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agent1 // User Search
agent1 // User SearchRe: New Website:Safe Active Worlds (SAW)May 4, 2001, 2:55pm
The thing with notifying someone in real life is that it had to be proven in a court of law. Anyone can just throw up a webpage and say someone's a pervert
-Agent1 [View Quote] Chucks Party vandalismMay 5, 2001, 12:05pm
This is as bad as the "HELL" you accuse Just In of putting you through.
"I don't like you, so I'll publicly call you a child abuser and fool around with your world!" -Agent1 [View Quote] Chucks Party vandalismMay 5, 2001, 3:29pm
I, myself, am (legally) a minor. If I KNEW someone was a child abuser and it had been proven under the kind of scrutiny needed to secure jail time, then I would be worried. You simply putting a statement on a web site does nothing.
Simply because I defend someone from your petty harassment does not make me a pedophile. Don't complain about people not respecting your opinion and then do the same; it's called hypocrisy. -Agent1 [View Quote] My Final Post On This Just In MatterMay 6, 2001, 1:35pm
hate campaign??May 8, 2001, 7:02pm
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Ever occur to you that AWCI just doesn't want to get themselves involved in squabbles between users? They're not defending Just In. They took action against you because you wouldn't drop the issue and kept using their newsgroups simply for your personal smear campaign.
-Agent1 hate campaign??May 9, 2001, 6:52pm
This ends here.
EVERYONE involved has told their side of the story. Anyone that is/was going to take sides already has. There is no need to continue this. If I see anyone post anything about what someone else did or didn't do to someone else in this whole NewYork/Broadway thing, I will filter them. No exceptions. I normally don't do this, but I won't make exceptions for people this time. This has gone on long enough and I am sick of having to look through everyone's crap about it. I'd be glad to have conversations with all of you on other topics, but if you can't at least leave this out of the newsgroups, I'll have to filter you. -Agent1 [View Quote] SURVIVOR III AWTEEN REVEALED!May 9, 2001, 10:23pm
Here's a little story from my past for ya.May 10, 2001, 10:42pm
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Maybe it's because we've heard it and are sick of it.
> You didn't get harassed for months on end by this pathetic > creep, you didn't have your world bot copied and then told by the guy who > made the objects not to use them. No, but we've all been harassed by you and jfk2 for at least a week. > You didn't have that same jerk come into your world and threaten people to not use the objects he made for your > world. You did not expierience any of that. So you shut the hell up and stop > telling me what I can or cannot say in this NG. Hypocrite. > I pay my dues in this community just like everyone else here. So don't tell me to shut up, I will > post what I want when I want and as often as I want. There _is_ something called a charter for this FAQ and all users sort of have to follow it; so you can't post "what [you] want ... as often as [you] want" either. -Agent1 BTW - You're filtered. AWTEEN SURVIVOR III: MYSTERIOUS DEPTHS LOCATIONMay 10, 2001, 10:39pm
wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 12, 2001, 8:05pm
Usually quoting what you're replying to is useful to those that haven't got a clue what's going on.
-Agent1 [View Quote] wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 13, 2001, 11:47am
I really don't see how consolidating someone's posts into one message could do anything; they've alread been posted in public... Oh well :)
-Agent1 [View Quote] [...] > Anyone that attacks me for doing this is going to get all their posts since > this all started on here too for everyone to see. I don't mind if you do it > to mine because I have offered lots of information in the past week that I > hope will continue to keep people informed about what I know was not > properly handled by themselves to begin with. Yeah you better read > all your posts before you decide to attack me for this, should be > interesting tho for those that do. It really does look bad when they are all > lumped together like this. > > That's all Folks > [snip] [NG Survivor] Let The Game BeginMay 13, 2001, 8:29pm
FYI NEWS ARTICLE: Recently in the news concerning 1st ammendment rights of USA CitizensMay 15, 2001, 10:44am
Posting a list of addresses and phone numbers for police officers is moronic. Anyway, it's not like the site was saying anything that couldn't be proven to be a fact, as opposed to your posts.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Dreamlandpark picture inside!May 15, 2001, 10:41am
I can see MAYBE that posting the first one of these was ok. If I see one more of these crap messages, you're filtered like ... well, a stupid person that doesn't know when to quit.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...May 24, 2001, 10:33am
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It doesn't allow more worlds to run, the world list fix just let the browser show all of the running worlds.
-Agent1 Silly Preston....May 21, 2001, 9:46pm
Not vague at all :)
The bot just said it couldn't teleport into position (enter the world) because there wasn't any connection; how more clear could it be? -Agent1 [View Quote] No tourist allowed?Jun 2, 2001, 6:39pm
Hmm... that reminds me of quite a few citizens already posting here :)
Oh, by the way, please quote what you're replying to. -Agent1 [View Quote] Quite Place (Off-Topic Post)Jun 1, 2001, 10:20am
[NG Survivor] Challenge 3 ResultsJun 2, 2001, 11:44am
But but but!! I was trying to make sure the person ahead of me had sent theirs already :)
-Agent1 [View Quote] Eep....and his f*cking mouthJun 3, 2001, 1:04pm
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If someone's first language is English, and they can't use it properly, they have no one to blame but themselves (usually) for not caring enough to learn. Then again, Eep's mindset may be similar: if they try to use English to communicate, they should be able to make themselves clear... I don't know... I'm not a professional ;)
-Agent1 Preston question which should be in bots but gets more replies in here.......Jun 4, 2001, 7:00pm
Why is there so much hate here?Jun 3, 2001, 12:56pm
Since you're no longer in my NG Survivor tribe, I have no need to communicate with you ever again. You're filtered. Almost all of your posts say the same thing, and I'm tired of it.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Why is there so much hate here?Jun 3, 2001, 12:57pm
I believe it's called Activeworlds. If you have a problem with porn somewhere, contact the authorities... Seems the specific instance you were talking about was dealt with, just not in the way you wanted.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Why is there so much hate here?Jun 3, 2001, 4:30pm
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It wasn't Activeworlds' work, it was that of the person who put up the signs or whatever. Since the webhost took down the account, *all* of the signs pointing to content from it now show nothing.
-Agent1 Why is there so much hate here?Jun 5, 2001, 10:52am>Community->Groups
In the new window: Peacekeepers->Help with Object Removal That took less than five minutes... -Agent1 PS - This is directed to Marcus, Goober :) [View Quote] AlphaworldJun 3, 2001, 4:28pm
Unless they use a bigger data storage unit in their uniserver and clients, they can't.
-Agent1 [View Quote] Time for you newbies to do some homeworkJun 4, 2001, 6:56pm
Suck filter.
Anyway, I think I'll coin a phrase: You just pulled a JFK2! It'll be hereafter defined as changing the subject to something totally unrelated to the original post and repeating previous posts by yourself. -Agent1 [View Quote] |