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onesummer // User Search
onesummer // User Search[C&C] A gift for someone on your s.... list pun intended...Sep 18, 2005, 6:38pm
Now that is funny!
[View Quote] Halloween 2 weeks away...Oct 17, 2005, 2:38am
AWEC Halloween Story Time!
Oct. 22 nd AWEC World 7 pm VRT Come listen to halloween stories and answer questions to win prizes! Tourist Welcome: Special Graphic Art Prize For You! Citizen Prizes Prizes: Without Hosting 1. - 6 month 3D Homepage 2.- P50 world for 6 months 3.- 1 size upgrade to a world of your choice for 6 months. Hope to see you all there for Halloween Story Time [View Quote] Multi World Present HuntOct 25, 2005, 9:44pm
Starting on December 16th at 4pm VRT ending on December 20th at 4pm VRT
the Multi World Present Hunt! Its that time of the year again to get ready for this big event! We hope this year will be bigger than the past as well so we are planning this event a little early! For more information check out the web site: if you would like to place this years logo in your world it is, Donations of citizenships, extensions of citizenships and objects would be appreciated! The Gift Of Giving!!!! Please contact Diane , Elyk or OneSummer to be added Multi World Present HuntOct 26, 2005, 3:30am
Tengel has volunteered to hide the gifts again this year! Thank you Tengel
.... The link to sign up for him to hide gifts in world will be up soon he is working on it as I post here! Thank you too Ciena for signing up America World as well.. [View Quote] |