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sharon.. none // User Search

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Group Building

Feb 5, 2004, 3:00pm
We're a group of builders that have been building for birthdays and themed
projects for quite some time now. We'd like to invite citizens to join our
group of builders and have a good time with us! We've got so many plans for
the future including a project on Mars with Veger who is adding new objects
to the Mars Object Path as I'm typing this. tunablues is working on a movie
themed park , and I'm planning a spring/Easter themed build area, there's
going to be a "what is your favorite book" build and so many more themes.
It's all so fun and working with such creative builders is inspiring !
Please join us wont' you?

Group Building

Feb 6, 2004, 9:34pm
ActiveWorlds "IS" a Chat / Build program where we all have the opportunity
to meet new people and become friends (or not ). One way to meet others is
to build 'with' them and another is to build 'for' them as a gesture of
kindness which is a rare and valuable commodity in this day and age.
Whether building for birthdays, other occasions, or other themed builds, the
idea is to build and have fun. There is no judge who comes along to tare
apart your build or put anyone down, nor to say that someone isn't welcomed
to build. EVER !!!!!!

Whether you stand at GZ and chat or in private worlds, or whether you build
in AW or any other build world, it's all for the enjoyment of it . What's
even more fun is when you can share that wonderful form of entertainment
with someone else. What ever was the point of coming to ActiveWorlds if
meeting someone new wasn't part of the plan? Build and have fun! Build
with us if you want to and if you don't there is no need to be so negative
and destroy our joy.

Group Building

Feb 6, 2004, 9:55pm
We should consider our weaknesses and sins very carefully, to the point of
overcoming them, before we make harsh judgments on others. How can we
condemn someone else when we may have even bigger problems? Winning a CY
for something that doesnt' belong to you is even more of a crime.

Group Building

Feb 6, 2004, 11:13pm
I was generalizing .. you need not be so vain. I'll be target here for ya
Daffy though if that'll please you ok? As long as you leave other people
alone.. Here I am come and get me.

Group Building

Feb 6, 2004, 11:31pm
I never liked those GZ "built by _____" signs either. That seems to call
attention to who built the GZ and takes the meaning from the purpose of
building the site which is for the person having the bday.

Group Building

Feb 6, 2004, 11:36pm
Where does this competing idea come from? I don't see how building bdays or
themed otherwise builds are competing in any way. If someone leaves a bday
card and another leaves a card next to it is that competing ? What
constitutes competing? Would there need to be a judge and a prize for that
whole concept?

Group Building

Feb 7, 2004, 12:12pm
Anyone can click on the build to see WHO DONE IT.

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