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Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 23, 2001, 7:47pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] I HAVE appreciated SOME features, Facter. The engine and sound system upg=
rades were LONG (years) overdue but there were and are still many many MA=
NY other features that should have been implemented even before that and =
many many MANY other features that have been implemented instead. But, ag=
ain, this is "priority" dictated by a measly "elite" few with the money t=
o push AW's development how THEY want and not how most of the COMMUNITY w=
ants. Did you forget all the whooplah over the green checkmark when it fi=
rst was mentioned as being implemented into AW years ago? You seem to hav=
e forgotten how MOST (if not all) everyone wanted a way to stay hidden. W=
as it ever implemented? Uh nope. Instead we got file transfer which I STI=
LL don't recall ANYONE in these newsgroups (or anywhere actually) asking =
for. Later it turns out some uniserver customer wanted that too, which Ri=
cky and JPpee were only all too eager to turn around, bend over, and spre=
ad their legs for.

> Its easy to always critises - it takes a good perspective to *praise* f=
> what HAS been done so far, and what will continue to be.

It takes an even better perspective to remember the history of something =
and learn not to make mistakes again. Perhaps you can show Rick and JP th=
eir history and just how inept they've been over the years, which started=
long before I came to AW...

Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 23, 2001, 7:53pm
[View Quote] > (the newsgroups) learn the TRUTH about AW and AWCI. Most people who email
> you for "support" probably have NO clue as to AW's history, development,
> employees, etc, etc, etc. YOU are the minority in AWCI of employees who
> "listen" to us (users/customers) and actually respond. Please, wake up and
> get a clue and then try to pass that clue onto your "superiors".
> I know the truth implicitly -
> a) I have been in AW as a *citizen* longer than you
> b) known all people involved on ALL sides *personally* better than you
> c) I work here now
> So, I know the truth from all sides, I am "qualified" in ways that you are
> not. Where is your qualification's for truth as to how things are here in AW
> Eep ? You have none, all you have is supposition and flagrant ranting,
> probably due to the fact that so many people snub you due to your being a
> continuous pain to other users and employee's here. Want to know something
> else? About a third of the people that email me all the time are people that
> have used AW for alot longer than a year.

<chuckle> It's funny how people who claim to have come to AW longer than I, then leave for a while (like over a year or so) and come back can use that as an excuse that they know what's going on or what's changed, etc. You and Russ should form a little group called the "Returned Citizens Alliance" or something just so you don't feel left out. However, I'll give YOU a little slack since you now actually work for AWCI whereas Russ doesn't and he's hardly even in AW anyway despite his "return". I, on the other hand, have stayed fairly current with AWCI's practices (even when I was "boycotting" AW) and so have more knowledge on things than most citizens and to some degree even you.

> Stop being such a pain and so abrasive my friend, and people may listen to
> you more often, I *try* to listen to you, but it is hard when every second
> you are insulting and degrading myself and others here in this company.

Again, you seem to not be making the connection between my AW history and my reaction towards AWCI policy. I don't know how many times I have to shove that URL into your face but it's all right there in black and grey. When are you actually going to read it more closely?

> Do you wonder why no one here replies to your telegrams very often ?
> I do though, dont I Eep ?

Yup, and so do other AWCIers (Flagg and Josh C come to mind).

Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 24, 2001, 11:08pm
[View Quote] > I, then leave for a while (like over a year or so) and come back can use
> that as an excuse that they know what's going on or what's changed, etc. You
> and Russ should form a little group called the "Returned Citizens Alliance"
> or something just so you don't feel left out. However, I'll give YOU a
> little slack since you now actually work for AWCI whereas Russ doesn't and
> he's hardly even in AW anyway despite his "return". I, on the other hand,
> have stayed fairly current with AWCI's practices (even when I was
> "boycotting" AW) and so have more knowledge on things than most citizens and
> to some degree even you.
> I've never left AW at anytime since 1996 ? I dont know what you are talking
> about ? In the time I have been in AW, there has not been more than two or
> three days between login's tot his software at any time - I may not of been
> in as Facter all the time, but rest assured I have always been here and
> current with everything going on here since I very first arrived.

Oh, well then I apologize. I could've sworn you left for a while.

> Exactly - so things *have* improved havnt they Eep ? Even if not as much as
> you would of liked them to of ?
> Its still a step in the right direction.

Sure, every little bit helps, but how about trying to get the "higher-ups" doing it too?

Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 24, 2001, 11:12pm
First of all, you gotta differentiate between quoted and reply text, Fac. I've added the >'s here:

[View Quote] > upgrades were LONG (years) overdue but there were and are still many many
> MANY other features that should have been implemented even before that and
> many many MANY other features that have been implemented instead. But,
> again, this is "priority" dictated by a measly "elite" few with the money to
> push AW's development how THEY want and not how most of the COMMUNITY wants.
> Did you forget all the whooplah over the green checkmark when it first was
> mentioned as being implemented into AW years ago? You seem to have forgotten
> how MOST (if not all) everyone wanted a way to stay hidden. Was it ever
> implemented? Uh nope. Instead we got file transfer which I STILL don't
> recall ANYONE in these newsgroups (or anywhere actually) asking for. Later
> it turns out some uniserver customer wanted that too, which Ricky and JPpee
> were only all too eager to turn around, bend over, and spread their legs
> for.
> Its business Eep ! Perhaps those people actually *paid* for that feature,
> and as a byproduct, it ended up in the main browser - (I dont know, I dont
> go into that kind of thing , and frankly business practices here are none of
> my business - please remember I'm jsut a tech boy) Are you complaining
> because a feature that was paid for by someone else to implement, ultimatly
> ended up in the hands of the user ? I dont understand that logic Eep, I'm
> sorry.

No, I'm complaining that a feature one customer (tho not when the feature was requested, mind you) wanted was not what the majority of MUCH longer-term customers/users have wanted for YEARS.

> Oh, and on the record? I hate the green check, and being someone who stays
> invisable on ICQ all of the time, I always have.
> learn not to make mistakes again. Perhaps you can show Rick and JP their
> history and just how inept they've been over the years, which started long
> before I came to AW...
> And it ALSO takes good perspective to see how things have changed in the
> past year, agree ?

Yes but not as good a perspective as seeing how things are not to the same level they were years ago.

> We're trying...

How are Rick and JP trying?

Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 25, 2001, 8:08am
I know how to differentiate between quoted and reply text. Facter wasn't in a couple replies but I told him about it. Oh and we're not HAVING a private discussion or we'd be in email. Duh. Can't follow the thread? Stop reading it; that simple...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 25, 2001, 8:02pm
How about providing a transcript of these "meetings"?

[View Quote] > Yeah, sorry , my newsreader was being funky for some reason - no idea why it
> wasnt properly posting quotes.,..
> back to that, Eep, I cant speak for Rick and JP - but things *are* discussed
> in our weekly meetings, including all of the concerns that are read about
> her ein the newsgroups, and things *are* done about some of them, even if
> they are not immediatly apparent, nor are apparent yet...
> ..but alot of concerns that are read about, here, are discussed in meetings.
[View Quote]

Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 28, 2001, 8:22am
Forget how to quote what you're specifically responding to, DM? tsk tsk...

[View Quote] > Um it's "gullible." Just because something is a WORD doesn't mean it's the RIGHT one. :)

3.2 good

May 21, 2001, 5:37pm
3D without hardware is just pathetic. The industry is maturing; end-users must too or they will simply fall into obsoletion. "Upgrade or die." Welcome to the wonderful world of computing.

[View Quote] > Yes it is, very unfortunate, I really wish 2.2 users could be brought up to
> speed and coryashire is absolutely right, 2.2 users have been left out in
> alot of ways because of all the upgrades for people with better hardware. I
> hope it happens soon if not now with 3.2. 2.2 customers pay too. Alot of
> them have been here from AW's beginning and still have no hardware to
> support the 3.0 and 3.1 browsers. Not everyone is made out of money to go
> and upgrade everything either. It's is a big exspense for people on tight
> budgets.

3.2 good

May 21, 2001, 5:51pm
So upgrade your pathetic computer system with at least a 2-year-old 3D card (a 3Dfx Voodoo 3 will suffice) and you'll be able to run AW3 fine. Quit acting so helpless. If you can't stand the heat of the "computerized kitchen", get the fuck out of it.

[View Quote] > this is not about your rant on 3.2 but the community in generals outlook on
> those that use 2.2 , i can tell you that alot of features added to 3.0 and
> 3.1 have nothing to do with graphics cards. roland should look into creating
> a 2.3 with all the lighting and move and build features added to the last
> two betas. i dont know if lighting came with just renderware3.0 but there
> are many features such as chat screen mute and the new world features that
> we shouldnt be left out of. there are ways to bring us up to par but we have
> been held back and treat poorly as citizens by the rest of the community. i
> am just getting sick of useing a browser that was written in 1999. i remeber
> being beta for 2.2 but alot of people where anyways but for me it has been
> two years almost sence i have seen change. i have tried to get roland to
> under stand that to but he and awcom seem more interested in putting a fork
> in the road and only working on one path. it is time for a upgrade for us
> to.

I cordually invite Yall to visit my humble little city,

May 21, 2001, 5:49pm
Yo, twatfuck, don't post off-topic.

[View Quote] > M a k a v e l i
> ,-``````-,-``````-,
> | |
> \ L O V E S /
> \ /
> \ /
> \ /
> \/
> Budweiser

Silly Preston....

May 21, 2001, 9:01pm
<bonks Faber for vague error message>

[View Quote] > it means No Connection to the *universe*.
> *bonk*
[View Quote]

Silly Preston....

May 21, 2001, 10:58pm
"no connection" is vague; no connection to the Net, universe--what? Hence Mike's confusion...

[View Quote] > Not vague at all :)
> The bot just said it couldn't teleport into position (enter the world) because there wasn't any connection; how more clear could it be?
[View Quote]

Silly Preston....

May 22, 2001, 6:23am
If you guys want the twit JFK2 to stop talking about this shit, stop responding to his posts (and contributing to the off-topicness)! Don't MAKE me lay the smackdown on all your off-topic asses...

[View Quote] > As I said in the Newbie Guide, you can start applauding when he's gone
> for a week. There have been other times where he hasn't mentioned it.
> (granted, they are few and far between) He reminds me of a mix between
> AFM and Legion, with AFM's penchant for sentence fragments and rabid
> posts, and Legion's garbling of English and wierd obsessions.
> (Godfather, et al) Now all we need to do is combine jfk2 and n a y R,
> and we'll have the ultimate NG monster *cackles wildly*
[View Quote]

Silly Preston....

May 22, 2001, 7:05pm
I am simply trying to curb all this off-topicness, Goober. If you want to help, stop responding to the twit. This goes for the rest of you idiot off-topicers too.

[View Quote] > He posts whether you talk about him or not, if you haven't noticed. Even
> if he has nothing useful to contribute to the discussion! And besides,
> by you responding to our posts, you're adding to the "off-topicness" as
> well. Gonna have to smackdown your own off-topic ass now, eh? :)
[View Quote]

No Software Renderer?

May 22, 2001, 7:04pm
Er, that doesn't make sense. The whole POINT of a software renderer is to bypass the non-existant 3D video card and only use the system CPU for all rendering. If AW 3.1 can already run in software mode (I've never encountered it since I have a 3D card) I don't know what Roland is getting at when he says RW3 doesn't have a software renderer...

[View Quote] > That's just it: When you're in software mode, your computer has to use
> the non-3D video card (along with the processor) to try and handle all
> the 3D stuff that's going on instead of a real 3D video card. A software
> renderer would effectively take the place of a 3D video card and would
> ease the load on the non-3D card. That way, those people who don't have
> a video card could actually use AW 3.x and not see a slide show. :)
[View Quote]

Updated Web page

May 25, 2001, 1:49am
Needs " target=_top" link tag options for external links.

[View Quote] > My AW web page is now updated with new links to locations in AW and other
> worlds, thanks to Gooberking and others.
> A few links on the resource page has also been added.
> I'm still urging people to submit more locations in Active Worlds and other
> worlds. Also links to web pages are appreciated.

off-topic lameness (was Re: Late-breaking news)

May 28, 2001, 1:17pm
And WHAT does this have to do with AW? Go post in Andras' off-topic newsgroups or something...


May 29, 2001, 3:43am
How can you tell? AW has no polygon count indicator (something I've been wanting for years). Most games are optimized to have as few polys rendered as possible; AW is not. Because AW mindlessly renders everything out to a specific radius there is no portal rendering (ala Tomb Raider, Quake, etc) happening and so more unnecessary polygons are rendered.

[View Quote] > Could this slowdown have something to do with the way the graphics are
> handled? Because most games have more polys on screen at one time than an
> aw browser at ground zero, and they run pretty smoothly with a Voodoo 3.
[View Quote]


Jun 7, 2001, 6:19pm
As much as I don't mind tech talk like this, this is becoming less and less relevant to AW. Please take it to email.

[View Quote] > Default is 700. Unfortunately I iced that chip, a motherboard and 3 maxtor hard drives when mobo couldn't decide whether it wanted
> to boot with an FSB of 100 or 133.
> Don't frequent many OCing forums, but usenet's alt.comp.hardware.overclocking gets a good dose of me.
[View Quote]


May 30, 2001, 10:11am
So stop responding to them and contributing to the idiocy...

[View Quote] > Ugh, I really needa get the heck out of these groups, all the idiots are making me lose my mind.
[View Quote]


May 31, 2001, 5:38pm
Heh, and I was being nice then too (hey, bcatt didn't complain). I was waiting for you to act up so I could pop you a few, but I think you were scared or something. :P

[View Quote] > Chris you are absolutely right, I saw him pop into bcatts world one night
> while bcatts and I were both there. He had absolutely nothing nice to say
> and insulted everything he could find and even told her the objects she was
> using needed to be fixed along with 100 other things, LOL Being honest and
> truthful is one thing, being an itellectual freak is another, LOL Good thing
> I didn't have access to the eject button that night, LOL
[View Quote]

Tag Commands

Jun 1, 2001, 10:31am

[View Quote] > Anyone know of a place in Aw or a tutorial about putting animate tag commands on objects

Tag Commands

Jun 2, 2001, 4:06am
Actually you should just use "create animate me cows5. 1 1 0" if you're going to be using the "animate" command because then AW doesn't mindlessly download cow1, cow2, cow3, and cow4 before getting to cow5.

But, yes, by all means use "create texture" instead.

[View Quote] > it's easy: if your texture's called cows5 use this: create animate me cows.
> 5 0 0
> but you should use create texture instead (it's 2.2 compatible as well) then
> you just use create texture cows5
[View Quote]

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 2, 2001, 4:07am
<chuckle> If you don't want "my mouth" in AW's newsgroups don't go quoting my EMAILS to you, dorkwad.

[View Quote] > "Fuck off. If you want to "have fun" go to another newsgroup and shit in it.
> Leave AW's alone or face my wrath, newbie. And don't bother replying since
> you're now filtered."
> Im very Pissed becuase its sad that his life has turned into swearing and
> insulting everyone he thinks to be "newbies" even though thats just what he
> may call them. AW isnt a place for his mouth ether. Posting a funny joke or
> something like that doesnt hurt anyone but cussing at them is not right at
> all. Its not like hes the "master" of AW's newgroup ether so im not afraid
> of his "wrath". I just think someone like that should get off their drugs or
> whatver they are taking becuase they are meesaed up in the head, seems like
> the only logical explaination.

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 2, 2001, 4:09am
I take plenty from a lot of putzes in the newsgroups (AW's and Usenet's), sport.

[View Quote] > Is it really all we can ask for? If eep is going to dish out some heat, he
> might as well take some too.
[View Quote]

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 2, 2001, 4:10am
I won a Cy for that? I was never notified I won...

[View Quote] > I think Eep's Cy Award awarded in June 99.... I believe,can help explain
> Nornny and anyone else's defense for Eep:);
> Write in category
> Citizen we can't live with but can't live without

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 2, 2001, 12:58pm
[View Quote] > btw his website has got a lot of broken links he should go check

It does? Show me...

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 2, 2001, 5:06pm
The pages you found these links on would help.

[View Quote] >
> .....
> here are some ...
[View Quote]

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 3, 2001, 8:03pm
Uh, when you use AW anywhere even NEAR the intensity I do, and beta test (as I used to before Roland couldn't take my non-stop, dead-on bug reports anymore <snicker>), perhaps you'll feel the same way towards Roland (and HamFon and now Shamus') programming abilities (or lack thereof).

I've bashed Roland enough so I'll just let you and others read past messages (oops, Roland mindlessly wiped the beta newsgroup for AW 3.1). HamFon can't code GUIs worth squat; the file transfer dialog box is pathetically lame and inadequate. Supposedly he also wrote AW3+'s triangulation code, but the seams/gaps because of it (and Roland's crappy cell structure coding) show just how bad THAT is. Shamus' new object action commands are inconsistent and lack consistency (rotations work in nonstandard RPMs instead of degrees, no "wait" option, etc, etc). Need more proof of AW's bad design and implementation?

Until you even come CLOSE to the level I use AW at you just have no room to comment on why I say the things I do. In the real world (both on- AND off-line) people aren't 100% polite all the time, so get over it icey et al.

[View Quote] > Just one example
> You know better than me it's not true, I remember things you said to
> Roland, that wasn't very polite of you, and he didn't deserve all
> that...
[View Quote]

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 3, 2001, 8:08pm
I don't ask. ;)

And I nuke!

[View Quote] > Just for the records : NOT everyone
> I hate eep's way of "shoot first, then ask who's there"
[View Quote]

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