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International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Sep 10, 2005, 1:29am
On September 19, don't miss the third best holiday after Halloween and St.
Patty's Day. And it's not even a legal holiday. Though what makes holidays
legal? We could all start holidays like... International Fart Under the
Blankets Day. You know we all do it. Let's celebrate it.


So folks... gear up on ye pirate speakin' Arrrrrr!

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Sep 10, 2005, 1:29am
On September 19, don't miss the third best holiday after Halloween and St.
Patty's Day. And it's not even a legal holiday. Though what makes holidays
legal? We could all start holidays like... International Fart Under the
Blankets Day. You know we all do it. Let's celebrate it.


So folks... gear up on ye pirate speakin' Arrrrrr!

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Sep 10, 2005, 1:31am
On September 19, don't miss the third best holiday after Halloween and St.
Patty's Day. And it's not even a legal holiday. Though what makes holidays
legal? We could all start holidays like... International Fart Under the
Blankets Day. You know we all do it. Let's celebrate it.


So folks... gear up on ye pirate speakin' Arrrrrr!

Gate Network System: New Objects, New Website

Sep 16, 2005, 2:32am
TGhe Stargate, however, is more commonly known from the sequal movie:
Stargate SG1, and the TV series, but either way, it's a great concept :) Go
[View Quote]

Think about it

Sep 17, 2005, 2:14am
Please read and think about this, and apss it on at your workplaces and

What's really behind the chaos in New Orleans?

Back in the 70's, my wife, baby daughter, and I lived in Goodna, Queensland,
a suburb of Brisbane. We were young and inexperienced and like most couples
our age lived pretty much hand to mouth. It was a struggle to make ends
meet. Any savings we had went as a down payment on the home we were buying.
Once a week my wife went shopping and bought the food and supplies we would
need the following week.

Like the Southeastern United States, the area we lived in was subtropical
and prone to cyclones (same as hurricanes). One day a cyclone approached our
area. It wasn't a big one as cyclones go, so we weren't too concerned. We
figured 6-12 hours of high winds and all would be back to normal. Except
things didn't go exactly according to plans. The cyclone moved in over top
of us and hit up against another pressure front and stopped dead. And there
it sat for two days. Not too much wind but oh did it rain. An inch an hour
for 48 hours. That's right - we got nearly four feet of rain.

Now Brisbane is built on the Brisbane River, not an impressive river as
rivers go - only a few feet deep and a hundred feet wide in the western
suburbs where we lived. At least during normal times. Four feet of water
over several hundred square miles is one hell of a lot of water. Trust me on
that one - I've seen it. And all of that water all had to get to the sea via
the Brisbane River. During the night, our little Brisbane River rose and
rose. The police were magnificent. They woke people up and evacuated
thousands of homes during that long night. Only two people drowned in our
area - residents of a mobile home park whose trailer was swept away. The
police commandeered trucks and backed them up to the local grocery store and
loaded all the food and necessities, drove them to high ground and parked

By mid morning the river was 60 feet deep and three miles wide. We lived on
a hill so we weren't submerged. When you walked over the crest of the hill
and looked down into the valley where there was once a highway, railroad
line, shopping centers, and thousands of homes you were stunned into
silence. All you could see was water everywhere. No electric poles, no roof
tops, nothing. Everything was under water.

We took stock of our situation - it wasn't good. The flood came on our
weekly shopping day so the house contained very little food. We had some
candles and a flashlight. Nothing else. There was no electricity or water.
Fortunately it was warm weather.

We were in stunned disbelief. So were our neighbors. However, we decided we
had better quickly organize ourselves. We knew we were going to be isolated
and without water or power for some time. We started collecting all the rain
water we could. Without it we were screwed. We dismantled and reassembled a
non-mortared barbecue under our carport. We started collecting all the
firewood we could find. We assessed the food situation. Some people had full
freezers. We separated what we could eat over the next several days and dug
pits and buried the rest. Everyone shared what they had without a single
word of what came from whom.

Needless to say we survived - and in good shape. The R.A.A.F flew some food
supplies in (especially fresh bread that the local prison was baking and
fresh, unpasteurized milk from local farmers.) by helicopter. In fact I look
back on those days with some fondness. Our carport became the hub of the
neighborhood. At night we would just sit around the fire and talk.

The thousands of people who were displaced didn't go to refugee camps. They
went into the homes of those not flooded - sometimes friends or relatives,
often strangers. Nobody forced you to take in another family, everyone just
did it.

Hundreds of millions of dollars was raised throughout Australia. The relief
agencies didn't screw around with the money either. As soon as the water
receded in a weeks time, they set up centers in every hamlet. Anyone who was
submerged was given an initial $4,000 in CASH to tide them through. More
came later. Was there some abuse? A few instances but not many and the there
was follow-up to deal with that.. Was there any looting? Virtually none.

What does this have to do with New Orleans? Plenty.

Why didn't the people in the Superdome make any effort to organize
themselves? Why didn't groups of men patrol the restrooms to prevent rapes?

We have gone a long way in the past 40 years to creating a dysfunctional
society where self reliance, pride in one's self and a sense of right and
wrong are no longer esteemed or even valued.

We have allowed our government and media to say to people that you are not
at fault for what you do. You are victims, little children who can't look
after yourselves.

We have told our minorities that everything that goes wrong is the result of
racism. That you cannot succeed in a racist society.

We have told the dysfunctional that we will look after you no matter how
egregiously you act.

We have excused crime saying that poverty creates crime, when we all
instinctively know that it is the crime that creates poverty.

We have told young women that it okay to have babies without fathers. There
is no stigma attached - in fact if you have a baby we will shower you with
money and benefits so you can move out of your parent's house and have even
more babies. Even if this guarantees your babies will be raised in poverty.

We have told young men that it is okay to father as many children as you
can. The government will assume the father's traditional role and look after
the mother and babies.

And most importantly, we have called morals old fashioned and judgmental.
What right does society have to say that something is right or wrong?

And what have we gotten for this? (not to mention the $1 trillion we have
spent on the poor) Citizens who, at the first sign of trouble, stand around
bewildered. You see it on the news. Faces screaming, "Help me!", "Tell me
what to do!"

God help us. We're reaping what we sowed.

<Author Unknown>

Think about it

Sep 18, 2005, 1:33am
[View Quote] What I think is wrong is how people are being brought up nowadays (see next
post by me)

> However, I did get a chuckle out of one middle-aged man who was looting
> the stores for whatever he could find and giving it to bands of ppl
> stranded. He had spray painted AID all over his car (his car or not, I
> don't know) and syphoned off gas wherever he could find it. LOL
> I remember one scene of him giving a box of food to a group and saying,
> "Eat it now or save it for later." and off he went with a car load of
> diapers to bring to a shelter.
I never heard of that guy, but he has my respect! Looting a store for cash
and electronics is stupid and morally wrong, but what that gentleman has
done, distributing aid like that, I want to shake his hand!

Think about it

Sep 18, 2005, 1:33am
When I have kids of my own one day, I want to raise them how I was raised.
Punishment if they dont listen, spankings, a quick slap on the hand, getting
grounded, soap to wash the bad words out of the mouth. The only problem is
nowadays, one is likely to loose their children and end up in jail for doing
anyo of that, and that I do not agree with. Youth need direction and
strictness, or we end up with a society full of youth and adults who know no
better than to do what they want and think.. know.. they can get away with
it.. murder.. rape... theft.. beatings.. all of that due to lack of diciplin
as youth. Not the only contributing faxctor to all of that, but a main one
nonetheless. And think about it, this is coming from someone who will be
turning 19 in a week.

expiring (again)

Sep 18, 2005, 7:51am
Well, 18 days for me, and likewise, i'll frequent as a tourist until I again
havre the time to find it worth renewing to get my mneys worth.. lol, i'll
probobly giv ein after a week or so :p
[View Quote]

Captuire The Flag

Sep 21, 2005, 3:46pm

Ladies, Gentlemen and Youth! There is a new world upon us, bringing a new
idea of entertainment to the Active Worlds universe!

With various modes, such as Paintball, and of course, capture the flag, you
can spend hours having fun!

At the moment ther is only one field, but we are working on developing
various other fields, with themes.

We are looking for help with this, wether you would like to help build
fields, or run and co-ordinate events, just telegram WiNgZeRo or Lord Fett.

World owners like to help? Contacvt us about recieving an advertising
package to display near your GZ!

Have fun!

Captuire The Flag

Sep 21, 2005, 7:33pm
Gack! Tripple? Damn Outlookexpress.. im getting Thunderbird or whatever its
called now >.<

[View Quote]

Captuire The Flag

Sep 22, 2005, 4:11am
I deleted the other ones :p

Captuire The Flag

Sep 22, 2005, 11:59am
With OutLook Express.. no.
WIth Mozilla Thunderbird.. yes.. but only your iwn, just right-click
and select 'cancel message'.

[View Quote]

Captuire The Flag

Oct 1, 2005, 11:46pm
you deleted it on your local machine, but it's still on teh server methinks

[View Quote]

Capture The Flag

Sep 21, 2005, 3:51pm

Ladies, Gentlemen and Youth! There is a new world upon us, bringing a new
idea of entertainment to the Active Worlds universe!

With various modes, such as Paintball, and of course, capture the flag, you
can spend hours having fun!

At the moment ther is only one field, but we are working on developing
various other fields, with themes.

We are looking for help with this, wether you would like to help build
fields, or run and co-ordinate events, just telegram WiNgZeRo or Lord Fett.

World owners like to help? Contacvt us about recieving an advertising
package to display near your GZ!

Have fun!

Capture The Flag

Sep 21, 2005, 4:10pm

Ladies, Gentlemen and Youth! There is a new world upon us, bringing a new
idea of entertainment to the Active Worlds universe!

With various modes, such as Paintball, and of course, capture the flag, you
can spend hours having fun!

At the moment there is only one field, but we are working on developing
various other fields, with themes.

We are looking for help with this, whether you would like to help build
fields, or run and co-ordinate events, just telegram WiNgZeRo or Lord Fett.

World owners like to help? Contact us about receiving an advertising
package to display near your GZ!

Have fun!


Oct 3, 2005, 2:31pm
Omg thats such a big add.. a huge add. an expensive ad... it better sell
some beer i tell ya

[View Quote]


Oct 4, 2005, 4:07pm
Well, down to 1.5ish remaining... don't you fret, however, for cit#
354172, DaBean, will return!! Have fun folks, I'l be a grey for a while,
so se you al around!

Unseen Bean


Oct 4, 2005, 4:20pm
days.. not hours..

[View Quote]

This is cool

Nov 5, 2005, 5:50am
I played with the coding a bit and turned:




FYI: Bena (portrayed heree) Is what my RL friends made up based on ME,
hence me goi9ng by Bean. Have fun playing with Bean :)

[View Quote]

This is cool

Nov 5, 2005, 12:35pm
Well, it is some sort or HTML coding (I know little about coding,
although sometimes I can break it down). So unless AWI releases HTML
compatibility in 4.1, I dont think it would be possible. Music? I'll
have some later on tonight maybe! Cheers!

[View Quote]

This is cool

Nov 6, 2005, 3:28am



This is cool

Nov 6, 2005, 4:43pm
Before anyone thinks otherwise, a small disclaimer :) I figured outr
which images where what, and edited my own copies and re-used teh code.
The credit of the code goes to the brilliance of whoever wrote it, I
have no idea how it works, bet I might do some more. Tedious work it,.

Ridiculous Bot

Nov 11, 2005, 4:31am
Well, I was looking around the PE site or whatever, and came across this:

The ASTEROID SPACE RESORT was today, 24th of October 2005, bought by
avatar "Jon NEVERDIE Jacobs" for a sum of 1,000,000 PED (100,000 US Dollar)!

So, som eguy bought some pixels for a million dollars. Amazing.


Nov 12, 2005, 6:43am
[View Quote]

Math Problem

Nov 15, 2005, 4:48pm
I was taught BEDMAS as well, brackets, exponents ,divide, multiply,
add, subtract. Whats the O?
[View Quote]


Nov 17, 2005, 8:45pm
I'm going to have to go see if this works.. WIsh me luck!

Move Command

Nov 16, 2005, 6:37am
Heya! Just wondering how everyone does their move commands to free
cellspace specifically the move and wait commands. I see lots of
move=.000000001 or move=0 and wait=9999 or whatever. How do you choose
which is the right for you?

Move Command

Nov 16, 2005, 4:58pm
Hmm, guess i'm not the only one who uses 1e9, good to know others use it
too :)

[View Quote]

AWI Answers

Nov 18, 2005, 5:20am
Excellent post. You cant please everyone, and trying to can get you into
trouble, so if changing AW to 4.1 features etc doesnt effect existing
builds, no worries.

Good post Sir Comit


[View Quote]

[OT] Death

Nov 25, 2005, 5:04pm
Good. but yes ew.

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