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Adressed to all the caretakers !

Feb 10, 2002, 10:17am
I mentioned in the community group but will mention here too as it seems
appropriate. Shameless promotion? Maybe. But when people complain about
what they dont like in life, why not do something about it rather than sit
and complain? Well I am doing my best to do this. While others have tried
and failed to create something "like" AW over the years, I can promise that
my project will be released and it will grow.

Find out more, visit www.seeray.com

What makes me think I can succeed where others have failed? I created
OuterWorlds and have the experience in multi-user networking to make it
happen. I also know the down falls of the AW technology as deep as the core
Universe software. To much overhead for the backend systems.

Anyway, if you are pissed, do something about it, if you can't do something
about it, look around for someone that is.

Derek Rayburn aka SeeRay
derek at cyboria.com

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Adressed to all the caretakers !

Feb 11, 2002, 3:04am
Look at Coca Cola, anyone remember "New Coke"? AW pulled the same scam and
to a degree it is going to work. Change the product complety and take away
what everyone knew then after they get their bitching and moaning out change
the product back a "little" and the customers will be just as happy as they
were before. Granted Coke changed their product back to the same formula
but they also went up on the prices of coca cola and everyone swallowed the
change of price just so they could have their old coca cola back.

I have worked with the AW product from the beginning, I have been around
since Ron, Danny and others were still at Worlds, Inc on paychecks. I have
not only studied all possible business avenues for AW technology but I have
tried more than you can imagine while I was running OuterWorlds. I will
thank AW for two things,

1) I have spent enough time in AW to now know exactly what it takes to make
this type of business not only fully acceptable to the community but
extremely marketable while at the same time being attractive to an extremely
large user base. Without AW I would have never realized that.

2) I now realize that the only way I can fully see if my theory is correct
is going to be to write my own software. Management at AW does not want to
hear my suggestion and after what it has cost me to obtain "The Keys To The
Kingdom" (as my partners call it, who have seen my vision and they are as
excited as me), I would never offer my solution to AW's long standing
problem to them anyway.

I do love AW, I will always love AW, I will tell my grandchildren about AW
even after it is long gone. It is an amazing technology and it deserves so
much more. But some people just do not get it and unfortunately for us,
those people are running the company. Ron Britvich was fighting the same
battle we are all fighting now, a few years ago. He did not like the way
they were taking advantage of the users and ignoring the full potential of
the product and its future plans. Ron was a true visionary.

Sorry JP, but your antics and avoidance of me while I was paying you $25,000
for a universe was uncalled for. Sorry Rick, I remember helping you spell
check your letter to attract investors way back when but for some reason my
requests for you to contact me or consider my ideas has gone unacknowledged.
Roland your a great programmer! You have great visions for the Software and
I only wish some of the things you told me about 3 years ago would finally
make it into the software.

AW RULES!!!!! but I am soon to move on.

Oh yeah, if the new pricing plan is a result of user suggestions, would
someone step forward and send me a copy of your letter where you convinced
AW as a USER that what they are doing now is any better than the Jan 2nd
attack? I would like to be just as convinced as AW and maybe since the new
pricing structure was from suggestions and all, I would like to read the
original suggestion myself and see if it convinces me.

I don't think that person exists. I think its easy to say "we listened to
you and formed our new structure around what you suggested" when its hard
to pinpoint if anyone at all suggested the things they are now doing.
Especially with a few thousand users. (or are they still claiming to have
160,000 users?)

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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anyone know about quake .bsp files ?

Feb 10, 2002, 10:31am
Try the Quark editor, there are plug-ins that allow you to un-pak bsp files
and extract their .map files as well as many other compressed types of game

search for quark on google.

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Adressed to all the caretakers !

Feb 10, 2002, 10:17am
I mentioned in the community group but will mention here too as it seems
appropriate. Shameless promotion? Maybe. But when people complain about
what they dont like in life, why not do something about it rather than sit
and complain? Well I am doing my best to do this. While others have tried
and failed to create something "like" AW over the years, I can promise that
my project will be released and it will grow.

Find out more, visit www.seeray.com

What makes me think I can succeed where others have failed? I created
OuterWorlds and have the experience in multi-user networking to make it
happen. I also know the down falls of the AW technology as deep as the core
Universe software. To much overhead for the backend systems.

Anyway, if you are pissed, do something about it, if you can't do something
about it, look around for someone that is.

Derek Rayburn aka SeeRay
derek at cyboria.com

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Adressed to all the caretakers !

Feb 11, 2002, 3:04am
Look at Coca Cola, anyone remember "New Coke"? AW pulled the same scam and
to a degree it is going to work. Change the product complety and take away
what everyone knew then after they get their bitching and moaning out change
the product back a "little" and the customers will be just as happy as they
were before. Granted Coke changed their product back to the same formula
but they also went up on the prices of coca cola and everyone swallowed the
change of price just so they could have their old coca cola back.

I have worked with the AW product from the beginning, I have been around
since Ron, Danny and others were still at Worlds, Inc on paychecks. I have
not only studied all possible business avenues for AW technology but I have
tried more than you can imagine while I was running OuterWorlds. I will
thank AW for two things,

1) I have spent enough time in AW to now know exactly what it takes to make
this type of business not only fully acceptable to the community but
extremely marketable while at the same time being attractive to an extremely
large user base. Without AW I would have never realized that.

2) I now realize that the only way I can fully see if my theory is correct
is going to be to write my own software. Management at AW does not want to
hear my suggestion and after what it has cost me to obtain "The Keys To The
Kingdom" (as my partners call it, who have seen my vision and they are as
excited as me), I would never offer my solution to AW's long standing
problem to them anyway.

I do love AW, I will always love AW, I will tell my grandchildren about AW
even after it is long gone. It is an amazing technology and it deserves so
much more. But some people just do not get it and unfortunately for us,
those people are running the company. Ron Britvich was fighting the same
battle we are all fighting now, a few years ago. He did not like the way
they were taking advantage of the users and ignoring the full potential of
the product and its future plans. Ron was a true visionary.

Sorry JP, but your antics and avoidance of me while I was paying you $25,000
for a universe was uncalled for. Sorry Rick, I remember helping you spell
check your letter to attract investors way back when but for some reason my
requests for you to contact me or consider my ideas has gone unacknowledged.
Roland your a great programmer! You have great visions for the Software and
I only wish some of the things you told me about 3 years ago would finally
make it into the software.

AW RULES!!!!! but I am soon to move on.

Oh yeah, if the new pricing plan is a result of user suggestions, would
someone step forward and send me a copy of your letter where you convinced
AW as a USER that what they are doing now is any better than the Jan 2nd
attack? I would like to be just as convinced as AW and maybe since the new
pricing structure was from suggestions and all, I would like to read the
original suggestion myself and see if it convinces me.

I don't think that person exists. I think its easy to say "we listened to
you and formed our new structure around what you suggested" when its hard
to pinpoint if anyone at all suggested the things they are now doing.
Especially with a few thousand users. (or are they still claiming to have
160,000 users?)

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 10, 2002, 10:06am
You know it seems to me that most people take different approaches to things
they do not like in life. Myself I am just as pissed about the price
increase then decreased (this is probably best referred to as the New Coke
scam) as I have been most of the desicions that AW have made on a business

So what have I done? I decided to just start over. I actually started
completely over. No AW involved. If you want to see what I am talking
about, visit www.seeray.com

My point is why complain if you think you can do better, then get off your
ass and do it. I can't promise that what I do will ever be what AW is but I
can promise that while many have tried and failed to create an AW type
system without ever reaching market, I can promise that I will release and
the system will grow to be something amazing.

Derek Rayburn aka SeeRay (Creator of OuterWorlds),
derek at cyboria.com

Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 10, 2002, 5:09pm
Gav, Does the AW community know that it is you that is distributing the
hacked Universe servers? As for OW you have no clue what really happened.
Most people don't, why? becuase they are listening to one sided rants and
raves that are simply not true, but I on the other hand will not stand in a
community news group and defend myself about things I did or didn't do in

> Ok, this bit really pisses me off. This is an ACTIVEWORLDS COMMUNITY
> newsgroup. If you think you little VB project can help the AW Community
> then I suggest you think again. I consider this as pointless drivell in
> AW newsgroup, if you want to talk about it somewhere, try
> sci.virtual-worlds.apps or something, here is not the place and is not
> helping your reputation, your product nor AW. Now about your product in
> general; I personally would not trust any project that uses a ready made
> engine, including renderware. But in the case of AW, I will ignore the
> issue because at least its a C based engine that functions on many
> platforms. Whereas you project is based on a planetsourcecode.com server
> example, and a ready made VB engine. Cant wait to see when your first
> is 4 times the file size of AW, with an insecure protocol and a serious
> of creativity. I may be wrong, but I think people need something that is
> exactly like AW or NOTHING like AW. I know this simply because I tried
> the same thing over a year ago, I had users, I had interactive avatars, I
> had downloadable worlds, I had everything needed for a beta product, but
> simply was not what was needed for the community. Maybe your product will
> take off and you will become a multi-millionaire, in which case I will
> my hat off to you.

Here is not the place? To tell people to stop bitching about AW and if they
dont like it to shut up and do something about like I am doing? Sounds like
AW to me.

How do you know what my system is developed in? only 6 people on earth have
ever seen it and I trust these people with my life albeit there were some
involved with OW that I had the same trust with and it was betrayed. How do
you know that my system isn't built around a C engine? (pssst it is) Whats
wrong with basing code on something someone else did on planetsourcecode?
Do you have any submissions there? Yes I will admit now that my system will
be larger than AW on initial download but not only are you comparing apples
and oranges, you forget that the average world (textures, objects, avatars,
seqs and object database) is around 30 megs each, who cares what size the
app is! hehe

What you tried a year ago, I saw, it was nothing more than the AW SDK with a
seperate 3D engine and when people talked in your world they were also
chatting in an AW world, when they logged in, they were actually logging
into an AW world. So why did you stop development on it? It was not what
was needed for the community? So your next venture was to hack the
universe? That was really needed!

I doubt I will ever become a millionaire, would be nice, but that is not
what I am doing this for. I am writing this software because I have had
visions of 3D enteractive environments much longer than AW has been around,
when I found AW I stopped all development towards creating my own system
because I fell in love with AW.... I have since been tossed around on more
levels than just a citizen getting slapped with price increases I have also
spent the last 4 years trying to make a business successful based on the
core AW technology and the only reason it ever failed was because of the
pricing structure of the product itself and the lack of understanding and
willingness to work with me from AW.

Ohhhh... Yes I do own ActiveWorlds.net I have owned it since before they
supposedly trademarked AW and I have the documents from my lawyer to prove
it. I also bought it before they changed their name to ActiveWorlds Inc.
And as for my project utilizing the domain name? haven't yet but thats not
a bad idea, thanks Gav.

Anyone want to buy it?

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 11, 2002, 2:44am
Mac you have the right idea about the marketing of the AW product and why
it, in my opinion, is failing. They are placing to many restrictions on the
user/land limitations which strangles any possible growth of the technology
on a world wide scale.

As for Gav, I will testify in a court of law and if I dig deep enough I can
prove it, that in fact Gav is the single person responsible for distributing
not only a hacked version of the ActiveWorlds Universe Server to Guardian
and Likeness of OuterWorlds, but he also documented to Guardian how to hack
away all the user limits and land limits in the worlds as well. He also
documented what happens if you raise the land limits in both the World
server and the Universe server above 65535. I have the emails somewhere.
In fact the moment that Roland and Bill sent out a copy of the 3.2 Universe
server addressed to myself, Likeness and Guardian within minutes Gav had
cranked up a copy of the new universe on his machine in an attempt to start
applying those cracks to the new version. The universe software now sends
back IP addresses and other information to AW as soon as it attempts to
launch. Roland and Bill caught on to this and this is how I found out that
Guardian had sent the universe to Gav.

Gav shut up and go back to OW.

Yes I am sure that as soon as AW caught on to Gav being responsible they
wanted him to start researching security for them. Natural for a company
like AW to want to close the gaps that Gav found.

As for who created the browser for XW, who cares!? All the browser needed
was [universe] host = xworld.url.com port=5670 in the ini.

Besides of all the topics of my original post, gav, you sure did get quite
defensive about this one topic. Guilty conscious? If you didn't do it,
don't respond to this any further and let the truth find its way to light
without my comments and without yours. You drop it, I will drop it. The
truth always comes out sometimes without anyone saying a word.

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 11, 2002, 2:45am
Yes that is Danny and Ron's project and it is doing quite well. Check it
out sometime and give it a try. Unfortunately it seems there are much more
teenagers talking about young broken hearts than anything but its still a
great system with many users.

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 11, 2002, 2:46am
Straight A's?

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 12, 2002, 7:03am
www.askearth.com you will find Ron there. Its his latest project.

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 12, 2002, 7:07am
Proceed away. I have the proof and will present it either to a lawyer or to
a judge. Besides the hacked universe you sent was a full copy of the AW
code complete with their embeded copyrights. But you had changed the
universe with a hex editor to allow unlimited land and unlimited users.

Derek Rayburn
711 Signal Mountain Rd
Chattanooga, TN 37405

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 12, 2002, 7:08am
I Agree Chris. Should be funny.

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 12, 2002, 5:01pm
You know this all started by me telling people to stop bitching about AW
because if they had unanswered complaints then they should do something
about it, like start a new piece of software. Seems simple to me. That
statement is actually in AW's defense.

As for me trying to take OW for everything they had, you obviously have no
clue what OW was or is or who created it.

Tried more than once to create my own versions of AW software? Show me
because for the life of me I can't remember ever programming any of that. I
would love to see something I have done in the past that I dont even

As for court, well that is so funny I wont even go there. If I receive
notice I Will be there. hehehe
Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 12, 2002, 5:10pm
I am not going to sue him, never mentioned it myself. I could care less if
he hacks AW. I simply said "I would testify in a court of law" as a show of
how I know for a fact that he distributed a hacked universe server (through
email not on a webpage). Someone else has to care enough about AW to take
him to court then I will simply show up and testify.

Actually it seems that now he wants to sue me for saying things he didn't
like reading in a newsgroup. LOL boy a judge is going to love having his
time wasted on that one.

Its simple, like I mentioned before, I told people to stop bitching about
AW and do something about it if they felt that strongly about the crap going
on. Gav comes in and tries to discredit me...so if he had not opened his
mouth I would have let my knowledge of him slip away into the night but
instead he wants to start a pissing match. While he is pissing in every
direction, I simply say I know for a fact and could "for example" prove in a
court of law that he did distribute a hacked version of the aw universe. I
never said anything about OW and anyone that does is clueless, I never said
anything about protocols or XW or hosting universes or anything else, all I
said is what I know.

Have a nice day =^)
Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 21, 2002, 2:29am
LOL ok SWE, besides it was Gav that wants to sue me because he doesn't like
something I said hehe.

Just waiting on him to sue me.

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 3:01pm
I dont work for AW nor do I wish to but I did run OuterWorlds for 3 years
and what KAH is saying is correct. I ran the universe software for OW which
is an exact copy of AW's universe software and Cit 1 has all privies in
every world so anyone acquiring the privs of cit 1 can do anything even if
your world is private.

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 9:45pm
AWC does have control over your universe or galaxy if you buy one from them.

The universe/galaxy software communicates with AWC servers.

Derek Rayburn
derek at cyboria.com

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