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agent1 // User Search

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 8:25pm
Why would they bother doing that when they could just flip a bit and turn
your world off?


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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 2:51pm
Ugh... idiot.

[View Quote] He works for AWC.

> 1. The IP is located in the Atlanta area as being owned by COX
> Communications. That indicates that it is a cable internet connection of
> a private household.

He's a contractor - doesn't work at the offices.

> 2. Considering that of #1 it means the imformation collected went to
> someone's PERSONAL PC and not a corporately owned computer within AW's
> offices. The IRS might find this tactic very interesting!

What data? A world name? Anyway, what's wrong with the "data" going to
someone's computer if they're working under AW's knowledge to produce a
product for them?

> 3. Seeing how it was a private PC outside of AW's offices this DIRECTLY
> constitutes a VIOLATION of world owners privacy.

No. What was taken from the world that is supposed to be private? Anyway,
citizen 1 *always* has the "right" (in the AW sense) to enter your world.

> Now.. if you wish you might want to contact abuse at cox and tell them of
> the illegal activities that IP has been up to.

There were none.

> I have no problem with AW advancing their product but there are laws in
> the U.S. Just because they want to contract out to someone to sit at
> home and write some software additions does not mean they are legally
> allowed to violate privacy issues or TOS agreements of isp's. Regardless
> of AW's excuses it still boils down to this individual having your data
> on his PC.

What data? No one's address or other private information is revealed to
someone by entering your world.

> Until someone starts taking AW into court and forcing them to operate
> within the Laws they will continue to do as they please believing that
> AW users are idiots that will accept any abuses from them they wish to
> inflict.

Show me how they are breaking the law.

> The software that Roland has written is great... it is a shame that the
> company operating it is not. Just like the FREE citizenships that came
> with all of our worlds. I know that I will file suit if they fail to
> replace them when I renew the worlds. I have the e-mails stating here
> are your FREE cits.

They don't have any obligation to continue to provide the same offer.

> They can do what they like with new accounts and
> change licenses however they wish on those but they better sober up to
> what they already have done and abide by those words FREE!!!! I am not
> out to hurt AW at all. I am out to FORCE them to act legitimately for
> ONCE!!!!!

Nah... You just don't want AW to take away your free ride.

> Take care all... it is so sad to see so many people everyday hurt
> because AW could care less about them.

Uhh... What planet are you on? Entering a world to gather some simple data
for a search index system is not "hurting" anyone.

> The type in this post are simply my opinions and that GOD I am an American
where that is legal!

::Rolleyes:: Here we go with the "You're a terrorist because you don't agree
with me!!!! D:" comments.


Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 5:06pm
I have trouble believing that anyone could be this stupid... Maybe it's all
an act...

[View Quote] Your comparison is flawed. AW always has had access to *ALL* worlds in their

> AW sold their rights in exchange for the $$ they received... they licensed
use of software and advertised it's uses
> like "creating" your builds.

Have they stolen your builds and used them for their own purposes? No.

> The own the rights of their copyrighted software, that does not allow them
to rewrite the rules
> and backdate them when they already sold the license. Adapt a new one for
new users yes,
> but you can't go back and change... that is fraud...

uhh... no. The rules haven't changed. Even if they did, it's not fraud. You
don't *have* to use AW's software and can leave at any time.

> as simple as buying a house and ten years later someone coming and saying
they rewrote the license
> and now the garage is no longer yours *S* That could conistute deception,
false advertising and fraud to say the least.

You are just pulling things out of thin air here.

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 6:30pm
[View Quote] When did I ever say that?

> They have access, but NOT ownership!

I never said they owned the contents of a world.

> The contents of a world is the COPYRIGHTED, INTELECTUAL PROPERTY of it's
owner!!! Not the AWC's!!!


> What about using your brain next time you post?

What about not being rude just because I questioned an article you posted
about your bot on

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 8:32pm
> Insanity asked the question in his post, you replyed in a positive way,
> meaning you obviously thought that this was the case. Read your own

I don't remember posting anything agreeing with any part of his post(s).

> but since they can do whatever they want with it, they've got to have some
> sort of ownership of it, because if they haven't, they're breaking the law
> by coming in and WITHOUT PERMISSION copy the property of others!

They don't have to have ownership to enter a world. Their software
automatically allows entrance to people with the citizen 1 privileges even
if it isn't included in the world rights dialog.

I do agree that if they were copying property without permission that it
would be both illegal and wrong, but no one has shown any evidence of that.

it's owner!!! Not the AWC's!!!
> They can't do no nothing with it without permission from the owner. They
> didn't ask. What do you make out of those two sentences? They weren't in a
> position to do what they did and shouldn't have!

Entering a world to build a search index?

> Come on, I'm not that petty, that has got NOTHING to do with your
> around this matter!

Apparently, you are and it does.


Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 3:12pm

[View Quote] Everyone who enters the world is shown that stuff whether they are employed
by the universe owners or not.

> Ok, so it isn't as bad as querying the world and copying it, but it's a
matter of principle, because they could do
> just that later on.

They *could* do it right now, but they haven't.

> Entering a world to build a search index is "something", so they shouldn't
> have done it without permission. If they had *asked* I'm pretty sure about
> everyone would've let them, but when they don't it's a breach of privacy
> copyright.

It's not a breach of anything to enter a world and copy some words that are
shown to everyone.

> You wouldn't like it if your landlord came into your house
> without asking first, even if it was his house, would you?

A more fitting analogy is a landlord opening the door with a key that you
always knew he had and agreed he could enter at any time. They then open the
door and write down some stuff you put on a welcome sign that anyone who
comes into your house sees.

> (in this case, it isn't even the AWC's own property, so you could look at
them as burglars
> entering the house).

No. They've always been able to enter all worlds.

> No, I'm not petty, your comments about my bot don't change my feelings
about what
> you're saying on *this* subject. Maybe you are petty because you
automatically assume
> I was being petty? Heard about integrity?



Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 10:39pm
Isn't that just to check that your Universe/Galaxy license is valid and that
you're "allowed" to run it?


[View Quote]

See ya...

Feb 22, 2002, 6:34pm
If you don't want to read a long message, here's the point: I'm not reading
these newsgroups anymore.

Often on the Internet, people blame problems on newbies. At one time, these
newsgroups had quite a few new and annoying people who didn't seem to know
when to stop. I've noticed lately that there hasn't been as much of a
problem with newbies as there has with one or two "older" users.

"Filmkr"/InSaNiTy/whatever-his-name-is-this-week seems to have made me
notice this quite a bit. I find myself constantly disgusted with the
contents of his posts and I am usually shocked to see people agree with him.
From visiting his site and poking around a little, I've noticed that he
doesn't seem to be the very technical type. He jumps on issues like
gathering data with the beta of a search indexing bot and makes comments
whose only purpose is to either make him money or to prove himself to be
correct in any circumstance. When I've made replies to his posts in the
past, he doesn't always see fit to answer my statements. He continues to
claim to "fight for teh rights!!!!!!!" of his customers, but says he doesn't
care what AW does to new users. *boggle*

The other (supposed-to-be) technical newsgroups are being filled with less
and less to do with AW and more with basic questions that could be answered
by some simple searching. For example, asking questions about Visual Basic
shouldn't be done in an Activeworlds SDK newsgroup.

Anyway, I'm tired of these newsgroups. For those of you that are happy to
see me go... well... I guess you're happy.

I'll stick around until Monday only to see any replies to this message...
After that, I won't be reading or posting anymore.


See ya...

Feb 22, 2002, 8:26pm

I never said I was more important than anyone else. I posted to let people
know I won't be posting anymore and pretty much why I'm doing so.


[View Quote]

See ya...

Feb 24, 2002, 4:16pm
Sure... Disagreeing with you makes me crazy.


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Get over it.

Feb 23, 2002, 3:27pm
Does everyone else need to know that? :) I'm sure he'll find out about it
when he next checks his mail.


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Perspective Projection Transformation Matrix

Feb 23, 2002, 8:35pm
It's a 3D graphics term.


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Mar 31, 2002, 9:43pm

[View Quote] Uhh... what property was stolen? *If* any files were copied because of this
password leak, the originals are still in place.

> As you can see from some of the messages here, the child is attempting to
find a new home for the file.

Since you keep referring to him as "the child", do you think a criminal
trial would go very far? Since this is a matter of intellectual property,
people might have more success if they filed a civil suit.

> It is strongly suggest that you use a password at least 18 in length,
> upper/lower case along with characters to help slow these people who think
> hacking is fun.

Running a brute-force password guessing program on a local file is not


PS - Yes, I said I was leaving. The newsgroups seem to be slightly more sane
now, however.


Apr 1, 2002, 11:42am
Since when is posting an opinion an "attack"? I didn't say anything about
filmkr, just the content of his post.


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Apr 7, 2002, 3:45pm
You mean SEC ? ;)


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Ban Cyclone Cit#340396

Apr 18, 2002, 10:41am
Why should we believe what you said is true? Just because you say someone
did something doesn't mean it really happened.

Please don't post things like this in the Community/Worldbuilders
newsgroups unless it affects *all* citizens.

More inline:

[View Quote] Like disconnecting and reconnecting to get a new IP address? That's not
really hard...

> Uses another citizenship called Jim Raynor cit number 312953 to hinder
> detection and is owner of Crazybot world, where bot scripts are posted
> contain hacker codes.

"Hacker codes" doesn't mean anything. If you have a problem with his world,
tell abuse at

> This post is being issued as a public alert to the community and world
> owners about this 13 year old terror,

Oh please. Some kid "harassing" you is hardly a "terror".

> He is banned from A!!!!!CT, A!!CT, A!!DISCO and A1CT, but he should be
banned from AW's universe all together,
> as he is nothing but pure trouble!

Again, you haven't shown any proof of that. Don't bother replying and trying
to get me to change my mind - *I* can't ban him. Talk to AWC.


Ban Cyclone Cit#340396

Apr 18, 2002, 2:53pm
I might not have had a problem with the post if it explained any of the
proof he had for making this acusation. As it stands, we have to trust his


[View Quote]


May 4, 2002, 9:04pm
In the future, you should probably ask things like this in a private email
to either the program's author or to the person who recommended it to you.
If you *really* need the help of AW users, general.discussion would be best
as this doesn't concern AW's community.

Followup-To is set to general.discussion.


[View Quote]


May 5, 2002, 2:43pm
Yes, actually, it does matter. Even if I did send a private email to them,
others might make the same small mistake in the future.

It's not like I'm suggesting someone be shot for posting in the wrong
newsgroup -- just pointing out a better place for the message.


[View Quote]


May 5, 2002, 2:44pm
[View Quote] Hopefully you're not talking just about me... I don't post daily, and when I
do it usually doesn't involve proper NG protocol and stuff like that.

> I will try to help instead of flame.

I haven't seen any flames in response to his/her post...


So were will we go from here?

May 6, 2002, 2:52pm
"Founded in 1988, Aladdin Systems, Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of Aladdin
Systems Holdings, Inc., develops and publishes award-winning software
solutions for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Solaris. Aladdin's software
offers a range of solutions to empower users in the area of information
access, removal, recovery, security, and Internet distribution."



[View Quote]

Flawed Logic?

May 12, 2002, 12:34pm
The ZIP compression method is known and people have written software to
compress files down to a single ZIP. StuffIt's file format and compression
method is only known to the author(s) because they haven't decided to
release it to the world.

No one can create a utility without knowing about the things it is supposed
to manipulate and create. It's not just a matter of doing an "algarythm" and
certainly would take more than a few seconds with or without the file specs.


[View Quote]

May Newsletter is out but..........

May 6, 2002, 9:59pm
It looks like someone created a directory but not an "index.html" (or one of
those default names). Their webserver just doesn't want you nosing around in
directories without default pages :)


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3.3 Feature list

May 17, 2002, 2:58pm RTFM ;)

No, "custom avatars" isn't on the list.


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The elimination of TechTalks

May 11, 2002, 2:43pm
"9 9 9" is also registered as MrGrimm.


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Password theft

May 15, 2002, 8:54pm
The only thing I can think of that would be within the grasp of the
"average" computer user would be if the legitimate citizen shared
(intentionally or otherwise) their password with this person. Of course,
this doesn't make it right to use someone else's information, but people
should be careful with their passwords.


[View Quote]

Password theft

May 15, 2002, 11:13pm
Well, if someone is lazy enough to use the same password on both their email
account and for Activeworlds, maybe they deserve a wake-up call...


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when do we get 3.3?

May 18, 2002, 9:28pm

It'll be released "When it's done".


[View Quote]

when do we get 3.3?

May 18, 2002, 9:58pm
Roland has never confirmed that rumour.


[View Quote]

Read this.

May 21, 2002, 2:51pm
That SEC report only says that a certain portion of AWC shares were sold...
Since AWC is incorporated in Delaware, shareholders don't have any "say" in
how the company is run. The second article has nothing to do with this
transaction; simply the company buying stock.


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