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xelag // User SearchNEW: Xelagot SDK Build 20Apr 4, 2001, 5:15pm
NEW SDK build 20!
Xelagot X1 version 2.9999983, Av99/SrvcXlg 2.983 - April 4th, 2001 This version of X1.exe expires on June 1st, 2001 Notes: The world list in the new AW universe shows all available worlds (almost 1000!). Note that the world in the X1 world list is grey if stopped, and grey with a question mark if uncertain. Stopped worlds sometimes show users (weird), possibly a universe-server error, and in the aw browser they do not show at all, so the bot's world list is longer that the aw browser's. can anyone ansew this ?Apr 5, 2001, 12:10pm
can anyone ansew this ?Apr 6, 2001, 6:30am
[View Quote]
Well as long as it does not screw up mine it ok with me :)
Object Change HelpOct 26, 2003, 3:11pm
Well actually, it is the aw sdk that assigns the new object number to
the object before it sends the object add or change command to the world server. the rc == 0 (or !rc) in rc=aw_object_change(); does not garantee that the change will happen, it only says "yes, i can send this object change to the world, because i'm logged in and have permission". If the world server accepts the change, the object number becomes valid; if not (like because the cell is full), it is invalid. So it is good practice to wait until the callback object_result is triggered to make sure that your object change (or add) has been accepted by the world server, and that your new object number is valid. You can retrieve in that callback "rc" and aw_int(AW_OBJECT_NUMBER) , i.e. the new object number you got earlier so you can compare them. If "rc" equals zero, you succeded in making the change. Alex [View Quote] [View Quote] AW_EVENT_OBJECT_BUMPNov 3, 2003, 11:14am
Not necessarily, Andras. If an object has an Action "bump" section,
it is the individual browser of the one who bumps that determines the moment of collision and procedes to act as commanded in the bump section. Properly coded, only the first bump need be sent to the world server and broadcasted, just like th object click/select. With one difference: bots have no collision detection and therefore can not bump :) Alex [View Quote] [View Quote] old Global Mode bugDec 3, 2003, 2:32pm
I just sent this email to devteam, I think it concerns all bot
developpers, so I post it here (I have no access to the beta ng). Dear AW development team, Since the introduction of Global Mode in the bot SDK in version 3.3, a number of anomalies have been noted and reported, but not fixed. This includes the empty name fields and citizen number 0 for real citizens, and the disappearence of avatars which are still present. Note that although these anomalies have been noted in Global Mode, this does not imply they do not exist in non-Global Mode. Yesterday, Chris Mürwald (chrispeg) and myself (XelaG) were doing a demonstration of interaction between bots and humans in DreamlandPark, world eLearn (build 56), to representatives of European Union sponsored institutions. At a certain moment, Chris and myself realised bots were not receiving my chat, while the browsers were receiving it. We decided to investigate. We collected the world logs, and the logs of my xelagot (designed by me) and of chrispeg's own botty (designed by him): the only code these two bot types share is the aw.dll. We seem to have found out what causes this. In short: All bots were in Global Mode. I (XelaG) was logged in with session number 45034 from my port 16561 I got disconnected (my winXP showed a 'network cable disconnected' message for a few seconds) I reconnected to the world with the same session number, from port 10002 .... at this point, bots still received my chat My connection from port 16561 timed out, and is closed by the world server. .... as from this moment, bots cease to receive my chat, although they do receive avatar_change and object_click events, and are able to whisper and send console messages. After noticing this, I logged off and back in with a different session number, and the situation went back to normal. The world logs show this: Tue 12/02/03 16:44:47 myIP -1 CONNECTED Tue 12/02/03 16:44:47 eLearn myIP -1 ENTER 45034 37FCDFE9 Tue 12/02/03 16:44:47 eLearn myIP:16561 -1 IDENTIFIED 'XelaG' 2659 2659 Tue 12/02/03 16:44:48 eLearn myIP:16561 2659 EVENT MASK 0x18f .... Tue 12/02/03 16:47:43 myIP:10002 -1 CONNECTED Tue 12/02/03 16:47:44 eLearn myIP:10002 -1 ENTER 45034 37FCDFE9 Tue 12/02/03 16:47:44 eLearn myIP:10002 -1 IDENTIFIED 'XelaG' 2659 2659 Tue 12/02/03 16:47:45 eLearn myIP:10002 2659 EVENT MASK 0x18f .... Tue 12/02/03 16:48:46 eLearn myIP:16561 2659 TIMEOUT Tue 12/02/03 16:48:46 eLearn myIP:16561 2659 DISCONNECTED As from this moment the anomaly occurs in the bot SDK (apparently, browsers are unaffected). Examining my own bot Delph's log, I noticed that avatar_change events that had my session number had empty or 0 name, citnum and privs fields. avatar_delete event (when I finally logged off, it's not the one in the world log above) had the wrong name. Moreover: my bot Delph had also experienced the same disconnect but, had logged off and logged back in, so that it's session number had changed. When its connection timed out according to the world log, it disconnected to old ghost session number. Other bots carried on receiving all events from Delph. Tue 12/02/03 16:45:18 myIP:16587 -1 CONNECTED Tue 12/02/03 16:45:18 eLearn myIP:16587 -1 ENTER 45035 37FCDFE9 Tue 12/02/03 16:45:18 eLearn myIP:16587 -1 IDENTIFIED '[Delph]' 0 2659 Tue 12/02/03 16:45:19 eLearn myIP:16587 2659 EVENT MASK 0x1ff .... Tue 12/02/03 16:48:20 myIP:10016 -1 CONNECTED Tue 12/02/03 16:48:20 eLearn myIP:10016 -1 ENTER 45048 37FCDFE9 Tue 12/02/03 16:48:20 eLearn myIP:10016 -1 IDENTIFIED '[Delph]' 0 2659 Tue 12/02/03 16:48:20 eLearn myIP:10016 2659 EVENT MASK 0x1ff .... Tue 12/02/03 16:48:47 eLearn myIP:16587 2659 TIMEOUT Tue 12/02/03 16:48:47 eLearn myIP:16587 2659 DISCONNECTED Two problems: 1. The world servers do not check to see if a new connection has the session number of an existing connection, and duplicates connections with same session numbers. This causes problems, especially when the ghost connection times out, as an avatar_delete will be sent for that session number, while there is still a connection open for the same session number. 2. The bot SDK gets confused, as it seems not to keep track of avatar_add/avatar_delete pairs. It is inconsistent: it allows events such as avatar_change, avatar_delete to pass through, but not chat events. Two solutions: 1. World servers should check for existing connections of a certain session number. If a connection exists, it should be closed (and the appropriate avatar_delete event should be issued) BEFORE a new avatar_add event is sent for that session number. 2. The bot SDK should keep track of paired avatar_add/avatar_delete events. If two avatar_add events are received from the world server for the same session number, the SDK should issue an avatar_delete in between them and remember skip one later. This would not be perfect but would ensure backward compatibility when the world server code is fixed. The effects of this bug: This bug seems to explain the missing data (names of avatars, citnums), disappearence of avatars in bot databases: it is completely consistent with the buggy effects noticed. Although reports have been done about this for bots in Global Mode, I expect this also happens with other bots (unless the bot SDK aleady has the fix in these cases and forgot to implement it in Global Mode). My hopes: That this bug will be removed as soon as possible. It has made Global Mode unfit for projects where reliability is crucial. Cheers, Alex old Global Mode bugDec 3, 2003, 7:55pm
I asked for access to the beta ng, and was denied, because it was for
alpha testers only. This bug was reported a few times directly to members of the dev team. I reporterd it personally a few weeks after the 3.3 version was made public. This now is the first time I had world logs to base my analysis on. I got a reply from Bill Hoover just now saying: --- Thank you for this detailed information. We will see what we can do to resolve this issue. --- I would suggest that reports about this bug (and others related to it) would be sent to devteam at as well as being posted to the newgroups. Maybe in this way we can help AW realise how seriously 'external' developpers are being hindered in producing applications that can enhance the AW experience if these bugs do not get a priority treatment. And I do agree with the one who said that you not always need to be able to reproduce a bug to fix it. In some cases (that's my own experience), re-examining your code and using good logic can help you find the bug, and fix it. A lot is a matter of what priorities you have. Alex [View Quote] >Crossposted reply from SDK group > >-- > >Gee.. shouldn't you post this kind of detailed info in the beta group >where the people working on the code are? > [View Quote] Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)Apr 7, 2001, 1:29am
A creepy comment :(
When I started making my bots, this is the sort of comment that put me off. Luckily, some people were more positive, sharing dreams, experiences and code.... and encouraging words. Bots do *not* need to be released once and be big, RD. It is the creative effort that makes a bot big, not how it is received. Making a bot is like creating a poem or a sculpture: you put your soul in it. May I quote from my Fang Club, written by a known **** when I first released my bot: "Eep² <yawn> Yet more wasted effort that could've been more wisely, efficiently used towards an existing bot instead of redoing most of what was already done. Gee, you programmers must be sado masochists or something. Ever heard of the concept of cooperation? Try it." This is the sort of attitude that murders souls. XelaG [View Quote] Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)Apr 7, 2001, 2:06am
Imagine in a couple of hundred years... they might rediscover our bots
somewhere in an old html page, find the old code... and rebuild the whole AW environement just to revive them... The people and bots watching this hologram will be nodding apreciatively and whispering in awe: these were our ancestors :) Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)Apr 8, 2001, 12:30am
Oh mine were simpler: If you don't have anytihing to say, then don't say it
:)) Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)Apr 8, 2001, 2:54am
Sure you are welcom with me to make your recommendations, I'm not the king of the realm :) The dilemma for me is that since bots made their appearence in aw, the attitude has been very negative towards bot-makers. Not negative, but *very* negative. It is maybe history to you, it is full present to me. The help files of the aw browser had an extreme negative warning against bots (that has changed in the last versions), warning world owners about the dangers... we fought this image, all botmakers, small and big. Bot makers are confronted with the limitations of Windows (the bot sdk only works in this crappy system), the port of the C code to various other development languages (with for at least a year or so an active disaproval and demeanouring attitude of C coders, including Roland Vilett, that has now changed), and the limitations of the aw.dll SDK code itself. Bot makers are not born but made. It takes patience, ingenuity and a lot of love and dedication. Sure, if someone paid me millions or a bit less to learn how to make bots, it might take slightly less time, and I could throw the love and dedication to another level. But that is not the case. There are many reasons why you want to make a bot. I myself was inspired by Hamfon's bots... they filled my first four months in aw with satisfaction! When Atlantis decided (the owner Cryonics I guess) to ban bots (I still damn that day) I got the hell outta there. I still have 'property' there... Then came the mixture of helpfull and demeaning attitudes of the *superior* C bot programmers... any bug we found was attributed to our programming language in those days. Bots seem to many like to belong here, and for me they do. But the priority of AW has always been directed towards browser browser browser. This is of course not strange... if your rendering engine doesnt work it doesnt work: agreed. Still, in more and more cases, it is patent that extra aw-browser activities can shape your world. This is not a priority... They have failed in their attempts to create a viable e-commerce ( at mart is an patent example). Their Educational Universe is ruled by bannings and prescritions: world owners, who possible pay quite a lot, at least as much as we do here, are imposed a Cutoms Aide bot from the universe owner - Lucerzia Borgia. Tourists, even welcome ones by the world owner, are ejected by that bot, and some owners dont even know about it. But bots can enhance a lot, in worlds and universes.... Brant once sent me a telegram, when he got his Cy award, saying that he owed it to me and my xelagots: that is how he shaped his idea for his award winning bot... and I, I shaped my xelagot idea on Hamfon's bots... Every bot maker, small or big, beginner or experienced, should be welcomed. To create something, whether it is a script for an existing bot, or a source coded bot... that is for me like re-shaping the world. An insect bite in this process was the constant interference of one well known troll, insulting us as much as he could. I wish all those who attempt to create a bot, whether it be one that allready exists or a totally different one, the best of luck, strength and inspiration... kill the trolls, don't let them put you down :). So you see, RD, lots of waters have flown under the bot bridge :) XelaG [View Quote] avatar type sdk bugDec 11, 2003, 12:33pm
reading your post again, I think you are refering to a forced avatar change on the bot by anorther CT bot. What you should do is this: your bot receives an avatar_change event. The session number received aw_int(AW_AVATAR_SESSION) has to be compared to the session of the bot aw_session. If both are equal then this is a forced avatar change and the only valid fields are aw_int(AW_AVATAR_TYPE) and aw_int(AW_AVATAR_GESTURE). You must now explicitely keep the values of the avatar and gesture in whatever variables the bot uses to set them and later send them to the SDK. If you forget to do this, next time the bot moves, it will be sending the old values of avatar and gesture back to the SDK and world server. If this is what you were refering to, the problem is in your bot and can be solved easily. It is not well explained in the AW pages, it took me a while to understand how this works. Alex PS: I emailed this to you I think earlier today. I add here this: I think this could be considered a bug in the SDK, as the SDK should itself check the session number and adjust the internal parameters of the bot (avatar and gesture) in the case of a forced change of avatar and gesture, without requiring that the programmer does that him/herself explicitely. In any case, if not a bug, it is a non-feature :) [View Quote] >copied from worldbuilders: > > > [View Quote] avatar type sdk bugDec 11, 2003, 6:21pm
The problem is, you are issuing aw_state_change BEFORE setting the
avatar type and gesture. aw_state_change must be the LAST command. Alex [View Quote] >Yes, I agree, this is a bug - unless a bot is, by the developers, >supposed to keep the avatar with which he logged into the universe. > >Even with the workaround, which I use also, I see the avatar switching >back and forth between the type the server sets and the type I force him >back into - and this happens although I issue the command right away: > >Result = sdk.aw_state_change >Result = sdk.aw_int_set(AW_AVATAR_TYPE, mytype) >Result = sdk.aw_int_set(AW_AVATAR_GESTURE, 0) >Result = sdk.aw_avatar_set(mysession) > >In this regard, even when the programmer provides type and gesture on >each state_change (which is, btw, a huge unnecessary server load, eg. >when multiple bots are moving) - it will not work correctly, so this >cannot be a non-feature, but only a bug. > >Actually, when you set another gesture than 0, the gesture will start >again and not continue - this might look quite funny in certain >circumstances <g>. > > > [View Quote] avatar type sdk bugDec 11, 2003, 8:17pm
Sorry, KF. You are using the SDK commands in a way they are NOT
supposed to be used. The correct order is FIRST to set the values to be sent to the world server by the SDK, an then, and ONLY then, to send them to the server with aw_state_change. You are doing the opposite. And by doing so, you can never produce a correct bug-report. Alex [View Quote] >No, this is not correct, because the state_change is the command that >causes the server to turn the avatar back to the log-in avatar type. > >So, when you set the avatar type BEFORE, then it will turn the avatar >type, but the state_change immediately changes it back. > >When you set it before, btw, you do not need to issue avatar_set to make >it work, but nevertheless, in every circumstance, state_change switches >it back. > > [View Quote] Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)Apr 8, 2001, 7:35pm
As you may have noticed, I do not always agree with AW attitudes or
policies, but let me state this: AW is at present the best community system I've seen, and whether one agrees or not with their policies, AW and its staff do inspire a lot of respect (which does not mean one has to shut ones mouth). The bot oddisey is typicall of many processes: you introduce something new, with good and bad potentials, many of the consequences of this are unpredictable. This is picked up by other parties, which find ways and applications which go beyond what one planned originally. It is a process of permanent adjustment of goals and techniques, of fears versus reality. As time goes by, a certain equilibrium is struck, the process is better understood. For example, non-C programmers can now file a bug report without expecting this answer: "it must be a bug in your programming language" (a very common remark in the early days). I wish AW would create a bot development department, where the priority would be non-browser oriented. Many a world nowadays exists because of bots, some have even been bought exclusively to implement bot activities (games etc). Educational, commercial and entertainment worlds could benefit a lot in enhancements of bot abilities, integrated with better browser capabilities. XelaG Python SDK?Dec 15, 2003, 5:02pm
There used to be one, experimental. It is probably totally outdated,
but you may be able to adapt it: Alex On 15 Dec 2003 11:53:44 -0500, "dark thorium" <josh at> [View Quote] >Hey, I've not been in AW for a long time (actually, I don't even have an >account any more, just newsgroups from a friend's account) but I used to do >a lot of bot coding in C/C++. Anyway, I just learned Python so I could embed >it in a platform I'm working on to make it programmable. I was wondering if >anyone had a version of the AW SDK for Python? > >-j > new X1 script i made ( this has the atached file lol)Apr 9, 2001, 11:44am
Hi ocean boy,
Nice script :) Did you notice on my script download page a script called Skull Counter Bot? It does a similar thing, only for a larger area, and allows you to clean up the corpses ... maybe you would like to improve it, like after counting to give the posibility of saving to file and of deleting using some command? XelaG [View Quote] new X1 script i made ( this has the atached file lol)Apr 9, 2001, 4:27pm
Keywords of a world?Jan 16, 2004, 6:21pm
Yes. Which is impossible.
[View Quote] >But if you wanted to make a bot to search for keywords.. that would mean >entering every world? > >~John > [View Quote] error 212Jan 20, 2004, 10:36pm
That is something I would like to know too. Repeat: What is "imposter"
in terms of the SDK, devteam? [View Quote] >What is an "imposter" in terms of the SDK? > error 212Jan 21, 2004, 1:23am
Sequence Numbers in cacheJan 22, 2004, 9:07am
Change any object in the world (add or delete an object), and the
sequence number of the sector where that object is/was goes up by one (and the cell where this happenes gets this new sequence number too). This is all done by the world server, you can't just change sequence numbers of the cache at will, the cache reflects what is in the world database. Alex [View Quote] >Anyone know how to make the sequence numbers in cache larger? > Possible bug with DeeJay part of XelagotApr 11, 2001, 9:12am
Check the help files about this.
1. X1 does not scan the area so as not to interrupt building and other activities, it remembers (on file) the object numbers. Because of that, the object numbers can get out of sync. This was supposed to be a feautere, but turns often into a bug. If its never built the objects, it makes them, and remembers the number the sdk passes it *before* the object is sent to the server and between sessions, keeps the numbers on file. These number are used to delete the objects. X1 does not use object change, it used object delete (which can fail) and object add. 2. There have been problems with negative coordinates at cell boundary (east and southern regions), that the browser did not refresh properly. I thought Roland had fixed this. 3. In some future release, I will attempt to better this code... when I have time :) [View Quote] Possible bug with DeeJay part of XelagotApr 12, 2001, 2:19pm
Because Object Change does not do the same thing :)
Object Change tests whether the new object fits in the cell, it does not 'remove' the old object before testing this. In overcrowded conditions, adding an object results in a failure. Object Change = Object Add + Object Delete (and not as stated in the AW SDK docs). I delete first, then add. Visually you may see the object disappear for a second. One thing I never tested is this: if when using Object Change the old object is not found, I don't know if the new object is added or not. [View Quote] Building while disconnectedJan 22, 2004, 9:20pm
No it won't. The command to build is sent only once (whether by a bot
SDK or browser). If it does not reach the world server, it is lost in a black hole :) Alex [View Quote] >I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. If I try to build >while disconnected from the world, will it try to build those objects once >reconnected? > I need a xleagot script that delets tourist buildings, & rebuilds them under the owners cit#.Apr 12, 2001, 5:27pm
sdk_event registryFeb 9, 2004, 9:56pm
recently, a similar issue was raised regarding the taskbar icon numbers on toolbar.cfg. Their icon idex number is fully customisable. The current official \TOOLBARS\toolbar.cfg (using the correspondent bitmap) has its own icon location, and many non-assigened locations. I suggestaed to Bill that AWI publishes a list of prefered index locations. The issue of the message ID is much more complicated. It resembles the issue of ports in winsock connections. Moreover, it should be in princilple world dependent... although the current implementation denies that dependency, so for general purposes the system is not practical. For it to work, each world would need its own definition list of buttons/message id, fully customisable on the fly when you enter the world, similar to the avatars.dat system (supposing in future this system will get more flexible by allowing the world to specify the name of the avatars.dat file, otherwise we remain stuck as we are now to OPs). This would also mean that bots implementing this should have a way to allow customisation of these message id numbers (for example, using an ini file, which can be altered by the world owner). The world owner could then decide which id numbers are assigned to which bots/actions. This is the only way I imagine this quite attractive system could work. It seems AWI is mistakenly trying, against the general wish of world owners for more independent features, to concentrate more and more world 'facilities' onto 'OP facilities', see the newly introduced user.ini in the OP cache, that forces you to wear the same avatar on all worlds that share an OP. And in this case, a general per universe set of browser buttons/message ids is totally absurd. Cheers and nice to hear from you, Alex On 9 Feb 2004 16:21:19 -0500, "brant" <awteen at> [View Quote] >Hi all, > >After looking through the documentation on the 3.5 toolbar functions at >, it seems to me that there's an opportunity >here to set a standard for using sdk_event commands before the SDK is >released and bot developers begin developing toolbars. If you're not sure >what this command is, be sure to check up on the documentation. > >The event specifies a "message id," upon which a bot performs a specific >function. The id is any number between 0 and 2^15-1. You can probably >start to see the problem: everybody who develops a bot that wants to use a >toolbar will use message id's 0, 1, 2, etc. That works fine for toolbars >put out by the developers themselves, but what if someone is starting a new >world that wants to run a ChatRelayBot at the same time as a Magsbot? If >both assign an important function to id_number zero, then when the >ChatRelayBot is commanded, the Magsbot will perform an unrelated action. > >Imagine trying to change your chat color when the Magsbot interprets your >button click as a command to delete your house! > >This problem can be easily solved by someone maintaining a simple registry >for sdk_event "message id's. " I doubt that any time soon AW's bot >developers will find a way to assign commands to all 32767 id's, so for the >time being, each command can be assigned a unique id. For example, a >Xelagot could use sdk_event message_id's 0 to 15, while a paintball bot >could use message_id's 16 to 25, and so on. This registry could be >maintained on a simple HTML page where each bot is listed along with its >assigned "id range." If the coordinator of this list is thourough enough, >then toolbar developers can simply look at that page and incorporate the >commands they would like to use in their new toolbars. Perhaps a set of >"standard" actions could also be assigned a "reserved" set of id's; for >example, id 200 could be reserved as a "teleport user to GZ" command for all >bots that want to support it. > >Note that the goal here wouldn't be enforcement of these id's - if someone >wants to run a bot that's non-compliant in his or her world, then that's his >or her business to explain to users that "standard" toolbars wouldn't work >correctly in that world. > >Perhaps someone (or a group of people) would be interested in taking up this >project? > sdk_event registryFeb 10, 2004, 4:53am
I welcome all initiatives, of course. As far as I am concerned, I do
not think I will include support for this function in xelagot, as it does not apply to individual worlds. As it is described in the beta documents, this becomes a universe function, (wrongly) customisable by individuals by changing the toolbar.cfg (that applies to the particular browser used for a particular universe). Totally unpractical for world owners. It's an excelent idea, poorly planned, even more idiotically than the user.ini at OP level. I hope that AWI will find a use for this function that can benefit individual world owners; only then will I consider (and sure will) implementing this in my bots. Alex --- [View Quote] >Brant, > >You brought up a very good point, and XelaG has also made his point on this ID number being world-dependent. Since it doesn't seem like AWI will be changing this any time soon, the system you described is probably the best way to go about this. Until then, I do not have any plans to support the SDK_EVENT system within any of my bots (since I myself abhor version 3.5). However, I do recall that UberMonkey may be planning to use SDK_EVENT in Proxima; a standard system like the one you proposed would be helpful for everyone. > > [View Quote] --- my previous posting Brant, recently, a similar issue was raised regarding the taskbar icon numbers on toolbar.cfg. Their icon idex number is fully customisable. The current official \TOOLBARS\toolbar.cfg (using the correspondent bitmap) has its own icon location, and many non-assigened locations. I suggestaed to Bill that AWI publishes a list of prefered index locations. The issue of the message ID is much more complicated. It resembles the issue of ports in winsock connections. Moreover, it should be in princilple world dependent... although the current implementation denies that dependency, so for general purposes the system is not practical. For it to work, each world would need its own definition list of buttons/message id, fully customisable on the fly when you enter the world, similar to the avatars.dat system (supposing in future this system will get more flexible by allowing the world to specify the name of the avatars.dat file, otherwise we remain stuck as we are now to OPs). This would also mean that bots implementing this should have a way to allow customisation of these message id numbers (for example, using an ini file, which can be altered by the world owner). The world owner could then decide which id numbers are assigned to which bots/actions. This is the only way I imagine this quite attractive system could work. It seems AWI is mistakenly trying, against the general wish of world owners for more independent features, to concentrate more and more world 'facilities' onto 'OP facilities', see the newly introduced user.ini in the OP cache, that forces you to wear the same avatar on all worlds that share an OP. And in this case, a general per universe set of browser buttons/message ids is totally absurd. Cheers and nice to hear from you, Alex I need help with rebuild in xelagotApr 12, 2001, 7:33pm
How to copy a project and move it to a new place with xelagot is explained
in the help files, see "Transforms". You transform the coordinates of your project using the Transform tab (rotate, translate). Needless to say, I am not going to explain it again here :) What you are probably doing is attempting to build in the same where the objects were... and even maybe succeeding ! [View Quote] |