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kellee // User Search
kellee // User Searcha must read... ;)Jan 29, 2003, 12:33am
Has it occurred to ANYONE that its rather gutless "bashing " some one that
cant answer back?....... no?.....didn't figure it would. *sigh* Cy Awards Rules PageFeb 24, 2003, 4:31am
whats the problem with that?
actually... even though you where being sarcastic , I don't disagree with the "rules" you suggested. cept for the macro scanner one of course. and if you think any one pays any money to be "advertised" LOL ! at a GZ, you have a more grandiose idea of the earning power of a world caretaker than I've ever known!!!! but other than that.... I cant see the faults in what you suggested.....gaps in your knowlege and naivety yes, faults no [View Quote] Cy Awards Rules PageFeb 28, 2003, 2:32am
We DO have ( were I am) porn channels on basic cable...... but the cable
decoder has a parental "lock" to enable parents to screen out that and any other channels they want kept from their child. Morale of my story? It IS up to the parents to decide where and how and when their children are subjected to such things. If they are very liberal minded, or lazy....who are you to second guess their judgement and impose your morals on their children? Some parents would consider Nation Geographic channel to contain questionable material and block it via the parental control...... but if they told me I couldn't allow my child to watch that channel I would be MIGHTILY annoyed. I am not saying that children should be allowed to view R rated material, I am saying its not up to any one else but the parents to decide where to draw the line. Some one has suggested that R rated worlds have their own category and i agree. If little Johnny's parents want to let him have the complete freedom to peruse such worlds in his attempts to have a complete vote, then that is up to them. ----- Original Message ----- From: "sw chris" <chrisw10 at> Newsgroups: general.discussion Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 2:38 PM Subject: Re: Cy Awards Rules Page Well, it is logical. But it doesn't solve the problem. Take jacob here, for example. He's rumored to be 6! Of course, it's impossible to tell, since he just as likely has a bad concept of english grammar. But let's use the age as an example in any case. Now, knowing Jacob as I do (he and one of his friends hang around SW City sometimes) he's just going to click on any little ol' sign he comes across, regardless of whether it's in an R-rated or X-rated category or not. Why? He's a little kid. He can't grasp these kinds of things. You're assuming kids are going to stay away from X-rated worlds just because they are labelled as such. Well that doesn't always happen. Teenagers are especially notorious for ignoring these kinds of things. Parents need to watch what their kids are doing, yes, but the problem should be attacked from both sides. Society should be doing just as much to look out for children as parents, otherwise we'd have porn channels on our basic cable. I've said that before, and that is why I'm confortable with the Cy Awards' new stance on this subject. Btw... thanks for letting me use your name as an example, Jacob! :) Chris I might have been wrongMar 14, 2003, 1:09am
The UN is toothless and useless, but, having said that...... I still agree
that if "we" go to war with Iraq without UN sanction then we are guilty of supporting the American bully Bush ( who has his own agenda and it ISN'T about weapons of mass destruction). One cannot say that Iraq hasn't complied with a UN order to be rid of such weapons so therefore we should make him, if we do not ourselves follow UN directives! Many in Iraq would prefer to be out from under "Suddenly Insane's" iron thumb, but there is also many that keep him in power. We have not got the right to dictate another country's politics. If the ppl that oppose their dictator were to rise up and try to shake their oppressor and ask for our aid, and our internationally sanctioned body for world order ( The United Nations) agreed that we should help, THEN and only then would we be morally justified in resorting to interfering. Or if they came spewing out of their country trying to tell us how to run our countries......well.......smack em and make em run back home crying. And as for their supposed affiliations with the Taliban ..... has any one offered even a logical scenario for this accusation? I don't believe them incapable..... as (The enemy of mine enemy is mine friend) they both hate the United States, but..... that is a huge generalisation. Why don't they accuse Korea of the same things.... after all ... they have openly resisted Americas dominance over world opinion too. What I would like to know, is WHY Bush hates Suddenly Insane so much.... why is being rid of him more important than the thousands that would die as a result of his stubbornness to wage what could possibly be World War 3. I don't wanna die because some idiot American has delusions of grandeur and our pathetic excuse for an Australian leader wants to kiss his bushy butt. [View Quote] I am yet to be convinced that there are any Weapons-Of-Mass-Distruction in Iraq. Until I am convinced that there are (or take the word of a majority of the UN security council that there are) WOMD, I will be totally opposed to any war against Iraq. Name Shortened from 'Ryan Jacob' to 'Ryan'Apr 8, 2003, 2:35am
Thanks for the info..... as part of the community, it never hurts to know
whats going on :o)) [View Quote] Name Shortened from 'Ryan Jacob' to 'Ryan'Apr 15, 2003, 6:46am
you guys are a SCREAM LOLOL
isnt it sweet how innocent and silly this whole thread is? i love it.... its so cute :o))) by the way Ryan.... i like the new name, but Padfoot was better! agreeing with the GK's is badApr 24, 2003, 3:06am
When should a teacher eject a visitor to AWSchool? Good question! And it is
a very subjective one, at that :o) Basically, we eject when a visitor is abusing our hospitality, we need to remember that we are teachers and hosts and not dictators of ppls morality. If some one comes to your home, perhaps a friend of your sisters, and says "Hotdamn, your mother's cookies are great!" Do you threaten to turf them out in the street? Do you say to them " this is a G rated home, please do not use that language here" or do you just take the compliment as it was meant and not invite them over when your aged grandmother is present? Of course you do. :o) On the other hand, if a person is abusing your sister in your home, calling her rude names and casting dispersions on her in front of you...... you grab him by the arm and make sure he hits the pavement, don't you? Well i would hope the same applies in AWSchool, if you have a visitor that is clearly out to see how fast he can upset everyone, i would only warn him that the pavement is close once at the most. And doing it in whisper will hopefully not upset his vanity and make him all the more determined to "show how tough he is" That is the two extremes, there are many situations in between and will be up to the individual to display sound judgement and listen to his/her experience when choosing to warn or eject or just shrug it off. Or taking the time to change the subject without alluding to the comment that was "borderline". -Remember, little words like damn, shit and the like is not going to hurt any one. Talking in caps is not something that is worth yelling at some one for unless they are combining that with abuse and or harassment. makes a lot of sense .....dont it? RubberduckJul 4, 2003, 7:23am
What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?Jul 4, 2003, 6:51am
dunno about trojens/worms/crap..... just know that M.A.T.T.S grudge goes
way back..... lost in prehistory even. Some ppl get a kick outta creating a pain.... some ppl get a kick outta doing things for others.... its the way the world works, I have two sons that suffer from " Comprehension Breakdown Disorder" what would have been diagnosed a few years ago as aural dyslexia..... this results in a frustration at the so called lack of attention etc etc etc .... i wont go into it here i just regret that MATT feels it important that he takes his frustrations out on us. How Syntax Got "Lost"....Jul 4, 2003, 8:39am
I love youAug 19, 2003, 4:23am
its kellee, remember that wierd woman who hung around AW a while ago?....... well due to computer problems.... ( HD died and this temporary one is only tiny) and saving up for a new one and my citship due to run out soon, i just wanted to let those who care, know whats happening...... ( i guess the ones that dont care can crow) and tell ppl that im still alive, and contactable.......many ppl have my number...... or failing that.......i will be popping into aw from time to time, probably as a tourist come October. some of the most happy times, and my saddest times where associated with left its mark on me and i hope i can return. kellee ContestJan 17, 2001, 7:12pm
This January and February in AWUniv2 we are offering different prizes for
different categories: Create a new AWSchool logo graphic ( jpg ) (under 30 kbs ) Create a backdrop for AWUniv (under 100 kbs) Design a filmstrip for a special occasion ie: Christmas, New Years or Valentines Day (under 30 kbs) Send your entries to contest at by the end of February to win one of two citizenships, citizenship extensions or even an AW email address! Tourists may enter this contest too, so please spread this around thanks User dismissal voteFeb 9, 2001, 2:31am
me and Daniel ( who is on his way as i waters just broke ) say
stay 3.1 and teacherFeb 18, 2001, 3:01am
mmm used to be a teacher? news to me, mate. but then , your falsehood
explains why you got awschool policies ass about. As always the "harder" commands will not be taught as part of a basic "beginner" lesson. AWS does its best to help newbies with the standard basics first and foremost, any thing else is up to the teachers individual skills. If some one asks for help on the new commands , then a teacher will either help them if they have acquired the skills or call another teacher if at all possible. AWS policy does not include special effects as part of a Basic Beginners Lesson and that is our primary focus.... kellee ( caretaker and director of AWSchool) [View Quote] My complaint about the news groupsMar 11, 2001, 6:30am
And by you Lara :o)
I remember shaking in fright the first time i posted.... is that really encoraging and healthy for the life of a NG? Remember that you need fresh blood and interest or these things die out, 'specially if the many are not bothered listening to the few. [View Quote] Re: New Website:Safe Active Worlds (SAW)May 3, 2001, 8:08pm
Chucks Party has a point. Although I am not sure about paedophiles finding
AW a suitable place to "pick up" victims, as 5 year olds are pretty light on the ground but I know a young lad of 17 that was "seduced" by a homosexual while in AW. This poor kid, over a period of time, came to depend on this man for his emotional wellbeing and eventually tossed in his schooling, told his parents he was gay, dropped his girlfriend and wanted to travel overseas and consummate his relationship with this man. That's when the Homosexual laughed in his face and confessed that he had merely been using the lad for his own sexual gratification. I dont know how he eventually dealt with his feelings of suicide and depression ..... he dosent live at home any more and i have lost all contact with him. One thing I do know, m0e and before him Razzle, take their jobs as protector of AW's innocents seriously and I would have confidence in 99% of ppl in AW to report any wrong doing of the nature Chuck is speaking of. Personally I feel children are safer in AW than they are in their own homes... where most molestations of children occur. Having been molested by a family member when I was young, I have a hatred of any one that would directly hurt a child or an adult for that matter, and a dislike for ANYONE that would deliberately cause another pain and suffering merely to seek revenge over a petty matter such as a disagreement about a building in a virtual world. Perhaps we all need protection. Re: New Website:Safe Active Worlds (SAW)May 4, 2001, 12:41am
mmm now that was rather unwarranted.
I highlighted a particular instance of "behaviour unbecoming" of which i was aware and this qualifies as bigotry? *clears throat* my point was that ANY pain caused by one person to another is wrong, when done willfully. Is what Chucks Party is doing any the less bigoted than you wrongfully accuse me of being? protection? from all the ppl in aw that causes another pain.....such as yourself *predicts aw ghost town* hate campaign??May 10, 2001, 6:53am
geeeeeezusssss christmas, you guys are loonies!!!!!!!!!!!! Dead issue, over
and done with you goonie birds!!!!!! For any one that cant let this rest and wants to know the Fair and Unbiased story contact me in AW ( i wont *bore* ppl with it otherwise) I think Friend Pa is a lovely person and ive been her friend for ages and any one that says she did the wrong thing will answer to me, including Just In. I also know Just In in real life and contary to popular belief he *has* got feelings so will you leave *both* of them alone ? It has nothing to do with anyone OR Awld and it dosent need to be muck racked for the benifit of children that like poking sticks in ants nests And before any one takes me up on the offer of "what happened" i am warning you .... its boring and i wont answer personal questions. I would also like to state that i dont want to *have* to discuss this with any one, i just think the "taking sides" has gone on long enough and im only offering because i want you to leave two ppl that dont deserve this alone and perhaps if you find out *how* boring it is when its not being blown out of porportion by goonies, then that will happen. NOW, can we end this and get on with some useful posts? hehehe like HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MUMS!!!!!!! kellee [NG Survivor] Let The Game BeginMay 14, 2001, 8:58am
mmmmm when do i do what and when? *totally lost* tell ya what..... i
make a great roast lamb, would that help???? hehehehe [NG Survivor] Let The Game BeginMay 15, 2001, 4:54am
[NG Survivor] THE FIRST CHALLENGE! (for immunity)May 17, 2001, 12:01am
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mmm question..... is that TV in general? or american television? or
Australian Television or??? and when did Survivor 2: The Australian Outback air on which Network in which country? nitpicking rabbit aint i? Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups: Take 2 (VERY long!)May 19, 2001, 9:55pm
[NG Survivor] Time to Vote...May 19, 2001, 10:12pm
was waiting for the clarifications on the answers, and when i got em , well too late By the way Alan Hale and Bob Denver was the only one i could have answered any way!! LOL *confusion ( or is that careful? ) is my middle name* > > > - kellee DID NOT answer any of the challenge questions. She's also very > confused about the game Backdrops for new versionMay 21, 2001, 9:52am
Moria!!! gosh....some one intelligent in this NG :o)) ( and she can spell
too) [View Quote] *snipped coz i agree with everything she said :o)* Backdrops for new versionMay 22, 2001, 4:55am
Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...May 23, 2001, 7:59am
Thank You AW ppls for at least listening to us some of the time, and that
includes you Facter :o) the way, my problem that you "helped' me with? it is 45% solved :o)) I still spin around in circles when i hit a download intensive area. Anyone ever checked out just how many *things* aw support "gives" to the community? awschool, awuniv, awteen, bingo, etc etc etc etc etc Thank You Eep for making the NGs an interesting place and for adding your two bobs worth which ...mmm... well ....makes it interesting. and Thanks Goober, i dont always agree with you but i wuv ya:o) Nornny and Gamer for .....your sense of humour and many others .... And to Outlook express and its filter option :o)) Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...May 25, 2001, 5:26am
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eep wrote facter wrote eep wrote sheesh you guys make it hard to
keep track of a decent "discussion". I mean, YOU know what you wrote three postings ago and what the other fellow wrote four postings ago but I for one find it hard to follow.... How about you make it obvious who wrote what, when...... coz if your gunna post it, then its not a private it? *cringes* My first time in AW []May 23, 2001, 8:31am
mmmm my first time in aw?
Some friends that i had hooked up on pIRCh ( they are married now) dropped around and told me about this great new programme they had was called Activeworlds. I was making the coffees while they installed it on my computer and i heard a yell " do you wanna be a tourist or a citizen?" i said...... mmmm will it cost me? "NO" they cry LOL well any way next thing i knew i was a citizen and i was getting a block of land covered for me...."just cover it....dosent matter if it overlaps " they said " just make sure its safe from vandals" Over the next week i walked around the area jotting down objects and running " home" and building them,completely mystified when a strange message popped up and said " this area is full" mmmmm could that have been because i didnt know about DELETE and i was sinking objects that went wrong?? I remember thinking .... gee wouldnt it be nice if you could move sideways :o) One day about 6 months later, i was bored and wondered into GZ ( i didnt know The Gate existed) where i spotted an advert for Lara's Building Yard. I met the GREAT Lara herself!!!!.....well she spotted a sucker and from there ....... well to here :o)) [View Quote] |