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Re: AW improvements list @ for those who may not know

May 4, 2000, 6:58pm
not at all
what i was thingking is this a plugin that when you select a objects the
plugin sees this and shows it as is in the interface then you punch in the
other stuff for it etc then hit apply and it auto imputs it to the fiiled.
and yes i know your talking bout the way it would get and send this info
back and forth but i just wanted to explain it a bit more

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Re: AW improvements list @ for those who may not know

May 4, 2000, 6:58pm
not at all
what i was thingking is this a plugin that when you select a objects the
plugin sees this and shows it as is in the interface then you punch in the
other stuff for it etc then hit apply and it auto imputs it to the fiiled.
and yes i know your talking bout the way it would get and send this info
back and forth but i just wanted to explain it a bit more

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AW Linux Browser!

Mar 7, 2000, 10:56am
or get vmware and run windows as a virtual machine and hence aw as well so
thats a option aw well
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Required in AW 3.0 (If it's not too late...)

Apr 12, 2000, 9:30pm
that would be awesome ive seen some head cepts at a bit lower price. have
even considered makeing a simple telemtry head set unit a telemtry suit for
those who dont know is a meens to control movement of a in the case of aw
avatar (used alot in animatronics). unit could be simply made from joy stick
parts. just use rod to push the levers all youd need is a joy stick to mouse
driver that can be found in fairly in exspencive joy sticks (29 to 69
dolors) that would move the mouse cursor. and theres a realy cheap visor out
isnt 3d is basicly a mini high res lcd screen cost about 150 bucks.
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interesting idea not sure if its possible but here it is

Apr 12, 2000, 10:00am
has any one else wished that they could make a build like a floating
building move around aw .i have and never seen a way to make a useable build
do it sure you could make a box move around with standard animation .but a
user could not get in the box and be moved with it. now what is seqs like
fore that avatar gestures could be used to do this it may cause a user top
be moved with the box . and with seqs the added poss to move it in any
direction by clicking objects thing is i dont think it posible to do this as
even with best colide it would move under a av. but soemthing that would
work would be trap doors that drop down regular doors that swing open etc
just a interesting thought.

interesting idea not sure if its possible but here it is

Apr 13, 2000, 10:02am
yeh would be bumpy as it would be multiple teleports but im a fraid to do it
any other way would require veiw points useing cameras like in vrml and have
a list to select from. and that means thing like java script or vb or other
possibly crashy scripting . and i dont want to see aw use that type of thing
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Wish list, eh? Ok, here I go again....

Apr 13, 2000, 10:05am
umm whats your world?? :)
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Wish list, eh? Ok, here I go again....

Apr 13, 2000, 10:05am
oops scratch that last post missed the world name :)
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Wish list, eh? Ok, here I go again....

Apr 13, 2000, 10:08am
and wait just a sec you can do that now if you just want to build the ground
that is as long as you ground doesnt have to hig of a virt cout. all you
need do is blank out the ground field in the world setting and build the
ground from multiple parts
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AW improvements list @ for those who

May 3, 2000, 9:53am
i was just looking over the site you posted
and yeh for thoose who have enough sence to make objects and avs that dont
have 1 of 2 problems it would be great.....
problem 1 alot of people have the problem of not watching virt count and
file sizes and would make the world horid for visitor.....
problem 2 and the biggest imho is porno avs and objects could you imagine aw
main worlds that are maxed at pg if aw alowed ev one to use custom objects
and avs...
i use to go to another 3d chat where custom avs were able to be used
and seen o i dont know 100 or more porno avs soft at extremely hard core
porn by extremely hard i mean beastial porn..
i was security there blaxxuns colony city equiv of a pk and personaly perm
banned by cit name about 40 of these types of people..
now as a world option it may work out allright....
or on a submit av object to aw for aproval may also work but that would be
man power intensive to do
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AW improvements list @ for those who

May 3, 2000, 10:01am
but i will say this the new object interface proposed on site is awesome..
maybe post a url to that part in the bots section so some bot maker can try
makeing one in a bot interface well or plugin
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AW improvements list @ for those who

May 4, 2000, 6:58pm
not at all
what i was thingking is this a plugin that when you select a objects the
plugin sees this and shows it as is in the interface then you punch in the
other stuff for it etc then hit apply and it auto imputs it to the fiiled.
and yes i know your talking bout the way it would get and send this info
back and forth but i just wanted to explain it a bit more

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