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Apr 24, 2001, 5:01pm
I especially hate morons that hitch a ride in my tailgunner seat and get me shot down because THEY AREN'T CARRYING FLARES
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Apr 26, 2001, 4:28pm
Tribes 2 is VERY new, and FULL of bugs (Sierra rushed the DEV team). There is a huge excess of lame newbies, but even old Tribes 1
players have reverted to Newbieish habits. You'd think they'd at least read the manual and do the training...... "How do you switch

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Apr 27, 2001, 5:18pm
Absolutely awesome online first person shooter. Only thing that sets it apart from Q3, UT, etc. is TEAMPLAY is ESSENTIAL
(particularly in Tribes 2)
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May 19, 2001, 11:18am
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Incentive to become a PK, GK, Teacher

Apr 29, 2001, 11:20pm
Giving back to PK's... Uhh do they deserve it?
GK's... Lets get some more n00bs.
Teachers... Become a really awesome builder and track down the person that got you started (Goober King in my case)
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Incentive to become a PK, GK, Teacher

May 1, 2001, 6:08pm
Oh great, you're one of the lamers that depends on AWCI's stupidity with giving away citizenships? Or did you just steal this one?
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Incentive to become a PK, GK, Teacher

May 1, 2001, 7:57pm
*yawn* *filter* *next message*
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QWORD for the avatar numbers

May 6, 2001, 2:02pm
*waits for a dozen people to ask where Terra is*
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building in offline without internet connection

May 5, 2001, 1:39pm
200 new objects a second are bound to lag a client IN THE AREA, but the server wouldn't be impacted.
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Another axis of rotation?

May 8, 2001, 8:40am
Requires a cell database rewrite, which needs to be done anyway. This is probably one of the most asked for features and the most
far off...
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Suggestion Box

May 8, 2001, 5:06pm
Agreed. What I fail to understand is why they created another suggestion box when they already have one (This group)
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Suggestion Box

May 8, 2001, 7:55pm
Got it. *grabs postage*
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May 19, 2001, 4:26pm
Blah. I don't like flat walls appearing curved.
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May 19, 2001, 6:34pm
Hrmm, I don't like the idea of FOV changes in games, but in AW I can't see it hurting much except friggin gay paintball. I HATE
sneaking up on a guy and having him spin around cuz he had a high FOV and knocking me to pieces.
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collision argument for warp

May 19, 2001, 6:44pm
just had a thought here, what if I want to throw E N Z O against a wall when he steps on my floor at a high velocity? Can't do it
with warps because of accelleration and decelleration. BUT, I can throw him through that wall at a very high speed with warps. So,
what if there were an argument that allows objects to block the course of a warp?

avatar dialog

May 19, 2001, 11:44pm
Looks like someone reverse engineered AW in some way or had waaaaaaay too much time on their hands.
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I wish

May 29, 2001, 7:38am
I could have sworn Facter was in the process of doing so months ago.
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Restricted Words

May 30, 2001, 10:43pm
Amen. AWCI would no doubt put this into use in Alphaworld, and down goes perfectly legit builds, particularly some integral parts of
some of mine.
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Restricted Words

May 31, 2001, 7:59am
Define obscenity. "Damned"? AWCUM would use this feature to ban these words. I will attempt to give a legit use for each.

Shit: "To the people who I telegrammed to remove builds from here: Delete your shit"
Damn: "This building cannot be finish because AWCI's damned cell data limit is too fucking small"
Fuck: See above
Ass: (Caption under a picture of my girlfriend) "Look at dat sweet ass"
Bitch: I can't find anything for this one that wouldn't have females beating me with sticks.
Pussy: (I trust they won't ban medical terms) "Awww, isn't that a cute pussy cat?"

The word usage is choice and I know it can be said other ways, but exactly HOW do you expect me to sound like myself using words
like poop and crud and kitty and female dog in heat and crappy and...
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Restricted Words

May 31, 2001, 8:24pm
Assuming you were attempting to reply to me, as I said, they could be substituted, but not without completely changing my
personality 180 degrees. Now a list of words clientside that you want censored with a parental password lock would be nice, because
then it would be applied to chat too. You see, it is VERY simple to censor words clientside, even on signs, because the command
parsing is done clientside. Simply replace FUCK with a placeholder of **** in the rendering. However, I can't see any easy way of
getting around seeing it in the edit box, but oh well.
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Restricted Words

Jun 1, 2001, 7:58am
Sounds like a 12 year old world owner who is offended by some of the things said and put on signs. Please mature and realize that if
it's going to happen, my way is much more practical as it requires almost no coding and won't alienate AWCI's customers and cause
them to go under?

If you want a word filter on your world, follow KAH's advice and use a bot, most of us realize that censorship SUCKS and we don't
want it in Alpha Prime.
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Restricted Words

Jul 1, 2001, 7:32pm
The server's been out of the loop for almost half a month
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To drop Clertion (spelling?)

Jun 2, 2001, 12:37pm
It's Criterion, not Clariton. Rendering company vs. eyedrops :P

Probably can't think of a better one for his skill level, but I can think of THOUSANDS of rendering engines that are better. Theres
an old old old OLD Macintosh game which was ported to PC in one version called Marathon 2. This rendering engine is a step above
AW's. Since Bungie went bye bye and got eaten by some big company or somthing, I'm sure you could get a lic for it for like 50
cents. Not even 3d accellerated, but damn purdy compared to AW in hi-res mode and gets decent framerates on a 10MHz moterola CPU
(Which is now used in cell phones). Only limitation is that it might be a fullscreen only deal, not sure cuz I've never actually
*played* the PC version, but it was on mac.

However, while equalling AW's current state, it leaves no room for future development, cuz, well, nobody is developing it anymore.

If AWCUM is as rich as they say they are, they should be able to afford the Quake 1 or 2 engine, they're overpaying for Renderware,
it's not delivering the performance, nor the software that they promised (Software renderer).

Hell, there are some AW users that are quite capable of developing AW's OWN rendering engine if they'd just be put on the payroll. H

Roland's skill level is what's holding us back, NOT that Renderware is the only suitable engine. Renderware is the only suitable
SIMPLE engine.
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To drop Clertion (spelling?)

Jun 6, 2001, 5:51pm
(N00b terms) Renderware 3.1 does not understand RWX. Roland had to physically write a parser for the RWX files and turn them into
somthing the renderer understood. All that is neccessary to switch to another rendering engine is to grab the RWX and cob
interpreters and change the functions of the RW3.1 engine to those of the new engine, which is a rather simple process.
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To drop Clertion (spelling?)

Jul 1, 2001, 7:42pm
Mad Onion uses a proprietary engine, and any engine, including renderware could be made to look like that, albeit at the expense of
performance. The highly efficient 3dmark engine is still bogged down like hell by the stuff they put in there, and on purpose too.
If we were to use the 3dmark engine, we'd have potential for Roland to add support for more advanced hardware features, which he
probably wouldn't, and probably more efficient rendering. However, if we were to use the engine for the types of models and scenes
rendered by 3dmark, we can ALL kiss our framerates buh-bye unless we're running Geforce III's.
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<no subject>

Jun 3, 2001, 8:17pm
We're aware of this sham, it's just the same as this NG, just another suggestion box that they'll forget about soon as they need to
make a decision.
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New features for 3.3

Jun 5, 2001, 6:26pm
Lets seeeee. For 3.3 I'd like to see... Uhh, hell, lets deal with 3.2 first.
Hardware T&L
Improved move, rotate. etc/ commands (allow sequences of these to be built onto one object, ie one object that moves here, changes
to this color, rotates this far, moves there, rotates thataway, changes texture and then goes back to the start point)
Better dsound implementation
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Jun 5, 2001, 8:12am
Lets wish that all the low-tech poor people suddenly either drop AW or upgrade to GeForce II's. Neither is very likely. Some people
just refuse to operate new hardware. I've been trying to GIVE a $2000 PC to someone running an AMD K5 200 with 32 megs of RAM and a
Voodoo 3 for almost two years now, and yet she refuses to even LOOK at what I'm offering.
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Jun 6, 2001, 5:53pm
No, I normally attribute it to one of three things. Being female, too many memories with old PC (Haha, she met me on AW with that
thing, ick) and she's afraid I'm trying to buy her (Um? Then what's up with the $300 worth of clothing and jewlery I bought her last

Soooooooooooooooo, there you have it.

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Jun 6, 2001, 6:02pm
Sorry, but if I don't need it and she doesn't want it and the schools don't want it (They never do) I put them to work designing
human genes as potential cures for disease (Genome at Home distributed computing project). I probably have more MHz of CPU actively
designign these things 24/7 than there are in the medical industry doing the same for one hour a day. Sad that some crazy OC'er is
more likely to discover the cure for cancer in his basement and Stanford University will take the credit than it is to be discovered
in an actual lab.
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