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scooby doo // User Search

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Mars map

Apr 12, 2002, 12:44pm
Great map Ptolemy...

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Mars map

Apr 17, 2002, 1:39am
Cool : )

Scooby Doo

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Mars map

May 2, 2002, 4:29am
Great map and web sit Ptolemy :-D

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Weebette (1958 - 2002)

Jun 8, 2002, 10:06pm
[View Quote] ............what Mr Bruce said.....
My deepest sympathies to Weebette's family and friends.


Jul 4, 2002, 11:57am
In the last few days , I have found that things from the news groups here
have taken alot longer to load. I've had to open and close then open my
Outlook Express a few times to get it to update ( not really sure if that
really helped )...then I could open several new posts, then all of a sudden
I would have to fiddle around like above to be able to open the remaining
posts....strange..maybe the server has been a bit slow lately....actually I
think this all started happening when NG survivor 2 started...maybe more
people logging on to the news group...hmmm...

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MrBruce Gives A!!CT another chance

Jul 6, 2002, 9:09pm
Hi all !
I was reading all the great ideas to promote AW with great interest. I feel
AW has a lot of potential and I like it a lot and would love to see AW keep
going far into the future. We can only see that happening if we keep getting
more citizens .
I got to thinking....How did I get here to this point...A citizen of AW and
enjoying it very much ?
Well it all started when a best friend of mine off line ( who shall remain
nameless, but his first initial starts with Ptolemy ) e-mailed me the link
for AW and told me to check it out , that he was really into it and having
a great time with I did check it out.
The next factor of my becoming a citizen was that I was lucky enough to
become a tourist in AW when tourists were still free to roam and build in
almost all of AW. ( although I had the freedom to roam all of AW, I spent
most of my time chumming around with Ptolemy ).
The next factor was that I was able to spend what seemed to be an unlimited
amount of time in AW as a tourist , which in my case was around 5 months
plus or minus before I took the plunge and became a citizen.
In those few months as a tourist and with the help of Ptolemy I got to know
AW pretty well and learned how things worked...all the different features
and how to build. And The more I learned , the more time I would spend in
Soon I had a little build of my own (which was pretty safe due to the vast
size of the world I decided to build in and it would take some effort to be
found and possibly deleted ) and was making friends with a lot of the people
in AW as well.
So now I had a good understanding how things worked, had a few friends and
had a build to go to. So I became a citizen ....and the rest is history.
I think this setting is what MrBruce is trying to provide to get people to
become citizens.
Worked for me....Hope people become citizens faster than I did though.

Scooby Doo

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Mars map

Jul 26, 2002, 1:02pm
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Awteen maps and more maps

Aug 11, 2002, 6:06am
Hi Ptolemy;
I went to your world ," Map" and checked out your map of Awteen . Your bot
works great and is easy to use.
It's a great tool for anyone who wants to see where their build is on the
map , find free space to build and to explore Awteen.
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citizen status question

Oct 21, 2002, 12:31pm
I have a number of people on my contacts list. A number of my contacts
haven't renewed. I know they have 30 days to come back if they want and get
their status back.
Should I leave their name on my contact list for any reason after 30 days?
Also, some contacts never seem to come on line ( when I am on line anyway).
How would you check their status to see if they are still a citizen or not ?
Just want to clean up my contact list...
Thanks .

ORB's Haunted House

Oct 25, 2002, 2:09am
Great haunted house :D

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