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light form // User SearchAWCC KickoffJan 18, 2003, 9:52am
The AWCC Aniversary festivities were launched this morning at 8 and we're looking forward to a really fun filled 24 hours, with everything from AWHS Tours to a Snowball Fight! I hope to see all of you all there =) LF Im SorryJan 27, 2003, 5:31pm
I sense MrBruce is going through the "community test"Jan 31, 2003, 2:01pm
I sense MrBruce is going through the "community test"Jan 31, 2003, 2:05pm
What about Alpha World?Jan 31, 2003, 1:32pm
I cant decifer your message any better than Brock. Anyone else? "who owns
Alpha World to encourage them to bring the community back?" *throws grammer book* I got out of that "who owns Alpha World." What does it matter? If they have ignored it this long, I gurantee nothing anyone will say will get them to 'jump start' it. Only way there is going to be any "community" back in AW Prime is if citizens do it, and good luck to that. [View Quote] Yet another user leaves AW!Feb 3, 2003, 3:03am
On the another note, FriendPA is also having to let her citizenship expire
in 19 days after "over 6 years in AW" Oh well... Alpha World Open To Tourists......Feb 3, 2003, 3:01am
And it will probably be repeated a few more times before people actually
start carring. Alpha World Open To Tourists......Feb 4, 2003, 3:19am
What a vary offensive and unnecessary post Screb.
"many innocent ppl will be killed by US army" in that do you mean "by the US army"? Screb, I will tell you one thing, if anybody kills "innocent ppl" in an up coming conflict that America is involved in, it will be the US Air Force. And that will be by innocent (there is that word again) human error. I have been on two PEACEKEEPING tours (missions) as a member of the US Army, and no 'innocents' have been killed by the US (or any other international contingent of the task force) during those PEACEKEEPING tours. In Afghanistan, where I have had fellow soldiers and friends deployed to, they are quite receptive to the US presence. Now, I am not saying that the US Military has and will not inadvertently harm or even kill innocents, I'm just saying, please don't make it out to sound like we do on purpose.... LF Gate Tourist NamesFeb 4, 2003, 3:10am
Yanst...I like the way you think. Lets let tourists in AW Prime just so we
can tolerate thier names. That will be the highlight of my AW experience.... LF Talk About Active worldsFeb 15, 2003, 1:19pm
*Sweeps SW Chris and Captain MAD Mike under the carpet*
Priority, priority... LF Talk About Active worldsFeb 15, 2003, 6:57pm
Look what little Jacob has started. Now we are going to have people griping
about this and that, and how it could be soooo much better, and how their arguement is soooo much more convincing and diverse than the last. On the other hand, we are going to have people Talking about how much they love Active world. Sit back and watch it happen ; ) LF Talk About Active worldsFeb 16, 2003, 4:06pm
How do you know he is speaking the best english he can? Maybe he is just
lazy and doesnt bother to double-check what he writes. Silly really... By the way, who are you calling 'mean'? Carl or me? I dont know who the promotion goes to! LF Talk About Active worldsFeb 18, 2003, 5:50am
Seems like everyone I know has it. They might as well just release it
already and take it from there. LF Talk About Active worldsFeb 28, 2003, 3:10am
Bata is full Goddess, thats why its called a "closed bata." I have no doubt
E N Z O gave Jacob bata, not beacuse he thought he could improve it, or help AW expand on it (which, might I remind you, is the real point of being a bata TESTER) but rather beacuse Jacob no doubt telegramed or even e-mailed E N Z O a considerable amount. Welcome to ActiveWorlds... LF Talk About Active worldsMar 12, 2003, 11:35am
French Canadians speak just as good English as they do French. Also, some,
including me, find it alot easier to write a second language than speak it. So before you start having a hernia on what other people are writting, do some research about what your gripping about. On another point, the ActiveWorlds Universe is a English language program, and while you do see many many citizens, and worlds representing different languages, the main language still remains English. The newgroups are dominated by the language, if not completely so. This means that when you post here, you are expected to not only know where to post, but also to know how to be understood in that post. Otherwise, that would defeat the purpose of the post. In other words, dont post here if you cant be understood. LF *looks around*Feb 18, 2003, 4:56am
Same, I stumbled into it the other day and can't get myself away. Never
really had patience for RPGs until this. Good management too. I just can't understand why Mutation, while good in its own right, is hitting 30+ world pop. but AWRPG cant get above 10... Try it out people =) LF [View Quote] Alpha World Mystery InfoFeb 21, 2003, 3:13am
Sure, BS, thats what you call it...
*reaches for the phone...* Where did you say you lived again? LF Maybe E N Z O Post here?Feb 26, 2003, 1:42pm
Ah, we have a little Jacob inside...
*nominates Jacob the Hero to becoming the mascot for the Newsgroups* LF Maybe E N Z O Post here?Feb 26, 2003, 2:23pm
Maybe E N Z O Post here?Feb 26, 2003, 4:18pm
It was not a joke Strike, rather just the opposite...
LF Maybe E N Z O Post here?Feb 26, 2003, 5:49pm
What? Are you jealous? I dont see any problem with responding to a pointless
post. If you'll notice, the responses are quite pointless also...Welcome to the newsgroups. LF The Game: Repeating Our PostingsMar 29, 2003, 4:35pm
It does not matter what you are, but rather, what you are "acting" like...
LF Tourists+No Pics=Citizens RevoltApr 27, 2003, 9:07am
*cough* while we are on the subject of buying new Universes... LF Tourists+No Pics=Citizens RevoltApr 28, 2003, 2:06am
Well, if you move back to yellow anytime soon, tell me, because I need some
more builds to feature in the newsletter. Banging in random coords just isnt cutting it anymore. LF Tourists+No Pics=Citizens RevoltApr 29, 2003, 3:31pm
I had not known that, not having any real interest in bots since Prestons
went out. LF |