get a chance to look at the source code. You say: "Well since I was only hired to make bots.. I don't want to work for Stuff-X." Well then, why did you take up the job in the first place? If you would like to resign from Stuff-X, so be it. However, in future communication, I politely request that you speak to me in private regarding this matter, and not post here in the newsgroups just yet. Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use) [View Quote] Capture The Flag Script?Jan 14, 2001, 5:30pm
Does anyone know if a Capture The Flag (CTF) script exists for the
Xelagot or any other bot? -Builderz xelagot language botJan 28, 2001, 11:48am
Look at to learn
how to do this. -Builderz [View Quote] xelagot language botJan 28, 2001, 7:13pm
I'm not quite sure. I never actually had the need to use this feature of
the Xelagot. I don't think it ejects the user. I just provided that link to help you get started. I'm sure it wouldn't take too much work to make your own custom script to do what you want, though. Yes, I agree it IS easier to set this up in Preston than in the Xelagot. -Builderz [View Quote] *snip* Note that I did not write what is below. This is from the Xelagot help files and Irish Berserker must have mistakenly thought I wrote it. [View Quote] deerbotFeb 17, 2001, 6:14pm
Yea, I used to host about seven or eight of the things for JKMT when
they were still around. I, too, have no idea what happened to JKMT. Sado was the original programmer of a program called the BotTool, and the DeerBot was a script or add-on to the BotTool. I believe it was programmed in C or C++ and the scripts were made in JavaScript. Sado's website is located at -Builderz [View Quote] deerbotFeb 19, 2001, 5:51pm
Magsbot 3.0 with AWB 3.3 features!Jun 4, 2002, 1:26am
Thank you for your continued support, Magine! Keep up the excellent
work! ;) -Builderz Truespace Avatar with an IK chain?Feb 23, 2001, 7:42pm
You might want to try posting this in the worldbuilders newsgroup...
Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services [View Quote] Multiple Avatars Using One Bot Session?Feb 23, 2001, 7:47pm
Has anyone figured out a way to create and control multiple avatars (in
Visual Basic or C++) that count as only ONE bot against your bot limit? This could be used to create and control a flock of birds or a group of deer or other animals. Sado's DeerBot could do this, but each animal/avatar had to be logged in separately, going against your bot limit. I am also aware of ImaBot's BirdBot (located at, but I am looking for a bot with more control. Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services Multiple Avatars Using One Bot Session?Feb 23, 2001, 10:52pm
Thanks for your quick reply and insight, Andras. A maximum of 80 bots in
AWSpades...geez. Hehe. If you ever DO find out, would you please let me know? ;) Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services [View Quote] Paintball Bot..Feb 25, 2001, 12:58pm
Cyberwar and Oblivion are the only paintball based worlds that we host.
Cyborg is not. The bot won't be used in Cyborg. Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services [View Quote] Paintball Bot..Feb 25, 2001, 1:05pm
Overused? Hardly. Over-rated? Maybe. You yourself host the same amount
of worlds and more bots than we do for free. =) I host Cyberwar and Oblivion and their bots for free (for advertising us at GZ). Intrepid is my personal world and I also host Russ and Techno for free since I am IRL friends with the owner of Techno. The only thing we are making money off of right now is the bot in Cyborg. We don't have as much money as you probably think we do at this time, but we plan to change that soon enough. =) Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services [View Quote] BOT HOSTMar 2, 2001, 3:54pm
I host both bots and worlds commercially. Please visit, e-mail stuff_x at, or telegram "Builderz" (without the quotes) in Active Worlds for more information. If you are looking for a free bot hoster, I suggest you contact either J B E L L or Joeman. Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services [View Quote] BOT HOSTMar 2, 2001, 6:28pm
Well, our P-10, P-20, & P-30 prices with five simultaneous users is
cheaper than what ImaTowns charges per month. ;o) Many of our worlds also cost a lot less than what, Inc. charges per year. Also, if you can afford to buy a P-100 with twenty simultaneous users for $1150.00 USD, then you can afford to pay $432.00 USD yearly to have it hosted. =P Seriously though, I know some of the prices seem high. I'll take a good look at them and will probably lower most of them soon. Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services [View Quote] VRPet Bot Version OneMar 26, 2001, 12:04am
I'd also like to test your "Preston Script" VRPet, Leaf.
Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services [View Quote] XeonBot Build 4 ReleasedJul 8, 2003, 6:13pm
The bot has a nice, uncluttered interface. It reminds me of the Preston.
However, I suggest you put the bot's commands somewhere on your site instead of posting them here in the NGs. Also, how is your RPG bot coming along? That looks interesting, too. Now, as I look at XeonBot's features, I really don't see anything new or overly exciting that other bots can't already do. I know you got some insults from others here in the NG, Richard, and I hope this doesn't insult you, but I have to ask: why did you make the XeonBot in the first place? As a learning experience (that's a great reason)? To try and become popular overnight with some AW citizens (bad reason)? To help others and give an alternative to those that had problems with other bots (another good reason)? Builderz Trusted SourcesJul 24, 2003, 5:47pm
Here are a few more:
XelaG Bots AW News 3D Host Magsbot Builderz Trusted SourcesJul 25, 2003, 12:38pm
If you'll read my other posts, you'll notice that my signature always
has my hosting URL on it. I just didn't take it out of my signature for that post and it was listed twice. :) Builderz [View Quote] Someones done something worse than disassemble my bot...Aug 9, 2003, 2:16am
Bank SystemApr 3, 2001, 9:34pm
Makaveli, you may use either the world Techno or my own personal world
Intrepid (currently closed to the public) to test your banking bot if you'd like. Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services [View Quote] Bank SystemApr 3, 2001, 10:15pm
Foreman1 is the legal owner of Techno (the person who pays for Techno's
annual registration fee each year), I host Techno, and we have appointed about five or so caretakers. Lanezeri used to be a caretaker there at one point in time. He is NOT a caretaker now, however. Builderz Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services [View Quote] virus alert (cross-posted to all groups)Feb 20, 2004, 3:23pm
Are you sure it is really coming from AWI and not someone else's
computer? The other recent e-mail worms spoofed the "from" address of the e-mails they sent out. For example, let's say that I did not have the worm and all of my anti-virus signatures were up to date. However, one of my friends had *my* address in *their* address book and *they* get infected with the worm. Now, that worm looks through my friend's address book and sees that *my* address is there. So the worm decides to use it and sends out mail using *my* (not their) address as the sender. Even though my system is totally nice and secure, uneducated people will think *I'm* the one sending the worm, when in reality it is from another computer that is just forging the sender's address. Look at the e-mail you supposedly got from AW and post the headers here. We can then tell if it really did some from them or not. Builderz [View Quote] |