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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 18, 2006, 6:18am
[View Quote] >I kind of think it's stupid to have that licence file.. Many 4.1 bots like
>Magine's have SDK errors because of that licence file.. I can't get them to
>create instances or login anymore.
You need to put a copy of the license file in the folder where the data
files are, if that is different from the folder where MBot.exe is.

Paint some eggs with the Easter Bunny...

Apr 7, 2001, 7:23pm A'tuin this week. :)


Halloween Scavenger Hunt in A'tuin+

Oct 20, 2001, 4:44pm
Just a can win a prize (and just have a lot of fun!)
playing the Halloween Scavenger Hunt in A'tuin and A'tuin+, going on NOW
until Halloween!

Start in A'tuin+ and ask our resident witch Hagsbot to help her mix up
her Halloween brew. She'll tell you the ingredients she needs, which you
should be able to find (with some diligent searching!) in A'tuin or
A'tuin+. The first two players to find all the items will each win a
one-year citizenship.


-Magine :)

Alpha has got to go

Feb 21, 2002, 5:04am
So much for community history.... :/

guess it's just software after all,

[View Quote] > Has any one noticed how obsolete Alpha World is? It's avatars are tinny, the
> objects are a hodge podge of left-overs and the vast majority of the older
> builds are as good as destroyed by revisions to the browser.
> Has any one stopped to wonder, what sort of a drain on AWcorps resources
> this out of date world is? As you already know, further upgrades to the
> browser are made difficult as the developers attempt ( and don't always
> succeed) to make new compatible with the old. Lets face it, after 7 years
> Alpha is sad and tired and pulls down the general standard of the
> ActiveWorlds experience for newbies. And the life blood of any community AND
> company is newbies.
> As much as I love Alpha World and her many beautiful builds I firmly believe
> that it should pass on. With enough warning that citizens can transfer their
> builds and any others that are worth saving to a new world and make the
> necessary changes that it would take, only the unwanted rubbish would be
> left behind. It is important that any product keep up with the times in
> order to be a viable option as a marketable asset and our sentiment for old
> Alpha is going to destroy that and our community.
> I know ppl are going to be upset by this view but stop and think before you
> post a negative response. How many ppl see AW GZ as sadly in need of a
> refit? Compare Alpha World to many other worlds. The answer is obvious, the
> old girl has seen better days.
> We want this software to continue and grow , both for AW's good and our own.
> The more newbies that we can impress with the technology and with our
> community , the more chance we ALL have of staying in our virtual home away
> from home.

NY Sun interview

Jan 21, 2003, 1:37am
Did any of the people who participated in the interview with the NY Sun
reporter yesterday manage to find a copy of the Sun today? I tried 3
bookstores with out-of-town papers but they didn't carry it. I'd love to
see what he wrote about AW....


the end of xealgot bots

Jun 6, 2003, 3:50pm

[View Quote] >Arrgg another techy hero lost. No xelagot now, preston's dead (old news),
>mapper's gone. AW's down to skin and bones in the end-user tools department


Jun 16, 2004, 4:32pm
If you changed your cit number then this would happen. The AWRPG bot
would see you as a different person. If you requested a cit number
change I never received it.

BTW you should post concerning AWRPG issues at


[View Quote] >I got ejected from AWRPG when i tried to get in. this is what it said The
>name Ciena is already in use by a different player. Please choose a new name
>and re-enter. Now how can there be more then ! Ciena in all of AW?

Magsbot class

Feb 14, 2006, 10:42am
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I'm thinking of teaching another class in how to use Magsbot
<>, if there are people
interested. It will cover both the basic use and some programming concepts.

If you're interested, please email me at magine at
<mailto:magine at> and let me know what days and times
would be best for you.


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I'm thinking of teaching another class in how to use <a
href="">Magsbot</a>, if
are people interested. It will cover both the basic use and some
programming concepts.<br>
If you're interested, please email me at <a
href="mailto:magine at">magine at</a> and
let me know what days and times would be best for you.<br>


SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 18, 2006, 6:18am
[View Quote] >I kind of think it's stupid to have that licence file.. Many 4.1 bots like
>Magine's have SDK errors because of that licence file.. I can't get them to
>create instances or login anymore.
You need to put a copy of the license file in the folder where the data
files are, if that is different from the folder where MBot.exe is.

Preserving AW History (build 130 included)

Jun 25, 2006, 3:47am
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I can top that! AWB version 0.99
<>! It won't connect of course
(hit Cancel), but there is a bit of cache in the zip. Be sure to check
out 15n 775e ;).


[View Quote] > Speaking of which:
> Active Worlds Build 130, back from 1996 when Worlds Inc still managed
> the Active Worlds product

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I can top that!&nbsp; <a href="">AWB
version 0.99</a>!&nbsp; It won't connect of course (hit Cancel), but there
is a bit of
cache in the zip. Be sure to check out 15n 775e ;).<br>
[View Quote] --------------080107030803090800080502--

Preserving AW History (build 130 included)

Jul 1, 2006, 6:09am
I forgot that my server is annoyingly case sensitive:

[View Quote] > Broken Link :X
[View Quote]

Who is this Immigration Officer anyhow?

Jun 28, 2006, 2:35pm
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[View Quote] [View Quote]
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[View Quote]
You can sometimes see Immigration Officer joking. But whispering advertisements
and ejection notices to all those tourist masses must get tedious.
I heard the head IO got a serious reprimand the other day
over that unfortunate Cy Awards postponing announcement.

It was not entirely a virtual affair: when the CA and the IO had a love
child, he grew up to become the Building Inspector.<br>


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