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syli // User Search
syli // User SearchNew and Improved AV's for standard use?Jul 1, 2001, 10:58am
How about a more comprehensive selection of standard AV's? These have been
around the block a few times. Would be nice to see something new added on occassion. I know there is/was an Avatar Convention or something, but nothing new added to the AW collection as a result, that I know of. AW could do a new "AV of the Month Club" - take votes and add the winner. Or, maybe a Mr. & Ms. AV Universe Pageant; crown the winner and let them reign a year on the list....Heh, forget that last one.....time to back away from the keyboard. :) ~Syli~ New and Improved AV's for standard use?Jul 2, 2001, 10:51pm
I spose i could have, but that's what i meant by "standard" issue. So, many
of the private worlds have some great ones. Heh, go see "Morning Glory" in AV's World.....too many good ones to mention....seems a shame all that creativity isn't being used for the greater good. -- ~Syli~ [View Quote] General discussionJun 26, 2001, 12:50am
Total time onlineJul 2, 2001, 10:45pm
31d 15h 46m 56 s out of a possible 1095 hours in 3 yrs. lol So, I'm
here only an average of 3% of the time....gee, I don't feel so guilty now! ~Syli~ [View Quote] Total time onlineJul 3, 2001, 10:48pm
Why is December 1st the begin date ? No way have I been on 31 days in the
last 6 December 1999 - maybe. Are you sure? and what is the purpose of calling it the "Total Time Online" if the lifetimer begins to run midstream? -- ~Syli~ [View Quote] Total time onlineJul 4, 2001, 1:01pm
Yes I have a brain - that's why I posted my newbie question in the idiot
section - Drive thru! lol -- ~Syli~ [View Quote] Disabling HTML in Outlook Express 5/6Jul 14, 2001, 11:29am
Interesting....... a few posts up you ask the question why can't I.....and
when dabartender takes the time to spell it out point for point you are still not happy. I gathered quite a bit more from his post then simply "I disagree". He tried to convey the more global aspects of Usenet and how posting in HTML can be rather selfish and not merely a cosmetic choice. I don't understand what ppl don't get about this. Try to expand your vision a little past your nose and look at it more globally. -- ~Syli~ <snip> Disabling HTML in Outlook Express 5/6Jul 14, 2001, 12:06pm
Did you have a lobotomy? I just can't even fathom where you are coming from
and by your last comment I not only can see that you have no concept of how to play nice in a large group which was the point, but you are using a double standard. Didn't you ask for the same consideration with your porn concerns? ~Syli~ [View Quote] Disabling HTML in Outlook Express 5/6Jul 14, 2001, 7:43pm
Disabling HTML in Outlook Express 5/6Jul 14, 2001, 7:45pm
Yes, are asking for courtesy and responsibility - same as is being
asked here. -- ~Syli~ [View Quote] Disabling HTML in Outlook Express 5/6Jul 14, 2001, 11:10pm
Yes, i goofed - but i CAN admit it. Check back - and you will see you did
the same on several posts. -- ~Syli~ [View Quote] Me, the Navy, and career stuffDec 9, 2001, 11:42pm
read meJan 8, 2002, 11:58pm
According to Tom, in a reply email circulating among world owners, if aw
goes down the worst case scenario would be hosting of universes and worlds on someones PII in their comforting. I sent a suggestion we try a referral program like earthlink and other real companies do......if everyone referred 1-2, the userbase might triple. -- ~Syli~ [View Quote] Let me Break the MonotonyMay 12, 2001, 6:16pm
wow.....i've been waiting for an opportunity not to look like an idjit on my
first ng post...i guess this is as good a time as Question: why dont all the postings show up on my download? - im not talking about those that are filtered or taken out as there are too many. -- ~Syli Let me Break the MonotonyMay 12, 2001, 6:16pm
wow.....i've been waiting for an opportunity not to look like an idjit on my
first ng post...i guess this is as good a time as Question: why dont all the postings show up on my download? - im not talking about those that are filtered or taken out as there are too many. -- ~Syli OC NewsletterMay 16, 2001, 10:54pm
I hope you didn't truly mean newbies in general, but what SOME of them (and
I could include "oldies" as well) do with the newsgroup. I am a new poster in the ng but have read it for a couple of years. The elitest attitude that comes across at times is just as annoying as some of the misbehaviors being pointed out. Just an observation......o00o--°(_)°--o00o. -- ~Syli~ [View Quote] Smoke Signals to Jetta, Gina, Eric and anyone else interested in AmericaJun 3, 2001, 1:21pm
Dear Jetta, Gina, Eric, Anyone with Interest in America:
I'm sure you have all seen the movie Dances With Wolves. For awhile now I, and a few others, have been been able to closely relate to that soldier left at his American post believing in the beginning that his loyalty and effort to America was for a good reason only to realize that apparently we have been abandoned by the powers that be. I should also say that my loyalty and effort, although great qualities, truly spring out of my own selfish desire to have fun with my friends and enjoy myself. Because of that I have always been a diehard protector of America refusing to spend much time anywhere else. In the last several months it has been increasingly more difficult, not only to perform our roles as CA's and AB's, but also to be just an ordinary citizen or tourist visiting America. At least 3 times in the last 3 months the object path has been down for a length of time not customarily viewed as reasonable, but for days and weeks at a time. The first time this happened was just after the birth of Juno dome and America profited from the overflo of those folks. The house was packed nearly all the time with people having serious fun. We lost a lot of new people during the first down time episode which lasted nearly 2 and a half weeks. But there were still the regulars...Then it happened approx a month ago..Each time losing more and more. And not only do we lose any potential new person on contact, but all the regular supporters of America have dwindled to nothing out of frustration. America has been declared dead in the newsgroups. That really pissed me off and I decided to make it a project to build up the population as best I could. I spent nearly all of my time doing damage control for America trying to put a positive spin on all the "why can't I load?" "Where has everyone gone?" type questions, remaining eternally hopeful that this is just an obstacle we can get past and get on with the business of having fun. Now I see the OP is down AGAIN and I realize I am simply a Welcome Wagon Lady for Triangle World...AGAIN. There is no point in fighting this any longer. Jetta, Gina and Eric - wherever you are - I am here to tell you America is a dust bowl. I believe I am the last hold out who has not taken on interests in other worlds. There is no one manning the post, save for an occasional pit stop here and there by some concerned CA or AB willing to eat, breathe and fart triangles. I don't know what your intention is for America..if its nothing.. than I would like to sincerely thank you for several years of some of the best fun I've ever had and I appreciate the time you have given America to us. If you do plan on doing something about Wild America that includes more consistent communication between the ownership and the people being asked to help provide support know how to reach me. For now, Im going up the road to find a new reservation to dance on and I'm taking my coffee rations with me. -- ~Syli~ Smoke Signals to Jetta, Gina, Eric and anyone else interested in AmericaJun 4, 2001, 6:48am
I suppose you would have needed to be involved in America to know whether it
was a truly good analogy or not....but then i didn't expect to would make it past you professional flamers entirely, now did I. I'm not a complete of me are still missing. :) ~Syli~ [View Quote] Smoke Signals to Jetta, Gina, Eric and anyone else interested in AmericaJun 4, 2001, 6:50am
Time for you newbies to do some homeworkJun 4, 2001, 10:32pm
Looks like you got #6 down (share your knowledge). But you might want to revisit #1 (remember the human), #10 (forgive other's mistakes) and # 7 (attempt to control flame wars). Some of us newbies who don't know a thing noticed that quite a few of the ..ummm other ppl don't seem to know a thing either : ) heh...I really am not looking to get into it with anyone and this isn't directed at you specifically jeiden, but frankly im confused what this newsgroup REALLY is. Is it the Do As I Say Not As I do Hypocrites group? Cuz quite often I notice the very ppl pointing fingers and offering instruction need to maybe back away from the mouse and look in the mirror more often than their screen once in awhile. Is it the "Audition to Replace Ann Robinson on The Weakest Link" group?? cuz you guys are Gooood!!! ya got the insult thing down to a science!! or maybe its the "Let's Bash Each Other To a Pulp cuz That's Entertainment Folks" group? Yea...thats gotta be the one. Either that or the " Bow to me Oh Newbie" group....its a toss up. It's not a NEWSgroup....I have learned that much. Don't give me charters or netiquette unless you can show me you drive it for a different reason then some ppl drive Lamborghini's. I do keep coming here for theonce in a blue moon good piece of worthwhile information and the occasional good humor. I'd like to see more of that and a bit less of whatever it is you guys do in here. ~Syli~ [View Quote] Time for you newbies to do some homeworkJun 5, 2001, 9:04am
Everything you said makes sense...thanks....i was reacting more to the
generalization and belittling of all newbies when it didn't appear to me the established clientele in here was being anymore productive. Maybe my timing is off, but of late all its looked like in here is one huge food ~Syli [View Quote] Time for you newbies to do some homeworkJun 6, 2001, 9:16am
Time for you newbies to do some homeworkJun 6, 2001, 3:45pm
Chuck.....irony is, i believe i have followed the charter , but seems i
still pick up a lump of generalized pre-packaged fragrance enhanced doo doo that isnt supported by the posts placed here from various members of the group new and old. I dont mind charter waving flamers so long as they are following the charter....does earning respect mean that then i can say and do whatever i want in here while waving the charter around under everyone else's nose? If so........Puleez disrespect -- ~Syli [View Quote] MilkJun 5, 2001, 8:51am
I don't play around with my milk.....Milk on the rocks with a twist of
hershey's!....but u gotta drink it quick or the ice melts and messes up the blend. ~Syli~ [View Quote] [Fwd: Re: Off Topic stuff]Jun 6, 2001, 3:23pm
I followed the with me here.....1st paragraph states it is not
the intent to or purpose of this ng to disregard the rights and feelings of others so to avoid problems from start.......goes on to explain the set up so all understand (Seems they want us to regard the rights and feelings of each other as much as they want us to stay on topic) Also goes on to say it is for free exchange of info & opinions on awculture, language, history, economics, science and OTHER topics related to AW.....Posts appropriate BUT not restricted to....ALL aspects of AW, etc. Also says it is for anyone who is interested in AW AND who can follow usenet netiquette...on and on...... Maybe we have a problem with the charter itself is very broad in places. Seems we are getting as many interpretions as there are ppl reading it. To quote myself earlier: "frankly im confused what this newsgroup REALLY is. Is it the Do As I Say Not As I do Hypocrites group? Cuz quite often I notice the very ppl pointing fingers and offering instruction need to maybe back away from the mouse and look in the mirror more often than their screen once in awhile. Is it the "Audition to Replace Ann Robinson on The Weakest Link" group?? cuz you guys are Gooood!!! ya got the insult thing down to a science!! or maybe its the "Let's Bash Each Other To a Pulp cuz That's Entertainment Folks" group? Yea...thats gotta be the one. Either that or the " Bow to me Oh Newbie" group....its a toss up. It's not a NEWSgroup....I have learned that much. Don't give me charters or netiquette unless you can show me you drive it for a different reason then some ppl drive Lamborghini's. ~Syli~ Yes you did and you are right....I don't get it [View Quote] [Fwd: Re: Off Topic stuff]Jun 6, 2001, 9:03pm
Well, it sounds good - on paper at least- and as a group effort it would
have to be time better spent than we do now even if it isn't implemented. Hey, we might learn something in the process. It does seem though an impossible task to get "everyone" to agree. Is "everyone" all those who respond within a certain length of time to editing and final vote? Majority rules? Those who have posted in the ng for a certain length of time? Only newbies can vote???.(hehehe..kidding..don't want to give anyone a coronary). You might even need ground rules just to participate in the process....such as healthy debate is great - no personal attacking!.....if we survive the process and get a finished! ~Syli~ [View Quote] A simple solution??Jun 6, 2001, 6:34pm
Seems to me that should make the vast majority of ppl happy. But because of
the broad way in which the charter is written and therefore interpreted, you may still get a percentage of "off-topic" posts. Give me ambiguity, or give me something ~Syli~ [View Quote] A simple solution??Jun 6, 2001, 6:47pm
eep.....what is your interpretation of the charter and idea of what's on
topic? You obviously are more interested in topics of a technical nature because of your background and experience. Not everyone in the community has had the same set of experiences and background. The charter lists many other categories of appropriate posts, some of which I would say leave a lot open to fluff and stuff. Maybe not your idea of what you would like to see but still on topic - IMHO -- ~Syli [View Quote] A simple solution??Jun 6, 2001, 7:06pm
I can see that in a few cases agent1, but I asked eep because i have seen
him become disturbed at posts that by my intepretation would be on topic. I think this is the problem.....interpretation. -- ~Syli [View Quote] A simple solution??Jun 6, 2001, 8:10pm
Ok, thanks for your explanation and not to beat a dead horse but phrases
such as "posts appropriate...include, but are not restricted to all aspects of more what I was getting at. Your point is well taken..... and much more easily I might add when I don't have to reach for the fire extinguisher(s) at the same time. ~Syli~ [View Quote] |