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marc micalizzi // User Search
marc micalizzi // User SearchPosting in the newsgroupNov 21, 1999, 7:01pm
As most of the population of AW is tourist, I think that tourists that USE
AW often, should be able to sign up for FREE access to this using a "interactive" sign-up method available in ALL COF OWNED WORLDS SomeNiceGuy [View Quote] Posting in the newsgroupDec 1, 1999, 12:32am
Question, where can i buy these newgroups? SNG !!! at at at ***>>>------- ORIGINAL MESSAGE --------<<<*** at at at !!!Jetta lewis [View Quote] :-(.. I'm in Berlin and it is 1989...Dec 4, 1999, 4:41am
very interesting. i might join.
-- SomeNiceGuy Marc Micalizzi marc at ***>>>--- ORIGINAL MESSAGE ---<<<*** [View Quote] Alpha World and other AWCOM worldsDec 1, 1999, 12:32am
Hey AW, if you want any object donations for AW or something from me, id
be glad to. i have about 500 public domain or self created objects from my old world which i will renew soon (SNGland) and some from grover ect. Just ask me if you want some. This goes for EVERYONE especially AWCOM SomeNiceGuy Alpha World and other AWCOM worldsDec 2, 1999, 8:17pm
Ok, mabye i wasn't clear...
saying i have grover's objects was to possibly attract attention when i re-open my world. they are not for distrubutation. -- SomeNiceGuy Marc Micalizzi marc at ***>>>--- ORIGINAL MESSAGE ---<<<*** [View Quote] Test of Newsgroup and new Signature *IGNORE*Dec 1, 1999, 12:33am
-- SomeNiceGuy Marc Micalizzi marc at ***>>>--- ORIGINAL MESSAGE ---<<<*** NONE! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE SNGland Reopening COMING SOON!Dec 7, 1999, 10:22pm
Hey all,
Around Jan 1-20 i will be renewing my world SNGland and doing a COMPLETE RECONSTRUCTION OF IT. If you would like to donate new objects that you want in a world or the alike, i will give you FULL CREDIT for it, and keep it passworded among all my other objects. Just as a warning when i open it, it will be open to all, but in the Access part of the world rights, i will list all citizens and tourists (Citnum 0-500000) If you would like to build in SNGland around GZ when it re-opens, email me, or telegram me on AW. For the first 5 days of it's opening, in order to get it ready for public building, and getting GZ set up, along with all the credits to object donaters, and builders who have done a great job. Thanks, -- SomeNiceGuy Marc Micalizzi marc at |