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seiya // User SearchCan we be silent in our Community?May 10, 2004, 1:44am
You guys seriously need to give it up, I mean honestly your making such a
big deal about this whole thing, the internet is a place to imagine and play make believe, if you cant handle it, then move on, or simply block me? They didn't add that option for nothing you know. I was hoping by now you guys would pick up on it, but Just In nailed it in saying if you want it i'll give it to you, you guys seem to get off on my escapades so if it entertains you like so, then sure I'll give you something to petty about lol. The funny thing is all you guys namely sharon and alaskanshadow and, you guys dont even know me but feel some right to tear me down. Newsflash~! If you wanna screw with me, I'll screw with you back, its people that actually take the time to know me that will see how cool of a person I can be, but the rest of you, I am just an entertainer to keep AW talking about something lol so "humour" me lol your words are just shallow petty comments as that of a critic over a comedy show, because thats what it is, why waste my time with trying to explain myself to people who actually backstabbed me in the first place, and people who have problems that they can only pick on internet ppl to appease them lol, I have REAL FRIENDS in AW who know me as I am, not as how I play to entertain AW and fankly wouldn't care lol. So go ahead and give your two cents and stand your ground, but heres something you cant "stand on" its called "people dont care" notice its basically people putting in their petty words, nobody else cept Just In who is such a good friend he would stand up for me, I mean seriously.. EVERYONE READ THIS: If you want to make your comments about me, be my guest, but if you want to know me, and if you want to know what the real Seiya is like, then get to know me and you can then form your own opinion Can we be silent in our Community?May 11, 2004, 1:10am
Look around you Sharon... Notice those further posts? People are laughing,
they are making jokes of this, people are laughing. Look around you Sharon... Notice few people believe your accusations or even care. And look around you once more Sharon... Notice my original post, notice who aroused the crowds, notice who you took my simple post the first one I made here for a LONG time and turned it into this? Notice it is you... Notice I say few things in light of this fire your kind keeps blowing it... And notice and don't forget Sharon what you did to me after the first time I met you and BRO... and tell me with the God honest truth who threw the first blow.. I'm Not Michael Jackson!May 7, 2004, 8:04am
But These last few threads have made me out to be as if I were. AW
Community... I am not a pedophile, I am not a child moleister, I am not the pervert in AW that needs to be exterminated, if you believe this, then you need to look under some rocks and find the "real creeps" the net has to offer. I am kind of offended, but thats alright, a live community will occassionally leave people that way, if not, then its not a live community. I am not going to explain myself, but I would like to tell the community a few things: First being that there is alot of rumours about me, I am a somewhat "public" figure and I am an easy rumour target, I dont really retaliate as most people would, but things are getting out of hand, if I am being treated as if I were SOME KIND OF INTERNET PEDOPHILE That needs to be exterminated! Did anybody seem to notice that my threads were originally about a community service to AW, and it was hijacked from there, so it is easy to see what kind of people spread these rumours, and thank you to those who are not so shallow minded as to "join the crowd." I would advise and encourage anybody who hears rumours about me, or who has all these problems with me to at least settle them with me personally and not make it a big public flame fest, AND EVEN SO... I wish you would understand that the biggest instigators of this have quite the history with me that you would be surprised and even shocked as to how they backstabbed and claimed things about me. They go saying I put people into psychological traps and that I am this evil being that inhabits AW looking for little boys, I cannot understand how people coming together as VILLAGERS OF PRIMITIVE TIMES to gather around a person and "extinguish" them from society just becaue of rumours and heresay, it is not community, it is ignorant and shallow, I personally encourage anybody who has read this far to re-read some of the things people are saying in these past threads, and see what their "between the lines" type of definition of "community" is and you'll see what kind of people are the rumour starters, they bash and flame before they get a chance to think.. it is evident indeed. Lastly (pats your back) you have read thus far and have a straight head because you have not read the first sentence and flamed off, the person I am (that I encourage you all to know me by myself not by rumours and heresay) is a kind and friendly person, a sensitive artist, I generally spend most of my time by myself in AW working on new building techniques and things to inspire! People have told me I am a great inspiration as a builder to them, and that I am a leader among those who love to build. I am a somewhat coy and shy person who loves to build, and mostly build by myself but LOVES to inspire people, how can I build these things and inspire like so and have the "spare time" to just go looking for little boys to lie to? And I truly encourage you to befriend me and after you get to know me, from then on you can judge and make your own opinion of me. I originally wanted to help AW with a community building service, free of charge, but you can see that those too weak to persue their own dreams VR and Real life, can only try and destory the dreams of others.. However, thank you AW for being a place where artists and people who want to come and have a good chat can congregate, set aside rumours and heresay till you know a person because any weak person can give into emotions and rumours, but it takes a strong person to put on a level head and in thus, developing character, a quality unbreakable. Thank you~! -Seiya Starbuilds I'm Not Michael Jackson!May 10, 2004, 1:44am
You guys seriously need to give it up, I mean honestly your making such a
big deal about this whole thing, the internet is a place to imagine and play make believe, if you cant handle it, then move on, or simply block me? They didn't add that option for nothing you know. I was hoping by now you guys would pick up on it, but Just In nailed it in saying if you want it i'll give it to you, you guys seem to get off on my escapades so if it entertains you like so, then sure I'll give you something to petty about lol. The funny thing is all you guys namely sharon and alaskanshadow, you guys dont even know me but feel some right to tear me down. Newsflash~! If you wanna screw with me, I'll screw with you back, its people that actually take the time to know me that will see how cool of a person I can be, but the rest of you, I am just an entertainer to keep AW talking about something lol so "humour" me lol your words are just shallow petty comments as that of a critic over a comedy show, because thats what it is, why waste my time with trying to explain myself to people who actually backstabbed me in the first place, and people who have problems that they can only pick on internet ppl to appease them lol, I have REAL FRIENDS in AW who know me as I am, not as how I play to entertain AW and frankly wouldn't care lol. So go ahead and give your two cents and stand your ground, but heres something you cant "stand on" its called "people dont care" notice its basically people putting in their petty words, nobody else cept Just In who is such a good friend he would stand up for me, I mean seriously.. EVERYONE READ THIS: If you want to make your comments about me, be my guest, but if you want to know me, and if you want to know what the real Seiya is like, then get to know me and you can then form your own opinion~! thoughtsMay 21, 2004, 5:35am
I wholeheartedly agree Linn,
Just the other day I was thinking about BRO and how he was in the hospital, and I realized that when there is tragedy in our family called AW, that we all come together. I think it is a powerful thing that we all drop our swords and knives to pray for the well being and losses of our family. I call it family, because literally guys... you spend so much time in AW all of us that it is like you can call Daphne a sister. I knew her as a friend and seeing her passed away, I truly wish that I could have known her better, and you think of the last words you say to her and you hold on to those, I cant imagine what it must be like to leave someone with bitter words, never to see them again. Earlier I was googling Daphne in remembrance of her, looking at some of her past newsletter articles and her stories and things, and I can see a person who was happy in AW a person that I wish I could have been better friends with, it depresses me though, that no matter how hard one tries, we can never bring her back or change things, we can only remember her as she was. And I believe that for someone who loved AW so much as Daphne did, to see us all come together as a community, setting aside our differences, under the common love for AW, to form a loving community, is something that she would have wanted, and my prayers go out to her and I pray that I can leave others with sweet words that I would loved to have left Daphne with. My heart goes out to you Daphne and your family & friends, you will be missed but not forgotten! -Seiya CY Results?May 24, 2004, 6:40am
Does anybody have the voting results for the Cy's? would be nice to see who
gets silver and bronze CY awards for those of us who are sore losers like me. CY Results?May 24, 2004, 6:54am
Also, I am just curious, who do I contact about CY harrassment? I got
literally 10 telegrams from kids and adults telling me that I am a f*cking joke for losing and showed me all these chatlogs from people laughing at me, I got really depressed about it that I bought some alcohol after work and got drunk and deleted all my CY entries. And I sure dont feel the "everyone's a winner spirit" that the winners seem to promote. CY Results?May 24, 2004, 8:21am
ps - I been drinking for little over a year now, another reason to hate me.
CY Results?May 24, 2004, 8:29am
What the fuck am I supposed to do? If I am so bad, beyond AW and Cy's if I
am such a horrible damn person, then tell me what you would do in my place? thats what i'd like to know, come on seriously, think hard, what would you do if you were me, besides "kill yourself and leave aw" if your so above and beyond this whole mess, why dont you give me an answer? WELL YOU WONT HAVE ONE cuz your 50% im the other half, I dont know what to do if I were you guys, I guess i'd just continue to hate seiya, maybe you'll see why I hate myself so fucking much because if i dont know what to do, and I wouldn't know what to do in your shoes, then it shows that its just a war, and thats all, just a war based on emotions and opinions, if I cant even get along with a fellow person, what the fuck good is my opinion on anything? Same with politics, since thats coming up soon, if I cant even run my damn fucking life, out of shape, drunk and depressed then how the hell would I know what is best for my country? LoL pathetic, prideful arrogant fool.. If you have spare time..Jul 2, 2004, 5:35am
Please visit "Seiya's Lab" It is not meant to be a public place, I almost
deleted it tonight and would really like someone to see it. AW 32704.47S 567.86W 0.07a 359 It would really mean alot to me if you can go and visit, you might learn something or find some inspiration, thank you~! -Seiya Could Lighting in AW be brought back?Jan 6, 2005, 3:50am
Hello I was wondering would it be okay if yw brought back the lighting
option to AW and its builders, I just finished a build and it doesn't look the same without lighting, all dark and sad, I would appreciate it if possible, thanks~! Could Lighting in AW be brought back?Jan 7, 2005, 5:06pm
Thanks for turning it back on, thats a start, but it makes all of the
previous builds and builds in progress not the same, I didn't know light caused such lag and I am on one of the "slower" computers. I agree it is difficult to find a solution, but maybe we can just put it back to 10m and filter out the ones who abuse it, its at least worth a try, I assure you there are more people who would like it back on than there are those who would abuse it. thanks~! Could Lighting in AW be brought back?Jan 8, 2005, 10:14am
I can understand how you would want to get rid of it as it does cause small
lag, but there are worse things such as the corona, light being used as "lag vandalism" is a new one to me and really isn't as big a deal as other matters are. The thing that concerns me mostly is all of the 100's of thousands of builds made using the 10m radius light feature over the years, changing the cell limit, presenting us a skybox, or even adding a terrain feature all have one thing in common, they do not affect the current builds, there are multiple builds out there "affected" by the lack of light though it is not the biggest deal, it would benefit the users, a portion as demonstrated here, that would love to have it turned back on, thanks~! hmmmmm ....Jan 11, 2005, 9:05pm
I know I will start posting here before I expire, maybe the late secret
santa might grant me and my friends an extension too~! AW Light FeatureJan 11, 2005, 9:03pm
Thank you ENZO and company, you really "lit up" my face today~!
Help needed with new upgrade please.Jan 20, 2005, 4:53pm
Greetings and hello:
I was not quick to install this new 'version' of activeworlds because like the last few, I always seem to have problems, so when I downloaded it, my framerate for when I am in aw has decreased to 0.5-3.0 fps permanently, it is usally at 20+ and standing alone at 33 fps, now I restarted my computer and went to the options and set my 'new framerate maximum' to 33 as its normal fps usually is, and still, it does not work. Outerworlds comes up normally with no problem, so I can only assume it is from this new installation. Please help me if you can, and if possible, could anybody give me the url to download the version before this new one so I dont have to sit gazing outside, contemplating while listening to the good sir Beethoven again, thank you~! ~Seiya345763 Help needed with new upgrade please.Jan 20, 2005, 11:29pm
Yeah everything is set in the 'norm' I dont really have any other idea what
it could be besides some 'bug' with the new version. Contact List ProblemJan 20, 2005, 11:33pm
I have that same problem occassionally, and a few minutes after it happens,
I get disconnected, weird. Abandoning my cit and giving it away!Jan 30, 2005, 10:56pm
Greetings and *hugsnkisses* I am giving away my citizenship, it has 3 months
left on it. I have my own secondary cit that I am going to let expire before I leave AW, and I am making no use of this main one with 3 months left on it. In a way, I am giving it away because I obsessed for years about how "great" the legacy of buildings under this cit would be and I struggled for years trying to overcome this arrogance. So I decided the best thing I can do is to just give it away to someone I may not know, and that would be something to humble me, to have my "legacy" I cared so much for that was so mundane, to be left in the hands of whoever. Now this cit is what you might call "damned" because alot of people have this cit blocked, anyways I will be living out the rest of my secondary cits time, and I will finish up things in my lab and will be doing so under alot of seclusion. Tis almost unhealthy how obsessed I am with building, so to give away my main cit and let this other one die out will be the best thing for me and hopefully teach me humbleness. Most of my builds are deleted over the last few months but I do have coords to the last of what I built, It is upto whoever gets the cit to decide to destory, keep, or add on to what I built: 17852.50S 17801.73W 0.25a 178 -ss factory remake 25350.00N 31300.00E 12.10a 0 -zion epic 32704.51S 567.85W 0.01a 180 -star laboratory Spare your personal comments and prejudice you have with me, I am not the most socially understandable person and I am fine with that anyways. The word to pass is on here surrounded by stars, up for grabs, enjoy! =) ~Seiya (345763) Leaving AW SoonApr 4, 2005, 4:34am
Dear Folks of the AW Community, My recently new citizenship has been
disabled with a remainder of 8 months on it meaning $40 down the drain, and my remaining cit which I am writing with now expires in 17 days. I have come to terms with my AW experience, I dont regret the good and bad times I had, I learned alot in many areas, I dont hold any grudges against anybody, I am just glad I was able to call myself a "virtual pioneer" for a few years. I was able to make good friends who have left over the years, and I have been able to develop my sense for design, but above all I have alot of good memories from this place, and wont hold onto the bad ones. So I may come back everynow and then as a tourist just to check things out, but I dont have the money for a new cit, nor the time. So I just want to say I apologize to all that I hurt, and I forgive all who have hurt me, I had a good time that I wont forget, I taught myself alot about architecture and I am proud to be able to leave AW the 21st of this month with a good attitude and no regret or anger, I am just glad for the opportunities and good times I was able to have here. So gram me if you want within my last couple of weeks, or email me at starbuilds at Maybe someday when I have more leisure time and if AW is still around, I will come back. To my old friends and new and everybody, I love you! Ciao~! =] Leaving AW SoonApr 4, 2005, 8:48pm
E N Z O it would be my Cute Mandy cit, this one I am on now is the one that
expires soon, I really just want my money back, I am content with leaving, probably the best thing I could do for myself. I need help from the community please!Jun 29, 2005, 7:57am
Okay so I had a good idea tonight which I will tell shortly, but you know
all of those city owners and caretakers and mayors? They dont seem to have the time or effort to really "attract" people to their city, they just set it up and hope people will come. MY idea is that rather the city advertises to the builders, why dont the builders advertise to the cities? Think about it? A new city opens up or an older city just needs more builders, rather than mindlessly advertising to have people build, would'nt it be great if there were individuals who were advertising to you, for you to let them build in your new city or in your older area of the city. That is what I see, and thats what I want to be, I personally would love for people to join with me in this, instead of mindless advertisement for builders, why dont us builders advertise ourselves, it would make for a diverse and probably experimental city, becuase it would be founded by builders who didnt want there to be just closed plots. To me it is simple like this: "Want a starbuild in your new city? contact Seiya and discuss the possibilities" Does that make sense, any comments? I need help from the community please!Jun 30, 2005, 4:52am
Exactly, I mean I want to get into the community and it feels the only way
to do that is to run your own city. I owned a large building index years ago and people came and went, and now I feel that it could really benefit all the mayors and new cities starting up if they had like a site or a handful of builders who advertised their builds for your city. I think I will try to make my starbuilds more of an advertisement for the communities city and see how things work out, thanks for the comments Kenneth and Anthony! Introducing: To all AW & AWTeen citiesJun 30, 2005, 2:34pm
Hello, I have decided to build an index to showcase my builds, but it goes
beyond the purpose of just showcasing the builds. If you read my recent topic I decided I want to promote advertising to the cities rather than the cities advertising to the builders, I am hoping others who want to be active in the building community without running a city will take interest in making their own personal build portfolio's for advertising to the cities. I believe it would help out new cities when they start up, and old cities as well! So I have been all hyped up about it and built the index lastnight, I have about 15 builds done within the last year and plan to make more, please have a look and thanks for reading! AW 2530s 4960w AW Citizen Info PageJul 7, 2005, 5:24am
Hello guys, I have always thought it would be nice if you could click "view
home page" under a citizen's name and instead of getting a homepage you could get like a little information page that the cit fills out. Things such as age location hobbies, aw hobbies, aw businesses and such forth. Now we dont have any current feature that allows that, but that shouldn't necessarily stop us. I propose that someone with good webhosting and good web design skills can put together a site where you fill out stuff about yourself and then save the page to your "view website" option. You might ask, "what if we want them to see our website as well as our bio?" then have a section in the bio that introduces the website! I personally feel that it is something alot of people would want and it is something that I see in all sorts of chatrooms. And in time I believe also it would spread enough that a large percentage of citizens would have it on their "view website" option! Your comments? =) AW Citizen Info PageJul 8, 2005, 6:19am
Thanks for sticking up for me JerMe!
I find it funny how I devote all this time to building, innovation, and the AW community just to be an internet pervert, I am sure I could find a much easier less time and cost consuming way to do this, but oh well, nothing gets by you guys. Sorry some people are too weak to overcome their personal/emotional prejudices? AW Citizen Info PageJul 9, 2005, 5:50am
Honestly, if my "being here" gives people something to do in AW, then
technically I am helping out the community, so let them do as they wish, I dont care for the drama really, be it right or wrong. Pyro Goddess and Maddness AvatarsJul 8, 2005, 6:25am
I am with you on this Tony, sorry for your "troubles" Coree, but I believe
it is a poor reflection on a community when its members are unable to keep their quarrels and prejudices out of the public news forum. I for one am sore of it, and come on guys seriously, we all talk about making AW come alive, lets not promote "death" in its verbal form, in these public forums. |