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light form // User SearchEffects I'd like to get ahold of...Nov 2, 2003, 8:27am
Actually, I think the rain is part of the skybox they have running. I
believe its in one of the homepages. If not that, I know I used a rain object that is exactly the same as the rain they have in the Gate in my world, which was off of a homepage. I'll snoop around the MegaPath and see what I can find... LF [View Quote] Dirtcity?Nov 2, 2003, 4:31am
When you think about it, it is brilliant. They have successfully peaked
public interest, but have, at the same time, forced the public to get the product in order to see it, instead of supplying it. LF My rant...Nov 6, 2003, 9:40pm
I know of quite a few that are on a two-way. Most of them in Third-world
countries and/or Middle Eastern countries... At anyrate, does anyone else find it 'comical' (for lack of a better word) that AWI is just denying, what seems to be a pretty large out-cry, what they want? Shoot, even God gave in to the Jews when they wanted meat! Come on E N Z O, if God can give in, so can you. Granted that while the meat was still fresh in their mouths they were swallowed into the earth, I'm sure AW will join me in blatantly ignoring what will surly blow up in our faces ;) Where's our meat! LF P.S. I in no way take responsibility for the blasphemous remarks that will follow this post and in nooooo way was comparing E N Z O to God or any other entity that one might hold holy. Bingo in AmericaNov 18, 2003, 8:05pm
Its actually "Don't Tread on Me" and started off as a rally flag during the
American Revolution as a patriotic symbol. I don't ever recall seeing it used in connection with the Navy though, but could be wrong ;) LF Bingo in AmericaNov 20, 2003, 4:16am
Such hate, tsk tsk.
I know what would be nice would be you getting a larger vocabulary. All I see is someone who just learned what a n00b is and can't spell bloody right in a horrible attempt at leet. Apparently you care enough about the world to post about it in the first place. The great thing about AW is you don't have to go into America, and, in fact, I'm pretty sure America doesn't want you around. This means, y0u d0nt have t0 c0me int0 the w0rld America and b0ther us either. Easy, huh. On another note, the GZ looks damn fine even with the little z-buffering. LF Bingo in AmericaNov 20, 2003, 7:28pm
"Danny got a juice box! I want a juice box too!"
Yall make AWI sound like a third grade teacher. Hate to break it to you, but, unlike teachers, companies are well within their rights if they play favorites. Though nuggets. LF Weebo and ClamsNov 20, 2003, 4:19am
I'm very much scared for life now. This will now be the one thing that will
define my NG experiences. LF this is all true and goodNov 20, 2003, 2:23pm
This is all well and good, and in the past, I have and don't have anything
against A!!CT. In fact, I think its a right fine and dandy world. But I have come to the realization that MrBruce is very egocentric and, from what I have seen, immature. I really can't see how anyone can argue this down, just take a look at all his posts. Their all about how bullied and picked on he is, and how no one likes him, and how he gets no respect, and how much he puts so much into this world, but no ones give it credit. You a good guy MrBruce, but get off your-self. LF E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!Nov 22, 2003, 9:26am
E N Z O seems to keep abreast of what is going on in the NGs and in AW
fairly well. Just because he doesn't reply to every "ENZO PLZ READ!" thread doesn't mean he isn't keeping tuned in. I think yall give him less credit than he is due... LF E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!Nov 22, 2003, 2:56pm
And you think that's going to do the trick? Match idiotic ranting with
obscene ranting? LF E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!Nov 22, 2003, 7:44pm
You always seem to start off making good points in your posts Bruce, but the
I realize there are usually two more pages of them, and just lose interest. Keep them short and concise for crying out loud! People would be alot more receptive to your idea then. Oh, and Strike, your statement "perfectly correct" isn't. LF Virtual Terrorism?Nov 23, 2003, 6:38pm
That has to be the most offensive thing I have yet heard in the NGs. How
could you laugh at something like that? Seriously guy. LF Virtual Terrorism?Nov 24, 2003, 4:13am
I'll have to agree on alot of your points...okay, all of them, buts it quite
apparent someone did not get their sleep last night... "dirty whore"? Now seriously, was that called for? LF Virtual Terrorism?Nov 24, 2003, 6:55pm
You know Leo, that's a really great way of putting it. That's real wisdom in
its element, and I really think you do all Americans justice with those words. Thanks =) LF Stupid Kid EmailNov 25, 2003, 4:03am
I got it too. He just went down through the NGs and took your e-mail address
on your posts. LF Question for Rick..Nov 30, 2003, 6:00pm
I doubt he would get a response from that either. I think this is a question
from the floor so that everyone may view and take part in what response would come. LF Something everyone needs to get stuck in their headsDec 1, 2003, 6:47pm
Then enlighten us Rossy the boy. What did happen to A!!CT?
LF UMM This is community so post stuff about the community.Dec 29, 2003, 7:54pm
How about a light discussion on strategy and philosophy, of the realities of
power and ethics of power, of the American ideal of justice and the European ideal of peace, and the growing gap between the twos political and military approaches internationally. LF Just a thought...Dec 31, 2003, 3:47pm
You really need to get the whole story on M a t t before you post CP. Given,
your intentions are well meaning, I'll hold my flaming hand of death back (with great reluctance) LF AWCamp Lost It's Pride?Aug 7, 2004, 8:46pm
I know last years camp there was a list made of the people whom the Camp
Admins would like to be camp councilor. I think I still have that list actually. On it was everyone from ENZO to ex-teachers who we thought would make a good addtion to the team. While some of that selection process was made because we personally knew these people to be cool, it was also made on the basis that these people could get the job done, make sure the campers have fun, and lay down the law if needed ;) And also, in the past I have know Trisha and WT to be very compatent and awesome admins and councilors of AWCamp. Granted, I was not there this year, and I, yes, maybe yall did have a (explicit) experience, but I hope that doesn't prevent yall from coming back next year, or telling your friends. Who knows, maybe things will turn out for the better ;D I know last year and the year before AWCamp was an awesome experience. LF AWCamp Lost It's Pride?Aug 8, 2004, 1:09am
I can understand why they didn't give out prizes to everyone. While, yes,
everyone is a winner, I think the idea behind not giving prizes to everyone is that would take away the incentive to try on the activities, thus taking about part of the fun. =) LF AWCamp Lost It's Pride?Aug 8, 2004, 1:22am
I'm not desputing the fact that the camp was a bomb this year, I wasen't
there, so I can't make that call, I'm just saying that from what I know of Trisha and WT that they are good people. I'm sorry that so many of yall had such a bad experience with them though. And I'm not quite sure what you mean by "there is no life on the other side of the river." If your saying its better being a teen in AW than a grown-up, then I don't think anyone can argue you there. ;) LF AWCamp Lost It's Pride?Aug 8, 2004, 2:19pm
I'm not sure, and I could be totally off here, but in the past when I have
won a prize in CitBingo or at AW Festival I have to personally e-mail Kellie with the information and what not to claim my prize. I don't know if thats what happens at AWCamp, never handled the prizes, but that might be what you need to do =) LF AWCamp Lost It's Pride?Aug 8, 2004, 7:50pm
They didn't have direct support from AWI? That makes everything that much
harder. LF AWCamp Lost It's Pride?Aug 8, 2004, 8:41pm
I know in past camps MM was pretty visible through out the whole process and
set up and also through out camp. We would CC everything to her to make sure everything was on the go, although she was there pretty much to guide, and not to run. I know if MM was not there Daphne was around always to lend a hand. LF AWCamp Lost It's Pride?Aug 13, 2004, 1:25am
You got some kind of crush on AS Rossy? I just asking because you seem to
think it your job to run in when you think she needs help. You don't initiate the conversation, nor add to it, you just put in your two cents when someone is speaking to AS. Guy, no one cares. Let AlaskanShadow fight her own battles eh ;) LF |