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kellee // User Search
kellee // User Search[NG Survivor Results]May 30, 2001, 12:28am
*opens matchbox with huge redback and lets her go under the rock*
hehehe dont worry, they dont eat much!!! [View Quote] [NG Survivor Results]May 30, 2001, 2:21am
*giggle* Redbacks dont have tails :o)) *sitting in typo camp watching
Alphabit argue with Australia's poisonous cousin to Americas Black Widow* Anti-venom going kellee by snail mail [View Quote] [NG Survivor] The third to go?Jun 5, 2001, 3:17am
hehehe *sprung*
i wanted time to enjoy my birthday wednesday :oP ( blatant ploy for sympathy) [View Quote] MilkJun 5, 2001, 5:39am
Daniel likes blowing bubbles with his milk too..... but he dosent use a
straw lots of antibodies in that milk [View Quote] [NG Survivor] The REAL third to go...Jun 5, 2001, 7:15pm
*hugs* Agent .....
Now we have no one to protect us from all the BAD super agents out there [View Quote] Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)Jun 5, 2001, 9:52pm
i would like to know how you "reported" it, Marcus
Did you actually get off your high horse long enough to admit you now know the correct procedure ( after everyone, painstakingly, and in words of one syllable, explained it to you ) and consent to actually FOLLOW it? By the way, there are links to the same information in AWSchool and any teacher or teachers aide could have passed on said information. [View Quote] Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)Jun 6, 2001, 12:22am
Just as i thought. Its an issue calculated to get attention as some one has
previously stated. Just like the little boy that ran around with his eyes closed , yelling " I cant find it and its all some one elses fault!" Several ppl have repeatedly given you the link and the url and the facts, and regardless of whether you had the sense to go look in the right places previously, you now KNOW where to go and you have as yet to email the correct place or submit your request to the right ppl, but you continue whipping the dead horse of your outraged, misplaced self rightousness. *sigh* [View Quote] Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)Jun 6, 2001, 9:34pm
Marcus will ya let go already? you've proven yourself totally unwilling to
name the ppl that allegedly steered you wrong when they gave you erroneous information concerning garbage removal, and so thereby casting doubt that you *did* contact the many ppl you claimed and that could be expected to know and not just some other newbie. You have also been proven to be "mistaken" when you claimed to have reported your complaints to the proper place eventually. You have been informed by the person/s in charge of garbage removal in AW that regardless of your overzealous interpretation of porn and its need for removal, that it wasnt considered porn. These ppl remove porn because if they didnt it would reflect badly on them..... they also dont remove it if its just something that you see on the Batman and Robin cartoon show! You are demonstrating your need to "win" whereas a graceful " thank you for the information about the GET, i should have thought to post a message in this NG asking for help sooner" would suffice. After all that IS what this newsgroup is MEANT to be for. ohhh and on that Topic...... Thanks, Goober, for one of the few INFORMATIVE posts of the week ! lol A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please readJun 7, 2001, 7:50am
Red worlds cannot be accessed by any one without a PPW, you you you ....
"some one that defies discription" can you REALLY use what you posted without realising that A/ you should have obtained the permission of the other person involved and without B/ realising you where only furthering the Gorean cause? you made the person that you spoke with appear as a sensible, sensitive, intelligent person so opposed to yourself ..... for the sake of all thats sacred, you detracted from your cause and made Goreans ( and theres no reason an individual shouldnt) appear like adult sensible ppl that have AW's best interests at heart as opposed to the likes of shit stirrers like you. why do u persist on posting when you know NOTHING, but NOTHING about aw community, policy and procedure????? Not only posting like some sort of idiot, but actually attempting to give us advice on how behave and actually trying to assert the fact that you have superiority when it comes to morale behaviour. good grief [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.Jun 27, 2001, 2:16am
Wednesday 27th June.....I think. At least that's the amount of notches that
I've carved in the bamboo pole by the hut, but im not sure. The night we found those fermented berries that had the monkeys going ape is still more than a little hazy and I'm still not sure if the next morning WAS the next morning or not. All I know is that I woke in the jungle naked and covered in flowers. Meat is scarce here and two of the other survivors on this side of the island has gone missing. I'm not sure if the second one ate the first one or if some one else here did away with both, but im worried. The only one putting on any weight around here is Casay *shivers*. I can only hope that she found Chucks Party hard to swallow. Perhaps I should lead her to that patch of quicksand I found yesterday and give her a little push.....I don't think she is enjoying life on the island any way, despite her weight gain. That patch of quicksand near the cliff may well be useful for the remaining members of the party on the other side of the island too. Every time I gather food in the Jungle I hear unearthly howls that I am sure come from the one they call Nornny as he scavenges in the mud flats for those strange eels he takes back to their camp and cooks alive. I have watched him from the jungle, sitting on a rock by his fire.... a strange smile on his face as the eels twist and writhe in the pot before him. The one they call AlphaBit is a change from the others. I smile when I see her arranging her rags and leaves to imitate different fashions and parading before her reflection in the pool. Although perhaps the harmless seeming ones are the greatest concern? I finally learned the name of the one that sits and laughs insanely at their camp. Last week I heard one of them call him "Gamer". I think the pressure of the jungle crowding in on him has caused him to snap as he constantly alternates between laughter and cringing at the shadows under the trees. I had the opportunity to do away with one of them a few days back and set a snare on the path that they use. The one called Syntax stupidly blundered into it but was rescued by the now deceased Kah. Its a shame I couldn't have got there first, I may have saved Kah from being another victim of the meat shortage by preventing Syntax from showing his "gratitude" by devouring him. I must be careful of the two others at their camp, Bird Mike and Leaf. I have seen them cavorting with the monkeys in the trees. I think they are both regressing to a primal state, and could at any time become dangerous to each other, which of course is no concern of mine.....but when one has polished off the other....who will be next? The nights on the island are getting cooler, we may have to band together for warmth. I am not sure if this is a good idea as I don't think any of the other party are stable. Enough for now Diary.... I am going to find me some more of those fermented berries......... [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.Jun 27, 2001, 6:19pm
Thursday June 28th ...maybe.
Today I saw Nornny in the centre of the island calling the wild dogs that hang out there. I am not sure what he intends to do with the cute fluffy little things but he is obviously up to no good. He called "kitty kitty" over and over, stalking the poor things for what seemed like hours. Its a worry , maybe he doesn't even realise they are dogs? Isn't torturing the eels good enough? The jungle has gotten to several more ppl on the island I notice. Quite a few are walking around in a fugue state muttering about ray guns and little green men, slashing at trees and acting like junior commandos. Perhaps if I keep away from them I won't be affected. I found some more of those berries, I have laid them out in the sun to ripen some more. I may invite the same person that I shared them with last time to do so again. From what I can remember....that was lots of fun :o)) short entry today Diary......I want to explore the cave I found near where the wild dogs live [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.Jun 28, 2001, 2:28am
Low vs High cit numbersJul 2, 2001, 4:53pm
my number is 246205 and i joined when it was free ( no tourist stage) about
1-2 months before rego was introduced I think registration started in either September or October '97 from memory? So that would make the cit count roughly 250000 or just under at that time. You need to remember too..... that hundreds + of ppl popped in in 95,96 and 97, built three objects and left, never to return. That bloated the pre registration count, but these days those ppl remain tourists and so therefore dont figure in the numbers and you cant compare the two eras. [View Quote] [NG Survivor] The 6th to go...Jul 2, 2001, 4:38pm
Dingo Tribe :o)) or one of the aboriginal names for the wild dog of
Australia ~Warrigul~ *teases Nornny* [View Quote] [NG Survivor] The 1st Koochie to leave...Jul 8, 2001, 8:29pm
surprised i lasted as long as i did, but i guess ya had to make it look
good:oP See ya ppls.... its been.....interesting camping with ya!!!! [View Quote] [NG Survivor] The 1st Koochie to leave...Jul 8, 2001, 9:15pm
*had* to vote for some one, and i thought it was fairer to vote for a
different person each time, so i just picked with eenie meenie minee mo........ guess im just not cut out for playing dirty :oP lets see now...... i leave my AW Bingo Tee shirt to Anduin , AWSchool to Kenny, AWUniversity to Goober King mmmmm spare accounts? *thinking* [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 15, 2001, 6:36pm
Does any one other than me feel that the "special" avatars on the aw path
are a little.... one sided? There is Father Christmas (male), an stupid upside down one (male), a really pathetic flat headed weirdo(male), the PK (male, but not a bad av) and the blimp, which is so mmmm well lets face it, its gotta be male. What i would like to enquire about is WHY take the female PK av off? Is it only males that are allowed to have special avs in AW or worlds that use the AW path? The blimp, well whatever ..... but surely the two stupid avs ( the upside down one and the weirdo) could be replaced with female avatars? and not something wierd? Ideally i would think the female PK and one other "cute but fun" one ( maybe a female pixie or elf? ) would even out the choices for all whatcha reckon? none for the ladiesJul 15, 2001, 7:55pm
yeah notice i DIDNT mention the blimp being murdered ?
shame it cant be Dilbert smilbert [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 6:41pm
so what? i am talking about the special avs in aw not *any avatar
list*?? just because YOU dont care about female avatars doesent mean us females dont deserve to have them. What is available to men ( male special avatars) should be available to ALL. Men, AND women If special avs are so"special", are you saying women dont deserve or need them just because YOU dont want them? you are the first one to scream if you feel discriminated against but you support gender discrimination mmmmmm tsk tsk [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 10:58pm
Chuck, dear, they removed the Female PK av to add the blimp, upsetting
some female world owners, who at the time appeared as blimps when they logged on. And I am sorry you feel the way you do about ppl using the aw path, as I have had several complaints from teachers in AWSchool, ( where we have no choice but to use the aw path) I will pass your remark on to them and to AWld when I mail them about my request for at least one female avatar Special avs are available to ppl with bolds, as a special privilege to make their avatar noticeable, a privilege that teachers and PKs and gate keepers and world owners use because they are in positions that require extra attention from the ppl around them. I will not go into whether you feel they deserve these privileges but I will state that if the males deserve them then so do females. I will also state that I understand the English language quite well, thank you. Do you? you said, quote: "Special avs aren't necessarily male or female" But in this case they ARE.... they are ALL male, hence the point to my post, special avs *shouldn't* be all male, regardless of whether YOU like females or special avs or aw or aw path or teachers or pks or PK avatars or whatever [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 10:59pm
Chuck, dear, they DID remove the Female PK av to add the blimp,
upsetting some female world owners, who at the time appeared as blimps when they logged on. I may not have *said* that the av was removed, but I assumed anyone that didnt know, would not remark on the subject unless they did know what they where talking about. Yes, you can accuse me of being bigoted towards newbies if you like. The fact that i have put 3 years into teaching newbies will discredit that. And I am sorry you feel the way you do about ppl using the aw path, as I have had several complaints from teachers in AWSchool, ( where we have no choice but to use the aw path) I will pass your remark on to them and to AWld when I mail them about my request for at least one female avatar. In the meantime I was posting an opinion to the newsgroups, something I thought ppl had a right to do. Do u dispute that? Special avs are available to ppl with bolds, as a special privilege to make their avatar noticeable, a privilege that teachers and PKs and gate keepers and world owners use because they are in positions that require extra attention from the ppl around them. I will not go into whether you feel they deserve these privileges but I will state that if the males deserve them then so do females. I will also state that I understand the English language quite well, thank you. Do you ? you said, quote: "Special avs aren't necessarily male or female" But in this case they ARE.... they are ALL male, hence the point to my post, special avs *shouldn't* be all male, regardless of whether YOU like females or special avs or aw or aw path or teachers or pks or PK avatars or whatever. Having answered and discredited your blatant attempts to argue with my right to make a comment I feel I have said enough to you. If you persist in both ruining and arguing for the sake of argument on EVERY post, regardless of whether you know what you are talking about then may I ask you to cease reading any of mine. [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 11:01pm
Chucks Party, they DID remove the Female PK av to add the blimp, upsetting
some female world owners, who at the time appeared as blimps when they logged on. I may not have *said* that the av was removed, but I assumed anyone that didnt know, would not remark on the subject unless they did know what they where talking about. Yes, you can accuse me of being bigoted towards newbies if you like. The fact that i have put 3 years into teaching newbies will discredit that. And I am sorry you feel the way you do about ppl using the aw path, as I have had several complaints from teachers in AWSchool, ( where we have no choice but to use the aw path) I will pass your remark on to them and to AWld when I mail them about my request for at least one female avatar. In the meantime I was posting an opinion to the newsgroups, something I thought ppl had a right to do. Do u dispute that? Special avs are available to ppl with bolds, as a special privilege to make their avatar noticeable, a privilege that teachers and PKs and gate keepers and world owners use because they are in positions that require extra attention from the ppl around them. I will not go into whether you feel they deserve these privileges but I will state that if the males deserve them then so do females. I will also state that I understand the English language quite well, thank you. Do you ? you said, quote: "Special avs aren't necessarily male or female" But in this case they ARE.... they are ALL male, hence the point to my post, special avs *shouldn't* be all male, regardless of whether YOU like females or special avs or aw or aw path or teachers or pks or PK avatars or whatever. Having answered and discredited your blatant attempts to argue with my right to make a comment I feel I have said enough to you. If you persist in both ruining and arguing for the sake of argument on EVERY post, regardless of whether you know what you are talking about then may I ask you to cease reading any of mine. none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 11:12pm
[View Quote]
several times even!!!! lol
with the kerfluffle with the aw server thing and account log ins... i can only assume that was the cause, I had substantial problems with both my ISP and aw at the same time Sorry ppls...dont know what happened none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 11:58pm
LOL Marcus..... i love it when you prove me right yet AGAIN :o))
didnt i expressly say "teachers in AWSchool, ( where we have no choice but to use the aw path)" ?? you really DONT read the posts properly before replying, do you? will ya stop already, my sides are aching laughing at ya [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 17, 2001, 12:08am
you didnt understand it? poor baby when you reach grade 3 maybe you
can come back and try again :o))) give up, mate...... but i do thank you for taking the time to actually read my posts properly now, even if its only to look for something to argue about [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 19, 2001, 10:06pm
Basically kah, thats what i was talking about in my original post, two
male two female, and the blimp, *shrugs* easy :o))) How about it Factor?? pwetty pwease? [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 20, 2001, 11:08pm
AGAIN see what i mean? it makes no difference that i said "for
awschool teachers and PKs and world owners that use the aw path " and taking the time to repeat to him SEVERAL times that his arguments where based on an incomplete knowlege of aw and an inability to properly read my post , *some* ppl just have to pull what is said down without thought for the topic THESE are the ppl that hurt the newsgroups, the ppl that argue just for the sake of it and dont bring any viable opinions only blatant and childish knocks i give up on you Marcus.... you've proven my point YET again, and i have no further need to point out your continuing obstructive behaviour [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 27, 2001, 6:56pm
Ok, *big smiles* would any one remember what the female PK avatar was called
or better yet.... still have the avatar? It can be replaced if i can just find some wonderful person that still has it! AWHSJul 15, 2001, 7:18pm
Goober commented that the AWHS is dead. Apparently, since Munkuy left, it
has indeed entered its terminal phase. The current person so called "in charge" is himself guilty of vandalising historic AW GZ builds with advertising and other rubbish. Will some one that is responsible and gives a damn take up the gauntlet? It would be a shame for the good work that the AWHS *did* to go to waste |