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Men and Housework...

Dec 22, 2003, 12:43am
OK Strike darling, you and WT have a lot in common! LoL Only he's deathly
afraid of the washing machine.

Don't feel bad I break the vaccume cleaner all the time, just us women know
how to hide that fact :) *dunks*

So you shouldn't do housewok, is making the kids pick up after them selfs
housework? Ohh and putting your dirty dishes in the dishwasher? Just
wondering so I can guide WT in the right direction. Hehehehehe.

AWCamp Prizes

Oct 10, 2004, 1:54pm
Thank you Lioness! *hugs* Thank you WT as well. For those who said it wasn't
that bad a hurricane and you lived through it, great it got WEAKER when it
hit you then! Also I'de like to point out point blank, some said South
Florida and Cuba got the worst, and WT and I didn't get hit that bad, guys
you need to go online and find a map of florida! WT and I are IN South
Florida! Where a hurricane come ashore (hits land) is usualy the place that
gets the brunt (worst) of the storm due to the full impact. These storms do
NOT get weaker (Lesson) till AFTER they hit land. Now lets have a logic
lesson. As a storm approaces land, what happens? Places start getting hit
BEFORE it gets to the land. When a storm does hit land what happens? Those
places that got his as it was on it's way, get hit again even harder and
longer. We got lucky Charley was a fast moving storm. Ivan, comming ashore
took 12 hrs to pass over places. Charley took maby 2 to pass over us and
left us with streetlight embeded ( sunk into) the streets. We could not go
out at night because even with headlights on you could not see, no
streetlilghts. Now Port Charlotte/Charlotte Harbor was bad and that's where
we are, however, Punta Gorda a hole whopping mile accross the harbor is much
worse. What happend there? The storm NEVER let up for a good 2 solid hourse.
They did not get the eye of the storm, which gives a minor break (in the
case of Charley, in Ivan it gave several hours) from the winds. So think of
it this way, go stand in Nassa's wind tunnel and set the wind gusts for over
150 mph, for a hole two hours. After you have done that you can tell me it
wasn't that bad.
My land kids, there are MUCH MORE important things to worrie about. It's
like being grounded with out doing anything wrong. Now can you tell me your
three favorite things that don't require batteries, electric, gas or water?
With no electric and debree all over there was no gass unless you went out
of town (like an hour or two North). No Battries for games because they were
needed for flash lights and protable radios (so you can get information like
which grocerystore is open today and what they can and can't sell) and yes
no cold soda unless you could find a place to purchase ice. Most dinners and
food items could not be cooked for lack of water and electric. Get my drift
here kids?
Now, how in creation were we supposed to get prizes out ? Answer that one

Lady Trishia o
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weird emails

Aug 2, 2006, 12:44pm
Hum seems there could many reasons why this could have happened. Knowing
impy as I do, the simplest reason seems to apply here. She may have simply
hit reply all on an e-mail she was sent, that would have sent the reply to
you as well. I am sure you know that since you seem to be such an
intelligent reasonable person.

Same time, you made the choice to open them. Why not make the choice to put
her on your block or junk list instead so they go directly to your trash
Why grip and whine in the Newsgroups about something that is completely in
your control, and why get nasty and post the name that came across with her
e-mail address, Judi Gilbert?
I am sure you are really mad now since I put your name up here, hope you see
the other side of the coin and now realize what a low thing you did, and how
it feels.
I know you will probably post my name as well and flame me as well, however
keep in mind, it won't be the first time my RL name was put on the
Newsgroups, or that I was flamed here. I will however make the choice not to
care and not to read them.

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weird emails

Aug 2, 2006, 12:56pm
Also, last minute thought. You found that Skype was the reason behind the
missing file, yet I have yet to see where you apologized to impy for blaming
her for your computers malfunction. Mayhap I missed it.

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weird emails

Aug 2, 2006, 2:03pm
Ok since you have me intrigued. I answered the why she added you to her
list. After asking her, I will correct myself, her outlook messed up and
auto added you. I am sure since your computer never makes mistakes this has
never and will never happen to you.

I happen to agree with Sarus, you are the one whining like a child, about an
e-mail. There are much bigger problems in this world, however since you
either seem to be unaware, or unwilling to see them, when you grow up you
will make a sorry adult and human being. I sure hope if aliens ever come to
earth they don't meet you first since you would give them a sad impression
of humanity.

"she must get some kind of perverted satisfaction doing this." from your
8/2/06 7:13am post,

Seems you are the one getting perverted satisfaction since she has not
replied to your posts that were designed to infuriate and provoke her. Guess
we know who the real adult is.

Also you are correct you did not say she stole your file, you simple
insinuated it. I still say you should apologize to her for that, I know that
will not happen since children rarely see the error of their ways.

"Makes no sense to me at all unless they have a mental
problem. In that case I guess it would only make sense to the crazy person.
lol" from your 8.2.06 9:32am post

I must be an adult, I fail to see the humor in that statement. I do see the
intent however.

Yes I made the choice to reply, my choice to make. What choice will you make

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weird emails

Aug 2, 2006, 2:30pm
Looks like you made the first post starting a thread you could not handle,
but oh well.
Have a nice day. Thank you for not wanting to hang out with me since I did
not ask you to.

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weird emails

Aug 2, 2006, 2:31pm
LoL Probably not. LoL
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