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vb terrain edit

Dec 5, 2002, 4:17am
If the post was removed from your local cache you'll have to reset the NG headers. Right click on the SDK NG/Properties/Local file/Reset, this will force OE to download headers again. You can also set OE to not remove old posts, Tools/Options/Maintenance/Uncheck the Delete news messages checkbox. Anyway I believe the post you are looking for is news:// at


[View Quote]


Jan 27, 2003, 7:23pm
In article <3e3598ff$1 at>, someone at says...
> I was wondering if there is a way to query VRT with the bot SDK.

news:// at
There is a wealth of information in past NG posts.



Jan 28, 2003, 8:01pm
In article <3e366ecc$1 at>, someone at says...
> Now the problem would have to be converting the numbers that you get when you call sdk.AwUniverseTime (in VB). The AW sdk help pages aren't too clear and Grimm doesn't have this at all on his pages. O.O Anyone got an example they're willing to share?

I don't get it, did you check Grimble's post ( news:// at )? The explanation is excellent and there is a small project attached that does what you want (get universe timestamp, check offset with local machine, display VRT). You don't need to translate universe time to a human readable format. Note that sdk.AwUniverseTime is not a method, it's an attribute available in the content of AW_EVENT_UNIVERSE_ATTRIBUTES.

Btw about "disappearing" posts...if the post was removed from your local cache you'll have to reset the NG headers. Right click on the SDK NG/Properties/Local file/Reset, this will force OE to download headers again. You can also set OE to not remove old posts, Tools/Options/Maintenance/Uncheck the Delete news messages checkbox.



Jan 29, 2003, 2:59am
In article <3e37477c$1 at>, someone at says...
> Is there anything that's a bit simpler than the bot in the other post...
> I'm kinda looking for something that just for example tells you what time it
> is when you say "/time" or something... I don't mean to be a pain, but the
> other thing is rather complicated...

I can't think of an easier way around this, sorry. My suggestion is to hang
in there, break the code to smaller parts and study it till you understand
what every line does. Learning can be a pain at times but is worth it if you
are serious about coding. Anyway to me there is no real benefit from a bot that
replies with VRT when you say "/time" (or any other self made bot) except the
benefits you personally gain from the learning process :)


Com dll aw_term causing invalid page fault - Win98SE

Apr 28, 2003, 8:47am
Has anyone experienced invalid page faults while calling aw_term on a Win98SE machine? The function works fine on NT/2K/XP but it consistently crashes the process on 9x.



May 24, 2003, 8:08am
In article <3ecefa78$1 at>, webmaster at says...
> hmmmmmmm did u think bout use sdk.aw_object_add.
> it might be good to call the actual command :P
> *chukles*
[View Quote] Good catch fact it goes back to what I suggested countless times, if
you had used Option Explicit, the compiler would have caught that.
Tools/Options/Editor/Require Variable Declaration.


Querying Ejections and Citizen Numbers

Jul 4, 2003, 3:59pm
In article <3f059907 at>, gzanone at says...
> Oi, now it's being a PITA again. When there is more than one avatar in the
> world, it gives them the same IP (If it's after all of the other things I
> was dimming like AvName). If it's before everything else, than everyone has
> the same name for some reason. i.e. the bot can't differentiate people for
> some reason. One way, they all have the same IP, the other way they all have
> the same name. I don't understand the same name thing considering querying
> the IP has nothing to do with their name...:
> --------------------------------------------------------------

OK, I think this was my very first question in the AW NGs sometime in '99 (I think it was
XelaG that gave me the hint), you can thank AWI for destroying the NG history. Anyway,
AW_AVATAR_SESSION is populated in the content of AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD,
AW_EVENT_AVATAR_CHANGE, AW_EVENT_AVATAR_DELETE. You *have* to grab it for every avatar in
range and store it so that you can use it later. AW_AVATAR_SESSION refers to the avatar
that last entered/left/changed.

You can use any method you prefer to do this (collections, static arrays, dynamic arrays,
file on disk). When you want to get an IP you have to use the stored session# for the
avatar in question. If you want to check IP on avatar_add then you have to use the
callback AW_CALLBACK_ADDRESS so that you will get accurate results in crowded areas.


Querying Ejections and Citizen Numbers

Jul 5, 2003, 2:38am
In article <3f05e521$1 at>, gzanone at says...
> Emmm where do I put the callback set and stuff, I've never used a callback
> before. I looked on the AWSDK page, but it's in C++ -.-

Before using it it's best to make sure you understand what a callback is and how it
works. Check out, in brief callbacks are
functions that are called by the SDK (not you) when a response from the server is
received. You can set your callback where you set your events.

In this case what you do is call aw_address in the content of AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD and
forget about it (in this event's content). The response from the server is collected in
the content of AW_CALLBACK_ADDRESS, you will know which callback is for which aw_address
call by checking sdk.aw_int(AW_AVATAR_SESSION) and matching it with your session table.
You should also check the return code (rc argument passed by the SDK to the callback) to
make sure everything went OK.


AwSdkDll 1.1

Jul 12, 2003, 9:07pm
In article <3f108d0c$1 at>,
strike at says...
> You pick up a mallet... and you hit E N Z O around the head with it for
> nuking the newsgroups...
> - Mark
[View Quote] Good idea, can I play too?


AwSdkDll 1.1

Jul 12, 2003, 9:07pm
begin 755 08Jul2002.txt
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 16, 2003, 9:07pm
In article <3f3eb62a at>, strike at says...
> Yeah... that too... but you gotta start somewhere (Just not VB... I can
> honestly say once you know of arrays, loops and basic handling... get the
> hell outta VB... don't go into API and such.. its a waste of time, C++ is
> 100% directly.. no screwing about. :)
> - Mark
[View Quote] Don't blame the weapon, blame the murderer. VB is a great tool for devoloping countless
solutions, not to mention that it can keep many young fellows with a null CV and zero
understanding of the job market out of the unemployment line. Keep your eyes on the ball.


What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 3:59am
In article <3f3ef4ce$1 at>, joeman at says...
> I don't see many openings for "Ultra-l33t VB pr0ramma for t0p seakrit
> project!", the openings I see are "Talented C/C++ programmer needed for high
> paying position.".
> -Joe

Then you are probably looking in the wrong places assuming that you even bothered looking
in the first place, of course the syntax is slightly different for job openings than the
one you used :)

My point is, learn all you can and don't underestimate corporate standards like VB out of
superiority syndrome or whatever other mystical reasons. Things are hard and they are
going to get harder; no one likes one trick ponies. If you know C++, learn VB and Delphi;
if you know windows, learn unix. Btw from my experience, the "for high paying position"
part is wishful thinking for any programmer with a null or less than two pages CV who
knows only one language (even if that is assembly).


What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 5:48am
In article <3f3f22de$1 at>, joeman at says...
> Ok, so... I know every windows version (save windows 1.0), unix, Linux,
> Solaris, OS X.... I know VB, and C/C++, enough assembly to get me through
> some tight spots, PHP, XBox API... and a lot more... So, now what do I
> learn? It seems I've already met and exceeded your "quota" to diss on VB.
> Also, I've read plenty of job listings.
> So, I say I'm fully qualified to say that VB is a horrible programming
> language. Not only do you need runtime DLLs to run the most basic code, but
> its really not programming at all, only scripting. You can do a lot more
> with C, its more portable, and it also does require 9 million runtime dlls
> that bloat up your system.
> Sure, it might be *easy*, but sometimes the easy way, isn't the best way to
> do things. Compare a basic C application with a VB one, both do the exact
> same thing. You'll find that VB wastes like, 400 - 900KB on god knows what.
> I will admit, I've used VB for a few simple programs when I don't want to
> mess with Winsock and windows in C, but all of those programs sucked. All I
> can say is: been there, done that, hated it.
> Seriously... learn C for Christ's sake.
> -Joe

To me, no one is qualified to say any language is a "horrible programming language",
especially when we are talking about the most used problem solving language in corporate
environments used by millions of programmers but this is the internet, anyone says
whatever they want :)

Nobody cares in the real world (!=bots) for the "400 - 900KB" wasted (which is a false
assertion) or the "9 million runtime dlls that bloat up your system" (ditto). They want
the job done, as fast as possible and have a solution that can be easily supported and
developed; not have 3,000 lines of code just for sending an app to the systray (or your
winsock example) just because it *might* execute 100ms faster. I have seen a lot of bad C
code as well as a lot of bad VB code and a lot of bad Java code and a lot of bad ------
(insert lang name here) code; all languages are great just as all OS are great, it's how
you use them that makes the difference.

If you have the knowledge you mentioned, that's good for you; you are not a one trick
pony which was the point in my original post. Anyway this has gone enough off topic so I
rest my case here; not sure why you assume I don't know C though :)


Bot logout/login

Aug 18, 2003, 8:42am
In article <3f4084c0$1 at>, dmmercury at says...
> I have been observing my bot in .NET and noticed that it seems to enjoy
> appearing to log out of the world fora brief moment and then log itself
> back in. When watching the bot it is in the world does the greet people
> etc... then while idle it seems to just log out(avatar disappears). After a
> random amount of time the bot seems to just log back in (does the greet
> people stuff again). I was wondering if anyone had experienced this problem
> in .net and what the solution may be. If it wants to log out like that it
> is fine if there is a particular sdk event for such an occurance. So my
> question is how can this be resolved with or without a sdk event?
> DM

Looks like you need to check the attribute AW_DISCONNECT_REASON in the content of
AW_EVENT_WORLD_DISCONNECT and act with code if needed.


Bot logout/login

Aug 18, 2003, 5:45pm
In article <3f41284c at>, dmmercury at
> It seems for strange reason that RC_CONNECTION_LOST seems to be the world
> disconnect reason code. Is there much to do to prevent this?
> DM

Not much since this hardly gives you any info on the nature of the problem,
it's the most generic connectivity problem rc. You should try running another
bot from the same machine to the same world to verify the connection's
stability. If other bots have problems too, try another world.

Perhaps you can also try calling aw_wait faster (like twice or three times per
second), pretty remote but for some reason this worked for me sometime in the
past. Also check other reasons that could mess with your connectivity like
firewalls or routes to the world and auth server.


Bot logout/login

Aug 19, 2003, 2:02am
In article <3f41566d$1 at>, dmmercury at
> Hmmm well I am not on 56k; like the disconnect event: is there an opposite
> connect/reconnect event that is called after disconnect? because the bot
> auto logs in after a disconnect. I would like to be able to tell the
> difference between a connection I first start, and the connection(s) that
> are automatically restarted(so to speak), but if it is not possible at this
> time oh well =/
> DM

I suppose you can use AW_EVENT_WORLD_ATTRIBUTES
( with a flag to
differentiate it from your normal first world enter (through a normal login
process) but if I were you, I'd be more concerned about the disconnects than
anything's not normal you know. It took me 35-40 sec of blocked
traffic to simulate a disconnect and verify the event firing, SDK does not give
up with a couple dropped packets.



Feb 6, 2004, 3:39am
In article <40231ad8 at>, deltawolf at says...
> Using VB, how would I go about listing the worlds on the world server? So
> far I have it connecting to it, but aw_server_world_list returns 0. Im
> probably barking up the wrong tree with my coding, but any insight on how to
> use this would be very nice.
> Ep0ch

aw_server_world_list lists all the worlds installed in a world server. Call



Feb 6, 2004, 3:44am
In article <MPG.1a8d5548ce4e2b179896cf at>, pk39srt at hot
[youknowwhat].com says...
> In article <40231ad8 at>, deltawolf at says...
> aw_server_world_list lists all the worlds installed in a world server. Call

Cancel that, you do want the list on the world server. Make sure the instance
is aw_server_admin and set aw_server_id to 0.


Standards on register price?

Jul 14, 2004, 4:18pm
In article <gacaf0h9k5q963gt5107im3dgdrplnsr4o at>,
xelag at says...
> The problem becomes accute really when parsing strings. For xelagot
> and AW related applications, I decided to adopt the UK/US convention
> of the dot as decimal separator, because it is the standard used by
> AW, also for text SEQ files and RWX files. This caused, in the
> begining, problems for users in many countries, where the computer
> locale uses the comma as decimal separator: numbers in files were
> being read wrongly and numbers in strings were being parsed wrongly.
> Luckily, Delphi has a solution: your application can define it's own
> decimal separator, so all my programs start with
> Application.UpdateFormatSettings := False;
> DecimalSeparator := '.';
> This solved the problem for me :)
> I do not use the thousands separator at all in my programs. Using a
> space would be very difficult, as it is used mostly as a normal word
> separator. The same goes for the comma.
> Alex

I suppose there are simmilar ways to solve this in every language like
format in VB, fwiw when needed I get and use the client's decimal
separator (and other regional settings) through windows api by calling



Aug 20, 2001, 7:19pm
SDK NG, Subject: [a few 3.1 tips] sent on Feb 11 2001 by XelaG
news:3a867cac at

Indeed an excellent description :)


[View Quote]

Open/Close Files

Oct 19, 2001, 3:02am
I didn't really understand what you are trying to do, it would help explaining that first. In general when you open a file For Append you open it to *write* something at the end of the file while preserving the contents, not to read its contents. There is no write or print statement in your code so it won't do anything as is, btw if I remember correctly "Line Input" should be used with the file opened for Input or Binary only. Two obvious errors are:
Do Until EOF(#1) should read Do Until EOF(1)
Close FileNumber should read Close #1


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Open/Close Files

Oct 19, 2001, 3:34pm
Ah ok, that's better. Open a new form, add a textbox (txtFileData, make sure its multiline property is set to true) and two command buttons (cmdRead and cmdSave).

Option Explicit ' *Always* a good idea, keeps you in line.
Private Sub cmdRead_Click()
Dim LineText As String
Dim TotalText As String
On Error GoTo hell

'You open the file for input so you can read the contents
Open App.Path & "\myfile.txt" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, LineText 'Read the contents line by line
TotalText = TotalText & LineText & vbCrLf 'and add them as you read them in a string variable
Close #1
txtFileData.Text = TotalText 'After you read the entire file the variable is added to the textbox

Exit Sub 'Get out so you won't enter the error handler
'If file doesn't exist it will raise an error, handle it. Pretty primitive but should do for this case
MsgBox "An error occured while attemping to open " & App.Path & "\myfile.txt", _
vbCritical, "Error opening file"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
'Since you have your entire file in the textbox just overwrite the old one, no need to append
Open App.Path & "\myfile.txt" For Output As #2
Print #2, txtFileData.Text
Close #2
End Sub

If you plan a big project with a lot of files opening and closing it's a good idea to use FreeFile instead of hardcoded file handles.
Note that the textbox has filesize limitations. You might want to use RichTextBox if you plan to handle files larger than 64KB or if you want to do some fancy editing using RTF. On the RichTextBox things are easier since it has two methods that automate the above RichTextBox.LoadFile and RichTextBox.SaveFile


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removing cits when leaving area

Oct 24, 2001, 2:02am
I am sure you are right:)
You have to understand the difference of constants and variables swe. When you declare a constant you set its value in design time e.g. Private Const CitizenNumber = 327320.
If you want the citnum to be user defined, to be changed in runtime, then it can't be a constant, it has to be a variable
for example:
Dim CitNum as Long


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Oct 26, 2001, 2:27pm

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VB Question

Nov 18, 2001, 7:51pm
What everyone says is that you don't give sufficient information to get any help. It's like saying "I put some liquid in my gas tank and now my car won't run". We have no clue what "fuel" you use, posting/uploading the cls is the only way around it. In general you can try adding a new instance of the class.


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VB Question

Nov 19, 2001, 9:18pm
This is a great description, thanks for your time writing this :)


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can a bot be created using this program language?

Nov 30, 2001, 7:39am
While I agree that it's up to the programmer to enforce self discipline to his/her code, I'm sure your experience has showed that a great ammount of applications written in VB are simply badly coded. Of course it's not the RAD to blame for these, you can't blame the gun for the kill even though some guns backfire more easily than others, it is the lack of education on the benefits of good code and on what is good code for that matter. To put it simply, VB allows too much and presumes a lot (first thing that comes to mind is the lack of explicit types since you mentioned variant, the implicit expression "11 10 88" is the same as the explicit #11/10/1988# when passed to a function that expects date, takes a lot of effort to enforce explicit types thus blocking bad user input), this can be good or bad, it's up to you.

I would also recommend VB to start with but with some conditions. You have to apply to yourself the discipline the RAD doesn't enforce, you have to know that your programs will work only under windows, you have to be prepared for a big surprise when you bump on VB limitations (win32 dlls for example) and you have to deal with other more strict languages. VB is a great tool but don't expect the tool to do the code for you even though it tries, if you allow it the result will not be good in most cases. Btw VB.NET is much more strict to its expressions, another good move for MS, it will be fun porting some of my early projects :)


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2 questions

Nov 30, 2001, 8:21am
> 2nd
> what langauges work with aw sdk (so i can put a bot oup) does QB?pascal?delphi?etc.?

Borland C++:
Watcom C++:


mIRC bot !

Feb 22, 2002, 8:07pm updated by,,,

Enjoy :)

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Global Mode

Oct 3, 2002, 7:20pm
You didn't specify whether you use ocx or dll; in the readme.txt that comes with the dll "Global mode can be set with QuickStartGlobal" is mentioned, I assume the same should apply to the ocx too. I never understood why ppl prefer QuickStart than the proper SDK login procedures where things are pretty simple since you have full control and you can set something like:
SDK.aw_bool_set (AW_ENTER_GLOBAL), True


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