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Digital Camera

Jan 8, 2001, 10:43pm
Since the Beta NG is open to the public, is that good news for us who really wanna get down and
dirty with the point-based lights and the sound systems and stuff?
John Viper

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

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Digital Camera

Jan 9, 2001, 10:31pm
Yes I know this... However, I was maybe hoping that since I can actually SEE the Beta NG that maybe
the AW 3.1 browser was ready for release... however it just looks like they are having the decency
to let us know how it is going. :-)
John Viper

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

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"Restricted Commands"

Jan 10, 2001, 2:02am
What exactly is a "restricted command"? Is it like shift and fly, and how they can be shut off in a

I can understand concerns, but someone wants to restrict light in a world. Now, if this is an
integer restriction, like "The light cannot be any brighter than X" then its fine but no lights
whatsoever? sheesh! I gotta delete lots of street lights I had plans for!
John Viper

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

"Restricted Commands"

Jan 12, 2001, 12:20am
Drat. All the new commands -- looks like they will be restricted in AW. Prolly not in WAW but all
my good stuff is in AW.
John Viper

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

[View Quote]

What determines...

Jan 12, 2001, 1:19am people got selected for the Closed Beta?
John Viper

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

Midi,Wav Problems

Jan 16, 2001, 1:50am
For some reason, though, no capitals is easier to read than ... umm ... AFM style
John Viper

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

[View Quote]

3.1 Survey. :)

Jan 17, 2001, 9:55pm
| 1. Eep - Enough said. Do I need to go into more detail?

He is usually annoying but he knows the software probably better than ANYONE.

| 2. 2MuChCoFfEe - For personal reasons. =)

She is one of the best (and most frequent) builders I have ever seen, and she can do anything with
textures. EVERY problem with textures would be reported by her!

| 4. Lanezeri - One of my good on-line friends. He may be annoying
| sometimes and pick unwanted fights, but he's actually more intelligent
| than the newbies who have been posting to these forms lately (come
| on...he really isn't that bad) and isn't afraid to speak his mind.

At least he knows what to and what not to capitalize...

| 5. XelaG - Two years of bot programming? He deserves it (if he isn't on
| the beta already).


| 6. John Viper - He seems to have his head on straight.

Hehe :-) aww shuchs... Actually I am a bit peeved and selfish feeling ("I WANT THE BWOWSER!!!!!!
WAAAAAAAAH!!!") that I was not competant or involved or whatever enough to be on Beta

| 7. Grover - Just let him on for Pete's sake. Just take a look at any of
| his avatars/objects. ;)

Plus, before the Uniserver idea, wasn't he citizen 1?

| 9. Myself - Why? Well, for starters, I've been a citizen of Active
| Worlds ever since 1995 (even longer than Eep has been a citizen). I know
| how to build, I host both bots and worlds, I'll be creating several bots
| in the coming months, I know how to submit quality beta reports, I have
| mutliple computers to test the beta on, and I was the one who came up
| with the name ImaTowns and gave permission to Ima Genius to use it. =)


| 10. Anyone that owns their own galaxy server or their own universe - So
| they know what's ahead and what's to come.

Gotta disagree here -- if we followed this idea then EVERY paying cit should be on beta. Maybe a
"Preview Release" browser, but not necessarily the beta test program.

John Viper

Friends don't let friends do C#
If you can't get help from Java, well, you're pretty darn hopeless.
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Re: AW not working

Jan 21, 2001, 2:40am
1 Never Have

I mean hey you just lie and click "I Agree" and it lets you do whatever, and its not worth the risk
to crack lol

Why pay $30 or risk prosecution to remove a button?
John Viper

Friends don't let friends do C#
If you can't get help from Java, well, you're pretty darn hopeless.
[View Quote]

Aint this funny..

Jan 29, 2001, 4:00pm
I have a job and make damn good money too. Sad that this is the only reason that you need a life --
even though I have a job that pays good money I TRY to make friends...
John Viper

Friends don't let friends do C#
If you can't get help from Java, well, you're pretty darn hopeless.
[View Quote]


Jan 31, 2001, 4:44pm
Oh great... Don't push him to posting in HTML.
John Viper

Friends don't let friends do C#
If you can't get help from Java, please, never develop software.

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Splash Screens

Feb 1, 2001, 6:33pm

If anyone has any of the older splash screens, could you please E-Mail them to me at
ticklejw at Thanks! I used to have the 2.0 splash, but lost it when I installed 3.0, and
I was thinking "Gee, I wonder what all them older splash screens looked like". So, I am going to
collect em and make a gallery if I can get enough.

Thanks in advance! :-)
John Viper

Friends don't let friends do C#
If you can't get help from Java, please, never develop software.

Homosexuals being ejected from AWLD worlds...

Feb 11, 2001, 6:52pm
It seems that waaaay too big of a deal is being made out of this. Something
I have noticed is that whenever someone of a minority group is even slightly
offended, EVERYTHING goes straight to hell. On the other hand, I would bet
my brand new comp (I love this thing ;-)) that if I were ejected from GZ for
being a Borland C++ programmer, that no one would give a rat's ass about it.

Anyways, enough of the opinion. Some people do not want their children to
know about homosexuality. (How they intend to keep it a secret, I will
never know, however some people are just wierd like that.) I mean think
about it -- do we ever get on anyone's case for talking about sex? Yes! If
someone went to AWGate and told all about how much fun they had the night
before (hint, hint, nudge, nudge) they would be ejected on site and everyone
would pretty much agree, "Good riddance." Well, I don't understand why
anyone would go to the gate and announce that they are gay. I mean, if they
are proud of it, good for them. I personally like girls, and thats the way
it is going to be, but if another guy is otherwise, well thats his own
right. However, it seems idiotic that if you are afraid of being persecuted
about it, to talk about it. I mean if you do not want people to hate you
for what you are, but you know for a fact that they will, why do they have
to know? If "I Love Craig" had come to the Gate with a different name (hey
he wouldn't even have to change his name necessarily), no one would have
ever known he was gay. No one DID know until he spoke up about it.

I am ashamed at this common lack of common sense in the world. Lets drive
through, champs. Think before you do something royally stupid. THE
people are stupid and I am not saying that all gay people have a lack of
common sense. These negative qualities are common all throughout the Human
race, gay and straight alike.

-John Viper

[View Quote]

Homosexuals being ejected from AWLD worlds...

Feb 11, 2001, 7:59pm
HIPPOCRITE ALERT!!!!!!! brrrring brrrring Take her out of Warp, Mr. Data,
and settle into orbit around the planet!

-John Viper

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Homosexuals being ejected from AWLD worlds...

Feb 12, 2001, 7:57pm
I would never! Star Trek kicks ass!


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Aw 3.1 and Graphics Accellerator probs

Feb 11, 2001, 7:28pm
I have been out for a day or 3 now, gettin my new comp all together and
stuff, and I was just wondering what the word is on AW 3.1?

Also, has anyone here had a problem with an ABit Siluro (32 MB, NVidia GF2)?
Mine freezes the system when DirectX is active for about 5-10 minutes, and
it may actually freeze on a particular instruction, but I have no way of
tracking the instructions sent. Please let me know -- I cannot run AW or
about $200 worth of games for more than 10 minutes at a time lol

Aw 3.1 and Graphics Accellerator probs

Feb 11, 2001, 8:00pm
EEeeeeexxxxxxcellent :-)
[View Quote]

Aw 3.1 and Graphics Accellerator probs

Feb 11, 2001, 10:55pm
I do have the latest version of DirectX -- this happened in 7 and 8 as well.
I will try those suggestions -- thanks :-) I doubt it is too hot (only
about 5 minutes of rendering, and the graphics card has a built-on fan) but
it could be.

-John Viper

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Aw 3.1 and Graphics Accellerator probs

Feb 11, 2001, 11:33pm

I ran Midtown Madness II for about 2 minutes and then went to look at my
temperature levels. In these 2 minutes, the processor shot from 80F to
about 110F. (What is the Histerisis temperature, anyone know?) I don't
remember the exact numbers for the overall system, however. I believe it
was something like 75F to 80F or something like that -- not as dramatic,
however after running MTM for a little longer, it did the fun freezie thing
again. So, I shut the thing off and popped the side off, and felt around a
bit. WHOO-HEE!!! Damn those graphics chips can get durn HOT!!! The area
around the CPU wasn't very fun, either (I don't personally like touching the
processor itself, but the heat sink was indecently warm).

Here is what my ventilation system is like. I have a "suck" fan in the
front at the bottom, and am using the power supply fan as my "blow" fan.
This SHOULD run air right over the processor, but I think some IDE and Power
cables are in the way. Tomorrow I will try and see if I can get some wire
wraps to help tie the wires out of the way of the wind tunnel and I will see
if I can get some of the twisted IDE cables. Should I also get a second
"blow" fan for the back? Also, where can I get a ventillation device for
the PCI slots in the back? The Graphics card has a fan on the chip but THAT
obviously isn't doing much good.

Thanks for any and all help. :-)

-John Viper, on a computer suffering from high fever.

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Aw 3.1 and Graphics Accellerator probs

Feb 11, 2001, 11:55pm
Yes it is definitely overheating. My friend, I just spoke to him and he is
going to sell me this ventillation system that sits in a PCI slot and sucks
air towards itself to cool down any PCI or AGP or ISA cards. I am guna put
it right under the graphics card ........ I sure hope it helps.

I thought Voodoo's didn't work with AW -- something about full screen
rendering? I am a big fan of the GeForce, and if I can ever get it to work
I am sticking to it. The aforementioned friend of mine has the same video
card (in fact, except the hard drive and the PCI cooler, the exact same
system specs oh and the case is diff) and has not had a single problem with

-John Viper, who cannot wait to stand in AW for more than 5 minutes and
REALLY wants to smash some stuff up in Midtown Madness

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Aw 3.1 and Graphics Accellerator probs

Feb 12, 2001, 8:13pm
I appreciate everyone's recommendations and support, and I do have a
ventillation problem, but that in fact is not contributing to my video

I was running AW with my VIA Hardware Monitor running and the processor
hovered around 95F, never going over 100F. It froze after about 5 minutes
of running. I have the latest VIA 4-in-1 drivers installed.

Here is a new one: I was running AW and turned texture mipmaps on, and when
I restarted the browser, I got a bluescreen:

*** STOP: 0x0000001E (0xC0000005, 0xA01048DE, 0x00000000, 0x00000035)

*** Address A01048DE base at A0000000, Datestamp 38438ff7 - win32k.sys

Running Windows 2000 on:
1GHz Athlon Thunderbird
ABIT KT-7 RAID (Not taking advantage of the Raid yet)
128 MB RAM
ABit nVidia GF2 w/ 32MB VRAM
Sound Blaster Live! MP3+
40GB 7200 RPM Western Digital Caviar

-John Viper, smiling with pride about his new comp (cept that the video dont

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Aw 3.1 and Graphics Accellerator probs

Feb 13, 2001, 1:30am
Well everybody... Thanks for all your help :-) I contacted technical
support and they told me how to fix it -- apparantly its a known problem.

Just in case anyone wants to know, IRQ 5 has to be set to Legacy ISA in

Thanks again :-)

-John Viper

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I was ejected from AWGate for NO REASON

Feb 11, 2001, 9:32pm
That is an interesting point. I know that unfortunately AW does not log
sent TGrams *glances sharply at Roland* but I for one would like to hear the
general gist of the telegrams that were sent.

While I am here, could we maybe try to keep the HTML posting to a minimum?
DSL doesn't get here until April, so I am still on a 56K connection. (Its
really disheartening -- I have this brand new nice comp with 1GHz of proc
power, a video card that can render 10 million polygons a second, and a
sound system that, like, rules, and a 56K connection to the internet.

-John Viper

[View Quote] image
image2 at

[View Quote] Immigration Officer: Welcome to the Gateway to Active Worlds!
[Customs Aide]: Welcome, Internal Affairs. For the Conduct Guidelines please
say World Rules or see
[StockQuoteBot]: Hi Internal Affairs. Ask me for stock quotes! Whisper HELP
or 0:symbol to me, e.g., whisper 0:MSFT :-)
Internal Affairs: Hello
CeeCee: America has tons of building objects BUT their lots are very small
Internal Affairs: Good day to you all
CeeCee: Hiyas Internal Affairs
A Citizen: hi internal affairs
Internal Affairs: hello ceecee
SMOKE JUMPER1: hi internal
cabLecar gaL: hiya IA
Internal Affairs: Have you read the newsgroups yet?
Internal Affairs: About the "situtation"?
cabLecar gaL: sorry I can't say I have IA
Internal Affairs: Very well...
Internal Affairs: Where did VindicatorIII go?
cabLecar gaL: he is brb for a bit
cabLecar gaL: he will be back
CeeCee: Don't know IA he said brb and he hasen't come back yet
Internal Affairs: Very strange
Internal Affairs: Did he sign off?
cabLecar gaL: no IA
Internal Affairs: Is there a need for concern?
cabLecar gaL: nope IA he is still here
Internal Affairs: I se
Internal Affairs: err see excuse me
cabLecar gaL: hun I have not read it so I donm't know
Optimus Prime: Hello everyone :-))
Internal Affairs: hello OP
Internal Affairs: Good Afternoon OP
"xxsandmanxx": Hi Op.
CeeCee: (((((((((((( OP )))))))))
SMOKE JUMPER1: hi optimus
VindicatorIII: back
Optimus Prime: hello all It is once again time For Prime Time
Internal Affairs: Hello VindicatorIII
VindicatorIII: To FLY in AW, use the Plus (+) and Minus (-) keys on your
numeric keypad. Plus to go UP and Minus to come back DOWN again.
Internal Affairs: Spreading some welcome back macros ehy lol?
CeeCee: lol IA
VindicatorIII: You are now warned
Internal Affairs: why what did I do???
Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate
After being ejected, I had no idea why. I didn't break ANY guidelines, so I
telegramed VindicatorIII and here is what she said in response:
Telegram from VindicatorIII, sent 8 minutes ago:
This is the only message you will get tonight. Your IP address and the full
chat log and copies of your telegrams have been passed to AW. I intend to
have your Citizenship cancelled
I told her that I would report her for misconduct, and this is what she said
back to me:
Telegram from VindicatorIII, sent 6 minutes ago:
You go right ahead.
Telegramming her again resulted in no such luck. I, honestly, have no idea
why this had to happen. It could be something with what happened yesterday
in the gate with Craig, but I am not sure. I am very disappointed in the
current GK program. If this kind of behavior keeps up, I can guarantee you
they won't be seeing another $20 for my renewal next year, nor any referrals
from other tourists from registering. They really need better screening and
more careful monitoring of your GKs.

I was ejected from AWGate for NO REASON

Feb 11, 2001, 9:39pm
Are you trying to tell me this whole thing was a lie to make someone look
bad? Or are you trying to tell me that this all happened, but you edited
pretty much everything of significance to make the guy look bad?

-John Viper, sick of this shit
[View Quote]

Aw Mapper

Feb 13, 2001, 1:16am
Someone named (in AW) Foxy, a little while ago, had a program that would
take a propdump (or a BuildBot ObjectScan file) and convert it to a nice
image, and you could use this to map towns or take a 3-D image of a building
and make it wireframe or solid -- very cool and fun stuff. Does anyone have
this program? I could really use it, and I cannot find Foxy. Hey does
anyone know where Foxy is by the way?

Also, if I can ever find this file, I will need the Metatropolis object
registry. Anyone have this?

Thanks in advance :-)

-John Viper
jviper at

Aw Mapper

Feb 13, 2001, 1:23am
Okay thank GOD! I found the program.

Now, does anyone have the Meta object registry?


-John Viper

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citizen number 330000!!!

Feb 17, 2001, 7:11pm
My citno is 296714 and I immigrated in March of 99
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Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 27, 2001, 12:36am
Yes, I like this idea. I see two options, either make all the current
objects under a different name then somehow go through the AW database and
change everything around (kinda intrusive if you ask me) or make an entirely
new object set - could be the same objects, with a prefix or something like
that. Maybe this would also be a good chance to get a naming convention
down -- they tried that and it seems to have fallen through IMO

-John Viper

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Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Mar 11, 2001, 12:20pm


-John Viper

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I just...

Feb 28, 2001, 9:48am
PKs that abuse their power and get all "Muahahahaha!!!" on me suck very
much. However, I have actually met 1 or 2 nice ones...

-John Viper

[View Quote]

I still need HELP!

Mar 9, 2001, 4:12pm
Never used ME (dont intend to)

However, since it uses FAT 32 (right? correct me if wrong) then if you have
a Windows 98 upgrade, you should be able to "upgrade" from it.

This kinda makes me mad. There is like a $100 difference between upgrade
and full. You want to know the difference in functionality? 98 Full has a
bootable CD. 98 upgrade requires an OS be installed. THATS the difference.
98 will upgrade from MS-DOS 3.0. When I installed 98, I found a DOS 3.0
disk lying around, popped it in, and installed 98 from it. Saved about

Anyhow this should keep your registry intact and be able to run other
software and stuff like that.

Notice my use of the word SHOULD, however. I do not know for certain if it
will work with ME or not.

-John Viper

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