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An intriguing question...

Jun 7, 2006, 9:57pm
I would like to ask a question that has myself and perhaps few others
baffled and that is: why is it that AWI simply wastes its resources (and our
resources as some of us might put it...) in taking a rather greater measures
than necessary to at least attempt to moderate the chat around the public
area such as Active Worlds Gateway and many of its world's Ground Zero
district through its Customs Aide bots and the Gatekeepers (for AWGate
anyway) / Peacekeepers and all when it could've simply use the
'blank-a-word' censorship feature now utilized by Hermes global chat in
AWTeen and elsewhere?

The real question is, though, how much efficient is AWI really in managing
its resources and how much effort do they really put into conserving
resources (without sacrificing things of course)? Customs Aide bots consumes
as much as our bots (though more than our bots would normally anyway) the
processing powers, electricities, and all of the kinds of energies that
could've been used for something else rather than be wasted upon.
Peacekeepers and ESPECIALLY Gatekeepers (as indicated how much busier and
crowded that AWGate is... obviously) have been unnecessarily distracted by
their required duties to eject those who simply utters offensive terms and
whatnot when it could've been helping many others in needs such as settling
property disputes and else.

Basically "Blank-A-Word" feature as demostrated by Hermes could actually
save AWI and those mentioned above so much resources that otherwise went to
wastes. Also, when considering this issue, I am concerned as to what else
that AWI might be less efficient at with managing resources and what could
that be? Many of the worlds originally developed for many of its corporate
customers are no longer used or even visited for a long period. Many of em'
don't even generate revenues (public building worlds is different stories
because it simply acts as an indirect revenue-generator with those new
potential citizens having been attracted to or impressed by those worlds and
several of them would later become world owners so they really have some
importance in how citizens and world owners comes about in AWI universe.
Even few of them later became universe owners too). So some of those worlds
ought to be taken down, depending on how much frequently they are visited on
annual basis (and also duration of those visitors because some of them may
not stay for longer which can imply that they are not really impressed (i.e.
how much outdated the world may be unless it is a rather interesting world
such as The13th which, despite its antiquated nature, still attracts a fair
number of hits (including myself, I'll admit :P) whereas some world don't do
quite well on that matter) or that the world is not what they are looking
for during their world-hopping experience).

So.... in conclusion, I believe that AWI can do better than that when it
comes to allocation of resources, its efficiency, and finally conservation
that can pay off as a real big dividend when so much of resources are freed
that can be used for more important things.

Any comments or ideas, anyone? Just wanted to know what do ya think about
this whole thing. :)

I spent money ON YOU.... but whatever right?

Jun 14, 2006, 2:26am
Ferruccio holds the Guiness Records for being mean to the greatest number of
tourists. Watch out, baro! :o

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taller avs?

Jun 14, 2006, 2:24am
I can we can brag or boast about being taller than either Lincoln or
Goobers. ;)

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[4.1 Build 950] - WM_ double left click

Jun 14, 2006, 2:19am
And I am annoying you. :o

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Naming The Granddaughter

Jun 14, 2006, 2:17am
E N Z O Phalpha plz. :o

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Naming The Granddaughter

Jun 14, 2006, 2:23am
Wow... you really truly have a capacity for darker imagination. Does that
mean we'll get to see Avatar XXXXXXXVI: The Apocalyse Now or Avatar
XXXXXXXVI: Scary Movie? :o and :o at number of Avatars overshadowing the
Scary Movies or Star Trek films...

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Building Height Limit Now 1000 meters

Jun 14, 2006, 2:19am
I thought Jetson was a fad. Guess not. ;)

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Recommendation by Senate Study Committee.....

Jun 18, 2006, 11:03am
The Senate Study Committee would like to present a few proposals for Active
Worlds Community and Activeworlds Inc. to consider:

1.) We suggest that university instructors to be given their own title as
"Professor" and for those with honors as "Professor Emeritus" at Active
Worlds University instead of simply "Teacher". Teacher is generally
recognized outside Active Worlds and others as reserved for school
instructor whereas Professor is suitably reserved in same situation for
university instructor. We believe it is simply ridiculous to label
instructors of both AWU and AWS as "teacher" when both of those institutions
are clearly catering to entirely different demographic at a time, for AWS is
serving those beginner and those who wish to learn some new basic features
as new version comes and goes whereas AWU is serving those wishing to learn
more about rather advanced features.

2.) In anticipation of almost totally limitless possiblities with the newly
implemented presets feature of Active Worlds, we recommend that a sort of
"preset exchanges" be established to serve as a central location from where
presets can be shared and that it also provides links to sites hosting them,
not so unlike the concept underlying many of the modding sites and
download.com (except latter allows for an option to host files on its server
or to link to the third-party site of the software creator, which is
probably better option to go for, as to simply conserve the space and
bandwidth if possible). Another possible option to go for is to take the
central location concept and apply it to a comprehensive download exchange
that is not only providing a place to find presets, but also toolbar
images/cfgs, objects, avatars, et cetera. So far, to our knowledge, a
central location that either hosts all AW-related files AND links to those
files that does, not limited to those for object, texture, and other
creators but also to GENERAL PUBLIC are practically nonexistent. Object'd
Active Worlds does not satisfy that criteria because 1.) it is generally
intended for those artists and world owners, not including general public
(chatter, ordinary citizens, etc.) and 2.) It has not been lately updated
for an extended period since the last update in which Casay mysteriously
disappeared afterward. Got whacked by mob or what? ?_?

Eep's website also does not meet criteria because 1.) see 1.) above and 2.)
extremely imbalanced toward artists and world owners and not general public,
since most of the files hosted or linked to are useless to those anyway
unless they are artist or world creator. Neither does Andras's website or
any other website. For more than 10 years of Active Worlds' existence, no
such central website exists that DOES links to ALL files related to AW, not
just selective ones. Even Activeworlds Inc. website or Support AW website
doesn't even merits such criteria. What's up with that?

3.) In the analyzing throughout Activeworlds Inc. website, it appears that a
page there that are default website for Metatropolis (COFMeta) has a link to
the object path that gave us an forbidden error and similar error pops in
links to public building world's object path. And so far, no registries
exists for any of public building worlds besides AlphaWorld and Megapath
except for AWTeen and to a limited extent for Mars. If Activeworlds Inc.
expect for those public building world to be public building world as it is,
it'd better provide us with object lists. While WayBack Machine has caches
of those pages prior to becoming off-limits, it is not sufficient,
especially if it does not shows any of new objects if it has been added
after the last cached page prior to that shutoff.

In that case, Activeworlds Inc. ought to release object lists. If it can't,
then what is meaning of those worlds with its building rights enabled? How
about disabling that rights to build in those worlds or even shutting it
down if it can't do that? Without registries, it's purely useless worlds.

Even more troubling, those links to object path ARE still on world pages.
How about removing those links instead of wasting our times, especially
those who are new and interested in building in those worlds only to find
out that object path is closed off? Even worse, some of those object yards
doesn't even have some objects listed in the last cached page prior to
shutoff. That is just purely a insult to general public.


In conclusion, the report of Senate Study Committee is signed, sealed, and
delivered on the behalf of our Chairman, Legion. XD

Recommendation by Senate Study Committee.....

Jun 18, 2006, 8:16pm
Okay, honey. :O

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is it a hole...or a cigarette

Jun 23, 2006, 10:33pm
And Gatekeepers & Peacekeepers would be out of work. ;)

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cy boner

Jun 25, 2006, 6:22pm
I find it quite funny (just to annoy you, my dear. ;))

On other hand, I couldn't really care about anything about Cy Awards,
because I find nothing to be excited or even to care about it. >_>

In other words, Cy Awards is just essentially a Active Worlds imitation of
Academy Awards with all pomp and circumstance in RL which I don't also care
about or watch. >_>

*shakes his head over so many folks being overly obsessed with this

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A three challenge for you to pick and take up...

Jun 25, 2006, 6:43pm
I would like to offer a following list of challenges for you to choose and
take up.... I have nothing to reward any of you except to earn a right to
brag to others. ;)

1.) A city LOOSELY based on Los Angeles (and a Los Angeles River would be a
nice feature too ;))

2.) A city LOOSELY based on Las Vegas and its surrounding deserts (remember
$Vegas by cableguy, anyone? <3)

and finally,

3.) A city LOOSELY based on any of the following European cities listed to
choose and take up for this challenege as the following: Paris, France (not
Paris, Kentucky >_< :P), London, England, United Kingdom (London, Kentucky
here too 0_o), Berlin, Germany (there's New Berlin somewhere in New
England....), Vienna, Austria (there's Vienna in Illinois 0_o), and finally
Moscow, Russia (...).

You have until the end of this year to uptake this challenge, ladies and
gentlemen. A world is not required for this so anyone can do this... the
only rule is they must be a citizen (to ensure that the creation are
protected). While there are GuardBot for tourist property protection, the
problem is that they are only found in worlds that only offers lots, which
would make it almost impossible to create such large project within the
constraint of a lot... Next challenge will be announced in August before I
leaves for Texas that month (personal reason I do not wish to discuss...oh,
yea, and I'm turning 21 on 23rd of that same month!).

Good luck, ladies and gentlemen!

Respectfully Yours,
Your Instructor at Active Worlds Academy (think Starfleet Academy...). XD

A three challenge for you to pick and take up...

Jun 25, 2006, 6:54pm
I would like to also add that you may have a team to take up a challenge.
Another thing to add is that you must post world name and coords for your
entry in this challenge once you are done.

Thank you.

Respectfully Yours,

What exactly does the "Empty Local Cache" option do?

Jun 27, 2006, 8:32pm
This "empty local cache" option has already been discovered back in
Stagecoach Island. I'm surprised there are still other folks discovering
like they never had known of it. Or did somebody who discovered it first
time prior to AW 4.1 universe's opening failed to post about that particular
feature in newsgroup? O_O

However, you did make a good point that it only deleted cache of the world
you were last in prior to invoking that option. We intitally assumed that it
would do for the entire universe, because Stagecoach Island only had ONE
world back then so we never found out this assumption to be mistaken until
Active Worlds 4.1 universe popped up ALMOST a month ago (w00t at upcoming
first month anniversary of 4.1 public / general release. ;)).

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Who is this Immigration Officer anyhow?

Jun 27, 2006, 11:56pm
Their duty is to control immigration and deports those unwanted people or
illegal immigrants without visas or whatever permits.... like Andrewsians.

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Who is this Immigration Officer anyhow?

Jun 28, 2006, 3:17am
If you want to see Immigration Officers' manager, his name is aaron.rwx. ;)


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AWUniv Building Contest

Jun 28, 2006, 3:15am
Oh, great, thanks for ruining a chance for people to participate in a
challenge I proposed earlier. ;)

Not really (as the concept of offering some challenges just practically died
out anyway), but that contest does sounds like a good contest to check out.
I'll look forward to checking out what people made in this contest. Just be
sure to make contest judges anti-bribable. Nobody want a VIRTUAL Abramoff
scandal if you know what I mean. ;)

Being a Eliot Ness me :O

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