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AVVY AWARDS submissions open

Oct 25, 2002, 6:48am
The Avvy Awards submission form has been activated! To enter your
avatar for this contest, please follow this link:


Read carefully the conditions and requirements, and the category
descriptions. Submissions close on November 8th.


memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 13, 2002, 7:58pm
All xelagots have been patched for a slow memory leak, please upgrade
your bot too:



memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 25, 2002, 3:29am
LOL, Ananas.

The reason is quite simple:

I update the bot at random moments, when I have time or when I
discover a bug which needs inmediate attention.

There are tens of versions of x1 and other xelagots around, making a
separate patch for each (or one that covers all) is not practical.
Some people run several versions on their computer or servers, so you
see the mess of making this automatic upgrade system... Compare with
the aw browser: if you have missed a few upgrades, you have to
download several times patches... if I did that, you might want to
download 30 patches from version 2.999999 or so to the current one :)

Anyway, I don't have time for this, I prefer to dedicate the time I
have to enhance the Xelagot :)


[View Quote] >What about asking someone to move your mouse
>and click the keys for you?
[View Quote]

memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 25, 2002, 3:32am
Thanks Builderz, you put it very clearly :)


[View Quote] >Just a suggestion... XelaG has said more than once in the past that if
>you have any feature requests or bugs to report, please do so via
>e-mail. You can e-mail him at xelag at 3dee.nl or xelag at digitalspace.com.
>He probably does not have the time to read each user's reply in the
>newsgroups or to read and reply to everyone's personal telegrams. I have
>e-mailed him in the past and have received very quick responses.

Have your own Booth at Avatars 2002!

Nov 25, 2002, 2:35am
The yearly Avatars Conference will take place on January 3rd - 5th
2003. As usual, we will have booths for Community Services, Worlds
and Territories, and Organisations of interest to our Virtual
Communities. Booths are free!

They will be situated near the entry portal of our main world, easily
accessible and visible to all. We have subdivided them roughly into

Community Services: any activity of groups or individuals that
contributes to and supports our community. This includes Universes and

Worlds: interesting worlds to visit

Territories: interesting sites to visit within a world

Tolkien: sites or organisations related to J.R.R. Tolkien's mythology
and languages

Other organisations, that may be of interest but do not fall into the
previous categories. This includes sponsors, etc.

If you wish to have a booth, please fill in our form at:

Do submit your booth request as soon as possible, booths take time to
set up and land is scarce!


Have your own Booth at Avatars 2002!

Nov 25, 2002, 3:17am
BTW, it is Avatars 2002, this is not a typo. It has been moved to
January to coincide with J.R.R. Tolkien's birthday, but it is usually
held in november/december. Hopefully, Avatars 2003 will be sometime
later in 2003!


In a hole in the ground

Dec 5, 2002, 11:16pm
there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled wth the
ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with
nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that
means comfort. ("The Hobbit, or There and Back Again", J.R.R.Tolkien,

On January 3rd, we celebrate J.R.R.Tokien's eleventy-first date of
birth. Join us! Meet Hobbits, Elves, Wizards... and maybe even orcs!
The party goes on through January 5th...

Universes, Galaxies, Worlds, Territories, Community Services and
others can have free booths at our Avatars 2002 meeting point! Fill
in and submit our booth-form at:
or send us an email to aw-avatars at digitalspace.com if the darn thing
don't work for you!

Announce our event! The more people know about it and join in, the
merrier it will be. We have a set of pictures you can show at your GZ
or other meeting points:
Link to them!

Want to know more? Check regularly our pages in construction at:
(very much in construction!)


avatars 2002: last call for booths

Dec 18, 2002, 10:03am
Thank you all who submitted booths for avatars 2002! We still have
room for more booths, and we are missing a few topics, especially:

bots and aw/3d-applications, hosting services, pages with information
about aw.

We would like to have all booth submissions BEFORE Chrismass. To apply
for a booth, please use our online form at
or send us an email with the requested info to
aw-avatars at digitalspace.com

See you all on January 3rd-5th at av02 in the ActiveWorlds universe!

avatars 2002 booth submissions

Dec 30, 2002, 4:27am
Dear folks,

Thank you all who have submitted requests for booths at the Avatars
2002 event! Twice we posted here an article about this, and once in
the aw-newsletter. We also enlarged the booth area to accommodate all
of you.

Booths were assigned this year as a rule upon request, not
automatically. We did not clone previous years settings. This, in our
opininion, reflects better the interest of community members in
participating in our event. The response was excellent!

In principle, booth submissions are now closed, as previously
announced, since Xmas. We are very near the opening date and can not
enlarge the booth area easily, and we have our hands full with last
minute adjustments. Nevertheless, if for *serious* reasons you did
miss the announcements or for technical reasons were hindered and you
were not able to submit a booth request, you are still welcome to do
so. We will try to fit you in, if possible. Our submission form is

We repeat our invitation to all of you to come and celebrate
J.R.R.Tolkien's 111-st aniversary: join us as a hobbit, elf, dwarf or
human (or even sheep or bird) on January 3rd - 5th in av02 in av02.

Alex Grigny de Castro (XelaG)
The Digital Space Commons
aw-avatars at digitalspace.com

avatars 2002 - some free avs and objects !

Jan 11, 2003, 11:36am
Dear AW community,

Lady Murasaki has donated to the community a few avatars she made for
the Avatars 2002 event: the Hobbits. I have added a few objects
myself: the Moria gate with xelagot script, the Mill in Hobbiton, and
more will be added soon.

Please go to av02, there is a new link on the world's web page to
download these objects.


Xelagot 3.4 open beta

Apr 15, 2003, 12:23pm
The 3.412 beta version of x1 Xelagot is now available for download:



Xelagot 3.413 beta

Apr 18, 2003, 12:40pm
The 3.413 beta version of x1 Xelagot is now available for download:



the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 2:50am
Dear people,

since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.

I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
rules came into effect.

Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
century, have not many ways of changing this.

Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
(actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal

I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.

So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
pay any more for this.

Wishing everyone a good life,


the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 2:52pm
Dear people (again),

I am very touched by your replies here and by email.

I am also happy to announce that I have just received an email from
ActiveWorlds in which the requested extensions have been granted, and
which end with the words "Keep up the good work!"

I will reply personally to the emails of support I have received if I
have not done so yet.

I hope that this will settle the matter, and that I will not have to
doubt again about the future of my bots!

Thanks to all!


[View Quote] >Dear people,
>since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
>quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
>of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
>access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
>tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
>upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
>I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
>rules came into effect.
>Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
>very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
>century, have not many ways of changing this.
>Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
>(actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
>I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
>My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
>expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
>So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
>enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
>pay any more for this.
>Wishing everyone a good life,

Xelagot 3.414 (beta)

Jun 2, 2003, 7:12pm

Xelagot 3.414 (beta) fixes a problem with the Color-Picker on Windows


Xelagot 3.417 (beta)

Jun 15, 2003, 11:14am
Available at
has a bug fix in the matrix/vector code, and includes a link to a
utility script for building circles of objects (using vectors and


Xelagot 3.4 official release (with Trivia Bot)

Jul 6, 2003, 11:59pm
I'm proud to present the 'final' version of Xelagots X1, Av99Bot and
SrvcXlgBot in their 3.4 functionality. Out of beta at last with
version 3.419 (SDK 32)!

This release is dedicated to HamFon and to Roland Vilett. HamFon
opened the way for bots way back in 1998 with his Hambots. Roland
Vilett later systematised their functioning in AW in the first AW SDK.

To make this release more festive, I have enhanced Xelagots with
trivia code, inspired by HamFon's well known TriviaBot. HamFon sent
me many trivia question files for this release, which can be used by
Xelagots (they are compatible) and are available for download. Verbal
Commands and Action Script statements have been added.

Please visit the Xelagot's What's New page at
for more information. The Xelagot home page is at


Xelagot 3.4 official release (with Trivia Bot)

Jul 7, 2003, 2:12am
Thanks for your thanks, thats always appreciated :)

Many have contributed seriously to the bot community, and many more
will come. There is no greatest, just enjoy :)


[View Quote] >YOU are the GREATEST!!!!! Thank you :)
[View Quote]

3.4 bots serious bug

Jul 10, 2003, 2:26am
Dear devteam, Bill, E N Z O,

a couple of weeks ago, testing SDK 31, I corresponded with Bill about
a serious bug in the forced avatar change code regarding tourists.
This bug has NOT been fixed in SDK 32, and leads to much confusion.

I will give an example, to show the bug.

Supposing the world server, and the clients are 3.4 compliant. An SDK
32 caretaker bot can change the avatar of other clients. When it
comes to tourists, this happens
"Cheng" comes in with avatar 1 (female tourist in most worlds)
[Creep] that is a caretaker, changes her av to avatar 7
all browsers see her wear avatar 7 (including herself)
bots see something different
they get first an avatar_change event with avatar 7 (same as browser
do), followed almpst inmediately by an avatar_change event with
avatar 0 (the male tourist avatar).

That means that the information bots get does not correspont with what
browsers get. It may be that some code is left over in the bot SDK
which does not correspond with the code in the browser.

In any case, I would like to ask you to check this. I have tested this
myself and with Anne of DLP. I am posting this in the relevant
newsgroups too, so that bot makers and users know about this SDK 32
bug, hoping it will be removed soon.


3.4 bots serious bug

Jul 10, 2003, 3:06am
You are making the same mistake AW is making.

I do not care whether tourists can have more avatars or not (I do, but
it is not for me to make policy): I am concerned that bots can not
see this. This makes the whole bot concept buggy: if a bot does not
see that an avatar has changed body, it is NOT RELIABLE. I have tried
to point this out to AW, and now to you :)

An unreliable bot is no bot, it has no reason to exist.


[View Quote] >LOL in the mean time the tourists in A!!CT are loving this bug, because they
>are not stuck to the same avatar all the time.
>To bad this "bug" can not be a regular feature that only a caretaker bot can
[View Quote]

memory bug in xelagot scripts

Jul 13, 2003, 10:10am
A problem has been discovered in some of my (and surely in other's)
xelagot scripts. When a xelagot builds, deletes or modifies objects
in the world, a description of these objects is kept in it's memory
lists. If these lists are not cleared regularly, the bot will use
more and more memory.

I have checked all the scripts on my web page
for this problem. The following scripts are affected and have been

NaughtsAndCrosses (Tic-Tac-Toe)
PaintBall Bot
RandomTeleport Bot
DoubleWarps Bot
LaserTag Bot
Chess Bot
Checkers Bot

For the technically minded, the patch consists of this

1) Add, at the beginning of the script, a statement to clear all
RWX/COB objects from memory lists

you can also put ClearLists in the OnWorldEnterEvent (or in the
obsolete OnWorldReconnectEvent) handler, never elsewhere because it
can mess up 'objects in transit', i.e. commands to build, modify or
delete objects sent to the world server but still not confirmed as
done by the server.

2) Add the following Subroutine

Sub ClearConfirmed

3) and call it periodically, for example at the begining of a game

Gosub ClearConfirmed

This will clear all objects stored in the confimed lists (AddSuccess,
AddFailed, DeleteSuccess, DeleteFailed)

That's all. This patch need only be applied, of course, to scripts
that add, delete or modify objects regularly, like some games do.


Xelagot 3.420 available

Jul 15, 2003, 8:41am
Xelagot 3.420 is now available. Details at


Bots N Privacy

Jul 20, 2003, 9:41pm
Not quite, ma'am.

I do agree with you that privacy should be respected. But if you use
the Active Worlds software, you know you have no option on this. Take
it or leave it, I'd say.

Active Worlds now has quite a few features that could upset you. It
is not tailored to you or me. If you do not wish to be submitted to
features you do not like, create your own world, regulate its
properties, and stick to it: this is the safest way. If you explore
other worlds, I'm afraid you will be submitted to other rules. It's
up to you to chosse which worlds you wish to visit.


On 20 Jul 2003 16:39:11 -0400, "the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com>
[View Quote] >Bots can broadcast from world to world, (also, I think from universe to
>universe), and to selected individuals. That can be a useful tool.
>However, if you have any kind of bot chat configuration that
>alters/enhances/limits or in any way changes the one that comes with and
>works with regular citizens in the AW program, kindly inform your visitors
>of that when they enter your world. Do this in three ways: in your welcome
>message, with a sign at your world entry point, and detailed explanation on
>your web page.
>Most people do not like their personal conversations broadcasted throughout
>the universe, galaxy, etc., without their knowledge. And they would
>appreciate the knowledge about the controls, how it works and if they are
>able to turn it off regarding their conversations while they are visiting
>your world.

Bots N Privacy

Jul 20, 2003, 10:04pm
To explain this a bit more. Since 1998/1999, when bots were created,
they have the ability to receive chat, and to receive whispers
adressed to them (and only those ones addressed to them), and receive
all other AW events. This is because they use the AW SDK. But bots
don't only use the AW SDK, they have their own code to handle what
they do with this. It depends on the bot maker what sort of code they
add (and they MUST add code, otherwise bots would do nothing). They
could be adding code to send the owner's password to someone, or the
whole chat to the CIA...

First rule: use bots from trusted makers.

Second rule: NEVER expect that people or bots will do what you want.
You have, in your own world, the right to select which people and
which bots you allow in. You do NOT have that right in other worlds.

Whispers seem safe to me. World servers do not log them, and they do
not go thru the universe server. Telegrams are dangerous: the
universe server has an option to LOG ALL TELEGRAMS. Chat is open to
everone: it can be privately logged, sent world wide , published on
CNN, there is no way to control that.

I'm not trying to put you off, I'm just trying to show you our limits.

XelaG - bot maker

[View Quote] >Not quite, ma'am.
>I do agree with you that privacy should be respected. But if you use
>the Active Worlds software, you know you have no option on this. Take
>it or leave it, I'd say.
>Active Worlds now has quite a few features that could upset you. It
>is not tailored to you or me. If you do not wish to be submitted to
>features you do not like, create your own world, regulate its
>properties, and stick to it: this is the safest way. If you explore
>other worlds, I'm afraid you will be submitted to other rules. It's
>up to you to chosse which worlds you wish to visit.
>On 20 Jul 2003 16:39:11 -0400, "the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com>
[View Quote]

Bots N Privacy

Jul 30, 2003, 10:44am
Not to forget:

every single browser has the ability to log conversations, not only
bots. And you never know what the user of that browser will do with
the logs... There is no way a world owner can check this.


[View Quote] >To explain this a bit more. Since 1998/1999, when bots were created,
>they have the ability to receive chat, and to receive whispers
>adressed to them (and only those ones addressed to them), and receive
>all other AW events. This is because they use the AW SDK. But bots
>don't only use the AW SDK, they have their own code to handle what
>they do with this. It depends on the bot maker what sort of code they
>add (and they MUST add code, otherwise bots would do nothing). They
>could be adding code to send the owner's password to someone, or the
>whole chat to the CIA...
>First rule: use bots from trusted makers.
>Second rule: NEVER expect that people or bots will do what you want.
>You have, in your own world, the right to select which people and
>which bots you allow in. You do NOT have that right in other worlds.
>Whispers seem safe to me. World servers do not log them, and they do
>not go thru the universe server. Telegrams are dangerous: the
>universe server has an option to LOG ALL TELEGRAMS. Chat is open to
>everone: it can be privately logged, sent world wide , published on
>CNN, there is no way to control that.
>I'm not trying to put you off, I'm just trying to show you our limits.
>XelaG - bot maker
[View Quote]

Xelagot 3.421 available

Jul 24, 2003, 11:26am
Xelagot 3.421 is now available for download. For details see


M A T T again

Jul 26, 2003, 9:13pm
Just my two cents, strike raper: respect other people, you have no
right to make fun of them. You may have your ideas about people's
weaknesses in protecting their rights, but your remarks are rather
obnoxious, don't you think? a world destroyed is a world destroyed,
for whatever reason you think.


On 26 Jul 2003 13:04:55 -0400, "strike rapier"
[View Quote] >Congratulations, you just a) publicised your weak security and b) promoted M
>a t t *clap clap* :)
>- Mark
[View Quote]

M A T T again

Jul 27, 2003, 9:16am
Sure, strike, but not everybody is handy. I don't think one should
make fun of people who'se worlds get trashed, even if they may have
made a mistake... and there are also as yet unexplained cases, such
as Gala, where no-one gave away the caretaker privs, and all the bots
they used have been tested by Andras and found clean... yet the world
was trashed by a bot with the caretaker privs.

There is too much person-bashing in these newgroups (I'm also guilty
of that sometimes), don't you think?


On 27 Jul 2003 04:18:04 -0400, "strike rapier"
[View Quote] >Alex,
> I find this strange of you... My remarks become obnoxious after people
>engage their hands before engaging their brains... like I did with that list
>of proxies, and, rightly so I got hammered for it.
>I seem to remember a while ago, when I published news on these newsgroups
>about a certain character stealing 30 or so object path passwords with a
>subject such as 'ALERT!!!', rather immature of me at the time but I do
>believe you saw the response? The people trying to fix the problem after we
>announced it, was hampered by other people either a) saying I was lying, or
>b) scaremongering... Both of which slowed down the time it took to inform
>all of the world owners in the way it should be done... Systematically.
>You see, I get a little annoyed, when, in the experience of everyone here,
>people still want to cause panic. Its all very well going 'M a t t hacked
>this and M a t t hacked that' but surely that goes against your own logic of
>'Ignore the little kid and maybe he will go away', does it not?
>Sure, I know people are panicking. But for the love of God people need to
>THINK because that grey thing in your skull is the best protection against
>absolutely everything in life, real and virtual.
>- Mark
[View Quote]

M A T T again

Jul 27, 2003, 8:11pm
And as you know, there is no garantee that even so, your world would
not be trashed. You seem to be implying that all worlds that got
trashed have commited despicable mistakes. Superman, I wish you luck.


On 27 Jul 2003 08:38:20 -0400, "strike rapier"
[View Quote] >Actually, I would most likely deploy every offencive countermeaure I had...
>and thats a lot of them :)
>- Mark
[View Quote]

Xelagot 3.422 available

Aug 1, 2003, 9:17am
Xelagot 3.422 is now available. It has an enhancement of the Action
Script engine: pathfinding.


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