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thorus adama // User Search
thorus adama // User SearchIRCJul 26, 1999, 8:39am
that would be an interesting thing.
I would like to know more about this as well ;D Regards, Thorus Stephen schrieb: > gentlemen > Is it possible via a bot or otherwise to link an activeworld with an IRC > server/channel ? > TIA > Stephen Head Mounted Display (HDM) in active worlds ?Nov 12, 1998, 2:30pm
i don´t agree to your last sentence, Klassi.
"Too many limiting factors exist to make e-commerce a viable prospect in a multi user virtual environment at this present time." But we will see, and i would be very intereste in the forthcoming of the HMD project, as this would be just a real gimmick. People generally do use monitors, thats it. Thorus Adama chief editor mayor of Thorusville, AW President CIC inventor and builder of the Cyb Cafe Chain, former evosonic radio cafe chain thinking of aw the best plattform to become e-commerce a true live experience ppl will love tojoin [View Quote] [View Quote] |