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kellee // User Search
kellee // User SearchAWHSJul 15, 2001, 8:03pm
Yes Marcus, the entire GZ area has been preserved in its entirety and in its
original vandalised eyesore state in a world of its own. The GZ restoration project was not completely about restoring historic buildings intact but about making it a pleasant environment for newbies to explore without being assailed by garbage like "i was here" or " visit my place" A compromise needed to be reached between asthetics and history and with GZ preserved as it was, the AWHS came close to finding a solution. But the AWHS was not just about GZ restoration. It had many many builds that where bought to ppls attention that otherwise may have been forgotten, as with the very history of aw itself. It needs to be a continuing effort by some one that shows respect for the future as well as the past. [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 8:31pm
mmmmm i dont think u get to aw are you?
what ARE you talking about when you mention "controls?" ANYONE can place an object on uncovered ground. The point to the restoration project was to delete the garbage and cover the ground so that the vandalism can not reoccur. And yes.... there are teleport sites for the ppl that want to place objects for the purpose of advertising, That is not the point i was trying to make. Originally the AWHS was a team of volunteers, try reading about it. [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 9:07pm
You have missed the point entirely
I repeat *it is better to be quiet and let ppl think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt* [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 9:35pm
Did you take the time to read about the AWHS? why not? The reason I am
miffed is because you posted without taking the time to find out what the AWHS is or what the GZ project was all about or even reading my post properly. so...again I will explain My post was not about putting up teleports to replace the ones removed from GZ to benefit the vandals that have placed them there. If it was that simple then it would be easy. GZ environs is already covered with litter and garbage from years of vandals and it needs to be covered to prevent more being placed there. The signs and pictures also need to be reported for removal. The AWHS is about restoring the buildings and removing the garbage, not only at GZ but all over aw. It is also about bringing attention to the history in aw and the wonderful builders that did beautiful builds with a very limited object path. Finding some one to organise and maintain AWHS and the volunteers in it, is not about building some teleports, although that has ALREADY been done, as I have previously pointed out. As I have also pointed out previously, it is not wholly about restoring historic buildings but about bringing an aesthetic appeal to a chaotic mess without losing the history of aw gz. And the GZ restoration project was only one aspect of what the AWHS did. Somebody that can whack up some teleports wont fill the bill ----- Original Message ----- From: "m a r c u s" <i_have_a_site at> [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 9:42pm
yah nornny :o)) I heard some one else was in charge, he's not? woohoo
there is hope yet:o)) Nornny, why can't you? Why can't some one? I'm sure Mauz, Tyrell and any of the other ppl would help out as advisors , even if they can't do the leg work Your right, it would be a huge shame, SOMEONE is needed [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 9:45pm
AWHSJul 15, 2001, 10:47pm
GZ environs... meaning the area immediately surrounding GZ, not exempting the area covered by the "no building within" limit, but the WHOLE area out to 50x50x50x50 i have already said - whats all this about control????????????? ANYONE can build an object if the ground is not covered and it is outside the no build radius. Hundreds of ppl have and it needs to be reported for removal, no one needs to be given permission to build an object? thats is why the call it vandalism? Marcus, i seem to recall you having informed before that there is a process to abide by if you want objects removed. Its called reporting it to the GET. The AWHS is about restoring the buildings and removing the garbage, not only at GZ but all over aw read that again ***ALL over aw***. It is NOT about building teleport yards for vandals that want to build garbage near GZ, repeat, it is about having the garbage removed and restoration. *gives up* [View Quote] AWHSJul 16, 2001, 2:32am
Tyrell, you have my vote, can i stuff the ballot boxes??
votes once, twice.....keeps voting [View Quote] couldnt agree more!!!! lets clean up the horse shit before the smells turns off new customers AWHS - Let's get it together.Jul 18, 2001, 1:19am
Tyrell has already stated his interest in being the head of a New Improved
AWHS... personally i would support his nomination and help out to the best of my ability :o)) how about a meeting in AWCC at a date and coords to be posted? [View Quote] Article by Brant (long post)Jul 18, 2001, 10:19pm
I don't agree with EITHER Goober King or Brant strictly, although aspects of
both have quality. I would like to comment though, that while he states....", for which Goober King and the citizens who support his letter clamour ceaselessly. If everyone would work to make the community better instead of petitioning Activeworlds for what it is already attempting to do, then perhaps the Universe would be a better place." I feel that Goober King does a LOT for the AWCommunity and didn't deserve that little dig. Another thing.... because AWld crew where mostly visible to us through the more unique browser we have in AW, then we feel a right to criticise their business / management skills. mmmm Gee that is REALLY going to get us far. We are mostly Windows users. Most of us complain about Microsoft. Would Microsoft listen to us if we complained that copy / paste was not supported in most error messages? LOL.... if you got an answer laughing in your face you would be one of the lucky ones I like Eeps suggestion of advertising, perhaps this needs to be suggested directly? Instead of telling them what they are doing wrong, can't we tell them what they are doing right and suggest more ideas? Cant condemn AWld if they don't read these NGs I wouldn't either if I copped the abuse that ppl dish out to them. I would also stop the community support I had been offering if I got my head bitten off everytime I tried too. Article by Brant (long post)Jul 19, 2001, 10:11pm
mmm just a suggestion.... but can we make HTML posts against charter? That
may slow down the flame attacks on the html posters because it would be a simple matter of "Hey, thats against the charter" and we wouldnt get the dweebs that argue " i can if i want!" It's pretty obvious that the greater majority does not like HTML..... Factor, you held a vote to see if we wanted Eep removed and the majority voted. How about a vote on a change in the Charter to disallow HTML? [View Quote] Article by Brant (long post)Jul 20, 2001, 10:50pm
proof of what i say..... some ppl just have to argue against the PERSON and
not the topic. Chuck your personal problems are your own, not mine, and they dont belong in the newsgroups regardless of who i happen to know in real life. [View Quote] Are we rewriting or not??Jul 20, 2001, 10:36pm
Your darn right Nornny, has everyone noticed how just a few ppl always take
every thread and turn it into a flame war because of their need to argue against certain ppl and not the topic? if they dont happen to like a person then they must dispute what ever the person says, regardless of whether it makes them look like an idiot for arguing against something that is reasonable It dosent matter what a person may post, light hearted or serious, flame or complimentary, these few ppl have to ruin the thread. It is THESE ppl that ruin the newsgroups by disputing ppls rights to have an opinion, not Eep and his "forthright" comments that are usually true, although not acceptable for the ppl who think that name calling is going to hurt their widdle eyes. [View Quote] I think there should be something that stops those sly and chicken people who cause a ruckus subtly and within the rules first "citizen union" objective: telegram muting!Aug 7, 2001, 8:51pm
[View Quote]
> Top 10 Annoying Telegrams
> from people that I've never even heard of > > 1. hi / hello / hey > (I just know this could be the start of a beautiful relationship...) > > 2. hello? Are you there??? Why are you ignoring my telegrams? > What did I ever do to you... etc etc > > 3. Can I ask you a question? > (You just did, pal.) > > 4. can I join you ? > (Like #3: why not just state your business in the first tele?) > > 5. I'm cleaning up my contact list, reply if you like to stay on > > 6. WHO ARE YOU??? / Why are you on my contacts? > > 7. Hey will u build in my town? / can i build in ur world??????? > > 8. i am a hacker could you please send me your hacked aw browser > > 9. Happy Thanksgiving / Happy Mothers Day / > whatever that doesn't really concern me > > 10. Anything with "Please pass this on". > > -- > Mauz > > More Annoying Telegrams from people that I've never even heard of 11. I cant find anywhere in aw to build. 12. Hi, Do you remember me? I've changed my name. 13. Can you come to my world and see if this avatar loads for you? 14. Come see my build. 15. I want to talk to you......can you be online at 6pm my time? 16. Whats a good water/sand/rock texture? 17. Ive lost my teleport list, do you know where my house is? 18. Theres a meeting tonight at 10pm vrt. Important that you attend ( and i just logged on and its 11 pm) 19.WHY CAN'T I BUILD!!!!!! 20.I just copied your house with a bot and now the warp into the swimming pool always teleports me to your place. Why are you doing this to me? first "citizen union" objective: telegram muting!Aug 7, 2001, 9:33pm
> 27. "Can I have your citïzenship?"
28. Thanks for your email. Can i be a teacher now? I know everything about the awbrowser and i am a good teacher. BTW whats VRT ? 29. My BF just dumped me and i am going to kill myself 30. We made up...... come to the wedding and pass this on! [CU] Response to Citizens Union ProposalAug 8, 2001, 8:07pm
Gawd Lara, you know how to express it....all thats left to say is....
Sounds good to me :o) [View Quote] [CU] Response to Citizens Union ProposalAug 10, 2001, 6:24pm
I've not said a word about Custom Avatars because i personally ( prepares
for the flames) think they are a waste of bandwidth. One things that would errode some of the problems that have been talked about here would be to have "SEMI" custom avatars. Instead of ppl uploading their own seqs , textures etc .... why cant there be a section of the browser for you to build one from pre loaded ones? For instance.... brown female long hair? short male blonde hair? male bearded face? female face with glasses? red long dress? green short dress? The choices could be limited or extensive check the choices and build a avatar :o) just a thought [View Quote] Kids will be kids!Aug 14, 2001, 7:46pm
Don't you need caretaker to see what rights some one is wearing? mmm? which
would imply that the information was gained in a world where the person has caretaker rights. [View Quote] log chat to fileAug 18, 2001, 10:45pm
Just a warning ppl. When chatting with friends and confidantes be aware that
if they log their chat text it could come back to haunt you if ever that person is hacked. You know that you have the latest in virus detection but does the person that you have just shared your password with? The person that you have shared an "intimate chat" with? The person that you just told about how upset you where about your dog dying? The person that you just trusted with your phone number? PKs can do very little about hackers and trojens or about your chat logs being published on other sites [NG Survivor] The Final Challenge...Aug 26, 2001, 10:08pm
Is that Monday as in tomorrow vrt? or next week? wouldnt have a clue when
Labour Day is, ours is in October. 5 pm VRT is 4:30 am Tuesday morning here so if ya wanna wake me up by giving two rings on the phone by my bed 61 8 82506811, ( i wont pick it up = wont cost money for call) i will try to wake up enough to be there :o) > since especially > would Value of a citSep 1, 2001, 12:47am
LOL figure it out... he has been proven wrong again and he cant let it
appear as if he is beaten, so he will continue to argue that black is white until we all just give up and let him suffer his delusions in peace...... i say lets do it NOW before we all need the valium Flagg said it best <This will be my last post on this issue > lets follow suit [View Quote] [NG Survivor] The First to the Final Two...Aug 30, 2001, 9:08pm
EXCEPT that none of you are correct on the 13th question. kellee resides in
South Australia.....about 800 miles from the hole state of Victoria where Just In lives. I mean sheesh Victoria? they dont even play decent Football, although they are good to dump our unwanted Grand Prix on........ wouldnt wanna live there if ya PAID me ------------- > 13) kellee resides in what country in RL? > > All three: Australia w/ Just In. > > Very good. Another point. > [NG Survivor] The First to the Final Two...Aug 30, 2001, 9:31pm
hehehe yeah i personally liked the one where "they" said i was 14. Dont
mind losing a few years off my age but thats going a few too far! [View Quote] Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!Dec 12, 2001, 8:21pm
AW Teen got their own newsgroup??????????????
interesting *wonders why some things are possible some of the time and for certain ppl* [View Quote] *sigh* The good ol' days....Dec 17, 2001, 11:31pm
I agree with all of it, awcommunity is going to hell in a
handbasket.....point is.....what do we do about it? what CAN we do about it? [View Quote] Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 PleaseDec 25, 2001, 11:24pm
Every community has a grumpy old man that chases the kids away from his
fruit trees, and the lovely lady that knits outfits for orphans, teachers, policemen, politicians,shopkeepers, families, single ppl and teenagers that just like simply hanging around the local park playing ball games. Some families have problems, some have the white picket fence and some struggle on a low wage with a ton of kids. The group of teenagers that vandalised the train station on friday night are chastised but not jailed. The ppl that commit serious crimes are removed from the community. It's when the community loses more than just the criminals that it loses its diversity and charm. Personally i felt that AW's grumpy old man was not guilty of any thing other than chasing cheeky kids out of his orchard. [View Quote] Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 PleaseDec 28, 2001, 4:58am
Never said it did, what i WAS saying was .... telling other ppl how to
tend their orchards is pretty harmless and not enough to come under the heading " serious crime - lets remove him from the community". You can ignore any advice, good or bad, ya know. I got "pounced" on by Eep a few times...... Once was when i pounced him first ( he had to retaliate, otherwise it would have been bad for his image) and the other time i proved him wrong in telegrams afterwards and actually received a *small* apology. So what?.... my skin is still intact and if it wasnt..... then there is MUTE He was like JR Ewing outta Dallas...... everyone hated him, but when they tried to kill him off, no one watched Dallas anymore [View Quote] Re: bowlingDec 21, 2001, 6:33pm
Too right!!! they give away cars for a 300 game ( bowled in a league) in
one bowling centre i used to bowl in. So it IS wow!!! good on ya :o)) [View Quote] Congratulations! [View Quote] another ideaJan 5, 2002, 10:51pm
Whatever other complaints ppl have, the biggest one seems to be the price
increase, specially for the younger users without credit cards. So what about a rewards scheme? For every NEW citizen that signs up for 6 months or more on a current users recommendation, that user gets a FREE month?? Just a thought, but it would give the younger members a chance to stay with us and it would hopefully generate a lot of new users as ppl plumb the other chat rooms and newsgroups for potential customers. It also would help the non American users too, as their increase will price AW completely out of reason....IE: the Australian dollar is worth approx 51 cents american .... $20 a week is 2/5ths of my mortgage repayment, and NOT a cup of coffee and a donut. heheh could change it to AmericanWorlds....wont have to change the initials shoot the mongrelJan 9, 2002, 3:22am
Yes...Alpha World now qualifies for the term- mongrel. The cruel ppl called
it that before, now even I, a great lover of AW ( I wouldnt build elsewhere) call it the biggest mongrel out. Textures have been changed on old builds. Textures have been corrupted so that windows now appear where doors used to be . New objects render old objects obsolete, the whole world is just a hodge podge of mess.... WHY couldnt they just create a new world for the new objects as Factor said they planned? I would rather see Alpha dead and buried than this mutilation of its twitching corpse. It is literally a kick in the teeth for all the builders that spent years building in AW. *sigh* *crying for a dear, dead friend* |