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Matters of good Grammer

Jan 21, 2004, 8:36am
Yes I have not bothered much taking part in these discussions lately.

It is not true that I put america down at every chance I get, every time I
have something good to say I do that also; lately I have just do not found
anything good...

What money would that be Daphne ? As far as I know Finland has never recived
a penny (cent) from USA.

It is not that I hate america and americans, on the contrary, I like both. I
just makes me sad seeing you go downhill, and worst part is you do not even
notice it your self. You sit in a sledge that is steered my a total idiot
and most people seem to be happy with it.
Nobody care that the value of the dollar keeps going down, nobody seems to
care how much some war in some distat country far away cost, nobody seem to
care that the president has connection to the war industry, nobody seems to
care that people all over the world start to hate usa more and more....

WAKE UP PEOPLE ! It is soon too late; might already be. Stop beliving the
all the propaganda your goverment feed you.

I do not only critisize USA, I am very much anti-EU also. As soon as someone
prize and speak good of EU, I will bash him/her it for it also.
It is nothing personal, it is just that I hate imperialism. I wish people
would learn from history, all imperials fall down in the end, egypt, Rome,
nazi german, and so will also USA and EU, unless they start to take a more
humbel attitute, especailly USA should stop the illegal actions that ignores
and is against all international laws.

daphne <dcoon at> kirjoitti
viestissä:400d307e$1 at
> Spoken like a person that is becoming fairly well-known to talk out of his
> butt hole... How about you find that rock you just crawled out from
> and go back under it???
> Listen, Drac... I think on the surface that you are a pretty nice man but
> every chance you get you put America and Americans down.... Does
> in your country feel like you do about America??? How about you get your
> government to stop accepting any money or other favors from our ignorant,
> over-bearing country and then maybe you can rest easier and we can stop
> hard earned resources from going to a country that evidently hates us???
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 21, 2004, 8:46am
Oh and please people notice the hostile tone.

I critizise a system and she gets personal. You people should learn to make
a differens between political disputes and personal attack.
I think here is the root of all problems. Someone says something bad about
something in USA, and americans rush to kill that person.
If someone says something bad about Europe, I will probably agree, and if
not I try to think why the other person think as he do.
When people stop to be critical toward their goverments, it is the first
step toward dictatory.

I do not call you a bitch that wants power and do not have a clue how tou
use or have no idea of how to fair either, do I ?

daphne <dcoon at> kirjoitti
viestissä:400d307e$1 at
> Spoken like a person that is becoming fairly well-known to talk out of his
> butt hole... How about you find that rock you just crawled out from
> and go back under it???
> Listen, Drac... I think on the surface that you are a pretty nice man but
> every chance you get you put America and Americans down.... Does
> in your country feel like you do about America??? How about you get your
> government to stop accepting any money or other favors from our ignorant,
> over-bearing country and then maybe you can rest easier and we can stop
> hard earned resources from going to a country that evidently hates us???

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 21, 2004, 6:35pm
First of all, nice to see that you are still around CarolAnn.

Well, what other can one do than laugh at such a statement ? Well, cry of

It was not meant as an insult towards anyone, but when someone is 100% sure
they are the best and even refuse to see any faults, I just think it is not
only sad but scary also. I cannot help thinking of Nazi German " Ein Reich,
ein Folk", where people where made to belive that they are the best in the
world, and therefore was also entiteled to "liberate" other countries and
get rid of the " bad people".

The day USA has the lowest crime, best school system, best healt care, no
censorship of press, stop attacking foreign countries, stop having prisoners
on some island without court, get rid of death penalty, start treating
prisoners with decency etc. That day I will start speaking good of it. I
hope you understand that it is not the avarage people I am bashing; I know
they are just like me and you, but it is the system that I am against. I am
against imperialism, may it be USA, Sovjet or EU. I know people dislike me
now, but I could bet my head that if we could have this conversation 50
years later, many who now hate me, would maybe agree with me then. But I
guess humans are stupid creatures who need to make the same mistakes over
and over in history. It is just scary that whilst beeing stupid human is
also intelligent enough to build equipment that can destroy the entire globe
we live on.

With all the respect towards the people of USA, Drac

carolann <carolannh at> kirjoitti
viestissä:400ed810$1 at
> Well I suppose it's not what you said (in your last post anyway, that of
> course is fair to debate and very impersonal as you have stated it there)
> but how you said it. The entire 8 word post was
> I think when you laugh at someone it ceases being debate and becomes
> insulting, personal or not. You can't expect people to take kindly to
> And the other point, as made by Lady Murasaki, was, this is supposed to be
> world community and it would be nice if it felt like we all had something
> common here, even in our disagreements. (virtual, not real life).
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 21, 2004, 9:54pm
I have never bash ALL of the USA, only about same things you mentioned.
Show me one post I have made bashing ALL of america eg, the people of
america and I will apologize.

In first paragraph we seem to agree, then again in the second you about
forbid saying anything bad about thee allmighty usa, if I do I will get it
right back at me. Does not make so much sense to me, does it to you ?

I guess same logic as in when some saudi arabic terrorist crash planes in
usa, one need to punish iraq ?


daphne <dcoon at> kirjoitti
viestissä:400f05d6 at
> I don't agree with everything the US government is doing or has done in
> past but I still won't always sit still and watch others bash ALL of the
> based on what the politicos do... Hardly all of us agree with any one of
> them 100% of the time.. We yell at them and cuss them out and give our
> opinions too... Our opinions work best when ppl vote intelligently but it
> seems that doesn't happen as often as it should... If it did then how
> George W. have gotten elected??? I would have thought having had his
> father a president would have told the American ppl something!!! :o(
> Just like other countries down through the ages, the "common" people
> believe what they are told or are just too busy putting bread on the table
> to take on the whole of the political system that has evolved... Believe
> me, it is now pretty far away from what our ancestors were trying to
> create... BUT enough of the good we stand for does remain and is still
> fighting for... That's why when you put the USA down you get it right
> at you...
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 22, 2004, 12:11pm
I know, it was irony. I am aware it was about the oil and making the war
industy profitable.


binarybud <leo at> kirjoitti
viestissä:400fd83e$1 at
> " I guess same logic as in when some saudi arabic terrorist crash planes
in usa, one need to punish iraq ?"
> Drac, your obviously quite mis-informed. These two events had nothing
to do with each other.
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 22, 2004, 9:43pm
Well I am open to suggestions about the reason. I personally think you are
the one with the wall infront of you preventing to see the truth.

Was is the mas-destruction weapons that do not excist ?
Was it because Al-Quida and Iraq both has the Q in them ?
Was it because Bush simply is bully ?

Tell me, you tell me one good reason and I promise to belive you Leo.

binarybud <leo at> kirjoitti
viestissä:400fddc8$1 at
> think what you'll never quite fully understand it ....not
with that wall you have in front of you.
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 22, 2004, 9:50pm
You really enjoy using commas, dots and capital letters randomly, do you ?

Yes I do not give a rats ass about how you do your freedom, democracy and
greatness; just keep it within your border. As soon as there is US troops
outside USA, I thnk I am entitled to say my opinion.

Maybe all do not want your kind of freedoom, where money is the god and only
strong survive. I guess you will never understand that though.

princess nerwen <jennifer755 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:401026a3$1 at
> America has it's problems yes, they are great in numbers and ignored by
> most because that is the desing that has been taken. Sheep will follow
> anywhere, lemmings will die an unneeded death, yet people all over the
> world do this on a daily basis. Government has taken a front set and it
> is not a Government for the Government and not a Government for the
> People. It has been taken thta we are a lost cause, yet we ar not, the
> USA America is a Great nation, and full of fine upstanding people, and
> there are places all over the world that have the same fine types of
> people, yet the Upper Eschelons of people would rather see downtrodden
> and lackluster people to do their bidding. Keep em in line, beat em
> down, make em unhappy and it will keep them in line. This is the main
> mentality of a Dictator ship, and yes Socialism is finding it's way into
> America and unsderstand it will be fully engulfed before those who can
> fix it will. Be aware America has a Injury to its lifes blood, and we as
> Americans and anyone else around the world, have to fix it, Freedom to
> say and do as we wish with in some constraints, like killing, and
> imprisonment without cause are not welcome, yet this is where America is
> going, We as Free People need to take back America and what America is,
> a Great and Wonderful Nation to live in, prosper in, and live life in a
> standard that others would like to copy. Not put us down, and make us
> slaves, A,erica is better than that. You are well informed to know that
> this is right. America is here to be a Great Nation, not a Slave
> Nation, or regime like many of the Arab Nations have become.
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 3:33am
I simply mean what I said.

I doubt you can deny that there are a lot of poor people in USA?

When I was in Florida I saw it myself. On one side of the canal was houses
costing millions, new Mercedeses and luxery yachts, on the other side tiny
shacks with some 25 years old crap car if even that. We were told not to go
to certain areas for safety reasons.
I simply mean if you do not have money, you are nobody. I guess it goes
pretty much all over the western world, but is is just so extreme there.

How would you explain that ALL people who did the cleaning, maintance or
hamburger selling were either black or from Cuba?
I doubt even you can say that background ( money ) do not have anything to
do with it ?

I recall you living more in the north, and might be people there are
different; maybe more like canadians?
I just have a feeling that withing 50-80 years, maybe even less USA will
divide into 2, maybe more.

I know you are involved with the church and I know that many people have
other values, but I was simply refering to a more general basis.
I also know you know how I feel about religions, but maybe we do not need to
go into that now. Cannot resist saying that the richest organization in
world is the catholic church, which for example own most land in New York.
So all catholics dont forget to support your church when you buy forgivness
for your sins. Must also say though that for first time in history the pope
actually said something "good" when he was hoping for understanding between
religions and less war.

carolann <carolannh at> kirjoitti
viestissä:40109937$1 at
> How insulting to me, my life and my work and to almost everyone I know. I
> think you've gone way overboard now with that all-encompassing statement.
> think your hate is for far more than what you say. Does your anger extend
> your brother in Florida? Whatever exactly was meant by that confusing
> statement that you were replying to didn't warrant that response.
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 9:03am
carolann <carolannh at> kirjoitti
viestissä:4010e2b0$1 at

Yes of course there are poor and rich in all countries; I guess that
bargging with your money is just a quite american and south european thing.
Here people who have much money are almost ashamed of it, living often in
same house as the busdriver and unemployed midleaged factory worker.

> I certainly do not deny that there are poor in America, that is part of
> I was talking about when I said you insult my work. If the poor are
> then what would you call the person who serves them? And why are they
> For every reason under the sun, but not as simple as being because they
> in America, there are poor in every nation on earth. It's too complex to
> even think about discussing here, and your views are simplified and driven
> by something that wouldn't be helped by discussion anyway. But one thing
> that surprises me about your observations, as I understand it, most of the
> snobby rich (there are all kinds of rich you know) wouldn't be caught dead
> living within sight of the shacks you speak of. I've never, ever seen
> I've seen mansions and shacks, very few of either, and never close
> Mostly everything in between. But I've never been to Florida, it's a very
> big country. By the way, how many poor are given royal status in your
> country?

I never said I think poor people are nobodys, I simply meant that to get
your voice heard you need a lot of money. How many presidents, senators for
example are poor? eg did not have a rich family or some rich companies to
back them up.
I am also aware that some are poor by choose; it just pisses me off when
some americans all the time brag how great their country are and that they
are best. I am simply trying to point out to these blind people that there
are also problems. USA is no paridise for all people.
As Xela said , it is kind of insulting towards the rest of the worlds to
have such an attitude that one is best, when in fact you are similar
assholes as we. We have a saying here, one shall clean up ones own mess
before starting to tell others how to live (bad translation).

The areas where rich and poor are very close in Florida in some areas, I of
course did not visit all of Florida but mostly the eastcoast.

Unfortunatly has the "money talk bullshit walks" attitute starting to very
much take over here also. Not so many years ago about anyone could study,
rich or poor. We had free healthcare; in general I would say people had it
quite well. Now the money for healthcare has been cut dramatically and
people cannot get their illness treated in time. Support for students are
cut. Companies fire people to get the stock valuae up temporary ( so they
can seel their companies).EU is also killing our farmers. People are not
happy with this, and many critizise it.
Royal status, well personally I think nobody should have any status. Usually
here the benefits for unemployed people has been fair; so that one get

> Background most likely had everything to do with it. Do you know how many
> immigrant Cubans live in the Miami area of Florida, and what the
> Cuban/American ratio is, for example? (legal and illegal). Neither do I
> I know it's many, many and often they need jobs. Were they invited to come
> over and live in poverty? What do you think? Are a boatload of illegal
> Cubans likely to get jobs at the local hospital doing your heart
> (even if they were doctors in Cuba) or at the bank as president? No, but
> previous bank's president was black (when I lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana),
> just to keep things in perspective here. He had a nice place, not really a
> mansion but it was on a hill overlooking a winding road nowhere near any
> "shacks". And one of my sisters-in-law cleans hotel rooms. She is not
> Cuban, nor is she poor. A niece sells hamburgers. I used to serve drinks,
> and I had fun doing it btw, but I was working toward something else. It's
> possible no matter what color you are. Ask Colin Powell, ask Condoleeza
> Rice, ask George Washington Carver (oops, he died a long time ago). Well
> get the picture. By the way, have you heard the latest movement here in
> US? Without complicated details, Bush wants to make it easier for illegal
> aliens from Mexico to keep their jobs (Usually low-end of course, give it
> some thought as to why) and gain legal status, and in California the talk
> has been to make it possible for people who are there illegally to get a
> drivers license so that they can keep their jobs. What is meant by
> Well, they went through the border and got jobs without letting it be
> and don't pay taxes. I could not legally go to any other country and do
> either, so it is not some US discrimination policy. Many people think
> things, if anything, will be bad for the US and make the poor poorer and
> rich richer (being able to hire cheap illegal labor-no taxes for either
> and no choices for the laborers except that it will enable them to stay if
> they want-which they generally do.) Why do these people from Cuba and
> want to put up with it? You tell me. But that is often why you see such
> extremes on our southern borders. Look around a bit more in the US, Drac,
> then let's talk some more. Sure you'll still step over a homeless person
> the way to the bus in Chicago, but ask him why he is there next time. Is
> because the system failed him? Not always. Sometimes he has failed
> Same as anywhere. If you think with almost 300,000,000 (estimated) people
> with as many stories behind their lives that there will be none of that,
> are living in a fantasyland.

I know many of those people are there illegal.
Make sense to keep them there; someone has to do the shitty jobs
Of course one can always find exeptions. I can find a nazi that is against
racism also ( in sweden they had formed a nazi oraganization that is against
racism), but I was talking about more in general. This is probably different
in the northern states; I guess canucks do not try to get there illegally to
to the shitty jobs, in the same way as mexicans and cubans in the south ?

> You have that feeling? No offense Drac but if I were to stake my life on
> your feelings, based on what I have seen so far here, I won't live through
> my next cup of coffee.

You choose to belive me or not, it is up to you. Nobody belived me when I
talked about terrorism in the end of the 90ies either, in the 80ies I said
that sovjet will fall apart, not so many belived me back then either.
I just wish that each american could even once in their life see their
country from the outside. I do not recall if we have ever spoken about it,
but have you for example been outside USA ?

> And no offense to Canadians, (they have a breathtakingly beautiful country
> as far as I've seen, and I've worked with a wonderful Canadian who is now
> US citizen. I know there are many more just like her.) but whatever
> is to be found in Northern US citizens did not come down on some cold
> from Canada. It is native to the same percent of us as it is to Finns and
> everyone else. Can't we even have credit for what good you acknowledge
> be in the US without it being because it was granted by the Canadians?
> Something tells me you might be mildly biased. Am I wrong? You only saw
> fringes of my country-you do not have the authority to judge everyone by
> where your brother chose to live.

I sometimes wonder if you try your best to misunderstand me or if you simple
do not understnd me.
I never said that people in northern USA is different from people in
southern USA, BECAUSE of Canada. I simply compared you to them.
If we have a box, a small ball and a big ball. Do you think it is fair to
say that the big ball resimle the small ball and vice versa? Maybe we also
can say that neither of the balls resimble the box, even if either of the
balls would have same manufacturer as the box? If yes , can we maybe then
say that the big ball is not responsible for the small ball looking like the
big one ?

> to
> I was not talking really about the church, you'll find some degree of all
> sorts of personalities in the church as anywhere else. But your "general
> basis" is not very general, it is very one sided based on what you saw on
> your very limited visit. I am not Catholic but I know they stopped "buying
> forgiveness for their sins" a long time ago. But Catholicism, my dear man,
> is not a solely US thing so leave that out of this particular discussion.
> work with some and they are as varied as anyone else. The most
> one I know? He is from Madagascar but gained his US citizenship. Yep-a
> black, Catholic immigrant who works in a US based non-profit world relief
> agency doing well for himself, and I love him (platonically) anyway. How
> that be?

I know catholism is not a US thing, I only said it is ALSO there.
I cannot tell tell why you love him platonically; maybe because you value
what he stands for and maybe you have common interest.

> But anyway-I've had enough. It's like you want all US citizens within
> hearing distance of you to jump on your bandwagon and do something-I can't
> imagine what. You say it's not hate but I can feel it. There's nothing I
> do about it. Let's talk about virtual reality next time.

No, but if some person starts to brag how great and fine country USA is; it
is like saying all the rest of you are not worth a shit.So in the same way I
offend some people by saying negative things about USA, the people who says
USA is best offends me.
Yes let's do that, you should just come online so one could do it LOL


Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 3:45pm
lioness. <nobody at> kirjoitti
viestissä:40114a15$1 at
> YEHHHHH!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!! ^5's for saying EXACTLY what needed to
> be said. I couldn't think of a better way to put those exact feelings into
> words.
> Drac, you seem to rant and rave about the USA but I don't hear you
> complaining about England or any of the other countries. And please step
> down from whatever throne you placed yourself on and get more aquainted
> the people of a nation before you start putting it down. Same goes for
> whatever religion you don't agree with. I don't know where you get your
> hon but it CERTAINLY isn't up to date and obviously you don't believe it
> anyhow. Oh and pppsssttt... by the way... I grew up poor after my father
> left my mother to raise 3 kids by herself. She went out and got whatever
> jobs she needed to so she could feed us. She even went on the Welfare
> so we could pay our utility bills and have some medical insurance. It is
> true that some people here in the states take advantage of our Welfare
> system, but not everyone. And..... it took her over 3 years to do it but
> payed back whatever she owed the government. I also might add that even
> though we were poor, we didn't live in "shacks" but in a rowhouse. It was
> tough neighborhood. The crime rate was high, etc etc. But all the
> there watched out for each other. It was a "community". And no, I'm not
> black or Cuban, but we had a very diverse group of people living in that
> area. A large mix of Hispanics, African Americans, Ukranians, Syrians,
> Iranians, Koreans, etc etc. And sometimes, on occasion, a limo would come
> by. We would watch it and wonder who was in it. We held no envy or
> for whoever was in it. Here in America, the rich do occasionally visit the
> poor sections of town, they just don't announce it ahead of time. And
> also find poor people working in the rich districts of town. America is
> about a mixed group of people, with different backgrounds, different
> desires, all struggling to make ends meet, either financially or
> emotionally. I've met poor people who were very happy and pleasant people
> and I've met some very rich snobby folks who were totally miserable. And
> politics has nothing to do with any of that. It didnt' matter who was
> president when my mother had to raise us. It wouldn't have made much of a
> difference. However, these days with idiots like Osama BinLaden and Saddam
> Hussein running around pouring their money into their own destructive
> forces, I'm glad Bush is doing something about it. And I hope never again
> my lifetime or my daughter's that we have another attack like 9/11, here
> anywhere else in the world. Hitler wanted his own particular group of
> to rule the planet. Don't you see the same thing happening with Bin
> My God man, He's even been taped admitting to it!!!! Wake up and smell the
> napalm!!! And its a known fact that Bin Laden was paying Iraq for weapons.
> Oh, ..... I forgot...... you don't believe the news reports, do you???
> Never mind then. Just ignore my little soapbox speech.

How often do you see people bragging that UK or some other country is the
best ? The day it will happen I will bash him/her also.

I am not claiming we or me is any better, I am just trying to point out you
are not the best but similar shits than we. I do not belive that one country
can be the best.

You are glad Bush is doing what he does ? You are glad he lies and kills
innocent american soliders with his lies ? You are glad that civilians are
killed in the world because of his lies? Heil Hit..Bush to you too.
You mention Hitler, dont you see the similarity between him and Bush ? both
wanted to liberate other countries, both thought their way of politics is
the right.

I do not aprove terrorism, but what other way of fighting do a small group
have? How about all those wars CIA has started/financied, all those weapons
that has been shipped to middle east by both USA and Sovjet? Do you not
think that those people at some point get enough of beeing guinnea pigs and
wants to slap these "masters" in the face ?

You can get rid of a Bin Laden, but invading a country against the will of
UN is different. A few posts earlier when I said the 9/11 was reason for the
war, Binarybud was mad at me and said it was not, now you are saying it was?
Maybe you should try to decide on one thing and then stick to it, since
mas-destruction weapons did not work so well.

If we start to clean out evilness in world, we shall not stop with some
AL-Quida, IRA and Taliban gerillas, but we need to go deeper and for example
see how much pain CIA has caused. I bet you would be surprised to see how
much they have caused during the years.

Stop living in your dreamworld, the world we live in is a rotten place, one
usa is not going to fix it, they will only make it worser. How would you
feel if example India would feel that the prisoners in Arizona jails are
treaten bad, and they would decide to inavde Arizona and teach you a hindu
way of punishment ? I bet you would be happy and thankfull for them comming
to tach you how to live; as you expect the iraqi people to be for you going
there to teach them how to live. A nation with a few hundred years old
civilization is going there to learn a country with a few thousend years of
history. I bet you teach your dad to pee also ?


> news:4010e2b0$1 at

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 3:53pm
I was not compering the system, but the people.
Of course USA is important to Canada, it comes somehow natural by beeing so
close. If Canada was lets say in Asia, it would probably have a quite
different meaning.

And yes, I belive America is a decent place to live in and that the people
are decent, maybe even better than decent. When I was in USA I only run into
polite and friendly persons. It is not the people I have problems with but
the goverment. It is actually not even so much of a problem for me
personally, but I am sure some George Wahington is twisting in his grave if
he can see what is going on now. America has been great, still can be, but I
am afraid you are loosing the grip. You are loosing your freedom, as are we
here in europe thanks to EU.
One example is the justice system that USA has been so proud of. It might
have been good, but it is not about justice anymore, it is about winning or
loosing. If a person burns herself on coffee one goes to court; if I was the
judge I would say, you fucking idiot, coffee is supposed to be hot!


jetta lewis <rgurkin at> kirjoitti
viestissä:40114b76 at
> Honest to Gosh, I was going to stay out of this.. It is a no win
> argument..You will never convince CD that America is a decent place with
> decent ppl. Yet when CD held up Cannada as a desirable end for America, I
> couldn't stay quite anymore..CD Canada is ok to live in, but be aware that
> $.87 of every Canadian dollar is generated thru direct trade with America.
> One thing that helps Canada have a decent living condition is that America
> pays enormous sums of money every year so Canada doesn't have to maintian
> huge military..For instance, America patrols Canadas seaboard and northern
> boundaries to the tune of better than $2 Billion dollars annually. Canada
> is virtually identical to the US as far as housing, transportation and
> medical is concerned. Some parts of Canada have a decent medical service,
> but others are laughably deficient. I guess really not laughable..inasmuch
> as ppl have a tendency to die while waiting for medical procedures.
> big difference in Canada is that the gov't has total control of the ppl
> the finances. Guns are mostly gone, but the by product is that since I've
> been here, the only ppl I've heard of being shot are half-wits shot by the
> police. ( One fellow was shot 9 times, including 4 shots in the back and
> buttocks) Ladies who protested sewage running in the streets were arrested
> and charged with crimminal civil disobedience.. A woman protesting the
> of education for her child was arrested and charged with civil
> Canada is more like a simi-friendly dictatorship than a democracy. When
> are comparing America to other countries for ridicule you better stick to
> Nazi Germany and Rome...You don't know beans about Canada.
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 4:07pm
daphne <dcoon at> kirjoitti
viestissä:40113762$1 at
[View Quote] You do not see the difference do you?
Back then USA joined an ongoing war, in Iraq they STARTED it.
During WW II Germnay was helping Finland to fight against Russia.
The terms of peace was hard for us, we had to give away quite much land, and
after that be very careful not to upset the russians.
Hard to say what world had looked like if Germnay had won

> I think it's safe to say that, as a people, we are a bit ashamed that it
> took our government so long to do the right thing... We should have been
> in there helping to stomp out the Nazi machine a few years earlier than we
> were!!!

Nazis had a quite big support in USA in the 30ies, I guess we can be glad
USA did not turn into a nazi country; it was quite close though.
One big supporter of nazism was for example Henry Ford.
I also belive that the south would be a good soil for nazism , with the KKK

> For years, Saddam Huessein has been killing with inpunity the people of
> country he seized control of... Before we move to help, how many should
> die before their numbers begin to haunt us --- like the numbers of those
> killed by Nazis now haunts us???

Of course it was wrong of Saddam to kill his own people. Question is, of all
( about) 20 dictators in the world, all as cruel, how come you picked
Well, we shall not forget who put Saddam in the place he was in the first
place, shall we ? ( Bush the older)
I think a nation needs its own civil war, nobody from outside cannot come in
and say now we do so and so. It will never work.
Shall we get back to this in about 1 year and you will see it is not working
at all.

I just think it sucks that if UN ( of which USa is a part also) decide not
attack, but first let the inspectors check the place, yet USA in a very
ignorant way say: we attack with or without your blessing. This questions
all laws; is it okay to not obay a law if one do not like it ?
This also set an example to other countries; next time maybe China decides
that Thailand is a treath and it needs to go in there and fix the things.
Will you approve this also?


Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 4:16pm
binarybud <leo at> kirjoitti
viestissä:40112ea3$1 at
[View Quote] Well, they have not find anything, have they ?
Or do you mean CIA has not yet had time to plant them there? ( they usually
are quite fast though)
> Remember, the USA has NO BEEF with the people of Iraq....only their bully,
Saddam and his regeme.

I guess it is ok to shoot people one has no beef with also , yes. Sorry I
> No, in my opinion Bush was just more powerful that Iraq's Bully.
> Some people pick the side of the underdog seem like that

I tend to pick the side of the weaker yes. It would be too easy to always
chear for the stronger one. The day China attacks USA and it seems USA is
going to loose, I will pick the side of USA.
Getting rid of Saddam was not a bad thing it inself, but going against
international laws was. That is the fact I am most upset over
If he has no respect of what others think, how can he expect people to
respect him?
I would say he simply scare us. It would be good to have an IQ over 70 if
one is that powerfull.
> And, you don't have to believe just me....look futher for your own facts.
> Leo :)

I belive my and yours fact will never meet; who knows maybe the truth is
somewhere in the middle,

just do
contrary, I

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 10:54pm
I can tell it is not much use of discussing with you, because you are so
brainwashed that noting will bite on you.

I will say a few thing you can think on though.

Osama is a terrorist leader, Saddam is/ was not. He was the president of his
country just as Bush is of his country.
I do not see anything wrong with voulentaring as medicals etc.
I also agree that many wanted to end Husseins dictaorship, but I doubt that
so many wished Iraq to be under a foregn command; especailly one nation
Maybe you also can tell me when the power is given back to the iraqi people
? I am not now refering to the goverment named by USA, but a goverment
elected by the iraqis.
Maybe you also want to explain to me why every day there are gun fights on
daily basis and why people are protesting against coalition there.
Maybe you also can tell how it comes that about all rebuilding contracts has
happened to end up to US companies?
Maybe you also can tell how it happened that Saddam of 20 dictators was the
one that suddenly needed to be eliminated?

I also want to remind you that Hitler was elected by the german people,
unlike Saddam who was pointed to his place by a foreign nation. Guess who?
Maybe that fact itself should give a clue not to mess with other peoples

I think I can compare Hitler to Bush, both wanted good for their own people
( but failed/fails).
Hitler used jews as bad guys, Bush the muslims
Hitler ignored the public opionion and liberated Poland, Bush ignored and
liberated Iraq
Hitler might think he was god, Bush belives he is working for god ( in the
name of god)
In Nazi Germany one burned books, in USA records of Dixie Chicks....
When France was aginst the war, some people were burning the france flag,
and some renamed french fries to freedom fried; adult sane behaviour?

Of course as a good citizen you are not supposed to question any actions of
CIA, the people in Sovjet was not supposed to question KGB either. If you
think CIA do not have its dirt laundry and cover up, you really are not a
smart person. All countries has done "bad" things that they cover up. It is
just when it is a country with a lot of power the causes results take much
vider propositions.
I would not even be surprised if CIA knew about 9/11, but did not do
anything. Sovjet is gone so of course one need a new bad guy, and who would
be better than muslims.
As you pointed out they have different laws, so they must be barbarians. I
want to remind you that USA also has death penalty. USA also keeps prisoner
at Guantamo, without no trial, no conviction. That is against the law, but
of course USA do not care, because they are powerfull enough to be the bulli
that nobody can do anything to.
Go ahead and love your country blind, refuse to see the faults, I just hope
your children will not have to suffer from it

The news. Most of the press was embedded, which mean they broadcast what is
considered apropiate. I usually like to read news from "both" sides.


lioness. <nobody at> kirjoitti
viestissä:4011b33d$1 at
> Excuse me, .........maybe I didnt' make myself clear earlier. I never said
> 9/11 was the reason for this war. It was only the tip of the proverbial
> iceburg that began years ago and yes, the leaders of many nations wanted
> put an end to Hussein's dictatorship, ........and yes, they also wanted to
> capture Bin Laden and put all that to an end, but it took the day of 9/11
> bring everybody in the world (except for you of course) to rally up enough
> anger and enough bravery and enough volunteers, yes..... I said
> VOLUNTEERS..... to go after these two terrorist leaders. True, most of our
> military are paid, not very well, but they are paid. Do you, in your
> isolated frame of mind, have any idea how many volunteers came forward to
> try to fight for life as we know it??? Too many to count. Not only as
> soldiers, but clerical, medical, relief aid, computers, you name it, they
> volunteered and NOT just from the USA but also from other countries,
> including Finland. Again, I will tell you, as will most other people here,
> before you go blasting ANYBODY get the facts first. Oh, and by the way,
> would never target any Jews, Blacks, Catholics, twins, Asians, Indians or
> Gays to bring himself to power like Hitler did. Hitler was insane. He
> thought he was God. He believed that genocide was the only way he could
> raise a nation of blonde haired, blue eyed people. And there is a HUGE
> difference tween Hitler and Bush so dont' even go there. Bush is not a
> dictator, he is the leader of a nation that is determined to wipe out
> terrorists and to show them that it won't be tolerated anymore. Have you
> even been following how the people of Iraq feel???? Yes they have no
> electricity. Yes they need fresh drinking water and food. Yes they need
> shelter cus we destroyed their houses. Yes a lot of their people died.
> But...... they are now free to think and speak and act the way they want
> to do it. They don't have that awful oppression of being afraid of saying
> something wrong and getting arrested or tortured. They don't have to worry
> about their children's education anymore. Are you aware that the girls
> not allowed to learn to read or write in school? Are you aware that if a
> woman lied to her husband, he had the right to shoot her in the head in a
> public square? Are you aware that most of the Iraqi people are celebrating
> their new freedom and starting to set up their new government? I don't
> where you get your warped views on things. Don't go blaming the CIA for
> news you see on CNN or other international broadcasts. You're an idiot if
> you think the CIA twists around the news to suit their purpose. Do they
> the photos too? And the film clips? And the dead bodies? Hmmmmm, come to
> think of it, maybe the CIA is to blame for the ozone layer being depleted
> too. Maybe the CIA is REALLY making it easier for UFO's to sneak in and
> on us. >_<
> And by the way, I NEVER said.... and I don't believe,... that the USA is
> best country in the whole world. But if I had to decide where I'd rather
> live, it would definately be either the USA or Canada. Not because of
> opinions from other people, but because I have traveled in both countries,
> not alot, but enough to feel at home here. And I enjoy my freedom and
> because my family is here. I am proud of my country, for what the people
> have fought for and believe in. Just like you are proud of your country
> your own reasons. And everybody should have that same pride no matter
> they live. I have every RIGHT to stand up for my country, even if you find
> faults with it, and so does Binary Bud, and CarolAnn. The people who live
> England have a right to stand up for their country too if someone like you
> comes along and tries to insult what they take pride in. If you don't
> living in a certain country, you don't have to stay there (unlike Cubans,
> but that's a different story). So, back off bucko. You have only visited
> tiny section of the USA. That does NOT make you an expert. Nor does the
> filtered news you follow. Until you've traveled a year in my moccassins,
> cannot comment on where I live. Or something like that. LOL
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 11:03pm
I was refering to the famous McDonalds coffee case.
This is what I meant, one need to define every single thing for the "idiots"
otherwise one can be god damn sure they somehow manage to hurt themselves.
Mirrors on cars needs a warning text in one country in the world. Probably
some idiot had managed to reverse into something and blames the mirrors. A
lawn mower comes with a 120 page manual of which 90 pages is what you cannot
do with it, starting with " do not eat".
I just think it is sad that common sense has died. If i would burn myself on
coffee, I would blame myself for not beeing carefull, not going to court
hoping to get some money for my stupidity. If I stick my fingers under a
lawnmower, I am stupid and should not be refunded by the manufacturer.

I guess we just have a different juridical system here. here one go to court
for killing or raping someone, not for spilling coffee or eating a kitchen
sink, just because nobody had not said one cannot do so.

binarybud <leo at> kirjoitti
viestissä:40116c07 at
> First off your way too biased to be a judge...and second ....define "hot"
hot enough to melt foam cup? or just hot enough to burn mouth? you have
simplistic answers to very tough questions. i call that being ignorant.
> you for sure not an ignorant person but you have ignorant views.
> look up definition for ignorant before your insulted...;)
> no offense meant.
> Leo :)
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 11:04pm
jetta lewis <rgurkin at> kirjoitti
viestissä:4011a66e at
> As I said, this is a non winnable arguement on both sides. Count me out.
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 24, 2004, 11:25am
He might have done that, but it do not make him a terrorist. Maybe you
should look up in a dictionary what terrorist mean?
But I guess you know what you are talking about, you have spent last 20
years in Iraq, have you not ?

If i had been living in Iraq, i would probably have been the first to be
prepared to kill him, but I had also been prepapred to defence my country
froma foreign invasion. If China would decide to liberate USA, I bet you
would welcome them by dancing in the street?

ciena <nikona at> kirjoitti
viestissä:40122245 at
> Saddam wasnt a terrorist? lol he had many of his own people killed! they
> even put their heads on a stick and paraded them down the city streets! I
> think u should stop your nonsense CD! u dont know what u r talking about!
> Dont u wonder why they live so poor there? in an oil rich country? Saddam
> had all the money!
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 25, 2004, 4:57am
Ciena dear, that is why he was refered to as dictator. He made the people
obay using cruelty. A terrorist fight for something or against something.

The partyed because they hated him. ( did you expect something else?).
They hated him, as they hate the people who now has invaded their country.

ciena <nikona at> kirjoitti
viestissä:4012a8e3$1 at
> he is a terrorist. the people there lived in fear of him. why do u think
> they were happy when his statue was torn down. they were partying in the
> streets!
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 25, 2004, 5:06am
You are absolutely right, I do not have all facts but I have opinions. You
do not have facts and you have opinions. I guess we are pretty much the same

My brother has a friend. He lives in USA. He originally comes from Lebanon.
Directly after 9/11 he and his wife taken into questioning by FBI. They held
them there for quite a while. At some point he managed to tell them that
they are not even muslims, but tere is about a 20% christian minority in
Lebanon of which they are a part of. They were let out. So I guess religion
has some affects on how you are treated.
I just would not like to be a muslim in USA ( not anywhere else for that

You are also right when you say it is no use continuing this conversation.
We both live in our own bubble; I guess only time will show whose bubble
will burst first.

lioness. <nobody at> kirjoitti
viestissä:401271ab$1 at
> 0_0 I can see this is going nowhere fast
> I totally agree with what Jetta said. This is a useless conversation with
> you. You are too stubborn or just too lazy to do more research before
> posting your own opinions. The Germans did not possess prior knowledge of
> just how crazy Hitler was before he took office and after he started his
> genocide campaign most Germans lived in fear of fighting against it. They
> were given an ultimatum, either cooperate or join the prisioners, get shot
> in the head or watch your family get murdered. I still don't see the
> connection there with Bush. As far as muslims are concerned, are you aware
> of all the muslims living happily in this country? They are living like
> everybody else in this country. Free to worship in whatever manner they
> wish. We do not hold any anger towards muslim people at all. There are
> muslims here, hispanic muslims, and a LOT of white muslims (some of which
> are natural born Americans who chose to convert). A few prejudiced people
> did some awful things and probably will continue to be like that, but that
> is something that happens with every religion in the world. Bush doesn't
> care what religion anybody practices, as long as they aren't breaking any
> laws. Bush has nothing to do with it. That would be equivilent to Queen
> Elizabeth having control over the crime rate in London. I feel sorry for
> you, living in that little bubble of yours, afraid to admit to yourself
> you might not have all the information on a subject you feel so strongly
> about. I will openly admit I have no clue when the Iraqi's will form their
> own government, ( I don't have ESP) but I do know they are working on it
> with help from the UN and from other countries, including the USA. I can
> only guess at why there is still resistance fighting there. Most of that
> area is without electricity. It is very likely the combatants don't yet
> that Hussein was captured. Some of the combatants will probably fight to
> death to protect what he believes is his government. I bet a lot of them
> were probably told we would kill them even if they surrendered. (Remember
> its the middle east we're talking about here) Some of them probably took
> oath, similar to the military here in the USA to fight and preserve. I
> have all the answers you are asking of me. Because I honestly don't have
> time lately to follow all the news reports or the interest in doing more
> research into what the latest news in Iraq is. But I CAN tell you this
> much...... I am tired of trying to point out to you that you don't have
> all the facts before posting your one-sided opinions. You seem to have
> overwhelming need to blame everything on our president and our government.
> We know the CIA keeps secrets. Every country has its spies. Its just that
> ours is more publicized.
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 25, 2004, 5:29am
Thank you CarolAnn.

To get back to the coffee. If coffee was as hot as hottest bathwater, one
would experience it as cold when drinking it.
It was just an example that I somehow found so amusing; although I am quite
sure the lady who it happened to did not feel that way.
(next time you take a shower, try to drink a bit of that water that comes
from the tap:-))

It is not an american thing, the lack of common sense. We have it here also.
I have sometimes wondered when dealing with people, how it is even possible
they are still alive. The difference just is that here it do not so often go
to court as there (yet).

You are also right that one cannot directly compare Hitler and Bush, but the
ignorance he shows towards the rest of the world, makes him less loved here.
I have spoken to many from USA and they have agreed he is ignorant. All
people from USA living here that I know of, has said they were against the
war. Maybe they somehow look at the word a bit different; i do not know.
I guess it is easy to be drawn into nationalism; we must fight the enemy
togther; together we are strong etc. We shall not forget though that
nationalism is one of the main causes for wars and disputes in the world.

Many people call me anti-american; I do not think that is quite fair. I
guess many people do not understand that I actually like america and I am
worried about the future of it. America has been something great, it still
has potential to be. The ignorancy and lost of common sense has though in my
opionion taken it into a road that will lead to destruction.
It is not only USA that I am worried about; same goes for EU. At the moment
the power is getting more and more concentrated. The small countries has
lost all influance. France is trying to get a common defence; it is only so
that EU could be as strong as USA and become a "rival". I do not like this
development at all. I agree that there should maybe be some other super
power also now that Sovjet is gone. USA is about the only really powerfull,
and that is letting it do as it please. I just think it is a bit scary if EU
is to be the factor that prevent USA from beeing the "police of the world".
In the long run this can lead into disputes between EU and USA and some day
we might find ourselves in war.


carolann <carolannh at> kirjoitti
viestissä:40128db2 at
> Just for the sake of fairness I do think Drac is well read and is
> concerned with the future. I think it's a matter of a lack of confidence
> trust in government, most notably ours in the US. It would be naive to say
> there have not been breaches of trust from time to time. But it would also
> be unfair of him to say that we allow our leaders to wantonly run the
> country with no controls in place. Evidence of both have been seen more
> once in the last decades. Nixon comes to mind, and also Clinton. Those
> not such grievous offenses as he claims are happening now, and they were
> stopped dead in their tracks from continuing them. I can't imagine we
> allow a Hitleresque president to remain in power. There are those right
> in these months before the election who will, and can legally, attempt to
> keep the present president from having another term in office, either
> because they think he is not doing well or because they think someone else
> can do it better. That is the way we do things here, if we want change. I
> not sure if he would have us attempt to overthrow the government or what,
> but I kind of like this less stressful (purposeful understatement) way of
> handling things. In other words, have a little faith Drac, Rome was not
> destroyed in a day. (The previous are examples for the sake of this
> discussion, not necessarily my views).
> A side note: the coffee victim who successfully sued was brought up again.
> For the record, doesn't anyone know that because she absentmindedly and
> probably foolishly decided to hold the coffee between the wrong limbs as
> pulled away from the drive-up window she has since needed skin grafts and
> surgery in places that most of us would never dream of needing it? Was the
> coffee hotter than necessary, say hotter than the very hottest bath water
> that it should have caused disfigurement? Obviously. Coffee can spill in
> less careless ways, and should never be a potential danger, like maybe to
> small child. Who was to blame then? Probably both parties, but the lady
> forever be the butt of jokes because people only know "lady spilled coffee
> and sues". The thing is, in the last couple years I have heard countless
> times about stupid restrictive American laws, but no one does any serious
> research on them before bringing them up. (The same can be said of stupid
> lawsuits. Sure, many ridiculous ones are brought, but that doesn't mean
> are all won.) Does anyone seriously believe that people in Saint Louis are
> under pressure to have their sheep out of their bathtub before sundown?
> men really free to beat their wives as long as the stick is no thicker
> their thumb? Should they remove their hats in the presence of women older
> than they are or be fined or jailed? Check it out, most of these "laws"
> ones that were even real) were written 125 to 200 years ago and the wisest
> magistrate in the state or county where they were written never even heard
> of them. They are funny to read though, but it is more hilarious to think
> that people really believe we are expected to observe them or face serious
> consequences. (well, I guess we aren't supposed to have livestock in our
> homes at all, and the consequences would most likely be from them.)

AW not a Product

Jan 27, 2004, 6:12pm
I feel sooo tempted to bash you, but I will not; people will just start
calling me anti-this-and -that-again.

the lady <thelady263414 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:40140b8c at
> This is a battle between good and bad - Good will win.
> The community has always been challenged in one way or another in AW.
> is not a battle between certain named people or companies that show an
> interest in acquring AW. It is a battle between good and bad. It is a
> of faith. It challenges my faith and your faith. We will not lose. We
> a community of vast cultures, differences, but we will remain committed to
> seeing AW stay together. In order to do this, we must become a democracy.
> It has always been community, it will remain community. And we are
> : )))) Already, we have people at AW GZ every night discussing the
> situation. People are in agreement that we are a Community, we are here
> stay!
> Our faith that God will help deliver our community of those forces who try
> to destroy - will not be diminished, nor will it be shaken. : )))) We
> Will Win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jan 28, 2004, 3:56am
Really? If so, that is totally sick.

brock <BrockL at> kirjoitti
viestissä:4017089f$1 at
> Say AWGOSSIP in AWGate
> --
> Brock,
> IceFlare Network
> Founder/Administrator

Whos been messin with the AW page?:)

Mar 13, 2004, 8:19am
I think it is pretty warm in Guantamo atleast; no snow and cold.

"baro" <baronjutter at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:4052a069$1 at
> I hope you enjoy your stay in cuba.
[View Quote]

Pineapple: A Symbol of Hospitality!!

Mar 19, 2004, 1:28pm
I know a pineapple (lat. Ananas comosus), it is just a quite hairy one,only
slightly highpoly *G*

"lady barbara" <barbeisner at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:40582e8e$1 at
> Does anyone know of any models of a pineapple to be used in AW? The
> pineapple, an ancient symbol of hospitality and welcome, could be used on
> top of a railing, bannister, a bedpost, or just about anywhere one would
> like to display the sign of "Welcome"! I would like to be able to resize
> and texturize it in a variety of textures from wood to stone.
> Thanks in advance!
> Lady Barbara of Amberlin
> aka Barbara Eisner

A day is good, a day is better

Mar 19, 2004, 1:01pm
Many who are of no faith ot belief are not
> monogamous,


many who do not follow some kind of faith, are not caring.

Don´t even try to suggest that one needs to religious to be caring, because
that would offend me big time.

I am "this" close to start bashing you and people like you (again).


A day is good, a day is better

Mar 19, 2004, 1:10pm
Are you some kind of a ghetto kid talking to one of your friends? As I have
never studied ghetto, only a bit "standard" english, I am not quite sure
what the message in your, obviously meaningfull, polite and in its own way
politically correct posting was.

"weyoun" <Weyoun at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:405aadf1$1 at
> hey yo fuckin nigga get yo goddam arrogant trashy ass outta da ngs b4 yo
> shot sum nite


Apr 1, 2004, 10:23am
Ok, I have watched it for 7 hours now, when does it end?

"johnf" <johnf at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:4069b7cf at

VRT time should change with daylight savings

Apr 3, 2004, 2:57am
I have learned that anything that involves UK is confusing. It is stones,
dimes, inches, pounds, Fahrenheits and god know what based on someones foot
size, thumb lenght, teoretically freezingpoints random moon positions and
god knows what.

"rossyboy" <rossyboy at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:406da6c9$1 at
> Wow this is confusing.
> But doesn't solve my problem ;_; stupid people-who-invented-time.
[View Quote]

Lara & Raine. Have Passed Away?

Apr 3, 2004, 6:04pm
Ok so now we know Lara is ok which is a great thing. How is it with Raine
aka Vivienne?

"brock" <BrockL at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:406ef5d0$1 at
> False alarm folks, no truth to this, i pulled up the domain record for
> and had Goober King call the phone number listed. Lara is alive
> well...
> --
> Brock,
> IceFlare Network
> Founder/Administrator
[View Quote]

The Blank Generation

Apr 4, 2004, 8:48pm

"princess nerwen" <jennifer755 at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:407072a2 at
> Welcome to a Blank Message, oh wait because there is text and letters, a
> message and some thing here to mention it, I guess this can not be a
> blank message. Welcome to the Blank Generation, a place of blank stares
> into nothingness, odd looks of blank eyes making no referance to life or
> the fact there could be life there. Blank blank blank, just a bland day
> from out in the Real world. Have fun and enjoy your blank times.
> --
> God is my guide, he is my Light
> God is with me day and night
> God keeps me safe and secure
> God will be here that is for sure.
> Bless those who are less fortunate
> Help those who have more be kind
> to those who are not.

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