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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 3:48am
bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e681459 at
[View Quote] I still do not think the fact that one is capable of doing somithing
automatically justify it. I am quite sure I am capable of killing a number
of people randomly in my country, but I do not see how that would make it
> This still plays into the role of strategic defense of intelligence. You
give up
> that piece of evidence that proves it, you give up your undercover
> That's not something you want or the rest of the world should want
considering the
> circustances that arise without the protection of the US. Yes, the US
protects, Yes,
> the US takes "compensation"; but I would rather have the US be doing this
than Russia
> or France... considering their flakey past.

Since Iraque has not attacked any country lately, but it is USA that wants
to attack, and even worse expect people to approve it. I belive it is up to
USA to give some proof or simply shut up.
I guess it will go as always, USA bombs and Europe rebuilds *sigh*

> Hey, hear about Euro-Disney banning fireworks? Seems when the nearby
French units
> heard them they surrendered unconditionally (joke).
> If the US does not go pre-emptive, you're risking possible Hitler-esque
actions by
> Iraq. War is bad, no one is arguing that... what we are arguing is the
saftey of all
> citizens of this planet. Which includes the US, of course we're going to
act in our
> best interest. Are you telling me France and Germany aren't acting in

Pre-emptive IS hitler-esque. Hitler also killed jews BEFORE they could cause
any problem, he invaded Poland just in case etc.
Ok, I will give you an example of pre-emptive:
I have heard of a guy living 270 miles from me, he is known to be violent by
nature. I have also heard rumours that he owns a gun. So, I guess it is ok
for me to go there and kill him, just in case? I also take it wont matter if
I accidentaly kill his wife or child, since I remeber that you in some post
said it is ok to kill if not done on purpose?

I also wonder, they say Iraque has not destroyed some weapons during 10
years. During 10 years Iraqie has not been attacking any countries. How come
they now suddenly ( when u got a new moron ( read president)) has become
such a treat, just like that over one night? How come USA cannot wait for
the inspectors to finish their work? What is the bloody hurry?
Yes, I am aware that USA soliders cannot take the heat, so the attack has to
happen in winter or spring, but why this spring? why not next winter?
> Do Europeans not understand the term pre-emptive? Why do we need to wait
> destruction to come to us first before we attack? Well my good European
> perhaps you didn't see the attacks by terrorists on Septermber 11th, but
we're trying
> to stop the same thing from happening again on a larger, more catastrophic
scale. If
> _that_ isn't good enough for an attack on our soil, I don't know what is.
I'm sorry
> we can't please you.

I remembet September 11th, but I do not remeber Iraque beeing responsible
for it, as a matter of fact I belive those behind it was/are mostly from
Saudi-Arabia. I also remeber Al-quaida beeing behind it not Iraque. I guess
it would be justified to also bomb let's say Canada, because Una-bomber
lived suspiciouly near that country?
What people do not see to realize is that an attack towards Iraque will not
stop terror, but increase it. Do you really think the muslims fundamentalist
are that stupid that they will not see the pr-value in the attack? They will
get a lot of people motivated to join their mission, they can again point
how bad USA is , bombing their area. The attack will cause more terror, not
less. I just hope they will not take out their anger on all people, but will
remeber the adress.
Simly, you cannot blame a nation for what an indipendent organisation has

> --Bowen--

Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 3:52am

I serously think they should build a wall around USA. Then people could live
in their never-never land for themselves.
It do not take any other country to kill the cits of USA, they shoot
eachother in the name of freedoom ( some 14 000 ppl are shot to death
I really hope USA would some day understand that we do not want their shit
here; we have enough of shit of our own.
Keep your violence and rap-music, god damn it !

the joker ss <the_joker_ss at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e681999$1 at
> well , if you bomb every country outside the USA , it might not happen
> ?

Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 3:57pm
Could it be that there is more cars and people in Europe?
I do not know where you found these facts, but I will not argue them,
however, accidents and murders are not quite the same thing.
I do not see how drinking justify shooting anyone?

bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e68b384$1 at
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 4:01pm
I just find it suspisious that as soon as you get a new president, Iraque
turns into a danger over one night.
How come USA did not attack 1 year ago or 2 years ago?
So basically, if you can have waited 2-3 years, a few months more will not
hurt, will it ?

bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e68b315$1 at
> I'm sorry, I don't consider 2-3 years a hurry. The inspectors can't do
anything in a
> desert, Saddam can and probably is just moving his weapons around.
> Ockham's Razor should be applying to this too. Iraq has and destroyed
their weapons,
> but does not have any evidence of doing it and maybe just destroyed that
too and is
> just now allowing inspectors in to prove it? Or, Iraq simply is hiding
and moving
> them around? Please, you're not that stupid; look past your hatred of
Bush for just
> one minute. Clinton attacked Iraq for _exactly_ the same reasons during
the _end_ of
> his presidency. So in those 3 years he just suddenly became the nicest
guy on the
> planet? Please. Europeans are just so blind to things they can't see.
> --Bowen--

Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 4:07pm
What I have been in touch with Iraque refugees, they all want Saddam dead
yes, but they do not want Bush either.
It is like choosing between beeing hanged or electric chair.
Could be different with refugees in USA tho, they might have been
americanized and has also been victims of the media brainwashing there.
By all mean, I do not know the opinion of every refugee here, so I bet some
want war here also. I belive tho that many who wants war belive USA will go
in and take out Saddam and then get the hell out of there, but those not
wanting USA there belivs that USA will remain there occupying Iraque and
deciding what is best for the stupid muslims.

lady murasaki <Katarzis at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e68a35c$1 at
> Something to consider.
> I live in a city that has the largest Arab community in the US. Thousands
> are Iraqi refuges. They fled their country and the terror of the Hussein
> regime. Not "propaganda" from media but first hand talking with people
> have watched family members beaten, tortured, locked up, or murdered
> they didn't agree with Sadam. I have watched them picket city hall
> pleading that the US go to war and remove Saddam Hussein from power.
> Watch your neighbor come to harm and look the other way. ;o(
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 4:13pm
binarybud <leo at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e68cd78$1 at
> Ya know...i wish Saddam was one of YOUR neighbors....
Leo, I will need your adress please :-) Tomorrow I will go to the bookshoop
and buy a map to you. USA is not a neigbour of Saddam. Just thought I need
to inform you this, since you obviously belive he is a treat to his

I have a feeling tho that you will insist on Saddam beeing a treat to USA
anyway, so now I need to ask you again: Does Iraque have a marine and if
not, how are they planning to attack USA, after all it is kind of a long way
to walk, and there will be some swimming also.


Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 4:18pm
And who says it is up to USA to decide?
What if Japan suddenly decide that Mexico is a treat to them and decide they
will bomb it, will USA just sit and watch as they expect the rest of world
to do now? Probably USA would ask for some proofs, right? Japan would say:
yes we have proofs but we will not present them to you. I bet USA would say:
ok, then it is justified to bomb Mexico,,,


binarybud <leo at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e68d31f$1 at
> it should be yes but Saddam is hidding everything from them. so i guess
THEY are not the ones to deside huh?
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 4:19pm
And turn into republicans ( nazist) ?

bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e68b40c$1 at
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 6:48pm
I am ready to do the same bid with you as with Chris about the dancing in
Good old USA is not excatly what USA is refered to in muslims countries *g*
So basically you are saying it is ok for us to kill anyone who is a
potential treat to us ?

binarybud <leo at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e68e67e$1 at
> I reiterate.... ignorance IS bliss. He IS a threat to his
neighbors...and he is also a threat to US interests he';s said so himself.
> Ya know your a good excuse for us to say heck with you people....and let
ya kill yourselves.
> I want you back in here when this is all over with and the iraqi people
are dancing in the streets thanking the good ole USA for getting rid of
Saddam....mark my word and leave it at that you'll never see the light till
the dust haven no forsite.
> Leo :)
[View Quote]

Re: This is nothing but an excuse to give America the shaft up the *#!$@!

Mar 8, 2003, 6:55pm
sheesh, I only said there is probably more cars in Europe than USA.

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e692bc5 at
> What the hell? This arguement isn't against war anymore. It's turned
> anti-american again. Look pal, I don't like rap music either, but shit,
> government isn't perpetrating that. Get your facts straight and _try_ to
> look through a neutral lens when you accuse us common folk of something
> greedy media moguls spread around.

You and your facts, in some other tread I asked for some facts from you, but
did not get any answer.
I am trying to look at it as neurtal as possible; that means I am not
brainwashed by US govermnent, neither the iraqi goverment.
> And you know what? This entire front against taking out Saddam is about
> things. Money, and anti-Americanism. You know why? For the first
> nobody in their right mind would want to keep Saddam in power unless the
> was paying someone off! For the second reason, every time someone
> about the coalition, it's USA this, USA that. NEVER do I hear one word
> about Spain, Britain, or Austalia! For the love of God! I don't like
> attacked! What did we, the general American populace, do to you? You may
> not want to wish us bodily harm, but your bleeding heart anarchist and
> Anti-American nonsense drives me insane.

I guess even you have to admit that USA is planning the attack, not Spain ,
Britain or Australia. Those are just supporting USA in this mission. I doubt
you seriously can belive that if USA would say; lets try for a peacefull
solution, Spain would say: hell no, we will attack alone then ?
I am not anti-american when it comes to the general people of USA, but yes,
when it comes to the goverment and politics I am anti-american. I hope you
understand I dislike USA, not for beeing USA, but for having an ignorant
politic and wanting to act as the police of the world. I also dislike other
goverments for various (similar) reasons, for example Russia for their
actions in Thestchenia, Isreal for their actions in Gaza, Turkey for how the
treat the kurds, Saddam for same reason as Turkey etc.
So my disliking of USA, is not disliking the people, but the goverment; I
really hope you see the difference.
I wish no harm to the populatin of USA, but neither to the people of Iraque;
and as I see it, a war would harm BOTH nations.
One could even say I am , as you say anti-american, because I like the
people of america. I do not want to see any US soliders get killed in a
stupid war, I do not want to see any US people get killed in terror attacks
taken out as a revange for the attack against Iraque. Not sure how I should
explain this to you so you would get it.
You are right that there is many things I dislike in the US society, things
I would not like to see here.
When I was in Florida, I saw houses costing millions, with fancy cars and
yachts infront; on the other side of the street was shacks with some crappy
rusty cars in the yard. All people cleaning, making food and selling
hamburgers was black. I serously do not want that here; people divided into
A and C class people. Unfortunatly we are also going towards the same. Rich
people getting richer and poor people poorer. It is not that I have anything
against rich people, it is just that these poor people who has lost all
their hope and fait, gets totally ignorant. These "misfits" usually develop
alchohol and drug problems, which again result in undirected violance and
crime; you simply do not care if you need to kill someone to get your daily
A life is worth nothing. Btw, the rap-music was a joke, however, if you
listen to the lyrics in those songs you can hear anger and agressivity in
them. I simply would want to be able to take a walk anywhere at any time,
without having to be afraid to get killed for 20 dollars/euros.
> A pox upon your 'stache.
> And grow a brain! I wish people would use some common sense and stop
> looking at this through nationalistic eyes. The last time I checked, if
> no other reason, the mandate of the UN is to stamp out evil wherever it
> exists in the interests of securing peace. All I see are Europeans
> peace at any cost. That isn't peace at all! It's a god-damn politburo.

You oviusly have no medical education, afraid I need to tell you that we
cannot grow brains, we are stuck with what we got.
You are accusing me of beeing nationalistic when I want peace in world.
Actually funny that you of all people do that, since you are one of those
people shouting the loudest in this NG how great USA is and how justified a
war is. Take a look in the mirror Chris :)
Yes, the point is, that it is up to UN not USA to decide if Iraque is a
treat and what actions are to be taken.
I honestly think that if peace is an option, it should be choosen. I really
wonder what monsters rather choose war, if there is a choise.
> If this keeps up I'm moving to Australia or Britain just because I'm
> that you Europeans will invade! And for no good reason other than "We
> you". But at least I could take comfort in _that_ hypocracy.

Well, you are free to move wherever you want Chris, maybe try Iraque for a
while? Maybe live as a civialian near a possible target for the planned
I do not hate anyone, I dislike some politics views and actions tho. You do
not have to move to take part in a hypocracy, as a matter of fact I think
you are doing it already quite well in the justifying of an attack ;-)

> Chris

Love and peace, Drac
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 8, 2003, 7:00pm
I think the problem is more like keeping the americans inside.*g* A trick
question for you: Where are US troops located ?


sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e692805$1 at
> That wall would suit me just fine. But people won't stay out!
> Chris
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 8, 2003, 7:04pm
Wait wait! So it is a revench for what happend September 11th; not about the
claimed massdestruction weapons?
So Iraque is responsible for some Saudi-arabian terrorists, living in
Afganistan flying planes into a skyscraper in USA?
I wonder if I could blame my aunt who has no car or driverslicense, for the
scratching of my car that happened in a parking place in another city,,, I
guess i could yes,,IF I was a republican *G*

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e692c0d$1 at
> Iraq was never a threat until after September 11, which happened SIX
> after Bush took office. Go back and read your newspapers.
> Chris
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 8, 2003, 7:08pm
sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e692c7f$1 at
> btw... Iraq was also an interest before Bush took office. Oh, right. I
> forgot. Your media looked the other way and didn't even bother to report
> President Clinton's bombings in that country.

Yes we remember that, that was also a war that left the kurds on their own
for Saddam to kill; after USA had promised support for them. Maybe we
learned something from that war and do not want it again just because of it.
> I don't get it. You're fine with a lieing lady's man and not a Cowboy who
> wouldn't even think of seducing an intern. Crazy. :P

What can I say. I would prefer Bush fucking everyone in the whitehouse
instead of the entire world.
I do not see what is so bad with 2 adults having sex; bad is the media
circus afterwards and a million dollar investigation.
Maybe someone should get Bush a Monica also, maybe he would forget his
agressions for a while then ?
> Chris

[View Quote]

Re: This is nothing but an excuse to give America the shaft up the *#!$@!

Mar 9, 2003, 4:00am
Well, I have about 30 cars, but I am only capable of driving one at time.
The population in Europen Union countries are 377 591 700 and in Europe in
total 798 651 700; in USA 287 524 300, the entire american continent of
course much more.

bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6aa222 at
[View Quote]

Re: This is nothing but [a happy-fun word-making adventure!] of doom (long but hopefully amusing)

Mar 9, 2003, 4:14am
sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6adaad$1 at
> Just what we need to hear! There is no good or evil! That is the
> fundamental difference between a psycho-murderer and a police officer in
> general sense. But people always gotta ignore that. *sigh*

There might be good and evil, the problem just is knowing which is
which.What about if the things we belive is good is actually evil and vice
verse? What is evil or good for me might not be it for another person. I
would not want to be the person who would need to make a definitive choose;
I have opionons, yes, but they might be wrong.


Re: This is nothing but an excuse to give America the shaft up the *#!$@!

Mar 9, 2003, 4:51pm
Well you like facts *lol*
Bowen said more poeple die in car accidents in Europe, which is quite
obvious since there is so much more population.

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6ade42$1 at
> Why does it matter? :)
> Chris
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 4:53pm
Yes you are right. I guess I should have said , build a wall to keep the US
troops inside.

ananas <vha at> kirjoitti viestissä:3E6A5E38.ACB3EEFC at
> Oh, come on - this is not really fair.
> Just because those war-crazy idiots like [short namelist removed]
> have a bigger mouth than those many others who think that war is
> wrong, this should not cover all of America. I posted several links
> here already that show how many people in _all_ countries - including
> UK and USA - are against war.
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 4:59pm
I have seen not even one proof that Saddam is supporting Al-Quaida, have
And if we assume Saddam has supported terrorism, and we know USA has
supported Saddam; should we draw the conclusion that USA has supported
And if this was is about a revange ( as you actually said) , how come USA
did not attack directly after the attack, why wait this long, and if one has
waited this long, what is the harm of waiting a bit longer ?
And why is Bush lying that the war is about helping the the iraqi people
achive freedoom, when it is obviously it is a revench attack? I would not
hate Bush so much if he would be honest, tell it like it it and not lying
about the reasons for war.

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6ae01a$1 at
> Idiot.
> Here's what happened. September 11 happened. Bush declares war on
> terrorism, NOT Al Qaeda, which was responsible for the attacks. That
> all terrorists and their allies or would-be allies. That includes Saddam.
> And that's the reasoning. It's not finishing up daddy's business. That's
> stupid reason. I can't believe you don't know this. Or maybe I can.
> other reply you've given (well almost, that one up there about moral
> relativism was pretty good, kudos) is way beyond even the european
> definition of "liberal".
> SW Chris
[View Quote]

Re: American Support (incredibly long post)

Mar 9, 2003, 5:04pm
I guess i need to inform you that my political views are not left-wing, as a
matter of fact I have never voted left-wing in elections, but right-wing so
far. An anarchist maybe, but more like a rebel against imperialism. I have
never been a communist, nor will I become. I do not see why the fact that I
dislike wars and imperialism, ignorant goverments would make me left-wing; a
nut maybe, but i am rather a nut than a goverment puppeteer :-)

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6ae3c8$1 at
> Well, look at who's tossing the arguements. Draco over here is a
> self-proclaimed left-wing nut and I have strong suspicions that he's also
> anarchist/socialist/communist/take-your-pick. Then you have joker, who is
> only a kid and doesn't really know what he's saying. But then you got
> smart people. Ananas, for example. I don't really agree with him most of
> the time but at least he's thought this thing through. And Justin...
> he seems to think things through but he's only started piping up on this
> issue. So I won't place him in any category just yet. :P Justin has
> always shown reason in past situations though.
> On on the other side... (these are blatantly biased)
> Me. I think things through and back them up with facts. I can dismiss
> frivoulous arguments and at the same time provide my own special blend of
> candor. Bowen also thinks things through and backs things up with facts,
> and follows frivolous arguments around to no end, often leading count
> dracula around in circles, although who's leading who sometimes gets
> confusing. Carolann, with her own brand of dry wit provides points that
> succinct and to the point. She thinks things through and is always right.
> ;)
> There are other people, but there's so many threads now that I can't read
> them all! :P
> Chris
> SW Chris
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 5:07pm
Again I have to ask, how many iraqi troops are on the soil of USA ready to
attack or already attacking ?

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6ae499 at
> Only if it's on a "kill or be killed" basis. A lot of people believe this
> is the case with the United States. Basic law of survival.
> Chris
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 5:08pm
So basically any country could bomb another country, if they do it in the
name of national secutity; just like Hitler did with Poland?

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6ae614$1 at
> It's been up to us to decide since it's in conflict of our national
> security.
> SW Chris
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 5:13pm
Now you are confusing me. I have never said I know what the think, I only
said I know what those ppl think who I have been talking with. The US
goverment seems to know what the iraqi people want, how come you do not
question that ?

I have never justified the crash of Columbia, I just said it was an accident
that happened and a few people died, and in my opinion it got too much
attention. I also said that NASA had been warned that their shuttle was not
totally safe anymore, but some cracks had been found in it, yet they choose
to fly. You can look that up on the homepage of NASA.

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6ae694$1 at
> How do you know what they think? That is the weakest excuse ever. Well
> almost. Your excuse about justifying the destruction of the Columbia is
> still number one.
> Chris
[View Quote]

Re: American Support (incredibly long post)

Mar 9, 2003, 6:40pm
Yeah, what a great options he gave me to pick from.
I also made my pick, anarchist and nuts.
Now my picks for him: nazi, brainwashed goverment puppeteer, trigger happy,
ignorant, paranoid or simply stupid.. make the pick, as I also did.

carolann <carolannh at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6b927e$1 at
> Well he said take your pick. I think the guy has made some very astute
> observations there ;-)
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 6:42pm
Oh yes true, every president must have the right to attack Saddam atleast
once *g*

bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6ba362 at
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 10, 2003, 1:31am
Yes we should learn from the past , you are right:) ...Vietnam, Korea....

bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6bfcfd at
[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 10, 2003, 2:19pm
bowen <thisguyrules at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6c0933$1 at
[View Quote] Drac

Re: This is nothing but an excuse to give America the shaft up the *#!$@!

Mar 11, 2003, 5:04am
I have facts and proofs, but cannot give them because of national security

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6d6719$1 at
> It's off topic. I want facts about the topic. And you never provide any!
> It still seems that you refuse to accept what all great philosophers will
> tell you. That opinion without fact is a useless opinion.
> Chris
[View Quote]

Re: UK!?!?!? Re: This is nothing but an excuse to give America the shaft up the *#!$@!

Mar 11, 2003, 5:05am
A sniper ?

sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6d66d5$1 at
> How do you kill Saddam if you don't go to war?
> Chris
[View Quote]

Re : American Support

Mar 11, 2003, 5:19am
Chris: "Iraq was never a threat until after September 11, which happened SIX
MONTHS after Bush took office"
If this do not mean you are blaming Iraque for what happened Septemper 11th,
then I do not know what would.

I want you to wait until UN says it is ok, if you do not wait YOU (USA) is
breaking the international laws. Not sure what is so hard to understand in
that ?
Funny thing is also that USA is planning to use chemical weapons in the
attack; the same weapons that are supposed to be a reason for an attack.
Contravercial I would say.
USA has asked several European countries (Finland ) including to kick out
some iraqi diplomats, the reason they said was that they are spys; funny
comming from a country which reads other peoples e-mails and listen to
phones of the memebers of UN ( security council).

You say peace at any price is nuts; maybe so, but war at any price is worse
in my opinion.

What I would like to hear ? I would like to hear the truth from Bush, not
mumble jumlbe about going in to resque the iraqi ppl.
All reasons I have heard so far has sounded like cover ups. Blix has not
found anything that would be a reason for a war.
USA claims Iraque has illegal weapons, how come nobody finds them? Cannot
USA simply show on a map where to look then? One would not belive that would
give away any strategies.
Somehow it seems to me, that if USA has some proofs and refuse to give them,
is simply because they would get busted also, a bit like a burgler beeing
witness to a murder. If he goes to the police he will get busted also.


sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6d669c$1 at
> -----------------
> And if this was is about a revange ( as you actually said) , how come USA
> did not attack directly after the attack, why wait this long, and if one
> waited this long, what is the harm of waiting a bit longer ?
> -----------------
> How long do you want us to wait?
> No no no! Count! You disappoint me! >_< You refute against my so
> "claim" that this war is about revenge. If Bush has waited this long,
> it's not about revenge. That's your unfinished though. And then you say
> the next paragraph that it is about revenge?
> Honest? More like telling you what you want to hear.
> Chris
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Re: American Support (incredibly long post)

Mar 11, 2003, 5:44am
sw chris <chrisw10 at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3e6d64b3 at
> All of my arguements are factually based. Yours are not. Guess who would
> win in a debate?
Well, as I see it , the problems is the lack of proofs. Maybe you can
present something that US goverment cannot ?
I seriously doubt us debating will change anything. What I would like to see
is a debate between Saddam and George, but one of them is too chicken for
> 1. I'm not racist. So I can't be a Nazi. References available upon
> request.
I guess you will be happy to know that there is a Nazistic group in Sweden
that is against racism. To me a nazi is more a person who tries to inforce
his "right" on other people. We are attacking your coutry for your own best
( like Poland)

> 2. I personally think Bush should ease off of Iraq and concentrate on
> In light of recent news, a nuclear Iran could sweep in and usurp a
> militarily weakened Iraq. But since policy can't be changed that quickly,
> and Saddam is still a credible threat (i.e. Better safe than sorry), I
> support military action. I do not support my government's actions or
> motives 100%. You want an example? I just gave you one.

Well, I am glad there is atleast a little bit critizism in you :) Maybe you
some day will stop and wonder if all they say on CNN is true or not also.

> 3. Saddam's had 12 years. I'm not trigger happy. I'm sick of the UN's
> endless resolutions and sympathetic to a country's exiles who are crying
> and asking for someone to do something about Saddam. This whole situation
> reminds me of Rwanda, which also asked for help, but the UN did nothing.

Yes Rwanda was a disaster. I also agree UN should have more guts. But the
situation in Iraque is not similar to Rwanda. I just think Blix should be
allowed to finish his work. IF he finds something, then we are infront of a
new situation. You say Saddam has been there for 12 years, so I do not see
what one or two more months would change so dramatically.

> 4. Ignorant? Perhaps it is you that is that. I can back up my arguments
> with facts. Can you?

Maybe I am yes, I have never said I am not. Not sure what facts you would
like to have? USA (you) are claiming they have this and that, I say they
have not found this and that,, not quite sure how either of us could back
that up without going there, and even if we did, we might not be any wiser.

> 5. Paranoid? Better safe than sorry. If you call that paranoid, then I
> say to you that you need a finer command of the English language. :) I'm
> prudent.

I think paranoid is a quite good word for seeing the boogieman allover :-)

> 6. Stupid? Again, my arguements are factually based.

I have nothing against stupid people and want not any disrespect towards
them. It is just a feature like talented, artistic or nearsighted. I might
be stupid for not beliving in everything goverments say, then again you
might be because you belive their propaganda. I guess if we continue this
discussion in 5 years we will know who was more stupid.
> Chris

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