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A general question

Feb 4, 1999, 7:42am
Is there a general locale one can find bots to
download? I am looking for a greeter bot for my
world...Also, instructions on installing it?

Thanks a million,

Terry (Holistic1)

Re: AlphaWorld "Wishlist"

Mar 16, 1999, 10:44am
Well,,, one thing would be that when new objects do become available, they are
zip separately and put on the web as new objects for a certain period of
time...that would sure make things easier for those of us who have our own
object paths not having to hunt and download each object.

[View Quote] > It been a while since I've seen new objects for AW on the wishlist - I'm
> curious what sorts of new things people would like to see in AW?
> What would make the AW object libary more useful? What types of objects
> ought to be added or altered? What objects are useless (if any?).
> Also, I notice that many objects come with a LOT of different textures,
> although in practice only about 1/4 of them ever get used. For example the
> "walk" objects come in about 25+ different textures, although only a few of
> the variations ever get used. (probably because the other textures don't
> look as good). What would be more important, more texture choices, or more
> shape and size choices?
> Don't worry - I am not proposing massive changes for Alpha, I'm just trying
> to get a feel for what makes a building world "great", and what will keep
> builders engaged and excited. I've gotten some good input from several
> friends so far, but wanted to put it to the community and see what everyone
> has to say. :)
> Shamus Young
> Artwork / World Developer
> Activeworlds.com, Inc
> Email: shamus at activeworlds.com
> Personal Homepage: http://users.penn.com/~shamus/
> ================================================
> - - --= A C T I V E W O R L D S =-- - -
> See the future of the net in a 3D interactive world!
> http://www.activeworlds.com

AlphaWorld "Wishlist"

Mar 16, 1999, 10:16pm
Just thought of another thing....How about some small pict's that could be used
as picture frames that sit on tables etc.

[View Quote] > It been a while since I've seen new objects for AW on the wishlist - I'm
> curious what sorts of new things people would like to see in AW?
> What would make the AW object libary more useful? What types of objects
> ought to be added or altered? What objects are useless (if any?).
> Also, I notice that many objects come with a LOT of different textures,
> although in practice only about 1/4 of them ever get used. For example the
> "walk" objects come in about 25+ different textures, although only a few of
> the variations ever get used. (probably because the other textures don't
> look as good). What would be more important, more texture choices, or more
> shape and size choices?
> Don't worry - I am not proposing massive changes for Alpha, I'm just trying
> to get a feel for what makes a building world "great", and what will keep
> builders engaged and excited. I've gotten some good input from several
> friends so far, but wanted to put it to the community and see what everyone
> has to say. :)
> Shamus Young
> Artwork / World Developer
> Activeworlds.com, Inc
> Email: shamus at activeworlds.com
> Personal Homepage: http://users.penn.com/~shamus/
> ================================================
> - - --= A C T I V E W O R L D S =-- - -
> See the future of the net in a 3D interactive world!
> http://www.activeworlds.com

Re: Log Cabins

Jul 27, 1999, 1:01pm
Aren't Winters objects Passworded?

[View Quote] > Winter has log cabins,go to their object yard and there will be a sign that
> says small cabin or test cabin i cant remember
[View Quote]

Wishlist Comitee

Jul 30, 1999, 2:56pm
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Well, you can always form a loosely knit
corporation and all of the bitchers, whiners and
complainers could contribute a couple of grand
each, buy up the AW stock and take control of the
corp. Then you all can bitch, whine and complain
about who is going to play boss this week. But
then again, youi all might be able to force the
company personel to get off their duffs and get
what you want done, done.

Just a thought.


[View Quote] > Yup, they're not gonna listen to anyone as far
> as changes go. They won't listen to committees,
> petitions, postings in their own newsgroups
> under the wishlist category, etc. They might or
> might not answer personally asked or emailed
> questions, that depends what you ask. (hint:
> don't hold your breath waiting for truth, but
> trivial stuff might work). The best thing that
> could have happened to AW, would have been if it
> had bought up by a company who were serious, way
> back when there was potential. Too late now
> though, there's too much way better technology
> out there. Scented NectarMy Vegetarian Recipe
> SiteMy (usually) Tiling Textures Site Eep
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Well, you can always form a loosely knit corporation and all of the bitchers,
whiners and complainers could contribute a couple of grand each, buy up
the AW stock and take control of the corp.&nbsp; Then you all can bitch,
whine and complain about who is going to play boss this week.&nbsp;&nbsp;
But then again, youi all might be able to force the company personel to
get off their duffs and get what you want done, done.
<p>Just a thought.
[View Quote] --------------3DD905367FE6FA6244219D03--

Wishlist Comitee

Jul 30, 1999, 3:34pm
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HAHAHAHa...I agree I am an optimist (an incurable
one at that), and as far as getting the personel
up,,,, ever hear of a cattle prod? :)


[View Quote] > :) Yeah, if there's no one holding onto a
> majority of the stock in the silly hopes that
> it's gonna go somewhere... :) Also, those rules
> under which they incorporated - it would have to
> allow all that. It would be fun though, if us
> bitching, whining complainers (I'm a card
> carrying member, myself) could holding a group
> directorship with absolute veto powers, taking
> turns each week who's boss. But you're a lot
> more of an optimist than I about getting the
> current company personel off their duffs and
> doing what needs doing. That would take powers
> beyond anything I can imagine! Scented NectarMy
> Vegetarian Recipe SiteMy (usually) Tiling
> Textures Site
> Terry Kafader
> <tkafader at mail.cisc.k12.pa.us> wrote
> in message
> news:37A1D955.CD9BB503 at mail.cisc.k12.pa.us...Well,
> you can always form a loosely knit
> corporation and all of the bitchers,
> whiners and complainers could
> contribute a couple of grand each, buy
> up the AW stock and take control of
> the corp. Then you all can bitch,
> whine and complain about who is going
> to play boss this week. But then
> again, youi all might be able to force
> the company personel to get off their
> duffs and get what you want done,
> done.
> Just a thought.
> Terry
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HAHAHAHa...I agree I am an optimist (an incurable one at that), and as
far as getting the personel up,,,, ever hear of a cattle prod? :)
[View Quote] </body>


Protecting Children

Jun 26, 2000, 12:25am

[View Quote]

:-(.. I'm in Berlin and it is 1989...

Nov 29, 1999, 12:27pm
Yes, it does sound interesting..


[View Quote] > Sounds interesting...
[View Quote]

Newsgroup and Bashing

Nov 30, 1999, 9:53pm
MacB, that was very well said.....Now hows that for a flame...:)


[View Quote] > Stepping up to the plate.....
> Well I am not the rough and tumble type who goes to seedy bars and breaks
> bottles over people's heads like in the Hollywood westerns. On the other
> hand, I really can't understand what all the concern is about a little
> "bashing". There are what... 30,000 usenet newsgroups? I don't think I
> have found one yet where there is no bashing, trolling, spamming and all
> sorts of other bad behavior. Not once have I been traumatized by reading
> something in a newsgroup.
> I have also witnessed in this very newsgroup (actually its predecessor
> "awcommunity") cases where people who's native language was not English said
> things which seemed a bit harsh. In many such cases, the "bashing" is in
> the eye of the beholder. There is no disputing the usefulness of the
> technical newsgroups here "worldbuilders", "sdk", "beta". But THIS group
> is where you could come to find out what people think. People you might
> not run into in AW because of time differences or world preferences. If I
> post something here that someone violently disagrees with, and the only way
> they can express their disagreement is to call me an idiot, well.... I think
> I can live with that.
> On the other hand... there are people in this world who cannot let a piece
> of lint go unpicked off your collar. They can't live in a neighborhood
> where the houses are not color coordinated. If they prefer Amoretto
> flavored coffee, they can't see why everyone doesn't drink it. Not only do
> they know what's best for their children, but they know what's best for YOUR
> children. Given a podium they will be glad to tell you what is best for
> you. Given authority they will order you to do things their way. Given a
> weapon they will dispose of you if you refuse.
> I don't know much about you or your politics Jetta, but based on the names
> of the worlds you own, I bet you have a strong appreciation for the value of
> diversity and the benefits that can come from it. This diversity is in my
> opinion one of the most important things about AW. It is being slowly
> destroyed by people who don't share that appreciation. Maybe his message
> will get through. Maybe most of our messages will get through. Have I
> "bashed" anyone here?
> Read that charter again. The mechanism is in place to filter out anything
> that "needs" to be filtered out, based on the opinions of a few people, and
> maybe a coin toss. Restricting this forum to citizens is really an
> administrative issue, it automatically filters out a few known
> "troublemakers", and leaves less work for the "gods" that monitor this
> group.
> I marvel at the lint pickers ability to derive pleasure from the act.
> The number of posts to newsgroups about AW is down. WAY down. And not
> just this newgroup, but all of them. I leave it as an exercise to the
> reader to figure out why.
[View Quote]

Alpha World and other AWCOM worlds

Dec 2, 1999, 6:02pm
Just make sure that you have grovers permission to release those that are his.


[View Quote] > Hey AW, if you want any object donations for AW or something from me, id
> be glad to. i have about 500 public domain or self created objects from my
> old world which i will renew soon (SNGland) and some from grover ect.
> Just ask me if you want some.
> This goes for EVERYONE especially AWCOM
> SomeNiceGuy

tech & trouble stuph

Dec 6, 1999, 3:09pm
If any of your objects have a black box or square around them it is
because your cache has been clobbered... Simply exit your aw browser, and
go to where your ActiveWorld cache is located and delete it.


[View Quote] > anybody see some objects blacking out...or is this the wrong forum for
> such?

Still another Friggin Test

Dec 10, 1999, 7:56pm
Well, the last two have. :) Someitimes you have
to try posting twice. At least thats what I have
to do.


[View Quote] > My posts haven't been geting to "community".

Re: HearMe

Dec 11, 1999, 11:13am
[View Quote] > Of course Americans will comment on our accent - they seem to have an inferiority complex because they only
> understand their own language while we in Europe usually speak/understand at least two languages (our own and
> English) and often three or more.

Given that the USA is one country from sea to shining sea, and Europe is a multitude of countries border to
border, it would make sense that Europeans would speak more than one. But that does not make us inferior. It
just makes us a nation of one language. Although I only speak english, many Americans speak more than one
language (Spanish, or variation, being the most popular). As for accents, most of us don't have a problem,
although we might ask one to repeat themselves once in a while, after a short time our ears become accustom to
the accent and then have no difficulty understanding .


[View Quote]


Dec 18, 1999, 12:50pm
Yes it is, Roger. I wonder what it would take to get them to remove it.
AW, any thoughts?


[View Quote] > This password stuff is a big pain in the butt.

No graphics downloading

Jan 19, 2000, 4:14pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Have you cleaned out your Activeworlds cache?&nbsp; If not, then go to
the activeworlds folder and delete the cache folder.
<p>Hope that helps.
[View Quote]

where is www.activeworlds.com ?

Jan 19, 2000, 7:30pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I just went there with no problems...I would suggest trying again.
[View Quote]

need some help

Feb 10, 2000, 1:21pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
One other thing.&nbsp; Make sure that everything is removed from your temp
directory.&nbsp; It is located at c:\windows\temp.&nbsp; Windows has a
bad habit of reusing temp files if it finds them.&nbsp; Thus if you have
an error condition and whatever program you were using created a temp file,
which almost all of them do, then, when windows restarts, it will see those
temp files and attempt to reuse them.&nbsp; Thus recreating the error condition.
<p>Hope this helps,
[View Quote]


Apr 22, 2000, 11:32am
Hmmm,,, does for me... I am using Netscape 4.72. No problems


[View Quote] > Your page doesn't load in Netscape. Might want to fix that :)
> --
> Goober King
> He's the one mumbling in the corner...
> http://lavender.fortunecity.com/heat/318/index.html


Apr 26, 2000, 12:19pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I don't have any problems with netscape.&nbsp; I am using 4.72.&nbsp; What
version are you using?
[View Quote]


Apr 27, 2000, 6:31pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Well, the research that I did would indicate that RAPILIB.DLL is used in&nbsp;
AOL.&nbsp; Are you using aol for your internet access?
[View Quote]

New Objects for Alpha - Thanks

May 8, 2000, 7:37pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
It would really be a nice thing if they made just the new objects and textures
etc available for download in one zip file.&nbsp; IE: new objects.zip,
new textures.zip etc.&nbsp; As it is, we have to download each, one at
a time...Btw, I checked the main zip files and the new items are not in
[View Quote]

New Objects for Alpha - Thanks

May 10, 2000, 7:56pm
I have downloaded all of the textures, objects, seqs, and avatars that
have a date of January2000 or later and have zipped them. you can
download them at I tried to get all of the new
ones, however, I may have missed one or two. I will add to the zips as
time allows and I know there are newer aw items ready to download. If
you find any that need to be added, I would really appreciate being



[View Quote] > Hi all,
> Rick Noll has just confirmed the new objects are now added to Alpha.
> Thanks all who gave their support with emails and such.
> Note we won't get use of them until Roland takes down the server and
> restarts it. Rick did not say when that will happen.
> Regards, Justin

Objects and Textures download

May 16, 2000, 9:35pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
The textures2000.zip file got clobbered... It has been fixed... sorry.
[View Quote]

What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 12, 2000, 11:28am
<3942f98e at server1.Activeworlds.com> <39440897$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Date: 12 Jun 2000 08:34:34 -0400
X-Trace: 12 Jun 2000 08:34:34 -0400,
Lines: 20
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X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at activeworlds.com>
X-UIDL: 988
Status: U

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<br>Eep, what's this?????... Coming from the guy that blew several fuses
because the PK's were/are ejecting people for swearing at GZ, whatever
happened to all of the freedoms you have banted about?&nbsp; Now you want
repression of the freedom to express yourself???? &lt;GASP>.&nbsp; Sorry
Eep you can't have it both ways.&nbsp; I would prefer that AW not try to
pass out moral judgments as to what theme a private world chooses.
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>----
<p>I just hope those Gor freaks clean up their act. I think AWCI should
ban them from AW anyway. There is at least one adult universe (3D Sex Worlds
or something) they can go play their sadistic fantasies in, but leave it
OUT of AWCI's universe!
&lt;snip sig>

Protecting Children

Jun 26, 2000, 12:25am

[View Quote]

Objects and Textures

Jun 28, 2000, 8:32pm
The zip file only contain any new or changed textures uploaded from AW after January2000. I do and
will continue to update them with any other uploads as time allows. If AW doesn't put them up, I
can't download them. :)


[View Quote] > Am I confused? Why can't I seem to find all the new woods and stones in your zips?
> -Myrth
[View Quote]

Too lame to write a subject

Jun 21, 2000, 8:43pm
May I recommend a couple of ideas. First of all, go to c:\windows\temp. if
there are ANY files and/or folders in the temp folder, delete them.
Second, run scandisk with auto repair option selected. After rebooting, go
to the microsoft.com site and do a search on 'regclean'. Download it and
run it.. Regclean cleans up the registry.

That should fix you up some.

Hope that helps.


[View Quote]


Jul 20, 2000, 2:32pm
Gads, wouldn't it be easier to simply put each browser into its own folder,
then put a shortcut on the desktop and rename it to whatever the universe is
for that browser? Yes, it would take more diskspace, but, at least then it
would simply be click and run.
It works for me.

Just my .02


[View Quote] > Here's a suggestion if you want to visit universes other than AW and
> not hack an exe file. You just edit the aworld.ini file. It's a
> nuisance but effective. Just edit or add the [universe] section and
> use a semicolon in front of those universes you DON'T want to visit.
> Here's an example:
> [universe]
> host=www.ultra-worlds.com
> ;host=
> ;host=www.vectorscape.com
> ;host=www.seeray.com
> ;host=www.vmenta.com
> As set, this ini file will take you to the Ameriworld Universe
> (www.ultra-worlds.com). To go to AW, put a semicolon in front of every
> host entry. Be sure to make a backup copy of the ini file and
> contacts.txt before editing... just in case. Also, since the contacts
> list refers to cit #s, they might be a little different in each
> universe.
> Happy universe hopping.
> Wendel
> On 15 Jul 2000 14:49:45 -0400, "Alex Grigny de Castro (XelaG)"
[View Quote]

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