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Question for ALL prgramers!

Dec 19, 2000, 9:27pm
Definitely C++ -- and I recommend Borland C++Builder over Visual C++. Borland is more Visual.
John Viper

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

[View Quote]

Question for ALL prgramers!

Dec 22, 2000, 1:17am
MS Visual C++ (after Rebate) between $50 and $80
Borland C++Builder (better than M$) - between $100 and $120

Of course when you get into the professional versions its a bit more costly but for bot programming
and lots of applications programming the standars versions work well -- the Professionals make life
a little easier.

Oh and if you are thinking C#... might as well go with Java -- its got more experience, its
cross-platform, and it is *gasp* STABLE!!!!!

Happy Holiday Season :-)
John Viper

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

[View Quote]


Aug 28, 2001, 8:25am
hmmm, well I dont have any specific web site, but our freedom of speech
is more limited than you might think. Little kids try to get away with
cursing because they know of their constitutional right to "freedom of
speech" but just the words "freedom of speech" are far too broad:

We have a freedom to speak out against out government, its members, and
its actions. We can also boycott, petition, stuff like that... but
just saying "SOANDSO SUCKS A BIG ONE!!" is bad. Its slander, and its
wrong. Also, if you have reasons to dislike a company, it is ok to make
CHEESE!!" is bad.

Am I right here or just completely random?


[View Quote] > Yea maybe in russia. But its not in America. I can say anything, call anyone
> anything I want. (Leagley) There isnt a law saying I cant; and if there is
> show it to me.
[View Quote]
John Viper (#296714)
jviper at

"Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
the sun..." -anonymous

Scriptable SDK ?

Aug 6, 2001, 11:00pm
"raven shadow" <ravenshadow001 at> wrote in
news:3b6ed2f9 at

> Would someone create the sdk as a window scriptable object ?
> So those of use that don't know or have the resources to learn a
> programming language , can play around with it too ?

I am not quite sure what you mean, but there are bots available that can
completely utilize the SDK but are in a scripting type format. Look around
for Hambot and Xelagot. I don't know the URLs right off hand, but I am sure
someone can help you out there.

Jeff Tickle (John Viper, #296714)
jviper at

Finding the distance between two avatars

Aug 17, 2001, 1:41am
Its really fairly straightforward. You need to set up a handler for the

aw_event_set(AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD, avatar_add);

Every time someone appears, this method gets called. It will also be
called if you call aw_state_change (I think) for every avatar that
happens to be in the general viscinity of your bot. Inside of
avatar_add(), you can have it add each avatar to some kind of list
(perhaps a ListView in the GUI):

void avatar_add()
// get AW_AVATAR_X and AW_AVATAR_Y and AW_AVATAR_Z and add it to a list

From some kind of list you can select two avatars and compare them with
something like this:

// xa and za are the X and Z positions of one avatar
// ya and yb are the X and Z positions of another avatar
int avatarDistance(int xa, int xb, int za, int zb)
int distance;
int xdist;
int zdist;

xdist = xa - xb;
zdist = za - zb;
if(xdist < 0) xdist -= (xdist * 2); //We cant sqrt negatives
if(zdist < 0) zdist -= (zdist * 2); //"" "" "" ""

distance = sqrt(xdist^2 + zdist^2); //Good 'ol Pythagoras :-)

return distance;

Of course, this code only supports avatars on the ground. We haven't
gotten to the part in Geometry where we can find 3-dimentional stuff,
but I am sure someone around here can help you with that :-)

Hope this helps.


[View Quote] > Hello,
> I was if someone can help me by telling my the C++ code for the AW
> SDK to find the distance between two avatars. I know it has to to with
> algebra and I think I get the math on how to do it, but I need an
> example.
> Thanks,
> Programmer

John Viper (#296714)
jviper at

"Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
the sun..." -anonymous

Counting my Avatars

Sep 11, 2001, 8:17am
Howdy <>

I have been pondering a problem for a little while now. What I am trying
to do is make a bot that will count the number of avatars in a given
area of land, and if this is larger than the chat radius, it will divide
this land into regions, and teleport from one to the next, and then
start back from the beginning. I have everything down except for one
thing: Does anyone know how I could count the avatars in the bot's
current location?

A thought I have had is to set up an event handler for
AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD, call aw_wait(), have my handler just add the avatar
count to a global variable of some sort while a timer suspends other
execution for a few seconds. However, this seems inefficient to me.

I know that I have seen in some bot somewhere the ability to say the
names of all the avatars in its presence (for example, "Who is here"
would receive a reply of "John Viper, Citizen, 'tourist' and [bot] are
here.") Perhaps this was done a similar way: the bot had an internal
storage system holding information about the users, but I always thought
that there was some specific call that could be made through the SDK,
and if not, there were some other, more efficient way of doing it than
my method mentioned above.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

John Viper (#296714)
jviper at

"Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
the sun..." -anonymous

Counting my Avatars

Sep 11, 2001, 8:51am
daggone it... Well you know where I copy-and-pasted this message from lol

[View Quote] > Howdy <>

John Viper (#296714)
jviper at

"Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
the sun..." -anonymous


Jan 16, 2001, 11:58pm
hrm... Gee I wonder what them filter things do? I tyhink its about time I tried them.
John Viper

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

[View Quote]

Visual C++

Mar 8, 2001, 9:50am
You can get Borland C++Builder 5 for a free 60-day trial... compile and
everything... its better than VC anyway (not to mention more visual)

Look around

-John Viper
jviper at

[View Quote]

Visual C++

Mar 9, 2001, 4:07pm
and Microsoft Works, too. (If you don't get that, oh well.)

Anyway, In what way, in your opinion, is VC better than Borland?

*watches flame war brew*

-John Viper

[View Quote]

Visual C++

Mar 11, 2001, 12:17pm
I wish you would explain to me how Microsoft's is better than Borland. I
used MSV for about 6 months, oh wow it was the coolest thing I had ever
used, and when I installed Borland, I could develop software so much quicker
and easier... Tell you the truth, if I had my way, I would write software
in the old DOS way with no IDE or anything. However, that would take years
to write a simple greeterbot with all the WinAPI stuff, and so I use and IDE
that is quick and efficient.

-John Viper

[View Quote]

May venture into making bots...

May 2, 2001, 8:51am
All other languages are harder?

I wonder if one can write bots in Assembly ;-)


[View Quote]

May venture into making bots...

May 5, 2001, 2:19pm
I know ;-)

Anyways they did try one for Perl? I cannot see how it could work, but if
there is one, I want it NOW!


[View Quote]


Aug 28, 2001, 8:25am
hmmm, well I dont have any specific web site, but our freedom of speech
is more limited than you might think. Little kids try to get away with
cursing because they know of their constitutional right to "freedom of
speech" but just the words "freedom of speech" are far too broad:

We have a freedom to speak out against out government, its members, and
its actions. We can also boycott, petition, stuff like that... but
just saying "SOANDSO SUCKS A BIG ONE!!" is bad. Its slander, and its
wrong. Also, if you have reasons to dislike a company, it is ok to make
CHEESE!!" is bad.

Am I right here or just completely random?


[View Quote] > Yea maybe in russia. But its not in America. I can say anything, call anyone
> anything I want. (Leagley) There isnt a law saying I cant; and if there is
> show it to me.
[View Quote]
John Viper (#296714)
jviper at

"Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
the sun..." -anonymous

where can i find it?

Aug 13, 2001, 9:31pm
Being the big Borland fan that I am, you can get the Borlad C++Builder
5.5 Compiler / Linker (no IDE) (free) from


[View Quote] > C++ is a language :)
> I'd take a look at these if you're looking for a compiler/linker, though:
> -Agent1
[View Quote]
John Viper (#296714)
jviper at

"Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
the sun..." -anonymous

Programing error

Oct 5, 2001, 12:10am
umm... You cannot access the commands within the DLL without the
lib........ unless you really want to write your own lib, and I doubt
that is the caase here.


[View Quote] > actually yes i do....and as i see it you don't have to use the .lib if you
> don't want to
[View Quote]
John Viper (#296714)
jviper at

"Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
the sun..." -anonymous

Programing error

Oct 5, 2001, 12:11am
Can you compile any other programs separately? I am not exactly a VC
expert, but it seems to me that there is a problem with your LINK.EXE file.


[View Quote] > Hi,
> I have Microsoft 5.0 C++ and i am trying to compile the sample greeter
> bot. First off i have 19 gigs of free space i ahve tried re download the lib
> many times. Also i have tried making a new progect many times. I will send
> my log so you can see what the error is please reply!
> Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'bot01 - Win32
> Debug'.
> --------------------Configuration: bot01 - Win32 Debug--------------------
> Compiling...
> bot.cpp
> Linking...
> .\Aw.lib : fatal error LNK1106: invalid file or disk full: cannot seek to
> 0x3bafad3f
> Error executing link.exe.
> bot01.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

John Viper (#296714)
jviper at

"Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
the sun..." -anonymous

Programing error

Oct 8, 2001, 8:23am
Wow. Learn something new every day :-)


[View Quote] > You can !
> - LoadLibrary() loads the dynamic link library into memory
> - GetProcAddress() gives you access to the functions
> - FreeLibrary() unloads the library
> Pendant in Unix :
> - dlopen() loads the shared library into memory
> - dlsym() gives you access to the functions
> - dlclose() unloads the library
> Actually the it is only loaded if it isn't already in memory,
> otherwise the reference count is increased. Unload is only
> done if there are no references left.
> The access functions return pointers to the functions that
> you can directly use to call the functions. The declarations
> of the pointers that receive the result have to contain the
> exact prototypes of the function in pointer form.
> One trap is that all linkers have different ideas of the name
> argument for GetProcAddress(), it is the internal name and
> depends very much on calling convention (pascal, cdecl, stdcall)
> and some linkers append a brief parameter description for the
> prototype, I think the format is
> itoa(lengt of argument list) + ' at ' + atoi(resultlength)
> If the DLL is your own it's a good idea to have aliases
> for these weird names.
[View Quote]
John Viper (#296714)
jviper at

"Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
the sun..." -anonymous

Telegram Mute

Apr 1, 2000, 4:09am
I tell ya what would be cool...

It seems everyone wants in AW exactly what ICQ has. Also we are getting a
new version of AW here soon and continue to push the due date back by
wanting more stuff. So, I had an idea. What if Roland somehow made a
plugin for ICQ that would replace the AW contact list, and AWCOM and
Miribilis could make some kind of agreemenenenenenenenen *yaaaawwwwwwwwn*
agreement or sumfinnnn *yaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn* *looks at time* Well
that explains that... l8r yall

-John VIper

[View Quote]

Send Telegram Window

Apr 1, 2000, 3:50am
Quintupple Ditto

(hopes spelling is right)

[View Quote]

Wishlist Comitee

Aug 6, 1999, 11:35am
I have Microsludge Visual C++ 6 and a slightly crappy computer, but if I had
all the rendering engines required for the game I could have a bunch of fun

Just give me a storyline

-John Viper

[View Quote] That reminds me, Eep, you should learn C/C++ you would be very good at it,
and probably end up taking over earth :-)

[View Quote] > I'm just waiting for some 3D game company to get a clue and release an
on-/off-line, multi-user, real-time, interactive, level editor that lets
people CREATE the level as they PLAY it--changing, manipulating,
adding/deleting to it as they're immersed in it. AW allows this to some
degree, but most current 3D game level editors allow MUCH more realism in
terms of lighting and special effects. Real-time interaction is the key, and
AW needs to GREATLY improve on this because it is a VERY static environment,
which gets boring quick. The more like a game environment AW becomes, I
think the more popular it will be. For example, game replayability is MUCH
higher with a level editor than without. People are more likely to play
levels made by other people and groups of people long after the original
game levels have been played to death. Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Half-Life, etc
are good 3D game examples of this effect and non-3D games like Civlization,
SimCity, WarCraft, etc also prove this. Multiplayer just makes a game even
MORE popular.

Object pitching

Aug 6, 1999, 11:39am
The problem with this is that a roof04.rwx, if laid flat, would be slightly
longer than a floor04.rwx. This is because in order to be exactly 4x4x4, it
must be stretched a bit. Now if someone could figure out a way to
compensate for this al would be better :)

-John Viper

[View Quote]

Object pitching

Aug 9, 1999, 8:26pm
Isn't 5,65685424949238019520675489683879 larger than 4?

-John Viper

[View Quote]

Object pitching

Aug 9, 1999, 8:27pm
I am not saying that it is a bad idea, im just saying that it would not be
practical in all applications. I have wanted a pitched picture frame myself
at times :)
[View Quote]

having a default midi in a world

Aug 6, 1999, 11:43am
But what if someone HATED that song? (I know a few people with bad taste in

Well I guess they could make an object that was like a shield...

Action: create nullworldsound

and within the istening radius of the object, there would me no world music
but u could put yer own music there.

-John Viper

[View Quote]

Joystick with AW

Aug 6, 1999, 11:45am
Hey, how about making AW compatabale with a Joystick? I don't want AW to be
a game, but it would be cool to move around like that :)

So you could have the X and Y axis do what the keyboard normally does, and
then configure the buttons, but default is 1st button runs, 2nd button is
like SHIFT and the Z axis could be look up and down but you could configure
that to, like, one of those wierd little hats.

Any thoughts?

-John Viper

Joystick with AW

Aug 9, 1999, 8:25pm
I do as well but I cant program the X and Y axis :(

-John Viper

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Joystick with AW

Aug 12, 1999, 11:22am


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!A building revolution (This is a bout a problem we all have enentually, no matter how patient)

Aug 21, 1999, 5:01pm
I pay my $20 per year to build, not to be required to pay ANOTHER $30 per
year and about $20 per MONTH extra for a server, all I want is to build in a
populated world and for people 2 see my stuff, so I must agree with Jeff D.

-John Viper

[View Quote]

create shift off

Aug 21, 1999, 5:02pm
Better Yet, 'create see-avatars-thru off'

I wanna se that more then anything

-John Viper

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