tamealy // User Search

tamealy // User Search

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Jul 29, 1999, 2:46am
Hello. I am with Nelson-Mealy-Nicholas. We are interested in purchasing bots
that we can then provide for free via our website, or we will personally
resell them. Please E-MAIL ME. tamealy at n-m-n.net.

Bot Contest

Jul 29, 1999, 3:25am
A bot contest will be held Friday, July 30, 1999 in the NMN World Of Sandy
Bay. The entry fee is nothing. The prize is a sales contract with
Nelson-Mealy-Nicholas. The winner will get his or her bot sold by NMN, and
90% of the profits will go to the creator.

We hope that you have a bot that is ready to go. E-mail tamealy at n-m-n.net to
sign up. The time will be 5:00 PM. Please sign up before 4:00 PM. Thank you,
and may the quickest bot builder or the bot builder that already has a bot

-Nelson-Mealy-Nicholas Web Design

color command and named objects

Jul 29, 1999, 4:21pm
One thing that might help is that it is create color brown, not create me
color brown.

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Wishlist Comitee

Jul 29, 1999, 4:25pm
We aren't being listened to. We should go along with Modrd's idea of forming
a comitee, and I would like to be the first one to say so. Those in favor of
doing something about the wishlist whisper "I" and e-mail me.
tamealy at n-m-n.net.


:-(.. I'm in Berlin and it is 1989...

Jan 20, 2000, 1:27pm
That's actually a good idea. I'm in- even though I think it's still a good
idea to accuse Rick and JP of being gay and then putting pictures up all
over AW- but I didn't do thgat, so it's no matter to me. ;-)


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:-(.. I'm in Berlin and it is 1989...

Jan 20, 2000, 1:27pm
That's actually a good idea. I'm in- even though I think it's still a good
idea to accuse Rick and JP of being gay and then putting pictures up all
over AW- but I didn't do thgat, so it's no matter to me. ;-)


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