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7/4 - It's All About the Fireworks

Jul 1, 2002, 10:29am
makes me feel all the worse that it was americans who did that to you. and
worse still that yet another american (carolann) tried to make light of it,
and in such a mean way. we're not all like that, kitty. i'm glad you got
away, and hope you weren't hurt.


~~~ my name is ambi... and i'm an awaddict.rwx ~~~

[View Quote]


Jul 13, 2002, 9:58am
[View Quote] ummmmm.... you and several other people ARE constantly insulting carl.
what are you saying? you want to keep insulting him, but you want him to
pretend you're not?

>and I always see the posts you make that verrify it such> as, "I think this
may be the beginning of new managment for AW", which is so> blacently
obvious >because it says it on the the document and anyone with a> reading
age of 8 could work that 1 out.

ummmmm... i've seen people older than carl make idiotic posts, and without
the excuse of age for doing it. (i'm not saying your post was idiotic,
carl. it was fine.)

> So dont take it personal :)

ummmmm.... insulting IS personal.

>Tis just just the conciquences of age and> actions

are you saying it's natural and okay to constantly insult 12 year old kids?
if so, i would have to disagree. i think it's despicable.

if you don't like carl's posts, one word: filter. he has every right to
post. he's a citizen and a member of this community.


Jul 14, 2002, 4:42pm
ummmmm.... maki? how much coffee you drinking?

"maki" <maki at>
> *stabs a largestick.rwx down your throat* you're evil! the hubi av rocks!
> I've even made it multiple colors in my world :) so burn in hell :P

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 8:57pm
LMAO. good one, bowen

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Re: WATCH Out For Idiots That Like To Stir Up Old Hate Flames

Aug 5, 2002, 1:29am
thanks, bit. i firmly believe it is better to report your suspicions and
let the authorities investigate. the longer child molestation goes on
unhindered, the longer a child is suffering. better safe than sorry.


Re: WATCH Out For Idiots That Like To Stir Up Old Hate Flames

Aug 5, 2002, 2:54am
believe me, i know what you are saying. i can't help but side with children
though. adults can defend themselves, kids can't. that's what it comes
down to.

not trying to get on a soapbox, just to advocate for abused children.
personal reasons.


You can't make this stuff up...

Aug 11, 2002, 8:53am
the reason sexual abuse of children is decried more than any other form of
child abuse, and more than any other trauma that can occur to a child, is
because nothing causes as much short or long term emotional damage to a
child than sexual abuse.

there is no other abuse or trauma that is more urgent.


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Re: word usage (was Re: aw_world_object_password SDK call?)

Aug 10, 2002, 11:09am
psssst.... derek.... it's mostest bestest... cause you're using the
mostest superlativest instead of the morer comparativer... ok?

thanks -

[View Quote]

to daphne

Sep 1, 2002, 10:50am
Ladies and Gentleman, I'd like to announce that this year's winner of the
*sigh* award goes to... eep... for consistently causing a multitude of
people to *sigh* with every post he makes. Able to stick his nose where it
doesn't belong in a single bound. Able to leap tall stretches of fact to an
irrational conclusion in a mere nanosecond. Never fails to take (or make)
an opportunity to spew childish and vulgar drivel. The man is amazing.

Indeed, eep is a true jerkus maximus, and I can think of none other in this
NG more deserving of this lack of distinction.

Congrats, eep. Now crawl back into the sewer from which you oozed.

Self-appointed Head (and Body) of the *sigh* Awards Committee

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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 11, 2002, 9:05am
I highly recommend Ima Genius from

Excellent service, fast & reliable servers, reasonable prices, and he won't
mess with your worlds.

(formerly ambivalent)

[NG Survivor 2] 1st to go.../2nd week challenge

Jul 9, 2002, 10:19am
waaaaaaaaaa JerMe hurt my poor little panda...

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Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 8:57pm
LMAO. good one, bowen

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Bad News! :-(

Aug 24, 2002, 9:51am
ok. i'm a little bit lost here. this guy is getting medical treatment for
a diabetic foot problem. so why is everyone congratulating him for this?

thanks -

[View Quote]

Bad News! :-(

Aug 24, 2002, 1:08pm
and having his diabetic foot problem treated will change that? lol. and
yes i know about the posts. he additionally sent me some bizarre and
obscene emails.

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Bad News! :-(

Aug 24, 2002, 1:13pm

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Bad News! :-(

Aug 26, 2002, 9:10am
that's quite a stretch from what i (or nornny) said (or insinuated). i have
no problem whatever in wishing well to those who are psychologically

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Alphaworld Object Gallery!

Aug 31, 2002, 5:05pm
i love the awmegaoy. handiest world ever built :)


[View Quote]

Alphaworld Object Gallery!

Aug 31, 2002, 5:30pm
sorry i didn't mean that rypp's site was not good. it is the handiest web
site ever built!


[View Quote]

cy nominations out

Sep 2, 2002, 12:17pm
The community voted under the posted rules and procedures, and were never
informed that the rules were changing. The Cy web site still has the
original Rules and Procedures posted. Messages in a discussion forum are
not official Rules and Procedures for a contest. They're also nebulous --
there's nothing in the forum that says for sure that the rules changed.

The Rules and Procedures clearly state that Selection Committee members are
not eligible to be nominated or to win an award. Yet 3 Selection Committee
members have been nominated. That's 3 chances for being nominated and
winning an award that people who are eligible are being denied.

The community voted under the belief that the Rules and Procedures posted on
the Awards site would be followed. You just can't post a set of rules, have
the community vote, and then change the rules. It's outrageous.

If one -- or even a few -- people are going to make -- and change -- the
rules at will, the community has a right to know, so that we can decide if
we wish to continue to participate in your awards program.

(formerly ambivalent)

cy nominations out

Sep 2, 2002, 3:54pm
goob, what leads you to believe the rules were developed after the
nominations came in? i recall reading the rules when selection committee
nominations began. i don't remember any differences then from what is
posted today. not saying my memory is perfect -- just saying it looks the
same as i recall.

also, in the Cy forum, there are posts between TaunTaun and Bit on May 3.
Nominations for the selection committee were May 11-18. Voting for
Selection committee was June 1-8. Award nomination voting was June 22-29.

thanks -

[View Quote] > the rules (which > were made *after* all the nominations had come in, btw)

cy nominations out

Sep 2, 2002, 8:14pm
Goob, the rules DID change in practice, but did NOT change on the web site.
So right now, no one (except a select few) know what the rules are that were
used in the nominating process.

Read these rules and procedures, then go look at the nominations. These
are examples of posted rules and procedures that were obviously changed, and
examples of what people are concerned about.

From Rules on the website:
Selection Committee Team Members are not eligible for a Cy Award the round
they are serving on the team.

A member of the selection committee may not be nominated for a Cy Award of
any category, but may nominate anyone not in the selection committee.

From Procedures on the web site:
The selection committee will select the top five nominations in each


[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 11, 2002, 9:05am
I highly recommend Ima Genius from

Excellent service, fast & reliable servers, reasonable prices, and he won't
mess with your worlds.

(formerly ambivalent)

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 29, 2002, 11:42pm
excuse me, you little weasel. you ripped me off. you defrauded me out of
$160. i paid you $160 for 5 avatars, and you never even attempted to
deliver them, and you have never refunded one penny of my money. 4 of those
avatars, which i paid you $125 for, turned out to be freebies. 4 of the
fairies made by Shankahtus, which you claimed you had made yourself.

johnny b had absolutely nothing to do with me cancelling my services with
you. i never met him or so much as knew his name until AFTER i cancelled my
services with you. i cancelled my world and object path hosting, as you
very well know, and the people who were there know, because you ejected a
dear friend of mine from my own world for no reason and without my knowledge
or consent, then proceeded to delete objects, and launched into a series of
abusive attacks by gram and by email. i cancelled your services although i
stood to lose the hundreds of dollars i had paid you in advance for world
and op hosting, because of your unethical business dealings, and your
obvious personality disorder. you think i have money like that to throw
away? nobody chooses to loses hundreds of dollars for no reason. you know
it, i know it, and everyone who knows about this situation knows it. i
cancelled my services with you solely at my own discretion and because of
your outrageous abuse of the host/customer relationship and outrageously
unethical business practices.

how disgustingly egotistical of you to claim that my Cy nominations are
based on the ground that you did NOT create, but that Elysium created. the
sky that you created from pictures you took off the internet. and the
avatars one of which you downloaded off the internet and recolored, and the
other which you are purported to also have stolen.

how revolting that you would claim it is that which people found worthy of
nominating, rather than the beautiful, original artwork in my world of such
talented artists as Lady Murasaki of Jade, Paul of Ganymede, Imagine of
Image, Diane and Jamey of Sails, and Elysium.

how revolting that you would claim it is that which people enjoy in my
world -- with no consideration for the hours and hours and hours of work i
have put into the design and building of my world.

I was nominated for a Cy for my world, you slimy puddle of vomit, ME -- not

[View Quote]

[AWNews] Stirring the Virtual Melting Pot: Sept. 2002

Sep 12, 2002, 9:25am
I had an angiogram (minor heart procedure) that morning. The planes started
hitting as I was wheeled out of the operating room. They said they had to
get everyone out of the hospital who could possibly walk, because they were
expecting 2,000 casualties. My nurse couldn't get through to her husband,
an EMT. She used my cell phone and was finally able to talk to him. He was
on his way to the WTC.

I couldn't get home. The roads were blocked. Traffic at a standstill.
After hours of driving and trying to find a way home, I was running out of
gas. The gas stations weren't selling gas. They had shut down. I stopped
at several hotels. No rooms. No one could leave, so no one was checking
out. Finally at a hotel I was in tears. Exhausted and still groggy from
the drugs from the procedure, I begged for a side office so I could lie

The manager finally said probably no one would be checking in, and gave me a
room reserved for someone else. I fell asleep immediately, kept waking up,
each time a new horror on CNN in front of me.

The next day I was able to get home. I watched the WTC burn from my living
room and bedroom windows. The incredible volumes of smoke.

No planes in the air, and then the clutch of fear when I'd hear one -- a
fighter jet. Stories from friends who lived in Manhattan. Couldn't get
home. Didn't want to get home. Couldn't find friends.

Every morning on my way to work seeing the billowing smoke, no planes in the
air except fighter jets, more police cars than I'd ever seen in my life,
National Guard trucks.

I thought I'd never stop crying. I still cry. That's good -- you can't cry
enough tears for 3,000 stilled heartbeats, for the horror and pain they
suffered, for the horror and pain of the survivors.

I don't think there's an American that did not change that day. We learned
that people can be far worse, and far better, than we ever imagined. And we
instantly knew that life would never be the same.

One year later, we try to figure out how to live our lives as we learn what
this new "normal" is all about.

Take care, my friends.


[View Quote]

iCandy Cy Nominations Withdrawn

Sep 15, 2002, 11:06am
Yesterday afternoon I notified Baron, Cyberwitch, Tauntaun, and Weebo that I
was withdrawing my Cy nominations for iCandy. I told CW and Baron in chat,
and then grammed all of them. I asked for them to take down my signs or
mark them 'withdrawn'. This morning the signs are still there, still the
same, and people are visiting and voting for iCandy.

I am posting this in hopes of notifying people so more votes will not be
wasted on a withdrawn nomination.

Thanks -

iCandy Cy Nominations Withdrawn

Sep 15, 2002, 6:35pm
Oh it's getting through all right. Kellie/Mountain Myst even emailed the
Executive Committee and told them to honor my request. The problem is that
they are making changes for some people but not for others. And obviously
I am not among the special group who get their changes made.

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iCandy Cy Nominations Withdrawn

Sep 15, 2002, 7:23pm
you're making an assumption that is not at all accurate.

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/whois Mr. Kwok Li

Sep 21, 2002, 2:12am
Very interesting, yanst. Has he been world hopping? Or playing bingo
perhaps? lol

And since some are interested in his phone number... I believe you could
reach him at 203-834-9809.

See 'The Company', 'Click Here for Company Management', then click Kwok Li's
name at

[View Quote]

/whois Mr. Kwok Li

Sep 21, 2002, 4:26am
on the web site for his company. maybe you can go visit him since he's
nearby and find out what he's up to in AW lol

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/whois Mr. Kwok Li

Sep 21, 2002, 9:51am
ack. the 2nd link below doesn't go to the right page. this is the whole

[View Quote]

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