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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 2:31am
You're kidding right? Ok Dion, in my posts I said this "I personally think
that the apparent future browser feature sounds great -I'd like to see that
and I don't care if they
check out my worlds" and this "Let them put my worlds in some database that
can allow the features to be found using a search utility...I love
visitors." and this "They are allowed in my worlds in any way, shape or
form, but if it is presently disabled, ask me if I will change that for
them, don't do it for me." Do you understand that this arose when a strange
bot came into my worlds, not once but twice where no one has bot rights and
we wanted to know why and how? (Keep in mind AGAIN that MrGrimm hadn't
posted his explanation until after the initial post was made about it). Now,
I have certainly stated my feelings well beyond what was needed (please say
you agree Dion) and other world owners will have (and have a right to) their
own views on it within the boundaries of their world license agreements.
Thank you in advance for paying attention this time Dion because I can't
imagine what I could add (and promise I will not anyway) to make it clearer.

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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 4:45pm
You're right, it is no BFD, BUT...someone can't leave footprints in the snow
outside my window and expect me not to question it.even if he is that
trouble-making landlord measuring for new windows. I sure appreciate him
improving my place, but just remember that if he wears a disguise and sneaks
up on me, I might jump. If you are responding here to the post that you
quote.where does it say anything about rights? It says.and I quote >Someone
without world bot rights is using a bot in several worlds.> Note the word
"someone"? and he goes on to ask.>any ideas?> Now where does it say anything
about the company and their rights or his rights or anyone's rights? He's
asking for information about WHO it might be because I saw it in my world
logs and didn't know. It was only later that MrGrimm stated what he was
doing remember. Six months ago my world logs showed me who was coming to my
world and deleting the property of another person using a privileged
password. I was able to keep him out in the future. If staying blissfully
unaware is good practice then this last instance may have not come up and it
sure would have caused no harm...this time. Do you recommend it?

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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 8:02pm
>If you don't, just ban
> the bot from your world and stop moaning.
Joeman...funny you should say that....the very first post on this stated,
and it has been stated over and over again "Someone without world bot rights
is using a bot in several worlds". That was the whole point...just who was
it that was entering without bot rights? I personally don't have any
concerns anymore but I sure was wondering at the time.
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 25, 2002, 6:29pm
It's solely their book when THEY pay ME to write for them...but that's
beside the point. I will preface by saying.I am no longer wondering what the
bot is and for the most part.don't care now. But if this thread in my
newsreader can be lengthened by a couple inches by those saying "stop
posting, WE don't want to hear it, if you don't agree with me your thoughts
are stupid" then I feel comfortable adding a question from the middle. AW
certainly isn't my life, it's my hobby like playing the piano would be if I
was so gifted but if I have invested $4-$500.00 a year in it, as I have, not
counting original licenses, I think I can consider myself as having invested
in it. I have no stock but it is an open-ended product and my future use of
it depends on their good decisions. In other words, it's not like a piano
that I have full care of-this product can be changed from their end. My main these days of the crooked E (I hope my reference is understood)
are you saying investors should not even question but follow blindly along?
Don't look, don't ask? Maybe the questions should stop by now-it sure isn't
any more for me, the just plain user, to say anymore than it is for you, the
condescending veteran, but don't you think it will stop when people have
finished stating their feelings? (what? There's no interest?) Obviously, for
some the issue is not resolved just because a few happen to claim to know
everything. If this is AW's newsgroup.. as you tell us the subject matter is
THEIR product, shouldn't they be the one's to decide to stop it? For that
matter, shouldn't they be the ones to explain to each paying user's
satisfaction, not allow rumors and know-it-alls to do the job for them? It's
only taking up space, not the air you breathe. And it certainly isn't
getting any information out of your computer.
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Mar 12, 2002, 4:31pm
Do you want your friends in AW to base their opinions of you and your
countrymen on this?
"The socialist-oriented economy depends primarily upon revenues from the oil
sector, which contributes practically all export earnings and about
one-quarter of GDP. These oil revenues and a small population give Libya one
of the highest per capita GDPs in Africa, but little of this income flows
down to the lower orders of society. In this statist society, import
restrictions and inefficient resource allocations have led to periodic
shortages of basic goods and foodstuffs.""Since he took power in a 1969
military coup, Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-QADHAFI has espoused his own
political system - a combination of socialism and Islam - which he calls the
Third International Theory. Viewing himself as a revolutionary leader, he
used oil funds during the 1970s and 1980s to promote his ideology outside
Libya, even supporting subversives and terrorists abroad"

Then do them the justice of not being one of those fools who think the
innocent babies, children, mothers, fathers.......on 9/11 deserved what they
got!! Each of them was an individual, not some tiny body part of one big
hateful, heathen country.

[View Quote]


Mar 12, 2002, 11:01pm
This is "community"? If we can't get along in here, Virtual Reality, where
no government really prevails, or even should, where I don't have to know
what your race, sex, age, ideology, or allegiance is, how do you expect
perfection out there in real life where there will always be good versus
evil and every shade in between? It doesn't come from colors or countries,
it comes only from individuals in both places. Like or dislike me as an
individual, not because I am an American, (although I love my country for
what it means to me.) and I will do the same for you, and will respect your
love of your country as I hope you will respect mine.

[View Quote] No as a matter of fact it showed that your country was fairly rich "These
oil revenues and a small population give Libya one of the highest per capita
GDPs in Africa," but it also said "little of this income flows down to the
lower orders of society" but do I blame that on Libyan individuals? "Viewing
himself as a revolutionary leader,( Qadhafi) used oil funds during the 1970s
and 1980s to promote his ideology outside Libya, even supporting subversives
and terrorists abroad".

[View Quote] "especially since i have never seen a begger, or homeless person in the
street. and also, the houses and cars i see.."

Well you are asking me to take you word for that.then why don't you take the
word and actions of the average American then.they generally want peace,
freedom and safety the same as you, not your oil, gold and other riches. Ask
ME what I see every day, don't get your information about Americans from
your own country or anti-US sources.

[View Quote] "no its u americans that need to stop believing what CNN and ABC tell u!"
Our news sources are wrong and evil but everyone else's are OK I suppose.
Now, where do you get YOUR news, direct e-mail from Qadhafi?

[View Quote] "but i couldnt give any less of a shit bought what happened in america" And
then you said."u people dont see beyond ur own country do u?" Justify these
two statements you made. Are they contradictory? Or what's OK for you doesn'
t pertain to us? I, for one, (and I know I was not alone) was grieved for
his family when Qadhafi's own son was reportedly killed some years back just
as I was when recently a young girl of an American family was murdered.

I won't quote your statements about this.they are there, but you say the US
doesn't help poor or sick citizens of other countries..but then go on to
name a couple incidents where we did..but only because we could gain? Can't
win can we?

[View Quote] "lol, i remeber hearing something bought the WTC being hit before, and when
they rebuilt it, it was ment to be very emm, bomb proof :)" You really think
that's funny? Unfortunately those who rebuilt the WT Center in the early 90'
s did not imagine what other's were capable of doing purposefully and
directly and unprovoked by those individuals, slaughtering innocents in the
name of "justice"..or wasn't retaliation or to protect
themselves.besides, it wasn't a bomb that did it. They duped their own
citizens into sacrificing their own lives and lives of so many others, for
what? Who did it benefit? Those people not only proved that they thought US
citizen's lives were valueless but so were the lives of their very own

[View Quote] "what bought the millions of people dying in africa cuz of desieses that
wouldnt cost ore
then $5 per person to cure, and do u give a shit bout them? dont think so.."
If everything you DON'T know about Americans were sacks of wheat..we'd never
have to worry about world hunger again.


Mar 13, 2002, 4:10pm
Yes, you are right and let me be the first to apologize to Gandalf for being
one of those who changed the focus of that important post. I guess the fact
that the focus of the events of 9/11 CAN be changed in such a way enrages me
enough to have caused me to do that. I will always grieve for the victims
and their families, as apparently will Gandalf and many other human beings.
I guess I was just amazed that it's not the same for everyone.

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Mar 15, 2002, 4:47pm
The Special Olympics, who's main criteria for competition is that the
competitor have some form of mental retardation, (The Special Olympics is
more concerned with physical fitness, winning is secondary as originally
outlined) had to fight for the right to use the Olympic name some time back.
Happily, because the competitors would have an extremely hard time
qualifying for the international Olympics as we know them, they are allowed
to use it and the competitors might have a good feeling identifying with
that respected name. (But-this year, and some isolated incidents in the
past, the whole original idea behind the Olympic games both modern day and
historic, has become just a bit tarnished.) Besides, the Special Olympics
has corporate sponsorship that might be envied my the IOC. They also have
some pretty hefty names on their board. That, and the sensitive nature of
their concept did not make it in their best interest to continue to deny
them the right to use the name. It isn't just the US Olympic committee that
allows and disallows the use of the terms and logos for sponsorship of their
own athletes, either. If virtual games were fashioned and worded more after
the games in ancient Greece, instead of the games of the last 100 + years I
am quite certain that is considered "fair use" and I wouldn't have one bit
of apprehension about using the "theme" and some of the ancient terminology
especially as it is not for financial gain. I believe it is exact and direct
duplication of details (of the modern games) that could conceivably cause a
problem for any Virtual Olympics.

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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 28, 2002, 1:22pm
> But I suppose just because you're in so love with the guy, judging by
> ardor... they're invalid.... Bet it'd be a whole different story if he
> ripped YOU off

But that's the whole point to his posts...he was NOT ripped off! So you
become insulting in your lynch mob mentality because he has the nerve to say
so, using phrases like "heartsmell", "This wouldnt be your way of "getting
even", "But I suppose just because you're in so love with the guy, judging
by your ardor"........Why is he NOT allowed to share his opinions?? Look at
how many posts one single guy was allowed to make telling about his BAD
dealings with him. Is negativity the more acceptable form of communication
here?? If the guy is that bad, will some comments on the other side ruin you
fun? Those are the very dynamics of a lynch mob, by the time people are
whipped into a frenzy most people are just going along for the ride and
don't even know the victim and those who do know him in a different way are
slow to, or never, speak up for fear of being hung right along side him.

[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 4, 2002, 10:35pm
>I had a right to do that and speak the TRUTH, I get busted on for it, now
> you can bet I am going to bust back!

Is that right you lying loser?? I realized, after responding to your post
(way last week!) to say I think ALL should have the right to defend
themselves or speak in favor of those who they cared to, (yes, even you but
also Heartfall or anyone else..even John Walker Lindh for God's sake) that
you were a lost cause and thought you'd soon show your true colors. Now you
have, you worthless liar! I am in NO WAY connected to Heartfall, Insanity
or whoever else is affiliated with that person. I host my own worlds with
the exception of one now hosted by the very excellent hosting service of
Dataman's Synergy. I have no problems and he participates in none of this
newsgroup silliness. You said I was speaking at his prove
that....prove it to me! You said it here then prove it if anyone
wanted to hear any more of this thing that YOU choose to drag out.You have
to lie now to attempt to prove a point then I am certain you've been lying
all along! I have seen the man once in a world and we barely exchanged
hellos..and that was maybe a year ago. Why do YOU have to lie in order to
look good??? Is it because the truth would prove that you weren't??
[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 4, 2002, 10:57pm
Then keep it out of AW's newsgroups. What??? Only you can talk, post and
berate people?? You had no business responding to my response to you unless
of course you think this is the case. I bet you won't respond to my request
for proof that I am hosted by Heartfall though will you?? You didn't even
suggest maybe I said I WAS. You said I was his puppet?? You are in
need of serious mental help if you are so delusional that you think people
he doesn't even know are somehow hyptontized into doing his bidding.

[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 5, 2002, 12:09am
[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 5, 2002, 12:11am
Oops..I meant to comment on his being "Lord of the smoke rings" (affected
his ability to reason I guess) Sorry about the empty post before.
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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 5, 2002, 1:34am
Wait a minute, I expect a response from this guy MrBruce though. If he can
lie about me and berate me publicly.I can expect to be vindicated the same
way.publicly. A week ago (my last post and he attacks me still today!!) I
suggested to MrBruce that someone has the right to speak his mind even if it
disagrees with his.that's all. Please go back and read it. I was and still
am (or am I now?) a neutral 3rd party with no personal familiarity to either
party but saw something I thought wasn't right. Was I right?..That's not the
issue here. But I didn't lie like he did..I stated an opinion. He since has
said I had no right to respond to his post in the AW newsgroup ( but I too
have a right to post in if he made any public was not a
private matter the subject-or why did he post it for all to
read?? ) But MrBruce lied and said the following.and MrBruce..still I
challenge you to prove you refuse?

MrBruce's lies:

>And Carolann your another guilty party for posted at the request of
>flmaklr, host or whatever name he is using lately. you expecting a
>Don't count on it!

>You never built
>in my world and had no right blasting me in any post!
>If your happy with your service with Heartfall fine I am happy for you, but
>you really had no business responding to me or my post, it was MY MONEY, MY

>You Carolann are just a puppet of Heartfall just like that freeloader King
>BlueMax, who can afford to pay the piper, because the bum does not work,
>has his Mom and Stepdad support him and his wife and kid! Like King so
>himself yes we both live with in 2 miles of each other, so yes I do know

[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 5, 2002, 6:04am
This is a real request MrBruce. Not important to you? It is to me.
MrBruce :-) I am still waiting for your reply. You know, where I asked you
to prove your fairy tales about me being Insanity's puppet and where you
claim he asked me to defend him, and also claimed that he hosts my world(s),
remember? Those things that you said were the reason I responded to your
original post that began: "Hello to all, (my emphasis on your word) I feel
it best to cross post this announcment so everyone(again, my emphasis) sees
it." MrBruce, I don't even know Insanity.

and then you went on to tell me: :

"but you really had no business responding to me or my post, it was MY
WORLD, MY BUILDER'S BUILDS THAT WERE LOST" (your emphasis this time) but
MrBruce I am one of the "everyone" that you posted it to. one wants to read this crap anymore, nor do I and that's why my
posts ended a week ago when I saw how things were going...but you chose to
drag me back into this by saying some untruths about me after all this time,
this whole week later, I can't imagine why. You ran out of insulting things
to say about others maybe? I DO want you to set that record straight. Can
you, MrBruce? You can bet there has to be at least someone out there who is
curious about how you might reply, :-) I know I am. I know you see this, you
obviously watch and post to it often enough. So get it over with.or if not,
why not? What's the big deal? You're like me, you generally have no shortage
of words. How will you respond MrBruce, or will your silence answer for you?
If you don't reply it could indicate that you are not man enough to admit
you invented that story for the same reason you might have made up the
others..... to help you with your "case", but you needn't pick on me
MrBruce, it cannot help you. And it certainly isn't nice is it? Now once and
for all did you make that up about my connection to Insanity?

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 5, 2002, 7:09am
Thank you MrBruce :-)
Final words on it here from me. Comment if you wish but you have done the
gentlemanly thing just now.

> As for you Carolann you just posted that you are NOT a user of Heartfall,
> never have been a user and admit you do not know Lars Wyka, so my post
> against you was who are you to voice an opinion in this mater especially
> favor of Heartfall?

Well not exactly what you said of course...but I think this is a reasonable
retraction...thank you finally MrBruce :-)

And I certainly agree with that :-) then you would see I barely mentioned
Heartfall as a business, especially that I never defended that business but
instead, supported their right and their supporters rights to defend
themselves. I didn't say anything until you claimed the right to say he and
one of those he hosted couldn't do just that. You may recall my first post
started out with and kept the theme of.....and I quote myself: "Isn't
fair play promoted here?"

>No, why bother so you can say I edited the truth to make my
> so-called lies look good?. I won't bother!

You said it..not me :-) Oh yes that's right, I did say something like that.

> to avoid being in my shoes, take my adivce do not make the same mistake I
> did.>> If I pay the $1,300.00 renewal fee to renew A!!CT in December and I
> 90% of the world space to the public, should I not ask for some type of
> compsation in return?

I have never asked for any compensation and have distributed many cits and
have had many builders..but then, not on a scale I couldn't afford. It's a
hobby, not a right.

> But also remember as you push me out of AW, I support the program your
> right now, when I leave, thanks to your generous support of Heartfall's
> ripping me off, $1,300.00 for A!!CT plus all my worlds will expire, along
> with the 10 cits I support monthly at 6.95 a month each.
> Thats a total of $3,475.00 that AW can count on not receiving and when AW
> folds you can all go back to using ICQ!

Do I understand it might fold because of you? That would trouble my
conscience. But how long have you had your world? AW has only (or already)
started going downhill (cit number-wise) in the last 10 months maybe hasn't
it? I wouldn't worry too much though MrBruce, Aw still has over 1000 other
worlds to support them, it won't be just your fault.

opinions and flaming and stuff

Sep 22, 2002, 2:28pm
This was so very well said, but also very simple and logical. As an AW
Newsgroups "seldom poster" but veteran reader, that says it exactly as it is
in my opinion. I don't post often because for one thing I am one of the
"just happy builders, pleasant
conversationalists, and so forth" that you mentioned but not necessarily
full of the technical knowledge that is needed to be helpful in that area.

"And most people don't back out from a fight, and it always becomes
a war of the final words. And people get desperate, that's where flame wars
occur." "Add in a dash of stupidity, a sprinkle of sensitivity, and two
teaspoons of
history, and voila, a flamewar. :)"

Yes, on the other hand I, like some of the rest of the general,
non-technical issue posters, am opinionated and stubborn so I try to find
something else to do lately (walk the dog, wash the windows, eat chocolate)
when I am tempted to post on something that makes me grit my teeth and
clench my fists. Besides all of that, I was one of those who's first post a
couple years ago was met with the comments of "you know who", so that wasn't
a great start for me. To add to your very insightful ideas though, I think
since we are not able to speak with our "physical" voice, sometimes, or some
of us, feel the need to speak louder with our "textual" voice, maybe with
the need to know we are being heard or looked at as we speak. I think it is
kind of a human need in r/l and it is a way to try to have that happen in

[View Quote]

opinions and flaming and stuff

Sep 22, 2002, 9:31pm
Please forgive me Linn but I have to clarify this to avoid offending someone
I have no reason to offend and I sure don't mean to offend you either in the
way I say this. I didn't say anything about old, new, young or whatever kind
of person posting. I agree, the minute a person has the right to post here
he should have the same rights, (whether or not he/she has the same AW
knowledge or experience) to post as the person who was here since day 1. But
could it be you might read into other's words things that are not there, or
maybe tend to attempt to speak for others. (this is only an opinion, not
stated as fact) Maybe that is where this part of the thread went wrong. The
thing is, just as the all inclusive "ppl" could have been replaced by "I" in
a previous "you know who" is not a female but is a male long
known to tear apart those who he does not agree with or otherwise respect.
You are so right about "freedom of speech", at least in AW, as is made
obvious by the fact that we are both posting here even after everything has
been said. Only those to whom this news group belongs can take away our
right to post and as far as I can see, they don't do that easily. I guess it
is very important for those posting to, or following a thread in a newsgroup
to remember that the discussion is only 2 dimensional in a way and it might
take more effort in some ways on the part of both sides to make sure
everything is understood as it is meant. And of course tolerance and
open-mindedness are always important. (yes, I'm listening too). Our freedom
to state an opinion here should be respected just as we should respect
others for stating theirs...but we should only speak for ourselves and state
our own thoughts and never claim to speak for those who did not give us
permission to do so.

Shame on the Cy Core/Committee...

Oct 29, 2002, 5:35pm
[View Quote]
No it didn't cause my eyes to get tired nor did it give me a headache, it
just made me sad that with some it always comes down to something being bad
or wrong because it is "american" with some people. I know you wrote that a
few days ago but couldn't help myself. I wondered why "american" even had to
enter in to this. Some think of me as being "nationalistic" when in reality,
since I discovered AW, I often find myself defending my country as I never
before would have imagined I'd have to. I was just an average American with
an average amount of patriotism and I took an awful lot for granted.

Actually in general in AW I've found the people of all countries that I've
met are amazing evenly divided on politeness, intelligence and friendliness,
but also on rudeness, dull-wittedness and intolerance. I was surprised to
find that most AW citizens from other countries are generally amazingly
proficient in the English language, a language not native to them. I've
learned a lot that surprised me and began to think that maybe forums and
programs like these could be what helps bring us together, not divide us
even more.

Those warnings you speak of give us a laugh as often as they do you but the
ones we get the biggest kick out of come from a country that shall remain
nameless for this post. But do you know that they are there to protect the
consumer, the merchant and the manufacturer from abuses that were tolerated
not too awfully long ago? Sure, some might be overdone but I cannot think of
one example where one has done any harm to anyone. This is a good example of

As far as children and warnings, I agree with the (American) stateswoman who
said "It takes a village to raise a child" and think the child loved and
nurtured by his entire village, of course firstly and mainly by his home
family, will be the one we will have the least trouble with but that sets
good examples for the next generations.

Just my .02 cents, euros, francs, pounds.all that stuff.

Shame on the Cy Core/Committee...

Oct 29, 2002, 7:10pm
You are right of course and I stand happily corrected :-) I am certainly
among those who have a lot to learn about the world I live in and am eager
to do that. The village that raises the most tolerant and loving child will
be a global village, not just those few immediately around him. I would love
to see the day that we are proud of the world we live in, not just the
country we happen to be born in.
[View Quote]

Merry Christmas to all aw

Dec 14, 2002, 3:41am
Well, kind of, (IMHO). Christmas itself was never a pagan celebration There
was a winter solstice celebration around the same time of year as our
present Christmas (December 21) also but pre-dating the birth of Jesus and
not called Christmas....Christ Mass....celebration of a holy birth....birth
of a savior. Yuletide is a common name for these non-Christian celebrations
from the past and of course is still a term used today.

They are related mainly by the time of year and may share some common
customs of the days surrounding the holiday (Holy Day) but they do not share
the same roots.

For too many, the real meaning of Christmas is out of their hands and into
the pockets of commercialists.

Saint Nicholas (say it 3 times fast)...Santa Claus...ring any (Christmas:-)
bells? He was the Bishop of a city in what is now Turkey noted for his
kindness and generosity (and gift giving) to those in need, especially
children, in the 4th century. His birthdate was December 6th. I really doubt
though if he ever waited in line at 6 in the morning at anything like our
Sears or Walmart...he was before the time that Christmas lost it's meaning
for some and became some nervous-breakdown producing shop-a-holic's
nightmare (or heaven) for the benefit money making. So yes..Santa Claus IS
(was) a real person. I agree, there is certainly nothing wrong with letting
kids (from religious backgrounds or not) enjoy the Santa Claus of myth
either....the myth is not a bad one (unless it does get entirely and
terribly commercial.) I know of no normal adults who have been caused harm
by this.

[View Quote]

Merry Christmas to all aw

Dec 15, 2002, 10:21am
Well, hmmm, Christmas still has a singular IS either Christmas
we are celebrating or not no matter what people choose to do or celebrate or
commemorate that day...they might borrow the name of Christmas for their own
purposes but "modern day" Christmas doesn't change what it really is. We can
chose that same date (which after all is what we could call the "honorary"
day for celebrating Christ's birth) to do other things besides
getting together with family or celebrating the winter solstice, etc etc,
for convenience sake because many have the day off, but that doesn't
actually mean we are celebrating Christmas then. There are other words for
those celebrations, like yuletide, 2 for one Whopper day at Burger King
(because it's Wednesday this year), or my ex-father-in-law's birthday, or
whatever we're marking that day for. If I have a party on your birthday, May
27, 1000 miles away and never even heard of you, could it be said that I was
celebrating your birthday? No, I am just by chance having a party ON the
same day as your birthday. Most likely I would say I was celebrating my
mother's birthday actually, it is her's too. Would she ever be hurt if I
brought a cake over and said I was celebrating TechnoZeus's birthday. I
guess it's important to really be clear about what it is we are celebrating
here and say it like it is.

And yes, health, whole and holy all have the same root, to have "wholeness"
and "purity of mind, body and spirit." Not surprising "holy" is used in
conjunction with days celebrating one's religion although it is not itself a
"religious" term.

And to Nornny, Christians DID "invent" Christmas of course :-) just not the
secular things taking place at the same time that may have pre-dated it. I
don't think they generally claim them as part of their religious
celebrations but might also enjoy some of them.

Just my thoughts because it's important to me, but I do wish everyone a
peaceful day that day, and always, no matter what your beliefs are.

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Logitech Giveaway

Dec 16, 2002, 4:27pm
Well for one thing, the winners themselves may not want their name published
for all to see and are given that amount of privacy. If it was a huge prize
I think I would rather have only those few willing to go to the bother of
requesting the list to see that I won. And as far as different rules for
different people, it's because there are different state, country,
inner-state, inter-state, national and inter-national laws governing games
where prizes or money may be won. Some might disallow sweepstakes or
outright winning by lot so they have to "earn" their prize in Canada by
correctly answering a question in the certain amount of time. In other
places, only a drawing might be legal. I can't imagine what hoops they have
to go through to hold any kind of contest or sweepstakes if it's going to
have much scope.
[View Quote] >
> I don't want to be negative but since I'm not eligible, only north
> americans are, I feel I have the right to :-)
to just give away 20 units instead. "LIST OF WINNERS. You
> may receive a list of winners by sending a self-addressed, stamped
> envelope to Logitech..." means that we will never know.
> What's up with these strange rules? "Canadian winners are required under
> Canadian law to correctly answer a time-limited mathematical question in
> order to receive the prize." and "To comply with the laws of Florida and
> New York, no more than 62 prizes will be awarded to residents of Florida
> and no more than 62 prizes will be awarded to residents of New York.".


more There

Jan 13, 2003, 10:02pm
It really said that about mass market consumers? I missed that. I received
this from them when I applied for their (There) beta: "We're sorry, but
according to your survey, your computer does not currently meet our minimum
system requirements." My PC has the following: 1.6 GHz Pentium 4, 512 MB
RAM, nVIDIA TNT2 M64 64 MB video
card, using DirectX 8.1, and cable modem. I have 28 GB free on one of my 2
hard drives alone. I have Windows XP SP1. Not the fastest or newest...but I
would say their is a "mass market" below that yet.
[View Quote]

I am also very sorry.

Jan 24, 2003, 4:46pm
You shouldn't really take over the new leaf because obviously other people
need to use it, too. Just turn it over and leave it lay. (or is it, lie?)
[View Quote]


Jan 28, 2003, 3:03am
my citizenship expires tommorow...

and I'm not sad about it either.

expected though, some things go in cycles. Just don't expect everyone to
have the same ones as you do.

if you think about it, what exactly IS activeworlds?

a chatroom. just a chatroom where you can create your own things. I sort of
feel really depressed after looking back at it... after a tough day of
classes what did I look forward to? talking to other people I don't know and

I DID know and to meet people who I would come to know. BUT...I didn't go
there to live. That's the difference.

playing with intangible objects. To think that I actually dreamed of making
a game on it!

forward to- seeing a movie that will last 2 hours and be gone forever? (or
at least until the next sequel) I pay about the same for cable TV in a month
as I do for AW for a year and watch it seldom...but they're both there
(among other things like books, telephone, games, etc etc etc) if I am still
awake at 1 AM or the highway department in my wintry location says to stay
off the streets for my own safety or if I just feel like talking to an old
friend that I don't happen to live near. But not one of them makes up my
life....but they are all enjoyable parts of it. Some more, some less,
sometimes it changes from one week to the next.

I thought a bump ride that bumped you back and forth was fun,
and got shivers down my spine while walking down a haunted house that looked
like it was carved with a mallet.

drawings of a young child.....each is perceived differently by each
individual but we shouldn't be ashamed to enjoy the ones we do. (as long as
they don't adversely affect others of course) We don't really need to touch
everything in order for it to be pleasing. Our eyes and hands CAN work
independently from each other.

what will I say to my children when they ask me what I was like when I was
their age? "oh, daddy liked to make pretty houses and pretend he liked
exploring things that could move up and down and make noises too!"

a little narrow but I always thought it was fascinating hearing members of
previous generations talk about the new technologies and how people used

looking back at that period of my life makes me so angry at myself! not only
was the program itself extremely limited, but lets take a look at the

grandparents have stopped enjoying TV because they hadn't invented cable
yet? Or because they couldn't reach out and touch the characters they were
watching? At least you can interact in some ways with other AWers...some
might be on the other side of the world from you. It's not supposed to be
your life but nothing wrong with some making AW a part of theirs. I have
learned more about people and their everyday lives in AW than I ever would
have learned (so far anyway) without it. I mean one on one..straight from
the source. To me, that is something wonderful in my life...and my life is
in no way AW centered.

community. on the newsgroup, most of the arguments have to do with spelling
and grammatical errors. those that don't are usually jibberish or a plea for
attention. and even worse than that, what the hell was I smoking when I
thought of my
name for gods sake!?

was I that intoxicated by the alluring satisfaction of
creating my ideal city? was it a comeback for all the 1337H4XX0R names that
noone could spell right?!

look at yourselves, people. really, just look atyourself. why are you using
AW? do you want to be remembered for spending all your time on a chatroom? a
chatroom which promises a virtual life? is there something wrong with your
own life, that you'd want to spend all your time on something pretending
you're something that you're not?

away in AW and should all of a sudden see what you see? That would be a sad

for those of you who are sorry that I'm leaving:
don't be. be very happy that some of us saw the light and decided not to
waste his/her life.

yours truly
-William Killoran

PS- I don't mean to have offended anyone nor am I bashing AW... I just want
others to see the light as well... oh and if you made it this far I
congratulate you, didn't think anyone would bother to finish this. have a
nice day

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 9, 2003, 3:44am
Well I happen to know that ncc is telling the truth about he and his
countrymen and how they don't get involved. In my studies I have learned
that "According to the ISTAT survey, Italians on the average devoted less
than half an hour per day to intellectual activity and a mere eight minutes
to political, religious, or volunteer activity, while more than 85 percent
of the population spent nearly two and a half hours per day watching
television. Similarly, nearly two hours per day were devoted by more than 60
percent of the population to meeting friends and relatives. These figures
reflect the dramatic secularization of Italian society."
So I guess the fact that he can say " you don't know me you have no right to
judge me by the lies you
hear from those arrogant haters" to a US citizen but then also say ", and if
you can't take the truth about your
literally rotten country then it's your prob." should not confuse me...but
then, I am an American, what can I say? I am just happy that he at least
thinks enough of us to spend time in one of our online programs :-)

[View Quote]

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 18, 2003, 4:56am
You know what? If you want to vent your spleen on what should be the object
of your hate, get out a paper and pen and write to the president and major
leaders of the US. I did it, I wasn't pleasant, (it was only related to the
war, I still love my country) and guess what? They still haven't arrested
me. I'm sure they didn't say, "Oh oh, CarolAnn says no to war, lets call it
off!" but I still added my feelings to those of millions of others. I guess
we can do that here. Do you think it won't do any good or won't make you
feel as good? What good is saying the same thing over and over and over
again in here? By now, there isn't an AW newsgroup reader who doesn't know
that you hate Americans, America or at least everything American no matter
what they do, think or say. It has to be directed at us because I'm sure
Bush doesn't read these posts. If that isn't true, then why keep saying the
same thing over and over again? Say it once, say it twice, even say it 3
times but not every other post in every topic. If it changed things globally
I'd back you up-but it hasn't. Even in the USA we don't directly make those
decisions. Do you know of a country that allows individuals to call a halt
to these kind of actions because they learned it was wrong by reading a
bunch of internet news group postings? Your point has been made and hasn't
done a thing but insult a lot of people with many different view points,
maybe even some in agreement with your war views, but probably not your
limited views on the US in general. You apparently know more than our
government, our news services, (the ones that many heads of state (etc etc
etc) from around the world have no problems speaking with, stupid morons I
guess), and you apparently know more and are wiser than 285,000,000 American
citizens. Why waste your time trying to teach the naive and evil masses? Go
right to the source and leave us to our wicked ways.

[View Quote]

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 18, 2003, 3:12pm
I really know you personally don't, but sometimes it sounds like it just by
the wording and I worry that will encourage others to forget we are
individuals first (usually) and in here we are fighting each other and maybe
really are wasting our free time (yep-me included, but I came here to make
friends, not enemies, and this subject keeps getting in the way.). To keep
on topic, for AW purposes newcomers sure shouldn't start out feeling
hated-or as an instant challenger.

[View Quote]

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 18, 2003, 9:18pm
As for me I believe if a person needs help in drafting such a letter for any
worthwhile cause it's good if help is available, and that is a good one. But
I did write for myself what I felt was most important and from my gut (from
"my heart or soul" might sound more feminine but just doesn't fit what I
feel about the possible terrible deaths of anyone's young and innocent or
old and feeble or anyone in between, ours or "theirs") and I guess in a huge
country a person has to take one step at a time and have realistic
expectations. I also have such letters for people to refer to, mostly from a
humanitarian perspective. Of course that postcard link says saving money by
not going to war will free it for other things, but peace for the sake of
peace is nice. Peace (as in-no war, realistically not always the same
though) when I wrote it was, and is at this time, my primary thought. I'm
not minimizing even one of the other issues, and I'm sure many countries
face some of the same social issues and they have to be addressed too of
course. But I think right now if people were to write or protest for a
cause, one thing at a time might stand out better and this is very critical,
time wise.

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