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Feb 24, 2006, 7:09pm
Two words: compatibility issues

You can thank AWI's corporate customers (or rather corporate sweetheart
lol) for that since they do not have concerns about compatiblity issues. On
other hand, for AW Universe itself, that's entirely different story. Also
considering the fact that AWI's development team in addition to its
volunteer testing team are still, in my opinion, insufficient due to
ridiculiously small staff that AWI possesses and that volunteer testing team
gave me impression indirectly that it was extremely under-manned.

In other word, since price hikes has resulted in so many of our citizens
leaving, that also meant losses of many potential volunteer testers, even
those who had already experience doing those testing for AWI in past. I can
name a few, not all, which includes among well-known citizens such as Eep
(of course, he has already been banned by Roland but I dunno if that's still
the fact since Roland's departure but Eep has already moved on to SL, though
he still visits AW lately, as evident by update on his history page that I
just discovered today and, well, I don't know about Lara, although I did
notice there has been some minor updates at her NW Building Supply but I
haven't seen her online lately, and not even in this newsgroup or anywhere
in AW communities for the matter of fact.

I can't think of who else but, yeah, while we do have a sizable pool of
potential volunteers remaing, it's still insufficent. I'm not objecting to
the idea of closed beta testing but I am only expressing a concern that AWI
staff and volunteer team are seriously lacking in enough manpower for this
whole process.

I also was shocked to discover that, prior to the hiring announcement made
by AWI recently, Stacee is the only artist in AWI as far as I know. Gand,
the other artist, already left. I can only say that's a big workload for her
as the AWI's only remaining artist. I think that addition of another artist
ought to alleviate that situation. I already knew Shamus Young and chrispeg
are programmers, which meant two programmers is alright to me but that's
still below the peak of numbers of programmers AWI had before, which is
pathetic and disappointing. The fact that Stacee is the only artist in AWI
with so much projects and burdens upon her is even more outrageous.

And I can guarantee you that those situation is making AWI so slow in many
aspects of business, not only causing delays in projects but also
longer-than-usual delays for AW 4.1 as well other problems. I have to say
I'm not very pleased with the impression I'm getting from AWI's situation.

Respectfully Yours,
Chief Executive Officer and President of Operations
Circle of Peace Inc. Management

"Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) - Rene Descartes, 17th century
French philosopher, Terra (Earth)

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the
problem." - Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States (1981-1989)

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you-ask
what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the
United States (1961-1963)

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have
to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which
paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." - Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, 32th President of the United States (1933-1945)

"Gentlemen, get the thing straight, once and for all: the policeman isn't
there to 'create' disorder; the policeman is there to 'preserve'
disorder." - Richard J. Daley, Mayor of Chic
[View Quote]

Recommendation by Senate Study Committee.....

Jun 18, 2006, 11:03am
The Senate Study Committee would like to present a few proposals for Active
Worlds Community and Activeworlds Inc. to consider:

1.) We suggest that university instructors to be given their own title as
"Professor" and for those with honors as "Professor Emeritus" at Active
Worlds University instead of simply "Teacher". Teacher is generally
recognized outside Active Worlds and others as reserved for school
instructor whereas Professor is suitably reserved in same situation for
university instructor. We believe it is simply ridiculous to label
instructors of both AWU and AWS as "teacher" when both of those institutions
are clearly catering to entirely different demographic at a time, for AWS is
serving those beginner and those who wish to learn some new basic features
as new version comes and goes whereas AWU is serving those wishing to learn
more about rather advanced features.

2.) In anticipation of almost totally limitless possiblities with the newly
implemented presets feature of Active Worlds, we recommend that a sort of
"preset exchanges" be established to serve as a central location from where
presets can be shared and that it also provides links to sites hosting them,
not so unlike the concept underlying many of the modding sites and
download.com (except latter allows for an option to host files on its server
or to link to the third-party site of the software creator, which is
probably better option to go for, as to simply conserve the space and
bandwidth if possible). Another possible option to go for is to take the
central location concept and apply it to a comprehensive download exchange
that is not only providing a place to find presets, but also toolbar
images/cfgs, objects, avatars, et cetera. So far, to our knowledge, a
central location that either hosts all AW-related files AND links to those
files that does, not limited to those for object, texture, and other
creators but also to GENERAL PUBLIC are practically nonexistent. Object'd
Active Worlds does not satisfy that criteria because 1.) it is generally
intended for those artists and world owners, not including general public
(chatter, ordinary citizens, etc.) and 2.) It has not been lately updated
for an extended period since the last update in which Casay mysteriously
disappeared afterward. Got whacked by mob or what? ?_?

Eep's website also does not meet criteria because 1.) see 1.) above and 2.)
extremely imbalanced toward artists and world owners and not general public,
since most of the files hosted or linked to are useless to those anyway
unless they are artist or world creator. Neither does Andras's website or
any other website. For more than 10 years of Active Worlds' existence, no
such central website exists that DOES links to ALL files related to AW, not
just selective ones. Even Activeworlds Inc. website or Support AW website
doesn't even merits such criteria. What's up with that?

3.) In the analyzing throughout Activeworlds Inc. website, it appears that a
page there that are default website for Metatropolis (COFMeta) has a link to
the object path that gave us an forbidden error and similar error pops in
links to public building world's object path. And so far, no registries
exists for any of public building worlds besides AlphaWorld and Megapath
except for AWTeen and to a limited extent for Mars. If Activeworlds Inc.
expect for those public building world to be public building world as it is,
it'd better provide us with object lists. While WayBack Machine has caches
of those pages prior to becoming off-limits, it is not sufficient,
especially if it does not shows any of new objects if it has been added
after the last cached page prior to that shutoff.

In that case, Activeworlds Inc. ought to release object lists. If it can't,
then what is meaning of those worlds with its building rights enabled? How
about disabling that rights to build in those worlds or even shutting it
down if it can't do that? Without registries, it's purely useless worlds.

Even more troubling, those links to object path ARE still on world pages.
How about removing those links instead of wasting our times, especially
those who are new and interested in building in those worlds only to find
out that object path is closed off? Even worse, some of those object yards
doesn't even have some objects listed in the last cached page prior to
shutoff. That is just purely a insult to general public.


In conclusion, the report of Senate Study Committee is signed, sealed, and
delivered on the behalf of our Chairman, Legion. XD

Recommendation by Senate Study Committee.....

Jun 18, 2006, 8:16pm
Okay, honey. :O

[View Quote]

Zone Names

Jun 27, 2006, 8:38pm
I second that. That'd give us an ability to give specific area (i.e. area
zoned) a description. It could also be useful to basically "zone" the lots
and perhaps removing necessity of distinguishing certain lots by surrounding
it with a street. (x_x at that... there are hardly a block in some towns
around AW universe that have MORE than one properties owned by DIFFERENT
folks. >_<).

For instance, you could use zoning utilizing this particular features as a
basic tool of urban planning to designates certain lots as residential,
commercial, and industrial zones, as well agricultural zones (cities in RL
aren't the only one to utilizes zoning... the county I lives in also uses
it... >_>)

That's not all. It can also allows you to designates specific rooms as well.
Living room. Breakfast room (who the hell have that room? ;)). Sunroom
(w00t! XD). and more... and more rooms that would be too much information if
you know what I mean. ;)

[View Quote]

Zone Names

Jun 27, 2006, 11:52pm
<sarcastic way of seriously saying I seconded your idea too>

I'll give my support to your idea in return for your support of equin0x's
idea. Deal? :O

Makin' a deal in smoke-filled room.

</sarcastic way of seriously saying I seconded your idea too>


[View Quote]

Teleport Navigation Shortcut Keys plz

Jul 15, 2006, 6:29pm
Care to explain why there is no keyboard shortcuts for both Teleport Back
and Teleport Forward available in Active Worlds browser? Overwhelming
majority of web browsers have keyboard shortcuts for Back and Forward
buttons, ya know. :P

Respectively Yours,
Julius "Just being Uncle Eep" Legion

Hey Uncle Enzo! What happenin'? :)

Jul 17, 2003, 8:17pm
How's your Mafia going? ;) *referring to Uncle Enzo character as Mafia boss
in "Snow Crash", kinda my favorite character lol* Oh by the way, Hiro
Protagonist been trying to call you. ;)


"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
17th-century French philosopher, Earth

Am I special?

Jul 17, 2003, 11:47pm

More special than E N Z O :P

"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
17th-century French philosopher, Earth

Am I special?

Jul 20, 2003, 2:53am
SOMEWHERE, USA - Two person got into shootout battle at Somewhere, USA.
According to Somewhere Police Department (SPD), a man named Mark (Police has
withheld his name for your safety) has approached a Uncle Legion, an
associate of Uncle Enzo, head of Sicilian Mafia in United States, and begin
talking rough or whatsoever (Police is not sure what exactly happened before
the following event about to be mentioned) and soon a gun fight broke out.
Witness said Mark begin to shoot at them and Legion's bodyguard shot back.
Mark was shot in foot but Legion's bodyguard tried to shoot Mark 100 times
but missed 99 while managing to shoot him in feet. Mark shot 100 times but
missed all. Meanwhile pederstian were running for cover, screaming while
shooting happening. Somewhere police officer were called to scene. There,
they founded Mark beaten and shot in the foot and were thus taken to
Somewhere General Hospital. Police is still investigating but according to a
anoymous source, a person who looks like Legion came into police station and
then came out later. This Saturday morning, police announced arrest of Mr.
Randall on attempted murder and assault charge but they also said Legion is
not suspect. According to some official at Somewhere City Hall, they have
suspicon that police officials has been bribed or influenced by Mr. Legion.
In response, Somewhere Police Department denied the allegations and has
repeated that Mark is the only suspect in this case who is the only one
involved in committing crime. Mayor of Somewhere, who has been before
alleged to be on Legion's payroll, has ordered an investigation of these
matters to be ended. As result, there is no longer investigation at this
point concerning these matters including scandals.

-Reported by Crazy Pills, editor and reporter at Somewhere Times ;)

I am powerful, influencial and rich and you're not ;)

"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
17th-century French philosopher, Earth
[View Quote]

out of control gk bot

Jul 19, 2003, 1:15am
Then Mr. King, who, in speaking of reality show, would be AW newsgroup
counterpart of Simon from American Idol? :P "Simon is really, really
digusted with participants from show" ;)

Don't ask me, I never met Simon, so quit bugging me, Simon-wise :P

"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
17th-century French philosopher, Earth
[View Quote]

out of control gk bot

Jul 22, 2003, 10:23am
[View Quote] More like horse's at $$ ;)

> --
> Goober King
> Ass-man
> awnews at awnews.org

LOL at ass-man comment

Are you one of superheroes now, Uncle Goober? ;)

My Uncle Goober stole my title "Ass-man"! >_<

"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
17th-century French philosopher, Earth

Those Mac people...

Jul 25, 2003, 7:39pm

(Suspicious and distrustful of "Mac Community")

"Mac sucks" - Windows fans who are now suspicous and distrustful of Mac

"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
17th-century French philosopher, Earth

Those Mac people...

Jul 25, 2003, 8:35pm
I know that but I found that on Google search and now I don't like them.
Those Mac people are suspicious and distrustful of us the Windows user and
we (so far just me anyway) are suspicious and distrustful of them. I mean,
those Mac people didn't wanted Activeworlds and Aladdin Systems together
just because of "Windows-only nature". That's pathetic. They didn't like
Windows and Activeworlds and I don't like them (Mac community) either.
Simple as that.


"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
17th-century French philosopher, Earth
[View Quote]

A question...

Jul 25, 2003, 8:42pm
Does anyone know where you can find lists of all features of Criterion
Renderware. I would like to know what Criterion Renderware has to offer,
just for curiousity.

Curiousity has been boosted by both Active Worlds and Grand Theft Auto 3 and
Vice City, which both use Renderware...

"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
17th-century French philosopher, Earth

Re: Hey you all!

Mar 18, 2000, 10:36am
Here's a post I had posted in other newsgroup, is4all awcommunity.

[View Quote]

Re: Hey you all!

Mar 18, 2000, 10:36am
Here's a post I had posted in other newsgroup, is4all awcommunity.

[View Quote]


Jun 12, 2000, 4:34am
Alright. I suggest we compromise on this subject. Draw up a compromise plan
and we can submit it to AWCOM if we agree, and let them think about it, then
if it agreed to it, then done. *snaps finger* *beautiful women coming over
to Eep and Goober King and massages them* So, what do you say? I am offering
you a offer you can't refuse. *"Godfather" theme music* Take it or leave it.

[View Quote] [View Quote] No, let's face facts: AW started out as a 3D environment creator. The chat
pane used to be a single text entry field; the 3D pane was the largest part
of AW. Just look at early screenshots of AW at
http://tnlc.com/mauz/awpics.html for proof. AW has ALWAYS been a 3D
environment creator FIRST, chat program SECOND. Just ask Roland since he's
been with AW since '95.

if Roland and HamFon have anything to say about it), then AW will be on a
more competitive level, technologically, with most 3D game level editors.
However, AW would still need a few more enhancements before it could truly
begin to compete. Some of these are on my AW improvements page
(http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/improve.html). The main thing, believe it or not, as
simple as it seems, is the ability to jump. Jumping is so fundamental to
computer games that for AW to not even have it (yet have avatar gravity,
momentum, and now collision detection) seems odd. The other basic game
feature is shooting, and although it IS immature and mindless, it would
attract more attention to AW.
> Totally agree. AW is seriously behind in the graphics and physics
> departments, although I wouldn't be inclined to think that shooting is a
> basic game feature. Technically speaking, that's already in AW anyway.
> (with the ability to detect avatar clicks)

Avatar clicks hardly constitute shooting. Most games (arcade/video/computer
anyway) are based around shooting.

potential and steer AW's development toward it, AW will continue to flounder
and always be mediocre at best compared to other 3D games/environments. I
SERIOUSLY hope Rick and JP give the 3D game potential a try because I'm
willing to bet my citizenship that AW's popularity would skyrocket.
> I suppose when you only compare it to 3D games, it does seem mediocre.
> However, I still think they shouldn't limit AW to being just a "3D level
> editor". Perhaps if you give users the *ability* to use 3D gaming
> conventions (like jumping, item collection, etc) then let *them* decide
> if they want to turn their own world into a 3D game or not. (or their
> area of AW, COFmeta, or whatnot) AW has always been, and I hope will
> continue to be, a virtual community. But in order for it to be a true
> "community", users have to have a say in what goes on. If you were to
> make it into just an editor, that would all just disappear and AW would
> just get tossed in the pile with the other level editors out there.
> But I do agree that AW has tons of potential just waiting for the right
> people to pick up on it. (and let's pray the new batch of employees
> they'll [hopefully] be getting are those people) Still, if they limit it
> to just gaming, I doubt it'll be as popular as you make it out to be.
> Innovation is the key to success, and level editors, in any form, have
> been pretty much done to death.

You still haven't read my AW page...I elaborate on all of your rebutts
there. Please go read it already! I never said AW should ONLY be limited to
games or JUST level editors, but that if it had the ABILITY to be more
gamelike and a MUCH more enhanced "level editor" (world builder or
environment creator) it would become much more popular. Just look at how
popular the simple board/card games (checkers, bingo, spades, etc) have
become. Now imagine what inventories, shooting, or even the ability to die
and/or get injured would do to AW's marketability. Go read my AW page for
more elaboration on these points!

But, no, Rick and JP still seem to think their
over-hyped-yearly-catch-phrase "e-commerce" way is best. Sorry, but compared
to gaming/entertainment, more people will want to play games than spend
money buying crap they don't want in a pseudo-store. Think about it, Rick
and JP...do some more research on what the AW community actually wants
before you go imposing your views of what you THINK they SHOULD want on us,

> Thinks perhaps Eep should find someone to rewrite one of those other
> level editors instead... :)

I've tried to get Core Design to release their Tomb Raider level editor (see
http://tnlc.com/eep/tr/editor.html) but they're stubborn and greedy.

http://tnlc.com/eep/ - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The
Enable line/word wrap if text not wrapping. DON'T QUOTE SIG WHEN REPLYING!

Fake Cy's Must Be Stopped!

Jun 8, 2000, 11:34am
Or you can hire me or my friends as hit man. I have been in mob family.
LOLOLOLOL. JK. But it's probably good idea, right? Right, John?

*John Gotti drunkly says "Yeaaaaaa.....*burp*" *

Did ya hear that. He said yea! He agreed with me! I just had some drinks
with him. (Shhh.he got drunk. But luckily I did drink root beer while he
drink the beer. He didn't notice it.) Anyway, I'm planning to take John to
Alphaworld in Activeworlds through gate to Alphaworld. Be careful when he's
around you. He's criminal boss. I took him out of prison with President's
pardon authorization. What? Your news station or network didn't report that?
No, you're idiot. I think you're lying. *slam phone* *beeeeeeeeppppp*

[View Quote]

Re: Be loyal to Activeworlds. Don't listen to Eep!

Jun 27, 2000, 12:48am
I opposed the gaming. I don't need gaming. I would like to see
building improvement but not gaming. I don't even like having gaming around
my home in AWCOM's public building world. "killing" isn't better way. I
disagree with Eep. Even so, gaming isn't appealing to majority of builders.
I want it to be kept away from my town and home. Leave it to private world.
Rise, all builder!


P.S. In fact I am no longer speaking to Eep unless I need to.

Oh by the way, I say to Eep "Oh you silly little eep!"

Eep's really amusing. Heh. Theres nothing you can change my mood. I'm happy
citizen of Activeworlds. Oh by the way I sent that message at wrong time. I
even didn't know that Eep reopen his RWX page, thus ending protest, until
after message was sent. I apologize for inconvience. I was just upset that
AW community is falling apart. Now please sent me list of spammers which, in
some way, discovered your address. I think it's my friend's friends.

[View Quote] Ill agree... this is a twit..
You obviously havnt been with AW for long..
I have been almost 2 years now.. and i have seen nothing but stagnant
programming until VERY recently.

Eep is one of the most technicaly minded among us.. his specs on AW vs GAMES
& LVL editors would have taken *TIME* to produce, more than you would have
to write this garbage.

How can you use the term 'we', obviously everyone else doesnt agree... sure
eep is pessamistic at times but take it from a different point of view:
You ever seen anything done without comments? [that was successfull?]
Sure there in a negative tone, but that also reflects the changed NEEDED to
make this program successfull..

What you have said has obviously taken no consideration on the
long-withstanding work eep has done for the community at large, his RWX page
was brilliant if not more... he took it down becuase of that way aw was
although AW 3.0 is an improvement [and maybe it warrants the reopening of
the site] , maybe it needs to go further..

Well thats my 0.20.

-Gwala / Adam F.
3 D A r t i s t / P r o j e c t L e a d e r
D a r k s t o r m I n t e r a c t i v e

Welcome to the Future, earth is scorched, all the survivors
escaped on hulks to a isolated planet... or did they?
Foreseen Darkness : An Epic Battle has Only Started.
- Darkstorm Interactive & NEWST -

[View Quote]

Press Release: Apology Statement

Jul 14, 2000, 7:45pm
Dear everyone,

I am hereby to inform you of such that I am apologizing for such
statement I had made about Eep in topics namely "Be loyal to Activeworlds.
Don't listen to Eep!". I had made these such statement in concern of
Activeworlds community that had been previously fragmented by the action by
person identified as Eep. As further in apologizing, I shall goes on in
respecting everyone's statement and action, but ask you to further to settle
down with Activeworlds.com in order to allow to give them time to expand
resource and its ability to provide you with what you may request it for to
be added to Activeworlds. Your statement and action are further also
protected under 1st Amendment in the United States Constitution. It is up to
you to set forward orderly manner in this newsgroup and in such other means
of communicating. So far, I remain on community side of AW, but will respect
other people's opinion.

Thank you,
Jon M. Savells
Chief Executive Officer and President of Circle of Peace

P.S. I say "Good Luck" to Eep and other in seeking for job in
Activeworlds.com. I sincerely hope that Eep and I settle this dispute.
Spamming are to be ended as I agreed to do so and also request list of those
who also spammed Eep and other. No need to take revenge, as I and hopefully
Eep will not do so. No need to apologize, Eep, if you are doing that or not,
due to that fact I truthfully started it all. By the way, I am going on
vacation to Florida in Disney World for 2 weeks, and will not be back until
July 23th. Please hold your response if you are going to send it through
email and other means of communication until I returns on above date except
newsgroup. Thank you.

July 14, 1999

Press Release: Apology Statement

Jul 14, 2000, 7:45pm
Dear everyone,

I am hereby to inform you of such that I am apologizing for such
statement I had made about Eep in topics namely "Be loyal to Activeworlds.
Don't listen to Eep!". I had made these such statement in concern of
Activeworlds community that had been previously fragmented by the action by
person identified as Eep. As further in apologizing, I shall goes on in
respecting everyone's statement and action, but ask you to further to settle
down with Activeworlds.com in order to allow to give them time to expand
resource and its ability to provide you with what you may request it for to
be added to Activeworlds. Your statement and action are further also
protected under 1st Amendment in the United States Constitution. It is up to
you to set forward orderly manner in this newsgroup and in such other means
of communicating. So far, I remain on community side of AW, but will respect
other people's opinion.

Thank you,
Jon M. Savells
Chief Executive Officer and President of Circle of Peace

P.S. I say "Good Luck" to Eep and other in seeking for job in
Activeworlds.com. I sincerely hope that Eep and I settle this dispute.
Spamming are to be ended as I agreed to do so and also request list of those
who also spammed Eep and other. No need to take revenge, as I and hopefully
Eep will not do so. No need to apologize, Eep, if you are doing that or not,
due to that fact I truthfully started it all. By the way, I am going on
vacation to Florida in Disney World for 2 weeks, and will not be back until
July 23th. Please hold your response if you are going to send it through
email and other means of communication until I returns on above date except
newsgroup. Thank you.

July 14, 1999


Oct 11, 2000, 7:41am
Another twit-hole and eep-hole. Duh.

Legion of Twitan Empire.

"I came, I eeped, I saw"

P.S. No offense, Eep, I'm just kidding. *sigh* Eep is serious man but yet he
has *unintended* sense of humor.

[View Quote]

USWF is just bullshit!

Dec 15, 2000, 12:58am
Legion: Recently, founder of USWF decided that to be member of USWF or maybe
benefits that they wanted world owner to pay fees.
BH Sk8er Bait: lol
2MuChCoFfEe: ohh
Pioneer: hello
Tomba: oh
Sk8BrDrZ: it's a black dots
Tomba: lol
Tomba: this place
Pioneer: can you come and see if i have the pict1.rwx right
Sk8BrDrZ: 2 much sup man i saw ya before
2MuChCoFfEe: hey tomba
2MuChCoFfEe: yea :o)
Tomba: << used to be richest beotch inuswf lol
Tomba: hey
Tomba: vote
Legion: I think USWF is a insult.
BH Sk8er Bait: vote 2much!
Stingerslick: hello all
2MuChCoFfEe: ; o \
2MuChCoFfEe: hi!
BH Sk8er Bait: 2much 2 much 2much!
2MuChCoFfEe: hehe thanks blake
Stingerslick: WHtas up USWF_CC
BH Sk8er Bait: lol
Tomba: brb
Legion: Just get out of here! USWF ain't your good friend, but rather from
Stingerslick: *is lagging*
2MuChCoFfEe: legion!
Stingerslick: Legion that cant egt you eject6ed lol
Stingerslick: have to cuss or vandalize stuyff like that
BH Sk8er Bait: if you don't like the uswf, then get out cuz we don't want
your hate crimes here
RyanR75: hello
2MuChCoFfEe: hey Danboy :o)
2MuChCoFfEe: vote for me! :o)
RyanR75: lol
BH Sk8er Bait: 2much 2much 2much!
2MuChCoFfEe: go tot he vote bot and.. whipser vote.. and.. then whiper vote
2MuChCoFfEe: lol
Stingerslick: no
Stingerslick: vote 6 lol
Legion: They charged you fee if you join that organization. look for post in
newsgroup at news.activeworlds.com/
DanBoy: sorry,
2MuChCoFfEe: sorry?
DanBoy: lol
DanBoy: i not voting for anyone
2MuChCoFfEe: why
2MuChCoFfEe: ; o\
Stingerslick: lol
2MuChCoFfEe: ti am hurt
2MuChCoFfEe: I am hurt
2MuChCoFfEe: lol
Legion: Eep doesn't like USWF and I agreed with him.
Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from uswf_cc

See? They just censored me, worrying that USWF might lose its revenue from
fee. Thats just bullshit. World owner don't need stupid bot fee and disk. I
say, boycott USWF! They just pissed me off. World need to be independent
from control of organization.


About AW 3.1.....

Jan 5, 2001, 3:47pm
"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"

*plays Star-Splanged Banner*


[View Quote]

A suggestion

Jan 5, 2001, 4:00pm
I may suggest that Activeworlders forms a organization in which Eep and
people may favor. A committee is formed to serves several purpose: organizes
event like meeting to discuss various issue involving Activeworlds.com and
its management and etc. and etc., organizes a protest, set up petition for
various issues that exists such as refresh petition that Eep had set up.
Remember, it is committee, made up of members who have power to vote, may
either be elected or directly picked by President, who, again, may be
elected or chosen by founders or later President. Majority is required for
approval of anything associated with committee's purpose. Intital decision
must includes the pick of committe member, pick of meeting coordinator,
builder, various members as well. Unfortunately I will not do it. It is up
to you. I am too busy for it.

Any additional idea can be included in this system as well. It is up to you.


A suggestion

Jan 5, 2001, 6:59pm
In order to get Activeworlds.com do something. This is idea since Eep
brought up petition that led to dropping a feature....a invisible box
selection in AW 3.0 .

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to all the newbie twits: take your shit ELSEWHERE

Jan 15, 2001, 7:00pm
Here's reminder for all newbies. You're really pushin' me over to Eep's
side, twit.


[View Quote]

Reminder - to all the newbie twits: take your shit ELSEWHERE

Jan 20, 2001, 6:16pm
Here's reminder for all newbies. You're really pushin' me over to Eep's
side, twit.


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Feb 16, 2001, 2:38am
I support as well.

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Is it possible?

Mar 29, 2001, 2:20pm
Is it possible to create a program that help you plan out a world or town?
It could use object library in it like for example using 2d information
using top plane or something like for top of street1.rwx and street2.rwx
and you have ability to rotate them at set scale, etc. whatever you might
need for planning. Yes I know you can use drawing paper to plan on or use
graphic program to paint a picture, but its hell as hard since how can you
make right size of each object. one object might not match with another
object or something? Also you may need texture or background color matching
with textural color but its better to use a program designed specifically
for town planning and world planning. It'll help us townbuilder and
worldbuilder alot. Planning is very important. Whatever feature we'll need
for planning. Planning provide us with ability to organize town or world
very well. Is there like this available? Or can anyone design these like
that? Don't look at me like that, I'm not programmer ;)


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