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Ten thoughts of today

Mar 16, 2003, 2:21pm
What about the Germans. My goodness do they love their fatty foods!


Ten thoughts of today

Mar 16, 2003, 5:55pm
The food isnt as good in Bavaria as the scenery though.
Baden-Wuerttemberg has some fatty eaters also...

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 5:22pm
Your right, to an extent KAH. Most (if not all) aviation units in the U.S.
Military do not permit "GI property" decoration to that great of an extent.
Maybe some splashings on the front of the nose, if it does not get in the
way of the radar.
And, like said, this probably is just a 'parade' chopper, something they fly
around on May Day.
But I do think your wrong in the fact that they would burst out in laughter.
First off, the Hind is a pretty formidable gunship by itself. Second off,
regardless of what is painted on a helicopter, the enamy will hear it before
they see it, and wouldnt be to happy. The reason helicopters are painted in
an olive-drab or subdued color is for protection on the ground, where they
are most vulnerable, not for inflight. . Third off, yes, I would think they
would be scared of a US gunship coming at them. There is nothing more better
to scare the thunder out of you thank a volly of hellfires being jammed down
your throat.


The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 5:30pm
America does not make Chemical or Biological weapons. We stoped making them
in the Sixties and Seventies, and have fazed them out. They have been
decommisioned, and destroyed.
America also has shown efforts to scale down thier Nuclear arsenal. You cant
despute this, dont try, it would be silly.

I dont think you people get. You say, "oh, America is just as bad, they have
missles and weapons that can do more damage." But have we? Suddam has.

Free web page tools for aw websites

Mar 28, 2003, 1:50pm
You are the epitome of the "good citizen" Wizard. A credit to the AW


Old AW versions

Apr 4, 2003, 7:08pm
Or to remince in old times, pretending they were more romantic than is
actually true.

Why do people go to Renaissance Festivals?



Apr 15, 2003, 5:58pm
Vary mature Marky. Since EVERYBODY who is ANYBODY is on the beta team, why
do you grace us with your response.

OMG! I Hate NuTtinmuch or w/e hsi name is

Apr 16, 2003, 12:51pm
Yes it is. Sexual harassment can also be varbally done. Anything that has to
do with unwanted sexual attention is sexual harassment.



Apr 16, 2003, 3:24am
Could be JP


They're Running out of ideas here

Apr 21, 2003, 4:47pm
Thats how the Europeans do it. They see a fance row, and they plaster the
thing with the same advertisment poster over and over again. Good way to get
peoples attention.


Yes Mr. Bruce will shutdown A!!CT Again (Mr. Bruce grow up)

Apr 25, 2003, 5:51pm
Congratulations Brock, you have offically drilled the phrase "kiddie adults"
into our hearts and minds. Now please stop using it. It gets old.


GKs and their Perks

Apr 30, 2003, 3:41pm
That would be nice. I have frequantly checked the GK website to see if they
have posted their members list. It would be nice to know whos whos like the

Also, I have noticed that alot of the anomosity directed towards the GK/PK
programs is either from bitter teenages to young to apply, or by long time
citizens who resent the need for such orginizations in a once simple
Universe. Just my observations.


AWGate needs a scatter bot...

Jul 5, 2003, 11:39am
But if your going to use a bot, why not just use it to scatter in the first


AWGate needs a scatter bot...

Jul 6, 2003, 11:28am
I'm pretty bot 'illiterate' also Ste. Dont really have a need for them.


How Syntax Got "Lost"....

Jul 4, 2003, 2:36pm
It just makes me laugh (and appriciate) how 'realistic' you make AlphaWorld
and SW City sound when you refer to it with such implicable and specific

I wonder though, if yall could give such precise directions of your own RL
home towns ;)


How Syntax Got "Lost"....

Jul 4, 2003, 5:03pm
We all do sometimes...

*looks around at the person who does 'in-depth' reporting on AW*


[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 4, 2003, 5:11pm
I can safely say, in all confidence and security, that I have never before
been so strongly attracted to an object set before now. Those curves, those
textures, those...avatars...its just what any mans worlds needs. Guns...

At anyrate, I'll be sure to pick it up.


[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 5, 2003, 7:35am
Why did you even have to make the comment maki?


[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 5, 2003, 4:50pm
*claps* Stick it to 'em Bruce!


And There Off

Jul 5, 2003, 2:28pm
<Its great to know AWI could have gotten a contract like this>


And There Off

Jul 5, 2003, 4:56pm
I see you picked up on that sarcasim SWE. Keep it up


And There Off

Jul 5, 2003, 4:57pm
From my time in There, I would say its a far cry better that AW, with tons
more potential. That doesnt mean to say I would give up AW for it. Its still
fairly new.


And There Off

Jul 6, 2003, 6:32am
I thought the <sarcasim> quotations were enough. I will try hard next time
SWE ;)


And There Off

Jul 6, 2003, 12:20pm
They accepted me and "invited me" the same day.


And There Off

Jul 6, 2003, 3:06pm
Well, that $20 I sent them might have done the trick. Payoffs are highly


And There Off

Jul 6, 2003, 7:40pm
Sorry, forgot to use the sarcasim marks that time.

In all seriousness though, I guess it was just the luck of the draw. But I
applied 4 months ago, when I first heard about it. (Facter posted something
about it)
They should be accpeting alot more people now that they have expanded the
beta hours though.


Eject happy again

Oct 17, 2003, 7:18pm
No, the statement is really, you_have_a_really_weak_argument.

The last time I was at AWGate, which was all of 5 minutes ago, I observed
citizens whom I know to be over that "magical age to use the internet"
carrying on a conversation that had no real relevance to anything, and I
mean anything. There was no reason for the conversation; They could have
easily never have had the chat and no one would have been the worse, or
better. The point is, they were having the conversation because that is a
luxury we (as in humanity) enjoy here in AW.
This is exactly what CP was doing, and CP, being literate, decided to use a
vocab word we all have and we ALL use from time to time (this, by the way,
means the word is in common usage amongst grown-ups). I have choice 'French'
words that I learned when I was but a young lad of 10 and still find quite
necessary to utilize them when I see fit. Apparently CP saw fit to use 'pee'
because that is what CP felt the conversation needed. That is why such a
thing would be said. Could a better or more appropriate word have been used?
Sure, but CP didn't, oh well...

Now, on to the matter of urination, or peeing, as being such a horrible
thing. Lets get this out of the way. I pee, you pee, we all pee. I'm
wondering now how many people are sitting at their computers vomiting
because I stated the oh-so obvious. I never knew anyone that found or finds
peeing amusing (although I still find people of substantial age that think
breaking-wind is still amusing) because, it's just something we do in order
to carry on living. You however, make peeing sound like vandalism in its
most grotesque form.

"To a lot of people, acts such as peeing, is disgusting, and really not to
be talked about"

Good grief, lets all be ashamed of what we all do! Now I'm not saying we
should flaunt this, but lets not be naive and act like its only something
ignorant 8-12 year-olds do.

And last, AWTeen:

"this "AWTeen""

What? Now that was just silly. AWTeen, is in fact, quite a real place in the
AW Universe and couldn't really be referred to as a fictitious idea.

I'm spent. But that was fun. =)

Have fun with this one E N Z O


[View Quote]

Eject happy again

Oct 18, 2003, 4:38am
Good rebuttal, except for your comment on AWTeen.

"AWTeen isnt a real place, its a myth. Move on."

First off, I have only been to AWTeen on very few occasions, but I have it
on good authority that it is indeed, still around (that word list tends to
be fairly accurate). In order for AWTeen to qualify as the myth that you so
call it, it would have to be "A fictitious story, person, or thing," which
it apparently isn't.

Move on


I think E N Z O is the janitor. You know, the
surly practical joker.

[View Quote]

:-o oww

Oct 22, 2003, 4:14pm
You cannot extradite a foreign citizen for breaking a law that may only
apply in your country and not in theirs. If that were true a person who spit
on the sidewalk in America could be shipped off to Singapore to be charge
for breaking one of their laws.
Number two, international copyright laws are
recognized...well...internationally, therefore, the citizen who is
infringing on the copyright would be charge in their own country for doing
so, since it is illegal in that country. If anything, the company would have
to pay for one of their own to go to that foreign company to press
This is a pretty simple explanation; I have no doubt the truth of the matter
is much hairier than this.


[View Quote]

E-mail I received this morning

Oct 31, 2003, 1:48pm
Well, guess I should start packing. One, Just In, I'll reserve the suite for


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