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Where's Lara?

Aug 11, 2002, 4:35am
She comes in as tourist because she isnt a regular visitor any more and
dosent want to be "caught" for teaching or similar. She is still upgrading
her yard occaisionaly but on the whole she is taking a hiatus from AW and
exploring other universe options. Events in the real world are keeping her
occupied as well.

I miss her and i think so does everyone who knew her, and that was most of
AW :o))

AWC hoaxes

Sep 7, 2002, 5:13am
I don't know if any one else is receiving these or is it just me because of
the awuniv? Both came with attachments which I rather suspect contain a
virus and they are not the first I have received by a long chalk. Needless
to say, i didnt open the attachments to find out.

Someone out there thinks its funny to use AWC addresses for mischief?

From: cof <cof at>
To: awu at
Subject: Hi,the Garden of Eden

From: activeworlds <activeworlds at>
To: awu at
Subject: A IE 6.0 patch

Hello,This is a IE 6.0 patch
I wish you would enjoy it.

Slow Moving Throughout AW

Sep 8, 2002, 11:49am
Heya :o)) I don't think you need to defend your restoration of anything,
Tyrell :o)) Your work, as loving and careful as it was, is going to bog down
any "old" computer, no matter how minimalist you make it......its just what
AW is, now AND then.

One can only please some ppl, some of the time:o)

[View Quote] I believe I should point out a few things about the AWHS Museum and

NAC builds. Do you have a favourite?

Sep 18, 2002, 2:44am
The AWHS is looking for NAC builds in order to preserve valuable AW History.
Do you know of any sites that you can nominate for inclusion into the AWHS
History books? It would be appreciated if you could include some background
with your submission, the builder/s name, name of the build/town or
anything you can include that's pertinent :o))

NAC builds. Do you have a favourite?

Sep 26, 2002, 11:00pm
Guys.....its ANYWHERE in aw, not just in and around GZ. The GZ is already
preserved, pickled and set aside in a glass jar. :o) So if you have a
favourite NAC build, town or anything at all, any where, that you would like
to see preserved with the AWHS......

[View Quote] > "around" i said. not in it :-P

It's like 40 coords or something in all directions from AW GZ. That's what
I call around. I mean the world AWGZ :-)) Isn't it just as well to just
leave the builds alone, only AWC staff and GET can delete it anyway.


Tourist Enabled Worlds

Sep 26, 2002, 10:38pm
AWNewbie, as you know, is set up to give tourists a chance to experience and
practice the basics of building, before they go on to explore the tourist
enabled worlds with a better understanding of what it takes to create our
environment. In an effort to make their stay in AW an enjoyable one,
AWNewbie would like to invite the owners of tourist enabled worlds to build
a teleport and an example of what a tourist can find in their world. For interactive area, with click-on games or just a great
example of what we can do in AW , anything that will enhance their stay in
Activeworlds and encorage further exploration.

Each plot is five by five walks, and the objects are straight
Alpha.........first come, first served and plots are limited :o))

kellee at

NEW AlphaWorld - Could It Be???

Oct 25, 2002, 5:16am

[View Quote] Had just paid a visit to AW GZ and noticed there was an ad for a NEW
AlphaWorld. I'm wondering A). If it's just simply too good to be true
B). If it's just me and/or C). If it REALLY IS true, does anyone ANYONE
have ANY idea when it'll be rolled out and what new features (if any)
will it have???

I myself would LOVE to see a 3.3 compliant AlphaWorld complete with
roads and other objects that you can bend, twist and turn as you please
(this would REALLY be helpful in be able to design cloverleafs which are
FAR better than the one on North Pratt Boulevard at the River Of Lite
Expressway in Hamsterville) as well as to be able to build UNDERGROUND
(I know just what SW Chris must be thinking here.... :-)).

Anyhow, if ANYONE has any info, PLEASE DO POST!!! :-)

Cheers for now everyone :-)

PC Hamster

My Final Involvement with the Cys

Nov 8, 2002, 7:38pm
There isn't much hope of involving the "whole" community in a particular
issue, not unless you do something drastic like making the voting sheet pop
up as we log in or something. You'd be surprised by the amount of ppl that
just don't give a rats about the CYs or Gor.

I haven't filtered this thread simply because its amusing to see all the
broo ha ha about a adult world winning a prize, and then ppl raving about
"community"....... like there isn't room for individuals in a community,
entry is subject to conformity, and it is the job of every moralistic right
thinking community member to tell kids where they can not go, because you
all know better than the kid's parents.

Ya mob of ruddy wallys LOL

[View Quote]

My Final Involvement with the Cys

Nov 8, 2002, 9:05pm
I thought the point was to air an opinion rather than "putting labels on
ppl" such as " you don't understand the issues being aired"

I am as much involved in "Community" as anyone, I just don't feel it is my
god given right to forbid others from anything simply because it doesn't
comply with my standards of morality.

And before you say ANYTHING about my not understanding .....I will point out
I am a mother of two boys, the older of which would not be adverse to
seeking out a bit of "naughty" internet viewing here and there. It is my job
to censor his activities as I see fit and no one else's.

Porn sites, magazines and other activities are a click away from most young
teens fingers, you cannot protect them from it all except by bringing them
up correctly, and endowing them with a respect for women and a respect for
other human beings rights, both to say what they think and to enter and be
judged for CY awards, if thats their bag.

You cant teach that if you don't practice it.

And besides, I wasn't labelling anyone by name. Just a generality that you
saw fit to claim.

ya wally :o))

[View Quote]

My Final Involvement with the Cys

Nov 8, 2002, 11:26pm
A WALLY ( meaning A) is a cute name. Like if your child was to trip over
you would say "didn't ya look where you where going, ya wally?

A WALLY ( meaning B) The chimpanzee (Wally Walpamaur) on the paint adverts
that gets paint all over his face and his wife ( another dressed up
chimpanzee) says "Don't be such a wally, Wally"

A WALLABY is a marsupial that resembles a kangaroo

An EMU is an Australian long legged, flightless bird

An OSTRICH is an African flightless bird

A Kellee is some one that threw in her two cents worth on the entire issue
but NOW you've got me...... I gotta correct the spelling and meaning of
Wallaby!!!! THAT is important!


[View Quote]
*hugs* ya, ostrich chaser!!! LOL

This is Getting Ridiculous...

Nov 9, 2002, 3:52am offence, but Jerry Springer and his team of bouncers would be a
good moderator for this mob :o)

Stop reindexing!

Nov 8, 2002, 8:27pm
I use OE ( no comments , you techies) and I found the easiest way was to
click once on the newsgroup (i.e.: community- 22400), to download the
default 300 most recent messages, and then right click and "catch up" which
leaves you with only 300 read messages, no ancient ones, and ready for new
messages to appear.

You could even click catch up straight away, and start with a clean slate.

[View Quote]

The Desiderata -A lesson for all

Nov 11, 2002, 3:33am
Is there an echo in here?

[View Quote]

World Ratings-Guideline request

Nov 13, 2002, 6:32am
Well put :o)) BUT

I thought those where pretty well the idea, any way?? In my opinion the
vocal few are WAY over reacting, and need for "review" is uncalled for . In
general nobody expects a "R" rated word to contain childish content and i
was not aware "CommununitY" meant "only childrens stuff" and that a
community event to congratulate those who have done a good job should
exclude certain members of the community even IF some feel that such an
event should include only those worlds that are worlds full of bunny
rabbits, lollypops and huggles.

Also some feel that a community newsgroup should also exclude topics that
are of public interest and are not personally offensive, merely
controversial. Again, it is my opinion that exclusion from "the community"
should be on the basis of racial or personal attacks, harrasment or criminal

"Attack the opinion, not the person, but above all do not dispute my right
to voice that opnion"

[View Quote] I was following the discussion in the "Stop it now, ENZO" thread and thought
it might not hurt to start a new thread about world guidelines.

Customs Aide Bot

Nov 19, 2002, 3:41am
The Customs Aide bot in AWNewbie is bad for business and an insult to many,
and i suggest that its word list be broadened to exclude the slang words
that are not offensive to any one, save a judgemental moralist.

It is wrong to impose the morals of a select few from one country on others.
The Customs Aide bot ejects for words that are totally acceptable in other
cultures but the one that programmed it feels that everyone should adhere to
his/her's own narrow minded view.

If i was a tourist I would be VERY offended if i was ejected for such a
trivial offence as some for which it ejects, and never bother to pay for
citizenship in a narrow minded psuedomoralistic place.

As well as it is just plain wrong to inflict the views of some onto others
that do not share them. If a moralistic value is shared by the vast
majority, fair enough.

But when only a minority have the power to dictate morality to the many....
that is WRONG.

Customs Aide Bot

Nov 21, 2002, 5:12am
Most of you are missing the point. And I also noticed that most of you
used language in your posts that is not "proper" Words like "asswipe" and
"profanity spread out like turds on a wash line"

To a person who considers this normal slang and NOT profanity, who will use
phrases like "all that shit " " or what the shit is going on" in every
day life.... it would come as a shock to be ejected from a world for saying
shit, literally and figuratively.

THATS what i mean by bad for business.......That person isnt gunna be very
impressed by being ejected with no warning for shit all.

Customs Aide Bot

Nov 26, 2002, 10:46am
I have myself ejected ppl for a profane misuse of the English language. I am
sure none of us, and not the least, our visitors, neither need to use or
"hear" it. What i am objecting to is the simple slang and NOT the swear

We hear words like "shit" "damn" and "hell" on prime time TV, for petes
sake! They are not swear words but simple slang. If the censors of
television do not consider it worth censoring, then why is it an ejectable

The fact that not everyone considers it slang is moot. While some may
consider the use of such language uncouth it is hardly going to offend some
one so strongly that their eyes shrivel up and drop out. A lot accept it as
every day language and are put off AW as a result of being ejected , without
warning, for such a trivial transgression. It is even possible that some
newbies would not even realise WHAT they said wrong!
This is the point i am making :o)

AND.... lets face it......sticks and stones may break your bones, but shit
only sticks to ya boots.

A lesson in Lag.

Dec 11, 2002, 5:57am
and TVs with an update of less than 40..... *shudder*

Its even worse when you have a visitor from some where other than America .

[View Quote] 1. lighting in complicated areas.
2. multiple masking in a tight area. My forest for example is almost
nothing but masks on rocks. Owch X_X
3. moving/rotating objects
4. complicated objects. Anyone remember the flagpole plague? lol
5. astart,astop,adone command objects, such as those used to texture
objects. If set to 0 delay, it uses the browsers frame rate. Recommended
you set it at 500.
6. pictures can cause lag too. Especially high res ones, obviously.


Feb 9, 2003, 1:42am
I see the AW reunion is in North Carolina this year?

If any one is interested in getting an Australian Reunion together, please
let me know.

I'd be glad to put anyone up if it was held in Adelaide :o)

Is there any Australians left in AW?

[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 28, 2003, 1:22am
I think Lara selected that occasion as one that needed little explanation as
to *why* builders would find such a thing annoying. There are many other
situations, and more annoying ones, but perhaps not as easily appreciated by
a *non* builder.

A stand out occasion of annoying change in alpha that springs to mind ( with
a jolt ) is when masks where changed and every old build had to be fixed or
put up with a black box. That would have to have been the most *ARRGH-
who can I yell at!!* things that happened for me. But a person that dosent
have existing builds ( and a lot of them) to fix, and one who dosent explore
old builds and appreciate the love, blood, imagination and tears that went
into making something, wouldnt understand the concept of it all.

As Lara said..... any event that changes Alpha for the better without
breaking existing builds or methods will generally be met with varied
degrees of enthusiasm just DON'T FIX IT IF IT AIN'T BROKEN!!

[View Quote] That's it? Gimme a break that's a really bad example (not directing that to
you Lara). So they were experimenting with fog and backdrops and color. I
never for an instant that it was permanent, and if it was...why? It made no
sense at all. I don't think, and I sure don't want to believe, that that
was AWI's idea of a world improvement. There's a pretty big different
between letting us rotate our objects vs. fog re-configuring every 15
minutes =\

btw I think it was only a week and a half, maybe 2 tops.

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 14, 2003, 3:04am
To no one in particular, and only in reply to the topic in general.......

lets face it guys, the majority of ppl , in particular *censored*...cant
HANDLE the right to some one ELSE , other than themselves, having free
speech. AWGate is the gateway to the flowers and bunny rabbits world of AW,
and the gateway isn't the place where they want newcomers abused for
actually daring to voice their opinions.

The rest of us may be adult and ready to allow ppl to have an opinion (
although judging from these NGs, only when they agree) but the Gateway has
to allow for the 5 year old and / or the rigidly determined pacifist that
hasn't been able to get along in the real world and wont be able to get
along in AW but who MAY register if they see only bunny rabbits and flowers.

Facetious this may sound.... but think about it.... its true

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 14, 2003, 3:14am
Then again.....Gatekeepers remove the person that upsets the bunny
rabbits......and they dont register as a result....

guess AW belongs to the bunny rabbits hey?

[View Quote] lets face it guys, the majority of ppl , in particular *censored*...cant
HANDLE the right to some one ELSE , other than themselves, having free
speech. AWGate is the gateway to the flowers and bunny rabbits world of AW,
and the gateway isn't the place where they want newcomers abused for
actually daring to voice their opinions.

The rest of us may be adult and ready to allow ppl to have an opinion (
although judging from these NGs, only when they agree) but the Gateway has
to allow for the 5 year old and / or the rigidly determined pacifist that
hasn't been able to get along in the real world and wont be able to get
along in AW but who MAY register if they see only bunny rabbits and flowers.

Facetious this may sound.... but think about it.... its true

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 14, 2003, 4:09am
Why Brock?

Where is this law written? and most importantly, why?
the point was not whether AWGate is only for Bunny Rabbits, obviously it is,
but where was the logic behind the decree?

Forcing everyone to exist without argument is pretty unnatural aint it? To
eject any one that holds an opinion for or against any thing and just leave
the entry way to AW as a plastic, sterile, garden of meaningless carrot
recipe chatter.......*shrugs* that surely only appeals to the minority and
offends the majority

Arguing because i can? yeah... too right i am..... i CAN, at least in
this place, at this time.....thank goodness.

[View Quote]

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 16, 2003, 4:47am
Are we confusing a debate with abuse? One does not have to abuse the person
one is debating with. Restricting the conversation to only carrot recipes is
totally different to asking some one that is getting out of hand within the
boundries of the debate/ normal conversation, to stop.

A Gatekeeper needs to recognise when the conversation is turning abusive and
step in, otherwise butt out. Telling ppl what to chat about is NOT the way.
There are many ways of making sure visitors to AWGate feel welcomed them the false opinion that the whole of aw is ppled by Bunny
Rabbits or big nasty policemen is not very welcoming.

anyone know why.....

Mar 30, 2003, 4:03am
I am having difficulties downloading AWUniversity and have for a long time
( years) and its steadily getting worse. I enter only to get " Waiting for
server" within seconds, and leaving and reentering the world dosent help.
Eventually the WFS will dissapear and a few objects will load only to stall
again within minutes, and lo bingo, another WFS. This dosent get better,
regardless of where i enter the world, even if i enter where there are no

Another world on the same object path loads quite well.....although the
objects seem to load differently. They vanish and reappear suddenly in the
world that loads well ( just like aw) , but appear and disappear parts of
objects at a time in AWUniv.

Both worlds are hosted by AWcom and both object paths are the same......Any
one have a clue why im having this problem?

anyone know why.....

Apr 1, 2003, 3:32am
Be that as it dosent download OK for me and i was wondering if some
one knew of an answer... for instance...different servers? something?

i was hoping , nay praying, that some one has an answer, or better yet....a

even intelligent guesses would be better than nothing

[View Quote]

A Message

Jun 5, 2003, 1:45am
Despite the fact that i havent been in AW lately because of illness.....

Imagine...... you are wise besides your years in AW, and i agree more than
whole heartedly with you.........Lady..... stuff ya bible back where it YOUR bedside table.... not our newsgroups

AWEC Spring Into Summer Party

Jun 13, 2003, 3:54am
I dunno what was what, but I understood that " AlphaWorld Community Corner"
( AWCC ) was that little area i used to update back when i used to receive
the information with which TO update it near AW GZ and AWCC the world, was
Active Worlds Comunity Centre and the organizations that where a part of
that world were AWHS, CY awards, etc etc and what ever that stood for was up
to us.... probably Active Worlds Community Co-Op for all i
knew.....personally i thought less what it stood for and more of ....
eeeekkkks how are we gunna make everyone happy? that IS hard to do ya know.

Dunno, as i said..... it wasnt worth clarifying, but i always thought that
"AWCC" was the WORLD and that was "Active Worlds Community Centre"......
didnt know there was a "council" but heres hoping that what ever happens now
will be " AWCC" = Active Worlds Creates Community

[View Quote]

What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 4, 2003, 6:51am
dunno about trojens/worms/crap..... just know that M.A.T.T.S grudge goes
way back..... lost in prehistory even.

Some ppl get a kick outta creating a pain.... some ppl get a kick outta
doing things for others.... its the way the world works,

I have two sons that suffer from " Comprehension Breakdown Disorder" what
would have been diagnosed a few years ago as aural dyslexia..... this
results in a frustration at the so called lack of attention etc etc etc ....
i wont go into it here

i just regret that MATT feels it important that he takes his frustrations
out on us.

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