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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 11, 2005, 1:24am
(shrugs) If I had said "badass" when I was a kid, my father would have
slapped me and my mother would make me eat soap. >_< Even now at my
age, if I would let such a word utter out of my mouth in mixed company, my
mother would give me a stern look and would ask me later, "Did you HAVE to
say that in front of Mrs So N So???!!" 0_o

So, yes, in some parts of the world, (mostly in the southern and midwest
parts of the USA), the word "badass" IS offensive. So are the words "hell"
(when not describing the underworld), "damn" (when not used as an adjective
to describe people sent to the underworld), "shit", and "ass" (when not
describing the animal). Sure it's more acceptable to people under the age of
30. That's a whole different generation.

We do need to remember that there are people from ALL walks of life coming
to not just the gate area, but all the other rated "G" worlds in AW. Dunno
what your mama taught you, but mine taught me... when in mixed company, try
not to offend someone. (In other words, if you can't say something nice,
don't say it at all). I realize good manners aren't used much these days,
but that's what it boils down to. =)

As for "abuse" of what alot of people consider a cuss word.... if someone
is a cit in AW for more than a year, and hangs out at the gate or goes there
more than twice a month, they should realize by now that a word such as
"badass" is going to offend SOMEONE there and to expect a scolding from the
GK or an eject by the CA at the very least. I mean, c'mon, the G rating at
the gate is there for a reason. There are newbie parents landing there for
the very first time and when they see someone using that kind of language
and dont' want their kid thinking its acceptable behaviour, they won't want
to visit again and will refuse to allow their child to join. We can't just
assume that because it's not offensive to us, that it isn't considered
offensive to someone else. And vice versa. The rules at the gate are meant
to make things neutral. When a newbie comes in, the first hour should be
learning the program and meeting new people. Why scare them away? They're
overwhelmed as it is!! After they choose whether or not they enjoy the kewl
things about AW, THEN they can decide where they prefer to hang out.

It would be great if there was some kind of feature one can click on when
logging in as to what rating the user would prefer, which would only allow
them to visit worlds they chose within that rating. Or possibly another idea
would be to post the rules in very LARGE font, in a bright color, regarding
what is to be expected of them at the gate and tell the new user they CAN
move to another world if the gate is too "Disneyesque" for their tastes.

It always made me wonder why people hang out at the gate area if they
disagree with how things are done there. It reminds me of vulture type
behaviour, waiting to nitpick at the tiniest thing... waiting to bash
someone over something trivial. Is that why some people park there for days
and weeks and log chat while they're going about their RL business? Sure,
there are some GK's who are more relaxed about these things, just as there
are some who are more strict about the rules there. So what? Life would be
pretty awful if we were all the same. 0_0

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 14, 2005, 1:40am
ROFL!!! Mine too. Am waiting for it to fall off the screen entirely X)

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This is Community isn't it?

Apr 11, 2005, 1:57pm
Congrats you 2 lovebirds! =) Can't make it to the wedding (in the middle
of moving/renovating). But my thoughts and prayers are with you. Mazel tov!

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Mr. Van

Apr 16, 2005, 12:24pm
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Beaner)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) WOW!!!
Reminded me of the roller coaster ride my car took me on, around midnight...
on a deserted country road that I was detoured onto cus there was a fatal
accident on the highway I was traveling on..... and during a major ice
storm. The roads were like a skating rink (literally) and when I came to a
stop sign at a hill, I had to turn left to go up the steep hill to get back
on the highway. My car didn't make it and it started to slide sideways
towards a ditch. I tried keeping it straight and in the dark, without
looking, tried to change gears to 3rd gear to get more traction... but I
accidentally put it in Neutral and didn't realize it. The car started
rolling backwards very fast..... down the steep hill. I had no idea what was
at the bottom cus all I could see in the dark was the road in my headlights
in front of me. All I could do was grip the steering wheel for dear life and
try to keep it on the road while looking behind me in the mirror. What did I
worry about the most??? LMAO I kept mumbling to myself.. "Not my new
car!!! Not my NEW car!" hahaha

Somehow the car hit the embankment on the right, went up a little, which
somehow made the car turn suddenly and then I was rolling forward. My ride
finally ended in a ditch alongside a corn field. 4 feet in front of me was a
big tree. Beyond that, about 12 feet in front of me was a stone drive-over
bridge and a creek. If I wouldn't have hit that ditch.... who knows what
would have happened. After I got done shaking and crying, I got out of the
car, and fell/skated up the deserted country road towards a few farm houses
with lights still on. I felt weird banging on some stranger's door in the
middle of the night out in the boonies but I needed to call my parent's to
let them know where I was. When the nice lady answered the door, all I could
do was cry and told her what happened. She brought me in, and after my
nervous breakdown, called my parents for me. But with the weather I couldn't
go anywhere and neither could they. I had no choice. I had to stay for the
night in this stranger's home. Thank goodness they weren't ax murderers and
were very gracious. After my nervous breakdown, They gave me something to
eat and I somehow slept. In the morning they called for a towtruck to get me
out. By then of course, all the ice was gone. It was like it was never there
in the first place. My car was fine. Just had some weeds sticking out of the
bumpers and the side mirror which was broken. Since then I refuse to drive
in ice storms!!

Weird how these things happen. Glad you and your passenger were ok. Scary
tho!!!!!!! Could have been much, MUCH worse! >_< Thank God it wasn't.

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Mr. Van

Apr 17, 2005, 12:57am
OMG! Wow! Yes, thank God he wasn't more seriously injured.

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[567] - Before you ask

Apr 26, 2005, 5:44pm
YAY!! thank you Chris! ;-"D

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PeaceKeepers: A Modest Proposal (rant)

May 10, 2005, 12:33pm
ALOT of the time, however, it is a tourist who needs a PK. But the tourists
do not have telegram capability and depending on the time of day/night,
cannot find any cits around to help them with this, unless they go to the
Gate area, where I have noticed quite a LOT of citizens just parked there or
just totally ignoring the tourists who ask for help. As long as a bot
wouldn't be monitoring ALL of private conversations/vocabulary, I see NO
problem with having a universal bot responding to certain words or phrases
such as "PK Help". ;-")

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Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?

May 31, 2005, 2:27am
I love this idea! Wasn't there some kind of AW committee that organized
events and posted them on a calendar page? Or is that dead now?

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My baby

Jun 20, 2005, 9:59pm
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! ^_^ congratulations Heu

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[568] - World owners: important changes in upcoming build 568

Jun 29, 2005, 10:32am
I have had that problem for at least 6 months, off and on. I haven't been
able to figure out what causes it though. I have had 2 different keyboards
and I don't think the keyboard has anything to do with it.

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New Support AW Feature: Suggestion Box

Jun 29, 2005, 10:39am
Awesome job!!! Very informative and easy to navigate too. Keep up the good
work maki. ^_^

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Thanks Everyone

Jul 1, 2005, 3:54am
welcome back hon. Glad you are MUCH better ;-")

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London bombings

Jul 8, 2005, 2:58pm
I was shocked to see the headlines about the blasts yesterday. I'm sure I
speak for many people who cannot post in these newsgroups when I say our UK
friends are loved dearly and we are all praying for your safety and the
safety of your loved ones. Give us a shout if you live in the UK and can
post in these ngs. We'd all love to hear that you're ok.

London bombings

Jul 10, 2005, 3:52am
(((((((((((((((((((((((Gnu))))))))))))))))))))))) I, for one, am very glad
you and your loved ones are ok. I made this post because I truly cared. I
didn't expect someone to tell me to take my concern and shove it like
Richard did.

I feel sorry for those who have gotten so used to things like this that it
doesn't bother them anymore. Thank goodness much of the United States
doesn't have to worry about things like bus bombings or subway bombings. We
have enough to deal with with drug trafficking, drive-by shootings, gangs,
and weirdos who steal little children off their bicycles. Its a shame we
have to deal with any of that but let us not forget that while we are going
about our busy lives, an act like this is horrific and should never EVER be
accepted as normal and we should never allow ourselves to get used to it.
I'm not saying we need to change our way of life. Sheesh....... reread what
I wrote if yer confused. 0_0

To whomever feels compelled to start something related to the war in Iraq:
please don't. Dont' start bickering over who is right and who is wrong
politically. That was never my intention in this post. All I wanted to
convey in this message was that there are people in AW who truly care about
what happened in London and there are people in AW who were affected by
those bombings. I am not offering my "sympathies" on a platter as Richard
suggested and neither is anyone else.

I don't consider my empathy equal to that of a "drama queen". If my
compassion isn't welcome, please ignore this post and don't make stupid
comments such as:

Sorry Gnu. This wasn't all directed at you.

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Jul 11, 2005, 5:42am
Hand over that cookie bucko!! (Applauds pelican) ;-"D

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Cy Pre-Pre-Party

Jul 14, 2005, 8:14am
I'm positive you will do a fantastic job of directing our new Cy's, Mark.
Mazel Tov!! ^_^

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 8:06am
<----cracks up! X )

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Is this useful?

Jul 15, 2005, 2:05pm
OMG I love it!!! ;-"))) Really kewl idea! And OMG you live in NJ??!
Howdy neighbor (waves from Lehigh County, PA) ^_^

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Jul 17, 2005, 5:18pm
OMG!!!! You PROMISED me you wouldn't tell anyone bout that hair growth
problem under my nails!!! (sobs and runs away) >_<

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Celebrity Encounters?

Jul 18, 2005, 4:22pm
Have you ever been to Worlds? I have. Chances are he joined up with them
because of their outstanding avs and the incredible mirror reflections. You
not only can change your av whenever or however you want, but you can use
that same av or choose from your OWN list of saved customized avs anytime
you wish and in any world you wish. I highly doubt it had ANYTHING to do
with "naughty teens" in AW as you put it. And also Worlds had streaming
media lonnnng before AW had it which made playing music videos MUCH easier,
not as laggy. AND I've been to Bowie's world in Worlds. There, the worlds
are free. You don't get as much land as in AW. Heck the worlds in Worlds
aren't much bigger than a large plot of land we can easily get in alpha
world. And building is much more complicated than in AW. But I'm sure all he
was concerned about was the more realistic avs there and the streaming
media/video/music that advertises his talents. By the way, he wasn't the
only celebrity to buy into Worlds. Aerosmith
( were also big fans of
Worlds. So were Hanson and Britney Spears.

I was a member in Worlds for a period of about 5 months a little over a year
ago. I asked numerous people when they last "chatted" with any celebs and
they told me it was years. Interesting thing about Worlds is that ANYBODY
can go there and pretend to be a celeb. Nobody will doubt the facade. You
can have numerous accounts/names there and unlike AW, your name does not
change automatically in people's contact lists. And like I mentioned, you
can customize yer av ANY way you like and save it and others and take them
with you when you teleport to other worlds. Everyone also gets a huge list
of every imaginable sequence (PG rated of course) there is, to use with any
av at any time.

Cons: Building is only relegated to a "World" which is very small in
comparison with a large plot of land in alpha world. The act of building
itself is very complicated. You need to dl the program needed to do it and
it takes a rocket scientist to figure it out on your own compared to AW.
True the avs ARE by far the best I've ever seen in a 3D VR program and
customizable too. Even the outfits are customizable with hundreds of
different textures and alot of different styles. Or your av can go nude, but
those textures suck for some reason compared with the ones I've seen in some
worlds in AW. However despite the incredible avs, and the mirrors, those are
the ONLY outstanding feature in Worlds. Most places are very laggy. Before
visiting another build you HAVE to dl a seperate file of
textures/objects/media otherwise it just doesn't render. Just going thru a
door requires a seperate dl. When visiting alot of worlds there it's VERY
laggy, especially GZ. You can't fly. You can "float" but only if you change
a setting for the altitude you want to be in. You can't just hit an arrow
key and go up or down. And alot of the "worlds" you get there are exact
duplicates of GZ or one of the main worlds there. They are prebuilt but you
can change SOME things. Weird thing is there is also some kind of time warp
thingie there too. You can be standing in your OWN version of GZ (your own
world) and STILL be surrounded by people who are in another GZ.

In other words, Bowie and Aerosmith are probably not there anymore. And AW
still has more bang for the buck. But it would be nice if Uncle ENZO would
improve the avs a bit more so we can catch up with Worlds' avs (which are
about 5 years old by the way). ^_^

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Celebrity Encounters?

Jul 19, 2005, 11:36am
yeah I guess I DID get a bit carried away! LOL! Sorry folks >_<

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Jul 21, 2005, 10:37pm
Personally, I'm glad SOMEONE stepped up to the plate regarding the Cy's. Sad
to say this, but it's true... alot of adults these days have more important
things to do in RL and can't spend as much time and effort it takes to
organize the Cy's (referring to people who need to devote their time to
their kids and spouses, not to mention work to make ends meet) I'm sure you
will do a great job, Mark. I am behind ya 100% in this, even though I'm not
sure what I can do to help. I DO support and applaud your efforts to make
the Cy awards something all of the AW community can be proud of. It's a
shame not all of the community has the courage to do it and it's a shame
mudslinging has become intertwined with something as positive as the Cy's.
These awards should be bringing our community together in peace. Not
creating a battleground between "adults" and "kids". Same goes for the ngs.
This world has enough to worry about. The Cy's stand for something.....
harmony. ^_^

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Jul 24, 2005, 3:17pm
You forgot to mention Strike is 19. ^_^

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Add yourself to our new 'Directory'

Jul 27, 2005, 10:19am
I think you need to add more countries hon. Or at least continents. Such as
South America (thinking of Vera who lives in Brazil), and France (Heu) and
the Netherlands, etc etc etc. True, some of the people who live in those
areas might not be submitting their info in the directory, the current list
you have available doesn't even offer a write-n category or "Other".

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Add yourself to our new 'Directory'

Jul 28, 2005, 2:59am
anytime ^_^

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America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)

Jul 27, 2005, 10:22am

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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 27, 2005, 10:11pm
Have you considered putting this message out to the main public yet? The
newsgroups readers unfortunately are a minority among the AW citizens. There
are some who, because of the flaming, decided the ngs aren't worth the
hassle. And some who aren't aware the newsgroups are even available or how
to go about subscribing to them. Telegrams help to spread the news but I
think in addition to grams, and word of mouth, it would help to talk about
it at GZ or at the Gate. There are some tourists at either place who are no
longer citizens (and therefore do not recieve grams any longer) and would
probably be interested in using the directory. I know quite a few people and
can direct them to your website, but there are many people who are new cits
and none of us have met them yet.

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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 28, 2005, 5:45pm
I noticed a bug while trying to edit my submission... it defaulted with
YOUR pic url and changed my Pennsylvania to Alabama for some reason, which I
changed of course. Also when I checked (out of curiosity) to see how many
countries you now have available, it still only listed 3: USA, UK, and
Canada (the originals). Perhaps that didn't change because I added my
submission before you updated the countries listing? And I remember adding
both my accts on there... one has 1 dot and the second has 2. However when I
tried to edit the acct with the 2 dots I couldn't bring it up and when I
tried searching for that name it wasn't found. Did you delete the one
thinking I double submitted maybe? By the way, I resubmitted the second one
and this time put in the Cit # for it. Also, when I tried searching under
World Citizen List and typed in "alphaworld", I naturally assumed there
would be a listing of all the folks who submitted their names using that
world as their primary world. But only 1 person showed up.....
truckerette49. Even I would have showed up on that list, since I
listed alphaworld as my primary but I didn't. Shouldn't there be some kind
of listing with citizen names on it for that world? (I'm guessing)

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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 29, 2005, 3:50am
(nods) Ok and np with the deleting my other cit acct. I was too lazy
to log onto AW to look up my cit #'s when I submitted to your directory and
figured I could do it later. LOL. Sorry bout the confusion.
Regarding the "primary world" issue... perhaps having 5 or more
seperate fields would help? I noticed that in the initial phase of
submitting info, there is only one field of input: "primary world" but when
editing there is another field that says "secondary world". Speaking for
myself... I do most of my building in alphaworld, however I don't usually
hang out there. I do that at the Gate. And on occasion I also visit TheBeans
where I have a build. So actually I have 2 primary world preferences. Some
folks like to hang out in more worlds than I do which would mean they might
(as an example) have more than 2 primary world preferences.
Maybe instead of naming the fields "primary" and "secondary" it might be
easier to just name them "worlds of choice" or something similar?

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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 29, 2005, 2:28pm
(nods) I do understand what you are telling me. I guess for now I'll
just have to submit my information seperately for those worlds then.... for
each of my accts and for each of the worlds. I don't mind.
I wish I had a template to show you what I meant earlier. I remember
seeing on a few different websites over the years.... something like a
question (ie What worlds do you frequent?) and like 6-7 white empty fields
stacked below that which you can write in your answer. Then later when the
search is looking for a "keyword", it's easier to find. I wish I could
remember those urls so I could show you, but I can't. However if I do
stumble across something like that I can email or gram you with it.

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