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glitzy giftz // User Search

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out of control gk bot

Jul 22, 2003, 8:25pm
That would be using my father's name in vain. ;-)

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Why does everyoen hate me!

Aug 13, 2003, 4:40am
Kind of reminds you of home doesn't it? ;-)

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Aug 16, 2003, 3:42am
Sell it on eBay. There are many out there that need a soul. You'll probably
get a lot of bids.

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Trivial Request

Jul 22, 2003, 8:07pm
*catches rock, saves it to use in rock garden*

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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 7:41pm
Calhoun has 3 worlds to backup. His sister's, his and mine (his Mom). He
takes care of that for us. Thank you Calhoun. :-) I do hope that you keep us
backed up well.

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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 8:04pm
You said that kelli or however their name is spelled has to undisable you.
How long will that take?
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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 22, 2003, 8:11pm
They would then be up at all times? I'd rather they be up only when we are
online. Thanks for the offer. :-)

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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 23, 2003, 1:30am
On my contact list is: Lurid, m0deler and Robbie. Who are they and how did
they get on my list? I only have 8 people on my list and don't know those 3.

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The AWToolKit Trojan

Jul 22, 2003, 6:59pm
I guess I am or was kind of one of these morons. I did but didn't know this
until I went to McCaffee website. This is my first post ever to any
newsgroup. I will definitely be checking out the aw newsgroups and
possibly/probably posting replies often. It is important to keep informed. I
hope to learn much more through all of you. Thanks to all of you for being
here. This trojan horse needs to be shot. It's very lame. Thanks to Bill and
our phone calls to him and AW it seems that it has been fixed. On the one
computer here that was invaded here with it anyway. Thanks Bill. :-)

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To The Commuities From OneSummer

Jul 22, 2003, 7:21pm
Yes. very true that it is the trojan and not actually the person talking and
that jumping to the conclusion that they are evil is not perhaps as bad as
jumping to the conclusion that one person (the wrong person) was the one
that sent the trojan horse. In this case that would be OneSummer. Sorry that
it has happened to you OneSummer. It can be very hurtful to have your name
put out as the one doing a bad thing when you are truly an innocent
bystander. Calhoun, my son, is not evil though he did mistakenly point the
finger at you. As an 11 year old he has much to learn about not jumping to
conclusions. It happens to the best of us. Hopefully this too shall pass
'gracefully' but be remembered as so many of life's lessons should be. To
keep making the same mistakes would be such a waste of time.

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AV proposal

Jul 22, 2003, 8:16pm
Who was it that said it may not even be Matt, whoever that is. It's sad
that we all can't play nice irl and online. :-( Whoever it was will get
what's coming to them. Justice will be served. Won't it? Innocent until
proven guilty. Give Matt and peace a chance. :-)

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The Lady fund

Aug 12, 2003, 2:53am
If your Momma was a rich woman she'd buy ya your own universe. ;-)
Glitzy Giftz=Calhoun's Mom for those that didn't know this.

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X-Rated Post

Aug 12, 2003, 2:44am
How do you set your background color?
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Aug 13, 2003, 4:26am
How old are most of the posters to this newsgroup? Just curious and also
curious as to whether you all realize that there are many younger people
getting online now days than there used to be and that the younger the
person is that they may not know or understand as much as some of the older
internet users. Then again the age thing isn't always true as in the example
of: if my mother was online she would'nt know any better than to download
spyware. A few months after getting her first PC she decided to sell it.
What a shame that some people will never seem to have a use for the internet
or maybe I should say that some will never have an understanding of the
internet and how such a simple thing such as sending email, etc... works.
Some people still think that each email sent costs as sending a letter via
snail mail costs with the use of a stamp with each letter sent.

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Aug 12, 2003, 3:09am
If you block someone from your newsgroups can you later unblock them easily?

and I didn't think it possible to block someone from sending telegrams to


Aug 13, 2003, 4:09am
From both. Thanks for the info. :-) pc hamster is a great name.

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Aug 13, 2003, 4:14am
Thanks Kah. I haven't received any telegrams from The Lady or anyone that i
would feel the need to block but it is good to know what to do if needed. I
feel that I'm getting to know you all a bit and getting to know AW a bit
better by reading the newsgroups. Being a Mom I don't get as much time on AW
as i'd like to so the newsgroups are a good way for me to learn some things.

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